Atwood Bee, 4 Dec 1903, p. 5

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HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. beta Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, North ; est Territories, and British Colum LISTOWEL BRANCH DEPARTMENT--Doposits bag ey pP pitts Bons added to. principal ees SPECIAL oe given to the discounting ORpETS Co OLD, available at all pointe in 'anada, United States aud Europe. MONEY ORDERS issued pagaple at ie aOy, Bank in Canada. oe r $10, 5c,; $10 to 320, 10c. ; 3 $ R. ARKXELL, Manager. J Fm & SON, Bankers Duistow-el, Ontario. [Bstablished 1872.} : Listo 1, Palmerston and_ Clif a HA es with J. A. Wh "Halstead, Mount Forest and Shelburne. A General Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNIT- ED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN, Notes oe Sonia nted. Deposits Received. Current rate of interest allowed. larg: unt of Private Punds-to lend on - 2 security at Four and one-half per witb priv ilesr "re of ropaying principal good fa: cent... nually. Marriage Licenses Issued. SUCCESS attends the graduates of 1904 Winter term begins. Two courses, Commercial and Sbort- On Jan. 4th, Send for College journal. A. L, McINTYRE, secretary. dand. A Famous Schcol j Dy OZ. STRATFORD, ONT . Wide-awake, working, hustting, ing school--the best Business 'an : es in other Vinter Term ope: 18 Jan. fandse: cn Ci avalon free, FIRE | __ FIRE! THOS. MALE, LIS"OWEL, {Successor to W. H. Hay) GENT for the Waterloo en Fire In ance Co., Waterloo, Ont., and the Ontario Mutual Fire Insurance en .. London, Ontario. Rae slow ; absolute security. D.G. Anderson, of THE Brg, isauthorized to take local risks or above Companies at his office. A d, Stock Raisers Say They Are Alrisht. Prof. A. V. M. Day's English Tonic Powders (5 separate packages) for horses, cattle, hogs, sheep fand poultry. They make tonic, food andi fatten stock. Day's Cream for Calves, with skim- med or separated milk, prevents scours und acidity of the stomach. ROGER & RATCLIFFE, AGERTS, ATWOOD. Two Weeks Holidays In Sixteen Years, \ Having decided to take for a few months someoutside work for a change and as the opportunity opened up for me to assist in pushing our Cement Co. to the front, our custumers wiil easily understand why we have engaged Mr, Jas, Rodgers as cutter. We wish to at- tract ous customers' attention to. the fact that Mr. gers is afisk class cutter and.tailor. He cut for Pears in in the city of London, and is 'regarded in that place as second to none. Don't be afraid to call and 'eave your measure for a nobby suit. He will do it up right for you. If you wanta fulldress ora prince albert suit, now is your time to get it done, as Mr. Rodgers can beat us allon that kind of work. His city ex- perience aifords him that advantage. GEO. CURRIE MAIN SPREET, > ATWOOD, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. § under the parental root. Will Adams and sister Lottie spent & few divs last week with their sister, Mrs. W. J. Hammoud of Lebanon, Geo. Ellacott has disposed of his John thinks it is deficient in education. Miss Hester Jickling, teacher of S.S. No. 7, spent Sunday uuder the pzrental soof, Miss Jennie, of Atwood, Was the guest of her friend, Miss [da Smith, 14th cou. on Sunday. Miss Edna Dauean visited friends on the F0tkh con. on Thursday, Mr. Wi'son, of Toronto, is moving his household effects to the Little farm, We will be pleased to have Mr. and Mre, Wilson as neighbors. . A, Morrison, tba efficient cheesemak- er of S:iver Corners factory, has begun butter-making. Charles and Miss Jennie Ovans were the guests of Arthar,Dongias on Sun- day. . Russell Bell is assisting enry Sm'th this weck with his farm Jabors, Mr, Swith has been in poor Lealth all sum- mer and is still far from well, Alf. Holme3 smiled on his 12th line friends on Sunduy, Harold Peter spent Friday eyening on 'the 12th, What's the attraction, Harold? James Dunean is kept busy taking in taxes these days. A number of our young people drove over to Trowbridge, Sunday evenirg to the service in the Methodist church. Miss Sadie Stewart spent. Sunday in Atwood. The following is the report of the standing of the pupilsof 8S. S. No. 7, Elma, for the month of November: -- Fifth Class --M ary Blatehford, Josie Biatehford. Sr. 1V.