ee ie a WE are dr ing near fs another 2 3and my stock is full of novelties and up- to-date Goods. The Prices are Right. J.J. Jounson. Pi a Ne, Diamond Rings, we Rings, eee: Gold Watches, Necklets, Bracelets, 8 a > Pins, Stick Pins and a fin line of Fancy China. J.T. TFOHWSOLM,: VOL. 14. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 4, 1908. NO. 46. WLTER BROS. Listowel's Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House PEER EEE EEE Dry Goods Department -- 2 Electric Seal Jackets for . "Aateachan J mokete for Afen's Coon Coats for.. ' Fur lined Coats for. OOGSGUR OE one. cce voss isne secs sengunsthes av OVOLCOALS TOR ee ince sncces csoses cv escduntane cocdye cent « 5.98 Macha Gloves for A few lines Ladies' Kid Gloves, slightly datoeged, for.. Boys's Macha Gloves for Ladies' Cloth Jackets from.... 0.0... 0.00 cece eee seven cessesees 2.50. t Ladies' Fancy Collars for 25 worth Ladies' Chatelaine Bags from to White and Pale Blue Corduroy Velvet for worth Heavy Gray Hlomespun Dress Goods for " 36 Inch Fiannelette for Grocery List --.- 22 ibs, Granulated Sugar for 4ibs Cleaned Currauts for 3 lbs Best Raisins for 10 Ibs Figs Many other lines will be placed befor¢ remind you that Chrigtmas is near. Walter Bros. al he of the Elephant .- $18.50 bala 7 ne 5 ed his throat. you that will Phone 33 ROBERT THOMPSON People's Cask Store *€ LESS THAN FOUR WEEKS TO CHRISTMAS. Sign of Gokien Lion Less than four weeks for everybody to do their Christmas shopping. Why not do yours comfortably in the tirst week of this m the best service belongs tu those who shop first, weeks we are going to offer special inducements to our Christmas buyers There is not a man, woman or hg in this town or surrounding country t this ad. would not benefit. Read i 300 yards Snowflake Dress ocd re guia 65c. and 7éc. sale price 49c. . bag! New Currants, sale price 25 cent yds, Cheque Gingham, regular aan 7c, 8c and 10c, sale price dc, BO Chee Pink Salmon, sale price 27 cents. 89 Men's Heavy Winter Overcoats, Raglanette style, dark Oxford Gray, regular $7.00 and $8.50, now eee for $5 93, 6 Bars Comfort or Surprise Soap for 25 ce 19 a. peenen ackets, 24 to 36 inches in length from $25.00 outh. The 22 lbs ttedpath Granulated Sugar for $1.00. 80 pair Flannelette Blankets for 75 cents per pair. Our piel Been is complete for the Christmas trade; Candies, N ranges, Lemons, e Bring along Sead meres Eggs, Dried Apples, Poultry &c. price in Cash or Tra ROBT: 'THOMPSON Sign of best choice und During the few ae hat ee ats, Highest 5 Golden Lion ---- Ctaeeamel Ca enamel --~. --_----- eee omatimestatel es Creat Smash in Prices, ee ------ Overcoats Away Down, The Makers Loss Your Gain. This week we cleared out froma manufact- urer 100 Overcoats, all new, Raglan shapes, up- to-date styles which we will sell for next two weeks at less than the regular wholesale prices. BARGAINS IN ALL LINES OF CLOTHING. Be on hand Saturday morning and get your Choice, GREY, BERNIE & Co. =) | i {reliant and magly. [|ToWN' AND VICINITY Try Toe Bee till Jan. ist, 1905, for $1,00, Hats at reduced prices at Miss A. Govenlock's Millinery shop. Mr, McEwan, of Wingham, was visi- ting his friend,}Ed. Houze, V.S. for a few days this week. Miss Gertie Hummason, of Wallace, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs, D, Thorndyke of this town. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moore and son Thos., of Denfield, were visitors in our town last week. Mr. Moore is just re covering from a rather severe illness, It wilt pay our readers to follow closely the ads, of the merchants' advertising in this paper. Their ads, are trastworthy, hence they do the business. Principal McKinnon is a sufferer this week from aseyere cold which attack- He was so hoarse as to be compelled to desist from teaching on Wednesday afternoon, and s0 the youngsters enjoyed a holiday, Perth Connty Couscil was in session this week. 'The most important' busi- ness before the Council was the Good Roads meeting held on Wednesday af- ternoon, It was addressed by Road Commissioner Compbell, and the inter- est manifested was very great, Our local millinery shop presents a decidedly brisk, business-like air these days. Miss Govenleck's business is improying every year and her numerous customers will fiad her stock this year, better and more complete' than ever before, See her ad. this week. From Hayfield, Man., a subscriber of Tne Bree writes that Mr. Vierce Couliug of that place threshed for Mr. W. Lawson, Hayfield, 4,124 bushels of wheat and oats in one day. Also that Mr, David Couling's men ploughed 100 acres of stubble land iu 7 days, using 8 ploughs and 10 