HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. ches Manitoba, North at nches in Ontario, T Beiciah Columbia. LISTOWEL BRANCH al EPARTMENT--Deponita ~~ be ad ena ti ares added to principal SPROLAL ee given to the discounting of farmers' n 'OLD. available at all points in tes and KE ie, United Sta es ed payable at any Bank MONEY O pene Uae $10, 8c.; $10 to $20, Io. ; $20 to $30, 12c. R. ARKELL, Manager. i. W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers Tuistowel, Ontaric. [Established 1872] ES: Listowel, Palmerston and_ Clif ford leo with with J. A. Halstead, Mount Forest A General Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS. BOUGHT and SOLD, payable imal! parte of the DOMINION, UNIT- ED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN. ro Discounted. Deposits Received. Curent eect nee lowe a on jen A large amount of Private Fenty Shatt pe good urity at cent. with Saivilene of repaying principal aually.. Marriage Licenses Issued. MAKE UP YOUR MIND --TO ATTEND-- LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fall Term Begins Sept. 1. Two courses, Commercial and Short- aud. Send for College journal. , FLEMING, A.L. McINTYRE, =, President. secretary. Get the Best--It Pays CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT Jaca in Canada for securing a ae business elncation ora Bag ip re cone ny mate, Positions. a students more. t nec! rite for catalogue. Eutee this enontn ft Fi ible. _W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. RE! S~OWEL, ay) FIRE THOS. MALE, (Successor to W. H. GENT for o Waterloo Mutual Fire In A ance Co aterioo, Ont., and the Guta "om Mutual Fire eolerane ntario. | Rates low solute secu Anderson, of THe BEE, isauthorized to take -- risks urabove Companies at his office. Atwoo Stock RaisersSay They Are Alrisht. Prof. A. V. M. Day's English Tonic Powders (5 separate packages) tor horses, cattle, hogs, sheep jand poultry. They make tonie, food and fatten stock. Day's Cream for Caives, with skim- med orseparated milk, prevents scours and acidity of the stomach. ROGER & RATCLIFFE, AGENTS, ATWOOD. ° Up. To Date. WhHuokever. started the phrase (up-to-date) had the correct idea of the fitness of. the expression for our Gar- ments. means that our Garments are Cut and Mouldéd to the Minute of Perféction: Get acquainted with our up-to-date Cutter, James Rogers, from- nae and } Listowel. ° GEO; CURRIE Up-to-date with us|; MALN STREET, -- ATWOOD 'Mr. and Mrs, Robert Henry and family spent Sunday at Wm. Gilchrist's. Miss Jacobs and het two brothers, of Blythe, are fart afew days at J. A. Tarnbull's. W. R. Humphrey had a very success- ful wood bee lass Friday, Quite a number from this vicloity took in Win. Peet's sale on Monday. James Davidson, of Carlingford, cali- ed on Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sweeton last week, The balance of the Newry cheese has: been sold for 10}4c. a Ib. William Graham, 8th concession, shot a fox one day last week. Mr. F. J, Curtis, who was in the west for a two months' trip, returned home last week weil pleased with his trip. Mrs. Wm. Jackson, of Middlemarch, {s visiting friends in this locality. Mrs. Wm. Turn6ull, gravel road, re- turned home Saturday after spending a pleasact week with friends in Strat- ford. Miss May Tindall of Woodstock, is at present visiting under the parental roof, 14th concession. Arthur Foreman, of the 6th eon. is suffering from an attack of pleurisy, _ We hope for his speedy recovery. 0a the 8th. Ivy Smith's he have been very sick with Distemper, but under the V. 8's able care areimproving, J.B, Hamilton, Sr., lost a valuable horse last week. John Carter was in Fordwich .on Saturday. A. D, Holmes "and J. M. Dickson, spent Saturday with §the former's parents vear Newton. "Wm. M. Young's little son is suffer- jog from diphtheria. Miss Ella Benueit is the attending nurse, Mr, and Miss McKee, of Belmore, are visiting at Mr. Thos, Dickson's. Mr, Watt Hamilton and Mr. Peter Gravey, of,Listowel, spent Saturday ut the former's parents', 8th concession west, ; James Minnie, who was for months a terrible sufferer from cancer, died on Monday. The funeral took place on Wednesday. The deceased was an en- tire stranger to us, consequently we are unable