Sere ( retorted, "but hear a dea} of Freeh: Cadena on thie es! of the line." - there wou German-Canadiane also. But they didn't, and the world too fast for that now. I gues are t as many different 'peo y or nations in it as there is room i ar ving io erg and coming y he'll on 'the 4th 'of July, and cheer on Bdward's birthday just as hard care you think so much of; admit 'that our land laws and | R istration in this Canadiag est are better than those of the State he came from. And he makes the | pest settler we have ever had im the | Worth-West, for he knows the game from ane ahd no matter what happens, you can't stick him anywhere." ("Then you really boat ho wil we want." t mationality was your father?" K asked. His blue eyes and fair hair told me be- * answered: "My faither was «a ~~ [Norwegian sailor, who settled in Nova! fifty years ago, and if I can give lift to w No i bet I al 'And be leughed merrily as te iit the pelt ot igar. A LOVER'S MISTAKE, Fille! a if ment wa '| grimly; if you don't consent at on " no "T shouldn't She i ath 8 pad 4 i B ; is Z Ee be sifted ae ; gghe Rite gree bb i cool you off for a few mo- This story must have been re- by some of the guests, and until Mpeg cre: Ms 'Highness myself. , is all I know about the my that ys been noted for tle man- that I : es: I eu that lump of ite 8' and I answered, 'Yes, and I'm afraid prancing about like marion Kill or Cure, «A adhort time ago a veterinary eur- aad sammoned a man to the Winkle- County Court for two guineze for ettendance on a dog, reports an English a swore that he had been called in and found the dog euffering from dis- temper, and that he-had paid s0 many visits and had supplied such and such medicines, for which he claimed two is two shillmgs as per agreement. en came the defendant's turn. "You eay, that I agreed to pay you two guineas?" questioned the defendant. Pie you did!" replied the plain- "Do you remember what our arrange- as?" on of triumph. "Well, now, on your oath, did you kill my dog?" demanded' the defendant, with a sudden energy that woke up the judge and made the usher jump again. o "Certainly not," replied the other, with e bluster that was perhaps justi- fiable in the circumstances. "And you didn't cure him, cos he's dead; and as I promised to pay, and you agreed to accept, two guineas, 'kiH or cure, and you haven't done either, I wonder how you've got the nerve to ask for the money even, let alone bring me At this point the learned judge inter- vened, and the cdse was remanded for further consideration. An Engagement Extraordinary. A to the Paris correspondent of the London "Telegraph,? a determined waitor recently found a new way of us ingthe motor-car for matrimonial pur- 'poses. e object of, his affection was willing to Wed him, Sut her parents were obdurate. He pretended to give up hope, and to be réconciled to the idea of bebes merely « friend of the family, and he took out the girl and her father for an automobile drive. to Havre. dangerous part of the road he suddenly put on ful away at a terrific rate. The girl sat still ehowed no fear,:'but her terrifi father shouted to the man who wanted to be his son-in-law to stop. Jonsent to my marriage with your daughter" was all the motorist replied. ear tore along, and if any obstacle had appeared -in the road at least three fa- talities would have occurred. "Stop! We shall all be killed!" the girl's father continued.'to ery. "Most certainly we shall," said the determined young man, ce am going te send the machine into the ditch, this rate that means quick death." "As he spoke he imparted vio- lent lurches. from side to side to the aur. "I consent!" gasped the now van- quished parent. * lmmediately -the car slowell down, and the rest of the jour- ney was done at a steady tourizg pace.. But during the motor's previous. mad career a policeman had jottéd down, its number. Wien the girl's father, to whom the machine belongs, appeared in court to suswer to the summoms, his future son-in-law accompanied him, and looked exceedingly pleased with himself. When a fine' of sixteen francs was. im- Lever's Y-Z (Wise Headc> Disinfeetant Soap Powder is better than other powders. as it is hoth soan and disinfectant. .¢- ' a s posed the youngef man said he would pay it himself with pleasure. , He 'con- fided 'tothe magistrate that the day has been: tamed: ie it EEEE Ek BEES a its 5 i 12 R, & ? z se Challenge the Judge. | "Post Express" thinke witness who explained on the stand the other day that he pre- erred not to tell the crak ag 6 | tate i of his side, | success was as frank as the old darke n At a| speed, and the car sprang | what would happen if he did not tell | the truth. He replied: "I 'specs our sid'll | win de case, sah." It was a negro of a who was being tried on & | "de jur ol would like to challenge the judge. Buffalo "Commercial." me "Anthony Hope" on Marriage Mr. Anthony Hope Hawkins, who waa | the est at a house dinner of the i Authors' Club, refer to his recent ° Still the | ead Mery viv Boden before = j te became qualifiel to: address them as @. Benedict. he wrote ' |-O8 mae . bility," |-but highly inter. . | would find a publisher within the enw 'ng year. It was notorious that novel | Ssts wrote much better without exper' | €nee «than with 4. "Anyhow, -he wag | going to call the novel "Double Hairmess." | Literature, he continued, did not extst for the sake-of making money. Momey | was.a by-product; bnt it was a | duct which cotild easily be utilized. thengh a book wns good, at - insisted om tnaking money. Flipper: - Why: does he object 'to his wife going out plone in tag Trageinge Fla +" Béen'tige' he tee 'how | owt one wg Gs, able phing cam manage ai» other, its gs ¥ . ee He & on sia ays Map saggy, seg r it now. our mo; back t doesn't beaest yon. % Prices: ose Se 8. C.Werrs & Co. S01 LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. e uncanny stone someti delight. But it is time this old su - tion: should be witch and her A 8cotch High Ball.--Life." Depriving the. Pig, . & oentain railroad officer dri @ay ina ft idently, however, it: was not churnig@day in that locality, for he en- ies ig ee without & housekeeper able to supply the dé wired bev: With each repeated fail- ure his increased ; nothing but but- ,» he was convinced, would serve allay that thirst,-and buttermilk he intended to have if he were obliged to visit every farmhouse 4n that portion of the eg i At last zeal was rewarded. He found 'his buttermitk--but lost his appe- tite at the same time. "Yes," eaid the farmer's wife, a pouring ti can-epare ¥ g it for the pig.""--Carroll Watson Rankin, Not many jokes that aré made; frem the bench would stand being retold much less printed. But with Commis- sioner Kerr it is different, Mr. G. Pitt: > : SiveTed mintia: "Oh. 70, don't, your honor. I j one end 'not me for two montha." 'The com~ me more; you be milk to make up for this going te lose." When him : pret his "hond ul Fy algae sey of his af flabby cheeks, of They, however, sew hi ndidates. seid a "Well," she replied, goes He ® ih (Mr. Choate, the am of the' United States at London, tells a story. of a stulling-match thet took place bétween an , a student of Oxford, and hy hman, a student of Cambridge. The Briton won handily. §At no time hurry up." After the race the Irish- 6 ih 'or a eal of chaff, in view of the overwhelming defeat he had gffered. But he merely shrugged his lders. "Faith," 'he said, "if I had the long rests that he took I could fave beaten him easily." Marcellus Hartley Dodge, who has $300,000 to Columbia University, ident of the class of 93. One 9 classmates said the other da though," he went on, "a day when we had a singularly hard recitation in ge ometty. ore a certain difficult pro- position student. after ones: 'was stumped. The instructor said each : I will of the hour." t Shirt waists and \dainty ' linen are. made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light. Soap. &B and Counsellor-atéLaw, 50 : EDWARD crea tees Sh Wayne County Savings Ban 84 Congress _ sttect west, - Detroit Mich. ~ Canadian business Solicited.-