_ BLEWETT & Bray, - * Salaam (J. CEGIL HAMILTON, BA, BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. ; siunaeiesiacks x (-béoney to Loan ata per| Orrice--Main-at, = cakes, next to Dr. Foster, Deutis FICE--Main Atwood Jinaton Qrrcr ms wit au ~ wood every Wednesday afternoon. DENTAL. © : Dr W. A. mcDOWELL, DENTIST. ATE of Royal College of Dental Sur- RADU. Sere a _Monor Geiitate of of Toronto Uni ty. 'ever Thompson Bros-store, wel, r eFrick--Main 8t.. Atwood, Over : office. hae visit Atwood every Mon. day, trom 9.30 DR, W, M. BRUCE, DErrTist, tarie. ~ RL cary ee gaat or eS) ge er rke Bes office on sealrivay 'as ae Dr. Rutherford, oe Bl. Lis- MEDICAL. DR.A. S. 3. LANGRILL Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- y: Licentiate College of Physicians and sfpargeons of Ontario. Special attention givea to Eye, Ear Nose and Throut,. Evenings preferred ;-for such work. " Office and residence--Wain-st, next rs; Roger's store, ATWwooD, Oxw# Tr D. A. KIDD, M D., ATWOOD, OxT. ee. urgeon, 'Accoucheur. New York Post-Graduate School Hospital, New York.. Special attention to. Pijseases of the ae full course of six weeks in .1899 gi! course. of eight weeks in 190! |, operative surgery, , Office Hoyre : 9 to 10 a. m. 1to3 p.m. 6to8 p.m AU@TIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR THE ty of Core. Monkton, Ont. Gates moder: or particulars ap- ply at this Bice. ALEX, MORRISON, , LICENSED rt ent: FOR Counties i Perth and Huron. modera' Al) orders by mail emoo mien attended to. At = 'The Place fi Your Money Why keep your money fordoubtful mmortaage¢s at Jow rates of interest, ' when at ath times, in large or small amoutite, for any reasonable per- iud, it can be safely invested in the gold-bearin bonds of the Sritish « Mortgage Loay Company, Strat- . ford, at four oer peut. interest, pay- able. regularly every half year? The t eatment, The re- tatutes of Ontario, cha apter y ja! Ordev-inetrnoell of ber 3, 1902, they are made x iwestment for trust funds. danty of Perth and the Perth insuranee Co ny man- ~ fea aréinvested in the bone Ss the British Murtgage Loan 2 wa deposits eer is pA R y balances, and is is eal every half year. WM. BUCKINGHAM, Manager, G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains ieave Atwood Station, North South, as follows : "Q@OING SOUTH. . 7.40 a.m. fad 108k wm. pares S45 p-@. | pn GOING NORTH. Mixed 9.10 a.m Express 12.52 a.m Express 7; pe p.m +4 '| Day Alliance, as delivered in the Prea- | byterinn chureh last Sabbath morning. | We were rendered hors de combat by a S| rb made arrangements to have Mt. Shearer's evening address reported Mr. Shearer's morning discourse was & pression' upon'all his hearers, if we may judge by the comments whioh we heard Pessed upon his preaching. gathering in the Methodist church in 'he evening. Mr, Shearer impressed his hearers as a lucid, fluent speaker, witb . | a diréctness pf-apeech and a descriptive | power-beyond the average. In the four years of his active service, he has be- come deeply impressed shat the integ- rity of the-Sabbath ie worth preserving, three urgent reasous presenting - them- selves, namely: (1) . National wellbe- ing demands.it ; (2) Worth-defending for the toilers' sake; (3) Vitality of raligion depends on sanctity of the Sabbath. In support-of the first. reason, the Tux | speaker pointed out that the dead: na- tions of.the world were those who had disregarded Sabbath observance, the inevitable result being national decay. The two great-piliars of national well- b 'iw Were rev rence for e Sabbath and for the word of God. As to the second reason, Mr. Shearer brought to mind that Canada's limitless resources mean for her « great future as a manu- facturing nation, and it was therefore expedient that we as a people should preserve for our great army of toilers one day in which they may enjoy the restfuiness aid pleasure of family life. A certain amount of Sabbath labor is unavoidable, but let us be sure that we get down to che irreducible minimun of such Sunday work. If the scriptures had never been given us, an inflexible law had been written on the tablets _ of our body, requiring us to set aside one day in seyen forrest. This had 'been, demonstrated in experiments conduct- ed by Prof. Haglar, who had proved that one's vitality by Monday night bad sunk to@low-ebb, and the night's reat did not quite restore it to the height occupied after the Sunday rest. Each succeecing day saw this vitality lower- ed until Saturday uight came, when the }restorative effects of a properly spent 'Sunday raised il to the high level occup- ied at the beginning of the week. On 'the other hand, a Sunday 'spent in work lor disajpation still farther reduced the vitality, so that ohe went. to work on Monday morning with a lower standard of vitality than that possessed a week before. Persisted