Atwood Bee, 20 Nov 1903, p. 8

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ect P enumamcrmentneslitlicn ditt eal 'en Dee ak ieee at LEGAL -MorpHy & CARTHE " PARRISTERS, Solicitors, Conveyancere, &e. Solicitors tor the Bank of Hamitton, Money * to Loan, Offices above Curson & RMicKce's * atore, Listowel, Out. : H. 3. Morryy. ' J. M. Canrurw. BLEWETT & BRAY, | a An bee and Solicitors, Listowel, Ont. ; Money. to Loan. Solicitors for Scotts ' Saaking fdusc and Ont. Perm. Building & Lean Association. Offices over Scott's Bunk, Wallace >trect, Listowel. ( FR. BLEwertr, Gro. Bray, B. A. .J. CECIL HAMILTON, B.A, BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. . INMomes to Tucan at ig per cen. ADDIPFIONAL LOCAL Look out for Tut Bee's special illus: trated Xmas number, ready in a few weeks. Watch for full particulars in next week's issue, Miss Piercy Scott returned on 'Tues- day afternoon from a month's yisit to her home in Hensal, : R. M. Ballantyne was in Downie on Weduesday attending his sister's wed- ding. Roadmaster Henry of the G. T. R. was in town last week looking over the ground for the proposed siding to the marl beds. Lle was favorably impress- ed with the route, considering it easy of access and not dificult to build. lle thinks highly of the possibilities of OFFICE--Main-st., Listuwel, next to ? Dr. Foster, Dentist. BraNnow OFFICE--Main-st., Atwood, * over Tne Ber ofiice. Will yisit At- » wood every Weduesday afternoon, DENTAL. Dr. W. A. MCDOWELL, DENTIST. ARADUATE of Royal College of Dental Sur- "AE ons of Ontario i Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office over Thompson Bros. store, Listowel, * Ont. : BRANCH Orritce--Main St., Atwood, Over THE BEE office, Will visit Atwood every Mon- day, from 9.30a.m.j DR. W. M. BRUCE, DEWTIST, : Pas aie pt he R. C, D. S., Ontario. . Sy D.D.S. Trinity University, Toronto, - Post Graduate Haskel School of Prosthetic Chicago. daily in his new office over 'oa store. Entrance by same Jr, Liutherford, Main St., Lis- towel, Ont. MEDICAL. DR. A. S. LANGRILL JIlonor Graduate of Toronto Univers- Licentiate College of Physicians and t Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention givea to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat, Evenings preferred 3 for such work. Office and residence--Main-st., next > Mrs. Roger's store, AtTwoop, ONT. D. A. KIDD, M D., ATWOOD, ONT. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur, A full course of six weeks in 1899 - and a full course of eight weeks in [90] ? in The New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital, New York. Special attention to Diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat, Diseases of Women and children, and operative surgery, Office Hours : 9 to 10a. m. }to3 p.m. 6 to 8 p,m. AUCTIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR THE + County of Derth, onkton, nt "Rates moderate. For particulars ap- sply at this office. ALEX. MORRISON, LICENSED AUCLrIONEER FOR the Counties of Verth and /4{furon. » Charges moderate, All orders by mail - or otherwise promptly attended to, At- wood P. O . 'The Place fo Your Money Why keep your money for doubtful mortgages at low rates of interest, when at all times, in large or small amounts, for any reasonable per- iod, it cun be safely invested in the gold-bearing bonds of the British Mortgage Loan Company, Strat- ford, ut four per cent. interest, pay able regularly every half year? The -gafest and best investment. The debentures of this Company are re- commended to Executurs, Admin istrators, and Trustees, as by the Statutes of Ontario, chapter 180, and by specia! Order-in-Council of September 3, 1902, they are made a legal investment for trust funds, The County of Perth and the Perth Mutual Insurange Company mon- ies are invested in the bonds of the |- British Mortgage Loan Company. deposits interest is paid on daily balances, and is compounded evers half year. Apply to WH. BUCKINGHAM, Manager. G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Station, North wand South, as follows: . On the marl beds, "BIRTES On Wednesday, Noy. 18th,in Atwood 'to Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Mytks, a son, NLAHRRIESD At the Methodist parsonage, Atwood by Rev. Wim. Penhall, on Wednesday, Noy. 18th, Wm. Henry Ames of Strat- ford to Mus Harriet Irvine of Done gal. House for Sale. J. A. Roe, V.5S,, offers his house and 'ot for sale atressonable figure. It isa' brick cottage with every convenience All parties owing him must settle their accounts by Dec, Ist, otherwise they will be placed in other hands for col- lection, Astray Steer. Strayed on to the premises cf the undersigned, lot 15, gravel road, Elma, one steer, Owner may have same by paying costs and this notice, 0. J. FISHER, Atwood Astray Heifer. Strayed on to the premises of the fn- dersigued, Lot 29 con. 7, Elma,a two year old gray heifer. Owner may have same by proving property, paying costs and for this notice. Henry MeNichol, Donegul, Ram Lost. Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, lot 20, con, 10, Elma, on or about Noy, Ist,one Ram. Any inform- ation that will lead to recovery of same may be left at this office or parties may commuuicate with the proprietor. JNO. PEEBLES, Newry, P. O., Ont. Ase symptoms of a went, torpid of stagnant condition of the cone or liver, and area warning it is extremel hazardous toMMegiect, so important 4 a healthy action of these organs They are commonly atiended by Joss of energy, lick of courage, and some- '| times by gloomy foreboding and spondency, "J was taken fll with kidney trouble, an¢ became so Wi could scarcely get around I took medicinegywithout benefit, and finally decided to try B 's Sarsaparilla. After the first bottle Jfett so much better that I continued its , and six bottles made me abhew woman. hen my little girl was a baby, she cor ot keep anything on her stomach, and we gave her Hood's Sarsapa- rilla which cured her." Mzs, Titomas La- «Nis, Wallaceburg, Ont. + e Flood's Sarsaparilla Cures kidney and liver troubles, re- lieves the ba¢k, end builds up the whole system. The Farmer's Advocate Every Week. From 1866 to 1893 the Farmer's Advocate and Hiome Magazine was published monthly, establishing itself as the only natjonal agricultural paper in the country, Since January ist, 1893, nearly eléven years ago, it has been issued semimonthly, Still in the lead, keeping abreast of the times, and awnke to the growing demands of its readers, the publishers now announce that, beginning with the istof January 1904, the Farmer's Advocate will be is- sued every week. The splendid record of the past thirty-eight years is a suffici- ent assurance of the increased practical service which its readers may expect. We congratulate the Advocate upon its enterprise, and advise our readers to send at once fora free sample copy to the publishers London, Ont. F( & SALE--A 200 acre farm in the township of Elma, weil fenced, good buildings, large bank barn, straw- shed and brick house, Will be sold on easy terms and at good value. Apply to J, W. Scott, Listowel, FARM FOR SALE, That improved 50 acres for sale, be- ing the south half of Lot No, 6, Con. 12, Elma. All cleared and ib high state of cultivation. Apply to Thos. Fullarton, Atwood, orto C. Bowen on the premises. Also to rent N. 1¢ Lot 15, Con. 11, Rent to be paid in improvements. Apply to I, FULLARTON. The Bee until Jan.1,1904, 10c Coe -- none. --muanufacturers, --muscle, Our Bakery se S. Watson, Give usa call. Do Hot Forget --v'hat our stock of Groceries, Confectionery, etc, 1s always second to We buy often and buy the best ; therefore our stock is always ---fresh and up-to-date, and at right prices. ----We carry a full line of plain and fancy Biscui's, fresh from the best Also the leading varieties of Breakfast foods. ----for a free sample of "Strengthfude " the great builder of nerve and Ask --tThat our Bread, etc., is now giving excellent satisfaction is eyident by -- the increase in our bakery business. -- Milverton and Manitoba Flour always on hand. Best Redpath's Sugar --by the barrel or cwt. Farm produce taken at highest market prices. a2) - Atwood. Our Stock work. Handsome nection. Sores 740 am, | Mined" "910K F ) a.m. a.m '10.35 a.m. | Express q Solid Gomfort_----= Is what you want and that is what you will obtain if you purchase one of our Splendid Coal or Wood Ranges. We have many different makes of ranges on hand and all are guaranteed. Of Tinware, Shelf and Heavy Hardware is a com- plete one and the prices are right too. We makea specialty of Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Furnace We also carry a splendid stock of up-to-date Furniture. Undertaking in con- ROGER & RATCLIFFE, Pains in the Back 2 Poultry Wanted -- We want ull the nice dry plucked poultry we can procure for which we will allow you the highest market price. Badly cleaned and scalded poultry never pay the producer or the merchant, in fact they are hard to dis- pose of at any price. Starve the birds and dry pluck them and we guarantee you good prices. All odd lines of summer goods must go at some price. Our Fall Stock is now complete. : Have a look through our stock of Mantles. We have the very latest styles from $3.00 up. Our stock of Ready-to-wear Clothing is complete 'in Men's, Boys', Youths' and Children's Suits and Overcoats. Justto hand:--A magnificent stock of dress, mantle and waist goods,blanket cloths,eiderdowns and a full line of staple dry goods on hand. A dry pair of feet is a comfortable thing to have. Have alook through Holmes' shoe and rubber stock. will be to your advantage. : We have the latest in ladies' ruffs from $1.00 up to $10.00; ladies' and men's gauntlets in nap and fur. Ifin need of a fur coat do not I pass us by. It will be to your interest. , Our stock of groceries is at all time: complete. Ineed no introduction. You all know me. TIES ©. H. Holmes, Atwood. THE UBBING LIST. BERS CL We are in a position to offer the follow- ing papers, clubbed with The Bee, for the year 1904 at the following reasonable rates - The Bee and Montreal Family Herald & Weekly Star, including Two Premium Pictures and the Map of the Dominion 1 5 of Canada for 75 The Toronto Daily World and Bee from now until Jan. 1905 for » 3 00 The Weekly Globe and Bee 1 The Weekly Mail and Empire and Bee 1 The Montreal Weekly Witness & Bee 1 The London Advertiser and Bee The Farmers' Sun and Bee The Farmers' Advocate and Bee Toronto Saturday Night and Bee This is a partial list. Call and see us and take advantage of this offer of good, cheap reading. Western Ontario Portl~ nd Cement Co., Limited. [' is an undoubted fact that cement is the coming building Material. It has passed the initial stage of being an experiment and is now anecessity. The agents of the Western Ontario Cement Co., L't'd., of Atwood, are meeting with gratifying success in their selling of stock. The people receive them kindly and are investing their money in what. they believe will prove a successful con- cern. The elements of success are here, then invest and help the Directors of the Company to erect the works at once and then watch results.

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