ey to-date Goods. "The Prices" R are Right. J. J. JoHNsON. - VOL. 14. Do You Want A Xmas ¢ for Father, Mother, Sister, B; rother, Son cr Daughter ? 'We havea magnificent range of the most beautiful goods to select from. tt will pay you | IL te make this your Xmas shopping place. Fur Goats, Overcoats, Ready-to- ote: on Suits, Odd Vests, Odd Pants, Overshoes, Rubbers and Sox, Under- wear, 'l'op Shirts, collars, Ties, Glove, Hats and caps and Braces. Ladie's s Fur Jackets, cloth Jackets, 1 Sealette 'Jacket, size 34, Ready-to-wear Skirts, Underwear, Gloves, "Fancy collars, Fancy Handkerghiefs, Ribbons, Belts, chatelain Bags, at prices that will make you think that Santa claus has come. GROCERIES 4 lbs. Best Cleaned Currants for........... A ee 5 lus. Raisins for ve 5 lus. Prunes for ...... 0... 2b. sees cee ene ee ae eee Choice Roll Butter 8 Lottles Pickles. Lest 50c. Empire Tea..... Jlighest Prices Paid for all Farm Produce. Walter Bros. be of the CEH . Phone 33 Watzahes, Necklete. Beak » Pins, Stick Pins and a line of ees Sales ---- NO. 47. : Wee AND VICINITY .| Try THe Bee till Jan, Ist, 1905, for $ 1,00, Pay your taxes by Dec, 14th and thus escape the 5 per cent. extra, Wes. Boyd left last Friday morning on atwo months' trip to California, Hear Miss Beckett sing "The Bird Song" at the School Concert, Tuesday evening Dec. 22nd. C. H. McFarlane, of Brantford, is at present assisting J. A. Mitchell during the rush of business incident to the holiday buying, Samuel Wherry occupied the Metho- dist pulpit on Sabbath last with great acceptance. We are pleased to see Mr. Wherry enjoying good health. Arthur Smith, of the Atwood livery, has been a sufferer for some weeks 'from a severe cold which took a firm hold of him. Weare pleased to know that he is gradually getting rid of it. C. Ballantyne and Geo, Brown drove to Stratford on Wednesday morning with some furnituré from R. M. Ballaotyne's furniture .emporium. Business must be booming Bob. At the Good Roads meeting held in Stratford last week an instructive ad- dress was delivered by Road Commis- sioner Campbell. There was a large and interested gathering of County Councillors, Mayors of towns and 'Reeves of municipahties. No definite action was taken butit was decided to go into the matter fully after the New Year, "Words cannot express my appreci- ation of Miss Annie Beckett's singing. ephant ROBERT THOMPSON People's Cash Store LESS THAN FOUR WEEKS TO CHRISTMAS. Less than four weeks for everybody to do their Christmas shopping. Why The best choice and During the few remaining not do yours comfortably in the first week of this moath. the best service belongs to those who shop first. weeks we are going ta offer special inducements to our Christmas buyers, There is not a man, woman or Mt in this towa or surreunding country that this ad. would not benefit. Read i 300 yards Snowflake Dress om regular 65c, and 75c. sale price 49c. 4 lbs. New Currants, sale price 25 cents. 500 yds, Cheque Gingham, regular Ladhg fc, 8c and 10c, sale price dc, 8 Cans Pink Salmon, sale price 27 cents 39 Men's Heavy Winter Lbtatnm Raglanette style, a Oxford ray, regular $7.00 and $8.50, now selling for $5 9 6 Bars Comfort or Sur in aete tor 25 cents. 19 Ladies' ean ackets, 24 to 36 inches in length from $23.00 to $45 2 Ibs Telpath Granulated Sugar for $1.00. ' oo pair Flannelette Blankets for 75 cents per pair. Our Grocery Department is complete for the Christmas trade; Candies, Nats, Oranges, Lemons, etc. Bring along y~pr Butter, Eggs, Dried Applies, Poultry &e. price in Cash or 'itade. ROBT. THOMPSON Sign of gs Golden Lion # Sign of Golden Lion Highest May [ write what ny wife said about it? 'I never expect to hear snoch sing- ing this side of heaven="fferrendéring of the Sweet Bye and Bye was .beauti- ful in the extreme,' "--D, A. Anderson, D. D.S., Pres. Epworth League, Exet- er, Ont. Music Hall, Atwood, Dec, 22nd., under the auspices of Atwood Pablic School. J. W. Boyd's many friends are pleased to see him moving around once more. He has to keep a bandage over the eye from which the cataract was removed but informs us that he can see with 16 although not able to stand # very strong:light. Mr, Boyd never had better health and we hope that his sight may be so well restored as to enable him to read with the aid of glasses. Elma Council will hold its final meet- ing for 1908 ow next Tuesday when the bnsivess of the year will be wound up On Tuesday evening Reeve Wherry will giye the annual supper to the members of council, the township officials and a few invited guests. This