Atwood Bee, 22 Jan 1904, p. 1

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AND THE ¢ . : ey 4 Se = SEASON'S COMPLIMENTS. VOL. 15. WALTER BROS. Specials for Saturday. - '15 Pairs of Ladies' Men's and Boys' 'hota prices 75c. to $1.50 to clear at 25 Suits for Boys' to clear at half price. 50 $8 Suits for men to clear at 1000 yds. 8c..Flete\to clear Saturday af 2 Pairs Lace curtains 2 yds. long reg. 356. Satd'y 1 Piece of all wool Drees Goods reg. 900. Saturday 5 En@s ed new wool ' T5e,. 1 End P 65c. 1 End Block Crape Cloth 50e. 2 Ends Cotton Iderdown 26c. All Smal! Furs, Coats rine Robes to clear at cost. 75c. winter Underwear at 38c. a piece. e « 'Our Grocery Devartment is always, wo date, BE ON HAND FIRST ree. Walter Bros. | ofthe ei Si ephant ROBERT THOMPSON People's Cash Store # . Sign of Golden Lion XMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER, You will have to hustle to do hee Christma ie ing and the aarp Lion is the place to com ar fe This store-isful of choice things to -pleage eve fathes, mothers; tincles, aunts, lovers, sweethearts, Bovsl! 'and 'zirls. The following are only a few of the many bargains ' offered here : Greatest snap ever offered in Lace Curtains, 150 prs. to be sold re- a of cost $5.00 pr. for $2.50; = 50 pr. for $1.25, &. 800. y pppeeretse regular 124¢c. now 9c. 200 aa Habre aay 88 inch, suitable for Ladie's or Children's Suit or Skirt 1 28 pr. . pyre Blankets, white or gray 75 cents. 27 Children' ¥ ------ bn 58, 17 Ladies Cloth Jackets all uae and latest style, must be sold from . $2.40 up. "11.000 Hdkfs al! styles from 2c. to $1.25, argest aseértinent of ne for Ladies or Gentlemen to be found in ove froin 10 cts. to 7 Ladie's Kid Ghoves. 1 and 2 "Bote Fasteners, all the new -_e for Xmas from 75 cts. so $1, "27 Men's and Boys' Dark Gray Raglarette Overcoats, the latest "style, sizes 32 to 46 to be sold for $5.95 Dont Forget our Fur Sale This Month. g 'along your "Butter, Eggs, Dried Ampies, Poultry &. Highest price - Scash or Trade. ROBT. THOMPSON, ak. tion Great Remnant Sale AT Grey, Bernie & Co's Listowel, --_--_N----_-- Saturday, January 23rd, AND FOLLOWING WEEK. After a hea season's selling we find a lot of rem- nants in our stock, these we will clear regardless of cost. They will be all placed on tables in the centre of our store, all marked in plain figures. Remnants of Dress Goods, Remnants of Silks, Rem- nants ef Prints, i : in fact remnants of everything. 500 Remnants of Binbroidery with. ends runni i ys oe yds. each selling theaper than you over ore. RET BERWvIS a4 co. 33 {Grierson is almost an entire stran 'THE CASH STORE. ced < "a io ay ag to-spend a few specks with friends in Southampton. © WD. Angus and Ww. T. Gratin Guess in St, Thowns last Week attending the Dairymen's Convention, ; Geo, Smith's rink is being well pat- ronized by the young people and hockey practice is indulged in during certain | afternoons. yaeciiesiaiinit ticles and joints | indicates theamatism,.- end dally 25c.| withi¢s minute. Teke H Robt. Anderson was called gre on} Tuesday to attend the funeral of - his} sistet, Mra, Reid of Ayr. who hail. been, | ili fer some time, John Cuthbertson. jooked after the elevator during bis ab- +} sence. The C.P.B. anrveyers reached the vie- inity of Monkton on Tuesday, Jan. }, @th. They could not have. arrived at & More opportuce time, a8 that. was the date of the voting on the by-law to Of the U.P.R. ©: Rallantyge, our popular resteorant | 'end grocery man, will continue in busi neta in onr tows, He bas rented the tient portion of Wm. Marshall's butld- tm, formerly The'Ree offies, and w'll ao do business there after' the middie of | February ubtil sagh time as his new store will tie ready fer occuyation, He has rented Wm. Peet's fine, new resi- dence As a dwelling house. Salhuet Small who has been tforemas of this office for