in, this latter meant wither disability or death at the end off 'twelve. years on the average, This 'should. be full of warning to Canada's 'army of 150,000 Sun day toilers. | Directors: of corporate incustrie seem to lose:personal responsibility, 80 that the i,creasjng number of corpora- tions were proving a menace: to: Sab- but obs »vance. Othen menacing con- Gd, ions wereforeign capital and foreign labor coming-into: our Dominions. Greed was at the bottom of simost 'all Sabhath desecration, A case in point was ice cream selling by druggists in Torouto, They.evaded the law by displaying cards.on the icecream foun- talons, informing their patrons that ice cream could. only be: sold to-day (Sun- day),for medicinal' purposes, A sur- 'prising number oft 'people became af- ifected with a peculiar epidemic, requir- jug ige cream as a remedy, The Lord's Day Alliance was. becom: 'ling a strong onganigation, havicg: 465 local branches and 25,000 members. Much encouraging work was being-done and all. sectionsof the. chunch, including the Roman, Uatholic, seemed: united. in. the movement, and, althongs, the cam-. prign was hand ané would: probably. be long, eitimsate victory was assured those who fonght under the baauer of the King of kings., A local organization waa formed ab the close of the service, the following Officers being elected: resident, B, A. Kidd, M. D.; WVice-Presidents, a m. McLeod. Rev. Wm. Penhail, Mr, Fanjoy; Seeretary, Audrew Rob: Executive Committee, Arthur Robb, R: M. Ballantyne, J. J. Johnson, John G. Dickson, Alex. Simpson, J. §. Ham. mond, John A. Turnbull. THE G. T. R. AGAIN. The failowing excerpt from Toronta Saturday Night is a very suggestive one as indicating te what ridiculous use an interview with the reporter of a leading Toronto Daily may be pat. We are sure that the Jocal 'option drives at the Rev: Mr. Oliyer are entirely un- called for, but they go to show that the statemetits of the oue interviewed lose severe attack of inflammation of the}, mxsterly one sud he left a splendid im-* 3 Thi 'Rev; Mr. Shearer addressed a large| :be chi Hood's Sarsaparilla "manently, as it bas rig thousands. si at the hands of the imagina- tive reporter. It also gives the writer the opportunity to hit the G. T, R.a few gentle raps over the knuckles. "Truly, the branch lines of the G.T.R. have been getting it in the jugular vein during the last seven days The pen may beable to put the sword out of dusiness, but can it do anything ayainst & corporation? 'The evening papers have contaiued horrible tales of travel- ers who rashly set forth for Palmers- ton and Wingham, and who passed threugh dangers and terrors calculated to make Othello's yarns to Desdemona look pale and siékiy. One of the most harrowing and zeroistic of these nar- ratives was told in the " News" of last Monday, wherein a clergyman, Rev. J. H. Oliver, of Listowel, who had beeu working nobly for the cause of local option in Torohto Junction, described thejperiis he passed in the course of a of a journey from the Union Station Toronto to the thriving town ot Listowel. The train was forty minutes late leaving the station; there was no heat in the car for the first half hour, except such as was supplied by the language of the passengers; at Guelph the locomotive and the warmth were detached, and after some time the will rid: you of it, radically_and-per | [',, riday Janua 15th v we ence our vee A taking sale, nur 1 to ---- the 3rd. We are not looking for profits, shia: to clear out Ines. odd |} To clear all Ladies' and Misses' Mantles 334 per cent off.. Men's, boy's, youths and-childrens' ready-made clothing and overcoats 25 per cent. off. All Dress Goods and Carpets 25 per.cent. Ider Downs, Astrachan and Mantle 'Cloths. ee per Saat: ur Caps 20 per .cent.. Woollen Blankets, Horse Blankets, Tweeds, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers 15 ter cent. Robes 124 per cent? We have left a few Ladies' Astrachan Jackets One medium Sized Man's Black Bulgarian Lace Coat Indian Lawn was $32.50 now $27.50. Ladies' *15 Ruffs now - 4 "ib 3 (74 15 and 12ke Wrapperettes now 1 cents. * We have a number of other lines not mentioned that we are willing to sacrifice. It has always been our motto to sacrifice rather than keep goods moulding in the shelves, of no use to anyone. I would rather have $100 of your mcney than a piece of 'goods worth,$150 lying idle in our shelves. The above goods are all new and something you all need at this season of the year. We guarantee the above prices for'cash only. C. H. Holmes, Atwood.