to give any details Pogardlug his life, We were informed that the on of Geo. Henry of Fallarton was on Satur- day last burnedto the ground, Mr Henry has relatives in this township. The barn caught fire from aspark from Mr. P. Gardner of Walton visited}, threshing engine. The loss will be a Elma friends this week. Miss Jennie Peebles, who has been in Manitoba for the past four months, bas returned. Mrs. David Alair of Bracefield spent a few days visiting ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peebles. David Graham bas returned from Muskoka where he was bunting for two weeks. Miss Eva Jacobs and brother Walter and Charley, of Blythe, visited at Ivy Cottage, the guest of Mr, J, E. Turn- bull and sisters. A large portion of the smoke stack of the Elma cheese factorv. blew down last week. Roger & Ratcliffe have the material on hand and are now busily engaged in building a new one, which will be putin position this week. Jas. Hanna has the contract for erecting and placing the stack in- its proper position. The Directors of the Elma cheese factory have bad the butter make room of their factory freshly painted' and it now presents 'aneat, attractive appear- ance. They are bound to keep the factory to thefvery front in the-matter of equipment &7. Monday saw the last batch of cheese manufactured for the season. Batter making began on Wednesday. Walter Johnston's fine new residence is rapidly nearing completion. Itisa two-storey red 'brick cottage. 'The mason work and brick work being done by Nesbitt Lires., who deserve credit for their excelleut piece of work. The house is finished with oak and ash and presepts an eiegant piece of carpenter work done by Messrs. Cameron & Woods, We hope that Mr. and Mrs: Johnston and family may be long spared to enjvy the comferts-of their new residence, SUCCFssFUL AUCTION SALE.--Auc- tioneers ©. H. Merryfield and Alex Morrison have been having great suc- cess iu the auction sales over which they have presided lately. Ed. T, Greensides' sale of farm stock imple- ments and household. furniture was a complete success, realizing from $2,30¢ Pinar day of this week was not blessed with favorable weather, yet notwithatand- ing such adverse -circumstances the sa'e realized $2,300, the farm stock especially bringing good results. Chas: McNichol's sale of stock on Friday last was also a success, realizing him from 85 to $10 more per head of stock than he was offered by private parties. Messrs, Merry field and Morrison make a great team of auctioneeis. They en- deavor to obtain the very Dest results for the. men who employ them. We would be very thankful to obtain good lively correspondents who would send usa budget of news each week from the following concessions in Elma viz: 8thanud 6th con. east, 10th and 12th con, east and wast, Lith and 16th ons. east and-west. We would like to have at least acolumn of Elma news each week. We cannot possibly know all that is transpirlng in the country and are willing to do the right thing for those who will help us. Weare ex- ceedingly thankful to our Elma friends who, from time to time, send ns con- tributions for the paper. Their kind- ness is greatly appreciated and wedo 'not forget them- for it. We will atso given liberal discount to any young man who will solicit subscriptio. x for Tue Bes, especially im the southern part-of the township. Write at once to us or call and .sse what we can do for} yous. Wm. A. Peet's sale on Mon-+ heavy one. Special Offer We can now offerT se BEE and the Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star till Jan. 1st. 1904 for 85c. This is for new subscriptions, Present sub- scribers to this paper may have the Family Herald alone till Jan. 1st 1904, for 20 cents by leaving their subscrip- tions at this office. Tue Bee gives all the local news and the Family Herald the greatest amount of good, general wholesome reading to be found in any newspaper or magazine. Its farm news alone is w ell worth ten times the price The Weekly Mail and Empire Wecan give our readers Toe BEE and the WeeRly Mail and-Empire from now till January Ist for 33c, This is for new subscribers, Those who send us new subseriptions after October Ist may have THe BEE and the Weekly Mail and Empire till