some, time, } : bis _Hintiover" on: | has. secured an. excellent positon ou the Hanover Pest, with which paper he wae formerly connected, Sam was a Gitst class printer and we are sorry to lose his services, but we wish him every success in life. Hugh E. MacEwing is acting as foreman at the present time, On Sunday last Rev. Mr. Fanjoy preached the first sermon of his pastor- ate in the;Baptist church here. The speaker took his text from Joshua 8 : 4; | owelling particularly on the words, "for ye have not passed this way hereto- tore." His plea was for an aggressive, fighting church, and he hoped that pas- tore and people would be one in thenew relation they were entering upen. A Sweceseful Suppor. The local Canadian Order of Forest- ers' Society has always been: noted for its successful suppers in years gone by. | That of this year, held on Thursday evening of last week in Mitchell's Music Hall, was just as pleasant and. enjoyable as those of former years. Notwith- standing the stormy night a geodty number of Foresters, with their wives and sweethearts, sat down to as elegant a& spread as one could well wish to enjoy. At 9o'clock D. G. Anderson, editor of THE BEE, took chargé of the programme which was of a thoroughly enjoyable nature. Those who took part were as follows:--Messrs. Darcy Grierson, Gee, Corrie, Geo.. Cocks, John Matthews, and Masters Cameron Struthers and Everett Coghlin and Mrs. Draper ef Brandon, formerly Miss Edith Harris, and Misses Elsie Struth- ers, Jennie Harvey, and Newcomb, who aoted very. efficiently as accompanists, Al the singers excelled themselves, ead received hearty encores. Mr. to Atwood audiences, but his sweet tenor voice made him an instant favorite. He is a member of the Listowel] Maie Quartette. Mr. Cocks sang with spirit and received a bearty encore. Geo. Corrie, with his goodnatured smile showed that he is still a favorite with home audiences, Mrs. Draper sang very sweetly, and upon being encored responded with an exquisite piano.solo. Masters Cameron Strathers and Everett Coghlin rendered a duett in pleasing style and the former sang two catchy songs which were vigorously applauded. After the pru the company ed a lively time with the dance for which Messrs. Matthews and ees farrished splendid music, Se oe We are glad to that Mrs. Stevenson, mother res yore Dice aikaruon ssacdirezece The game was a poor tan players were not familiar with the off side ruig, the game partook more of the natare of shinney. Rev. 4.4 Shearer dehvwareé:a stirring | after- ot and Currie and Messre. Geo. Goligh Jno. 'Flood, Henry Near and Irwin was appoitted, @hese "ime ia the sent Sabena ize # local.t ¥ lava sack cutiecsivaz in the ilidoateie! {fessived a card indicating the'bumper| of tings necessary to call up any parti cular person, The one objedtion feature to the system is that scoan isnot a private one. A private service would. necessitate a switch board at Hoimes's store and would also necessi- tate Mr. Holmes having an employee to look after the services entirely, The service however will prove a great con- venience in many ways and in course of time we may bave it strictly private. E. J. Smith of the: Whyte Packing Co., Stratford, was a guest at the Odd Fellows At home on Wednesday even- ing.. He showed us a group photo of six Elma boys taken. by a Stratford photographer. These six stalwarts totalled in weight 1260. lbs. an average of 21¢c lbs. Their names are as follows: E. J. Smith, Dr. Sam Gray, Jas. A. Gray, J. W. Ward, Wm. Hamilton and Richard Gray, Itis a splendid photo and we suggested that it should be reproduced in the Toronto Saturday Globe, just to show what Elma can produce in the way of brawn and brain. 4. 0. 