function is always looked forward to with pleasure and we believe that this year's affeir promises to be ap to the usual Great Smash in Prices, Overcoats Away Down, The Makers Loss Your Gain. This week we cleared out from a manufact- urer 100 Overcoats, all new, Raglan shapes, up- : to-date styles which we will sell for next two weeks at less than the regular wholesale prices. BARGAINS IN ALL LINES OF CLOTHING. - Be on hand Saturday morning and get your Choice, _| weeks time, standard. Andrew Uarnegie has written to Dayid Roy of Listowel, offering to give Listowel $10,000 for a Publ'c Library proyiding the town does its part. Mr. Roy is a personal friend of Mr. Carnegie, in fact they were schoolmates together. The Listowel council will doubtless accept the offer. Pass some of your surplus cash this way friend Carnegie or perhaps you might give thé Cement Co, a gift of $100,000. It would be mouey well spent. Scho! Concert. What promises to be one of the best concerts of the season will be given in Mitchell's Music Hall on Tuesday Evening, Dec 220d, under the auspices of the Atwood Public School. The school children will provide a splendid porgram of choruses, fancy drills, reci- tations and dialogues and their cuntri- butions will be supplemented by. the hei eam Anna HBeckett, a soprano sipg f Detroit, who comes tu us with flattering testimonials. She sang about two weeks ago in Exeter aud the people were so well pleased with her that they sent for her to appear again within a period of two The concert is given for the purpose of purchasing new and up- to-date equipment for the school, Surely "Uhis is a iandable object and R.8. Ballantyne w: was ie Stratford this: week acting-as juryman, Rev. Dr. McLeod was in Stratford on Monday attending{a x tt meeting of Presbytery, Perfectiy healthy people have pure, Tich blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla puri- fies and-enriches the blood and makes people healthy, © ' The Directors of the Elma Mutual Fire Insurance Co,, held a meeting in the Elma House on Tuesday afternoon and transacted some routine business. C. H. Merryfeld has raceived instruc- tions from Mrs, Alex. Forest-to sell by public auction on Lot 6., Con: 13, Zima, on Friday, Dec. 18th @bgl p.m. certain stock and implements, Full list of ar- ticles in next week's issue, Geo, Brown had quit# a time search- ing for his cow which, strayed from its winter quarters on' Tuésday morning: After cousiderable scouting around, the animal was fouad quietly browsing on saw dust at the rear @f the saw mi'l. George heaved a gre | sigh of relief upon discevery of the wandering bovine, FooLs, USE WASHES AND 8NUFFS.-- Thinking perbaps they will cure Catarrh,--but no one ever heard of a genuine cure fellowing such senseless treatments. Thereis just one prompt and thorough cure for Catarrah and it is fragrant healing Catarrhozone which goes right to the root of the trouble, It destroys the germs; heals the inflam med membranes and cures any case no matter how obstinate or long standing, "I experimented for years with Catarrh remedies but found Vatarrhozone the most rathional and satisfactory" writes W, J. MacEachern of Waterville, "It cured me for all time" .For a sure cure use only Catarrhozone. Complete outfit, $1.00; trial size 25c. Elma Council met. in special session on Tuesday afternoon: to consider the submitting of a sectional by-law; for the purchase of the right of way for the proposed Guelph to Goderich extension of the C. P. R, Reeve Wherry was in Listewel early in the day consulting tuwnship solicitor, H. B. 'Morphy, re- garding: the by-law and the petition submitted by the Monkton people. Mr. Morphy informed the Reeve that the form of the petition was not legal as it did not specify the number of each lot and concession and moreover the by-law and petition did not agree as to the territory covered by the by-law, The council therefore decided to deter the matter till the next regular meeting Dec. 15th,and meanwhile a legally word- ed petition has been submitted to the Monkton people for them to obtain the required number of-signatures. This will be submitted next council meeting and the-by-law provisionally adopted. Voting caunot possibly take place on Municipal election day as the time is too short. Howeyer this does not mat- ter, as according to all reports we are not likely to have ® Municipal election unless matters take a livelier turn in the next week or two. Messrs- Merrytield, Smith and Chalmers were the Monk<on delegates to present their claims to the council. C. H, Merryfield, Auctioneer, has