January fst, 19035, for $1.75, All.yearly subscribers will re- ceive anew premium picture entitled, "The Victoria Cross." Itisa magnifi- cent reproduction in ten colors. It shows two Canadian troopers hard pressed by the Boers, The horse of one has been hit and the man whose horse is ubhurt, baits and risks eyerything to get his comrade safely mounted behind him, Try this offer for one year. Leave subseriptions at this office. LOCAL MARKETS. WHEAT, 73 to T4e. OATS, 27c. to 28 Peas, 50c. to 60, BaRLEY, 38 to 40c. FLounr, percwt., $2.10. BuTren; per lb., 16c. to 18¢, Eas, per dozen, 18c. POTATOES, per bag, 50e LAnp, per Ib., 12c. to l4e clos, live weight, $5.00 percwl, HIDEs, per Ib., 5c. BEEF per quarter, 6c. to 8c. per 1b, CoaL, $7.25 per ton. CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought bows Lp ltbea Signature of WANTED _--_--_- A man to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST'NURSERIES" in the town cf ATWOOD and surrounding country, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals,Schrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatocs, &c. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permauent pusition for. the right man on either salary or com- mission. : r Stone & Wellington The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been , in use for over ed YD Lian sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. . All Counterfeits, Imitations and * Just-as-good" are but Infants and Children--Experience ente What is CASTORIA . Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- . goric, Drops and Svothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures-Constipation Food, = ' ealthy and natural slee *s Panacea--The Mother's Friend, . cENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Tare Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TY MURRAY STREET. Wew VORw Orry. Se ree t .In Use For Over 80--Years.. ~ years, has borne the signature of 4% and has been made under his per- § ae that trifle with and endanger the health of © against Experim * I ee et DB» ae we E U sO j Nervous We ak Men. ds of youn periddlenged, oes y swept toa ings ORARLY 1 INDISCRETION; c EXCES@ES. AND LOOD- 5 IGEAGES. Ifyou tebe uy of the following gan ms son ult us before itis f,' te, A i nervons and weak, des sre gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak kidueys ifritable, palpitation of the h: reams eo losses, sediment | he urine, pim on the sunken eyes, prey c gin cise be ST lege and stren; ace, su. On, poor Ghits, changea ifelees, ser iceeret a 'etc? bone tapent will cure Fo! ag om nted ed organs, prem MEN'S LIFE BLOOD. hing can beanore demoralizing to yong and middle-aged men ian baci at alaes of secret drains --s ~ 'the ae lan. rans unfita manfor bus ried whether caused by evil habits in. natural weakn son or Sexual eizcesnes nd New Method pare mt w tivel, CURES GU. D. NO CURE, NO PAY yee Names pte: =a ptand Wetton pont W. A. Muir, --"*I was on nec OD yea C) electric belts and galent perlugneta Some helpe me, none cure: was giving upin d caret in fact, contemplating suicide "whan a friend ad- meas a ve reso Me d Treatment of Drs. K. trial. Witbont combannes x ciaeenied and in three months I wasacured man. I was cured 2 seven years ago--am married and anappy I heartily recommend Drs, K. & E. to isted BeforeTreatment fellow men." . After Treatmert 23° We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, erentis, Goastucat Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder jiseases, and all diseases of Men and Women. "Di S27°NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN. CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medicine sent.c. o names on boxes or envelopes. Everything 'confidential, Question listand cost of treatment, FR Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, '*° SELEY StRcET, Oo OO Co * 2 Cavs aie» '| 1 { FONTHIILL NURSERIES ~ | "Let the GOLD DUST twins do. your work." \ 4 ' ' Lier ae JE Snow. whito oloihos aro tho result of using GOLD BUST I makes light' the labors of washing. Turns _ Wash .day into play day. Better than any Soap S and more econcricals Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY;* Chicago, New York, Boston, St.Louis. Montreal-' 4 f 4 t