horses, Fred. Davis, who lately sold his farm to Jobn Buchan, has purchased the Stewart property near the sawmill, He will, for a time at least, exchange houses with D. Smith, as he will have considerable goods to store away and his own house will prove a little small to hold them all. Ihe Stewart girls will likely move into their home on Main street, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Hamilton, County Councillor Bohan was unable te attend the sessions of the County Council owing to the death of his _bro- ther, Michael, who died after an illness lasting since last April. Lle was 83 yrs old and died from lung trouble. Coun- cillors White and Berry moved a reso- lution sympathizing with Councillor Bohan in the death of his brother and granting him indemnity in full for the present sessions of Council, Fow! Supper The local Orangemen will hold a graud fowl supper in the Agrioultural Hall on next Thursdayevening, Dec 10th. Tea served from 5to8 p.m. to be followed by an excellent program of music and addresses, The following speakers will be present; Rev Messrs. Buckland and Oliver, of Listowel, Pen- hall, Atwood, and Messrs. H. B. Mor- phy, Listowel, and Thos. Magwood, of | Stratford. County Master Cruikshanks will act as Chairman. Admission 25c Everybody come and enjoy a pleasant evening, Hockey. The athletes of the village of Monk- ton are determined to keep their little town prominently before the public and have organized a hockey club with the {following officers: Hon-President, Dr. McKenzie; President, Rev. Abrey; Vice-President, F. Irwine;.Sec,-Treas R. Robinson; Captain, A. Davis; Man- ager, A. Terry; Committee, W. Struther. E. Wilson, P. McDermott and M. Ferg. Surely this should be an incentive to the young lads of our town to get to- gether and see if they; - induce some one to build an open airrink. Good, healthy sport is necessary to. every lively, high spitited youth and when engaged in for the pure love of the sport, helps to make him more self- We wish the T. G. Ballantyne shipped a car load of hogs on Monday. Price paid, $4.50 4 cwt. Nelson Hay, of the firm of Hay Bros' Listowel, was in town Tuesday op business, The best protection against fevers, pneumonia, diphtheria, etc., is in build- up the system with Hood's Sarsaparilla. John Pelton, accompanied by his sister Belle and daughter Maggie, drove to Brussels on Sunday and also visited friends in Belgrave on Monday. C. H. Holmes speaks to the readers of Tue BEE in a special announcement for the Christmas trade. Give hima call and be convinced that he can please you. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. [enhall, and daughter Ida, are spending a few weeks visiting relatives in London, and inci- dentally attending the wedding of a reice of the family, W. H. Hamilton completed his second season at the Newry cheese factory last week and is at present visiting friends and acquaintancesat Kincardine. He will work during the winter at Palmerston C. hh. Merfyfield has received instruac- tions from/Mrs, Alex. Forest to sell by public auction on Lot 6., Con. 13, Zima, on Friday, Dec. 18th ati p.m. certain stock and implements. Full list of ar- ticles in next week's issue. See J, J. Johnson's change of ads. Mr. Johnson's store is filled to over- flowing with a select, up-to-date stock of jewelry and chinaware. No better place to buy your Christmas presents than at Johnson's Jewelry, Bee Office building. See Currie's change of ad, George is at present engaged in selling cement stock for the local~company and has secured Mr. Rogers, of Listowel, and London as cutter tit manager of his tailoring aad gent's éurnishing business. Mr. Rogers is an expert cutter and guarantees satisfaction. Give him a trial. We received word on Thursday from McLaren Bros., Ingersoll, that it was impossible to get cars to ship Elma, Sil- ver Corners, or Maitland cheese on Sat- urday, and they could not state definit- ly when they could ship. The Sec. of the Elma factory will have November butter cheques ready by next Monday afternoon. Hurrah For Conada. At the International Exhibition held in Chicago this week Canadian exhibit ors in sheep and hogs carried eyery- thing before them. In the Shropshire sheep, in two classes, out of 12 prize winners, nine were owned by Canad- ians. Many Canadians were present who cheered lustily wheneyer they saw the colors of their country on the prize winners On. Westerner shouted across the hall: "Say you Canucks, you have got everything worth having from the prize list, you might as weil take the pavilion. Let the tail go with the hide." The winners were from Wood- ville, Deleware and Burford, Canada