--¥Flora Wherry, Millie Wherry, Merle Richmond. Sr, Third --Graham Bell, Allan MHouze, Jr. Third.--Rnth [ance, Mabel Rich- mond, Mary Ovans. Sr. Secoud.--Alice Richmond. Robt. Roe, of Milverton. called on Newry friends Friday pight, Samuel MeCourt was iu the village on Thursday. Jen Howes left for Galt on Monday morning, where fhe hac secured a jub for thes winter. g> Mr. Douglas, of Logan, was the guest of R, Common Iast week. Miss Emily Harvey has returned home from Chesley, where she was at- ] | tending the marriage of ber nieee, Miss Minnie Porter, to a age ead young man of Glencoe. Mr. and Mra. Grieve, and C, Winth- rop, spent Saturday and Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Common. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey drove to Mitchell on Saturday. Mr. Ilamphrey returned hoine on Sanday, WHAT Is CATARRH ? It is an in- flammation of the mucous lining of the throat, bronchial tubes and nasal pass- ages excited by germs that can only be destroyed by fragrant healing Catar- rhozone which is breathed direct to the seat of the disease, and has never yet failed to cure. Pleasant to use absolutely certain to cure, Catarrhozone always gives satisfaction, "I suffered from nasal catarrh so badly that 1 couldn't breathe through my nostrils, write, G. K. Wilmot of Meriden. I used Catarrbozone for a few minutes and was relieved. It cured in a short time." No other remedy just. like Catarrhozone, --it's the best. Two months' treatment $1 00; trial size 25c. sive ecco a TROWBRIDGE, . Mr. Rue, of Kincardine, visited with friends io the village on Friday. Mrs, Robt. Oliver bad the misfortune to fall and break her leg below the ° an- kle. Sheis getting aioigas nicely as can be expected. Mr.and Mrs. Vernon, of "Hedge Bower", yisited the homes of J. R. and Thos, Code on Tuesday, Ben McCormick is spending a few days with his. brother near Chatham. Rey. A. C. Tiffin represented. Trow- bridge League at the Convention rfe- cently held in Chatham. Mr. Allison, of Brussels, occupied the palpit last Sunday in the absence of the pastor. His discourses were very interesting and practical. He also ad- dressed the Sunday school in the after- noon, We arepleased to: Jearn that- Mrs Collins and Mrs. Carter, who have heen: on the sick list, are tmprovi ing.. Fred. Littie, of Henescle Sandayed " ~The. 5th Union will be held at the Ontario Agricultural College on Monday and Tuesday, December 7th and 8tb, start- {ing at 1:30 p, m.on the 7th, fractious driver to Jolin Hatherley. Relics daria Experiments in' agriculture and horticulture baye this year been con- ducted on nearly 4,000 farms through- out Ontario. The resnits of the care- fally conducted work will be summar- ized and presented atjthe annual meet- ing, to which all interested in agricu!- ture are invited, The program me shows that addresses will be delivered by Prof. U, C. James, Toronto; W.J. Spillman, Washington, D. ©, U. 8. Ay Dr James Mills, Agricultural College, Guelph; Miss Martha Van Rensselaer, Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, N. Y.; Prof. G. E. Tay, Agricultural ;College, Guelph; Dr. W. H, Muldrew, Dean, MacDonald Insti- '| tute; Guelph; G. H. Clark, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, and others. ladies' Session, under the auspices of the Women's Institutes, will be held in the Macdonald Institute on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Monday evening, a public meeting of interest to all will be beld in the College Conyocation Hall. Arrangements haye been made for single rates to Guelph for the Experi- mental Union Meeting andgthe Provin- cial Winter Fair, The excursion rates start on Saturday, December 5th. For full particulars in reference to the programme and the excursion rates, write to C..A. Zavitz, Secretary, Ag- icultural College, Guelph, Oata rio. Ir If HIGHLY INJURIOUS to use a cheap drastic physic, Safest 'remedy for constipation and torpid liver is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which loosen the boweis without griping pains. Use only Dr ilamilton's Pills, Price 2ic. Special Christmas Number. By arravgement with a Toronto firm we are in a position to offer to our sub- scribers a premium in the form, of a special Christmas Number. 