0. F. At Home. The local Odd Fellows held another very successful At Home in Mitchell's Music Hall on Wednesday evening when about 100 people were present to enjoy a social evening. The early part of the evening was taken up with games of various kihds an¢* ith a short bat much appreciated p.cgram. One of the attractions of the program was the music provided by the pianola owned | | by Dr. Langrill. This instrament is attached to the piano and the perform- er sits in front of the instrument and by turning the motive power furnished by a small motor, many different tunes can be played, the {performer controll. ing the expression by use of the-pedals. The sound of the piano is toa certain exteht muffled, but still the music pro- vided is very pleasing, The program was as follows: Pianols solo, Mrs, Mc- Bain; Song, Mrs. Kidd; Solo, Miss Smith; Addres#, Dr. Kidd; Solo, Miss}: Ageie Dickson; Address, E. J. Smith; Violin Instfamestal, T. G. Tennant; Recitation, Jas. Donaldson. Refresh- ments were sefved about mid-night, after whieh dancing was indulged in enjoy#) for some. few hours. Owing to the wretched state of the toads, very ee 25 ~ it . frets 9 ms . | for $1.75. , | cheap réading. 'ee Mitcheil's Music Hall, Miss Susith wilt -- | eens Hair | - Mre. J. W. MoBaiu and. Bria, are visiting relatives in Stratford _ ~ Mrs. _ Mores Wi'dtang "and children Were gueste of Mr. and Mra, 4. Stewart én this week. Gnbielic cae Sa s|take & short course in the Gutario _ Agricaltural College. Tue Ber and'the Toronto Daily Stir. é iT, also The Bie and -- Toronto Daily. ews for. 61.75. ect Miss Edith Erskine of Monkton was the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Roger, - Misa 'Krekine hae 'been visiting In: Hamilton: 'for some time, Sate Miss Addie.Gibson and brother, ' Brace Gibson, of Guelph, aceompanied © by Miss ee fags ote: ves | visiting at the pAome of "Mrs. Wm. Brown. : Geo. Corrie, G. T. RB. b holidaying at his home here. Geo, was' - = unfortunate enough to of -- fall on gg has sundry bruises ee & couple . cag ae 4 shoulders. Mies Beile Irwin, da sughte of cits Irwine,. si add per gad Irwin hes been in. delieste health for some years, s0 that her death was not _ unexpected. a4 Song Recital Remember Miss H: Adeline Smith's . song recital next Tuesday tn. Abrey | beassisted by Arthur Ostier,an emin- , | eat violinist of Hamilton, and by Miss. pegrye a that was stalled near the bliad line, re- quested us t6 convey their' hearty. ¢| thanke to Mr. and Mrs, JobaG, Diek-. = (eon for their kindness and hospitality. to the belated travellers in providing . them with a very acceptabis an@ much | -eppreciated lunch. We tieard nothing _ but words of greatest enconiams re-" garding the deliciousness of the tea, milk, homemade biscuits, etey2a0 fiber- ably supplied by Mr: and Mrs: Dickson ._ Impertant to Subscribers : We are exceedingly thankful to those of our subscribers who have renewed promptly and for their words of appre-_ ciation re our . special Xoiés number. The quantity is dwindling fast: and we urge upon our sabscribers to cail at once and renew so as to be able to get acopy. We would especially urge upon upon our readers in the West aot to be too tardy or they will find the supply exhausted, Several of our Newry sub-_ scribers who are paid in advance, say to - April and May, have not called to re- ceive it. They must come soon or be disappointed. If,in the course of a week or so,the supply is not exhausted, we will proceed to sell the balance at a reduced price, as we cannot afford to_ carry any of them over, 80 -hurry up and be in time, A Falling hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your hair; feed it with the only hair food, Ayer's Heir Vigor. It checks # falling hair, makes the hair Hair Vigor} grow, completely cures dan- 7 druff. And it always restores color to gray ert rit righ, dark color of carl aes Iwas pag ft wes 'a « ee * ¥ cm * Veto the Brussels' : oe BS

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