re- ceiyed instructions from Mrs, Alex- ander Forest to sell by public auction on Lot 6, con. 18 Elma, on Friday, Dec, 18th, 1903, iheavy draft horse 4 yrs. oid, 1 heavy draft mare 5 yrs. old, 1 general purpose mare 2 yrs, old, 1 driv- ing mare 3 yrs, old, 9 milch cows sup- dosed in calf, 1 farrew cow, 1 heifer rising 2 yrs, old supposed in calf, 8 yearling heifers, 2 steers rising 3 yrs old,1 spring calf, 9 well bred ewes, 1 brood sow in pig, 8 pigs two months old, 1 self binder, 1 mower, 1 sulky rake, 1 seed drill combined, 2 set single harness, (one new) 1 grind stone, 2 doz graia bags, 8 tous good hay. 1 Fleury plow, 1 gang plow 1 steel roller ( Bissel make) 1 set iron harrows, 1 scufiler, 1 new pulper, 1 truck wagon, 1 set bob- sleighs, 2 cutters (one new) 1 buggy 1 new top baggy, lL hay rack, 1 wheel barrow, 1 fanning mill, 1 sugar kettle, 2 milk cans, 1 set double harness, 2 set plow harness, 2 hay knives, cow chains, neck yokes, whiffletrees, forks, scythes and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale at 1 o'clock p, m. rms: All sums of $5 and under, cash} y See the school chifdren execute cae fancy drills and marches at the concert on Dec. 22nd., in Mitchell's hall. + Don't worry about holiday presents-- ' wa worried for you months ago. Coma now and see what this has amounted to. J. A. Mitchell, Druggist, Atwood.' 'Miss Beckett has a Tange of the yery greatest compass, singing with ease' four octaves from D to D D."--Detroit Journal, Hear "her at school concert on Tuesday eveving, Dec, 22nd. Don't think you are trotibling us in coming to see the holiday goods, eyen though you are not ready to buy, That is the kind of trouble. we like, because we know what wili happen when you: are ready to buy.--J, A. Mitchell. CoRNS GROW BETWEEN THE TOES but can be cured without pain in one day by Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor, This standard -remed bever burns the flesh,--it is entirely vegetable in composition and does not destroy the flesh. Use a Putnam's it's the best. NEURALGIO HEADACHE I8 USUALLY' attended with blinding pain, but relief plied, for it is the strongest pain-re lisyer- in the world. "I consider Neryiline a most magical remedy for -- neuralgia. I am subject to violent attacks, writes Mrs. E. G Harriss of Baltimore, but never worry if Nerviline' is in the house, The prompt relief that me. A few applications never yet: failed to kill the pain. I can also re- commend Nerviline for stiffness in the joints and rheumatism." Try Neryiline' yourself. Price 25ce. $1,000 For AN IpEA.--Here is a chance for our readers, To any person: who can suggest premiums: that can 0e- adopted and will prove more popular' and greater ¥alne than the two pictakety "Heart Broken" and "Hard to Choose," and the quick reference colored'map of the Dominion with enlarged maps of this province, which are tiis year given: with The Family Herald aod Weekly Star of Montreal, the publishers of that great Weekly will pay one thousand dollars. This year's premiums. are certainly immense value, and will be hard to surpass. However, there is $1,000 waiting for any one who cau improve on them. Wm. Johnson of St. Marys is at- present visiting this portion of Elma, pushing the sale of his book, " History of Perth County." This excellent work deserves the hearty support of all read-. ing people. No one, but those engaged in literary work; has anv conception of the immense amount of labor involved in the writing of such a history. 'Che book is not perfect by any means and Mr. Johnston is the last man to clains such for it, but it contains a vast amount of information, written in sueh a style us to be easily remembered. It was an utter impossibility for the author to mention the 'name of every pioneer of each township. Some names may be omitted which the own- ers may think should appear. Mr. Johnson consulted the records and newspaper files for bis information and © in doing so he trusted to no one man's knowledgé. The book is well worth the money. It will make pleasant reading for the long winter evenings -- and we wish Mr. Johaston unbounded success in his canvass for subscribers. I Coughed "*] had a most stubborn cough for many years. of sleep and I . ss , then tried Ayer's nea df Pectoral, and bi a eekly © R.N. Mann, Fail r iins, Tenn. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it's the great- est cough remedy ever made. And you"will say so, too, after you try: it. There's cure inevery crop. comes quickly when Nerviline is ap- Nerviline bring makes it priceless to ~~