can show the Yankees a few tricks yet, *Jeven if they did steal a portion of Alaska from us, way. Elma Cheese Co., did not ship their October and November cheese last Saturday, The G. T. R. could not sup- ply sufficient cars but thought they might be obtainable for Tuesday, Ou Monday word was received that there W'll get even another were no cars in sight and so it was de- |" cided to postpone shipment till Satur- day, providing cars can be obtained. It seems that the G.I. R. is short about 800 cars necessary to move the freight along their lines. If suchis the case they should build new cars as fast as possibie. What with late trains and no stock, grain or cheese cars the situation has gotto be -well nigh unbearable. Our local shippers have been put toa great deal of luss and annoyance of fate. For instance the hog buyers would order the farmers to bring their hogs in on Monday morning. 'They would do 80, only to find no stock car there, The hogs would then have to either be taken home or left in the yards pend- lng the arrival of cars nextday. The G. T, R. authorities may have some measure of excuse for the shortage o¢ care but we venture to assert that where the C. P. R. runs, you will find @ i no scarcity ot G. T. R. freight cars. We Dope that things 'will change for the : Much need of it, Milton Struthers, who has for some time been clerk in C. H. Holmes' store, is now working for Wm. J. Marshall in his hardware store. Communion service will be held in'. the Presbyterian church next Sanday. Preparatory service will be held on: © Friday afternoon of this week at 2:30 p.m. to be conducted by Rey. Jas.-~ Abrey of Monkton. Rev. Mr. St. Dalmas of Brantford" preached avery vigorous and earnest ° sermon in the Baptist church on Sun- ° day afternoon last. He is an active,- vigorous mau who impresses one as- being very much tn earnest in his work, - H ill also preach next Sunday afternoon. What might have proved a more" serious accident happened to David- ° Smith on Saturday last. He was assist- ing Fred Davis in drawing wood and - while driving the team through the" gate at his home, the sleigh slid to one" side and Mr. Smith was thrown heavily" to the ground. 'No bones were broken" but he was pretty severely shaken up, - Mr, Smith has been unfortunate this year, having had his shoulder blade: broken when chased by a bull some- months ago. NOT iF IT COST TEN DOLLARS a* bottle would I be without Polson's Nerviline, writes J. A. Ruth, a farmer living near Trenton,, Ont. Nervine is= the best household Keimert I Know. We useit for stomach troubles; indiges-- tion, headache and summer complaint, [ know of nothing better to take in hot. water to break up a cold, or to rub ons for rheumatism or neuralgia." Lvery farmer should keep a few bottles of Nervine handy and have smaller doctor bills. Lurge bottles 25c. at druggists, . School Concert. Itis the intention of Principal Me- - Kinnon and Miss. Ferguson .to hold a. grand school concert on 'Tuesday even- ing, Dec. 22nd. 'This will be good news * for the youngsters who do enloy a- a school concert. The teachers and scholars will put forth every effort to- make this the concert of the scason. Do not forget the date, Dec. 22nd. Full particulars later ov, Sec J. A. Mitchell's special Christmas: number as contained in Tne BEE. supplement. J. A. is a thorough be- liever in the virtue of advertising and itis by his judicious and wide-awake system of continuous advertising that he has worked up a splendid business. Hia stock of Christmas novelties is certainly a splendid one. The wise: buyer js the early buyer, so be sure and give him an early call, Read his ad. in the supplement carefully. It will. pay you to do s¢ Samuel Wright, of Henfrye, mann-- facturer of red and white brick nod. drain tile, has had a most successtul season. The Ilenfryn brick and tile yards turned out this year, 750,000" bricks and 150,000 tile and it has ail been sold too, Mr. Wright has worked up a splendid business by close atten- tion to his work and by fair and honor- able dealing. His brick and tile are.' also of first-class quality. On Monday one of his teams drew a load of bricks- to Dr. Kidd's that contained 3000 bricks and the horses did not seem to mind it Asthma ""One of my daughters had a terrible case of asthma. We tried almost everything, but without re- fief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and three and one-half bottles cured her." ---Emma Jane Entaminger, Langsville, O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral! certainly cures manycases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night soushs, and hard colds.