- semi-congealed people departed for un- comfortable waiting rooms, where many were cold but few were frozen. The last Afty miles of this Arctic ex- pedition were undertaken 'in an anti- quated carriage which may have been quite suited to the climate when Noah and his offspring went in out of the rain, but whioh was entirely too breezy fora Junuary journey in our beloved Ontario. The clergyman arrived in tone just seven hours later than he Xpected. A horrible cold was the Fasats, and he talked to a reporter from abed where he languished in agony that was alleviated by "two kinds of medicine." Qf course, local option is a 'very good thing, so long as it doesn't do--whether the reverend gentleman completely recovered by virtue of the two kinds: of medicine;. or whether he didn't desire just a wee drop of hot lemonade to take away the: taste of the other staff. Hot lemonade is a fine thing for a branch-of-the-G. T. Ri cold, but there should.be at least two lumps of sugar in the glass, and--stir well! I I sincerely hone that Rev. Mr. Oliver was well enongh to conduct the services last Sunday night,.and that his prayers and discourse bore upon the sins of those: who "frame mischief by law." the descendants of the race that forced those extremely inconvenient measures, the Magna Charta and the Habeas Corpus Act, from: unwilling rulers, and it is time for us to- refuse to be bundled out of street cars.at the sweet will of oue company, ur placed in cold' storage in the waiting-room of another." Miss Govenlocx, miiliner,. bas returm- Chiltirens; Tew The-chiidren of the Baptist Sunday Schoo! will be treated to a supper in the ghureh at 6 o'clock on Friday of thi week, ta be followed by an enter- "| taimmernt ab 7830p. m. The children witt provide the program which .prom- ises to ba very enjoyable, Silver col- leetion in ard of Sunday School Annual Meeting. The anaual meeting of the Pablic Li- bragy will be held in Mitchell's-Hall on Monday evening pext at 7.80 p. m. for the purpose of receiving the auditors' report, the election of officers apd any other buginesa. We urge open alt bt J tesestet ip our Littary the imaportasce of attending this meeting a4 the affairs of the institution are in sich a eondi+ become a habit; but L wonder--yes, I |: When the women and: children of the | province are at the mercy of a corpor- |: ation that cares not how it freezes and |: squeezes, it is time for even the pulpits |: to say.a few words: After all, we are |: ed from a@ pleasant visit tober home in | Seafonthy, THE -- -BEE'S CLUBBING LIST. We are in a position to » pontion to offer the follow- ing papers; club with The Bee, for the . year 1904 at the following reasonable rates : Fhe Bee and Montreal Family Herild & eekly Star, including Two Premium ictures and oe Map of the Dominion of Canada I 75 The Toronto Daily World and Bee _ from now until Jan. 1905 for 3 ° The Weekly Globeand Bee #75 The Weekly Mail and Empire and Bee 1 75 The Montreal Weekly Witness & Bee 1 75 The London Advertiser and Bee 1 75 The Farmers' Sun and Bee 1 75 The Farmers' Advocate and Bee 2 35 Toronto Saturday Night and Bee 3 This is a partial list. Call and see us and' take advantage of this offer of good, chap reading. e WE NOTICE HE WESTERN ONTARIO PORTLAND CEMENT CO, ATWOOD Ont., has an advertisement in The World and News of Toronto for ties for their railroad from here to the marl beds. The Directors seem to think it will be too long to wait for the C. P. R. extension and they have no assurance that it will come near their marl, clay and peat beds when built, The Cement Co. are making al preparations to proceed. with the work as soon as Spring opens, and we think they should hustle it to completion when the golden 'et tunity seems to shine. REESE EEE EEE E FEEL FOR THE CANADIAN MANUFACTURER. A letter was re" "fed at the Cavadian Manefacturers' Association, in' The Maik, Dec, 26th, from New Zealand, which brought the first written eomment from that Government regarding the effect of the New Zealand prefezenee on trade with Canada. " The latest and best news I can send you this mail is that our Government has adopted a preferential tariff; which is greatly in favee of the Canadian manufacturers. f bope the manufacturers will rise to the oeeasion and grasp the opportunity now offering inNew Zealand with both hands. [ft is a rare chanee of collaring the trade which, in ever increasing volume has . beer carriedton by the United States. Their exports to this colony amounted to over seven million doats last year, an item worth struggling fer. Keep your psices the same. When you are writing on, the subject urge your members not to raise their prices up te the level of the preference, but first ef all to make was e§ it to replace the Yankee. - MANY ARTICLES WANTED, On account of the preferential tari we would like te. have quotations ftom you, op izon steel dash rails, blue cut Swede iren, cansiage bolts, wrought step treads, PORTLAND, CEMENT, Canadian axles, half patent ;also. oils of management, tion as to require alate and jodicious ' all kinds. 'These arg only a tew of the mang articles wanted ia, this eolony,"