'This num- ber will consist of avout 45 pages, made up of a number of well illustrated stories, biographies, &c, There will also bea number of pages containing advertisements of local merchants and photograyures of many of our promin- ent men iu town and country. A copy of ,this edition goes toevery subscriber woo pays tor his subscription to THe BEE in advance. Those who do not pay in advance and desire to obtain a copy, may do so by paying 25 cents. The edition will be ready for distribu- tion in about two weeks' time. It will be a case of first come first served, as only a limited number of copies have been ordered, Ifyou wish a copy free of charge, pay for a year's subscription to Tuk BEE in advance and you will obtain the copy without extra charge. We have gone to considerable expense in getting ; out ,this edition and we hope our readers will appreciate ovr efforts by paying for a year's subscrip- tion in advance. The offer will be held open for a limited period of time, after which the price to all comers will be 25c. a copy. Talk it up among your friends and help us increase our cir- culation, CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the F 2 Signature of. WANTED A man to r-preseut "CANAPA'S GREATEST Nui: AT ufiOOD and surrounding country, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals,Schrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale, A permanent pvusition for the right man on either salary or com- mission. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES. OVER 00 ACRES --TORONTO-. ~ - ONTARIO annual: mecting ok the a + Gntanio Agricaltaral and Experimental ries" inthe. towa cf he Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been is | al ; iy r| AB \o What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-. goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic: substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the \ Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend, CENUINE CASTORIA atways: Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bangi In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CEnTAUR COMPANY, YT MURRAY STREET, NEW VORA CITY. OBEY Sapa nays Diseas2 si are: tover safe unless é virus or 3 you ses SETH iz mptoms, bik of the Joltowiae Rig ithe tougue or is ae month, air Fepete fon wt, ach- sk: hy Sores Cr _b: torches on the Dody, eyes red and sznar f the secondary stage. Don't Be ruin your eysten wine the old igs treatm nrent--mercury and ch on lye ppresscs ths cymotoms for a time only to break out seain when por ti. kapoy indo i! astic ite. Dou let. quacks cxperiniest on you. Our NEW METHOD & TREATMENT is puaraatecd to [BLOOD E i: you ayer pat tracted any poteosi & oF "3 La ee tilcers © iness of t ye '9 poriinaat, no ri isk--nota' ates np," " buta post ult. *2ue worst € News RY VOUS eg sate anda if Rit TREATMENT will care yo f yo Unis citiaeee cate rain becomes active, the a opera £0 that i male c 3, blotches eo wicer: ra a cisanpear; the nerycs pecose ctroug as cteel, 60.¥ nether a3 sia isappenr; t ex become b rig bt, and clear, enere7_ returns to the body. and the fade 4 physical and sex- mvigorated; ni drains ccasc--s weste from t "3 or72ans bocome 'natyral Fst _ mrnly. ona decl: youre: Af aman and know y ee cacnet are Nurs. We invite a1] the afflicted to consult us conGdenth ef cum Don't st ae ka and iad rob you of your hard-ear: fr - a sas WS Wilk cuRne YOU OR NO PA . NEE DE BILITsS , SEXUAL Ba EMtsS- iLi CTORE, VAR ICOCELE, DNEY and he. LADDER DIGBASES, cad all aioe alias en to men acd w * ihe Are rot a yeaah Have yeas: lost wore? Arc yon contempiating | eit marr age you any weak. | ttation & ee ee reaso: nae. Doe incn "Dise coceie, Stricture and Gieet." 1 Mo medicina seat C. 6. D, Ronomes on boxes or envelopes: Evorzihitg & " coniidontia!. Questicn list and Csst of Treatment, FREE, for Home Cure. Das. KENNEDY & a | 4 148 SHELBY ST. DETROIT webbed LF KES KBE Kk Bs Ke KBE ¢ see ee. cloanable--cothes eae dishes, << and pans, rs--in fact, a: from cellar to attic. GOLD. DUST lightens gets essens care. ss _ gato THE MN. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, St Louis. Montreal. 4 es re ab) Re | Sg wt aay i

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