firey that we shentd charge - THAT WILL -Qur Condition Powders are as ! B carefully prepared as any remedy . for } the human family: These powders aid ton; stimuiate the liver to. healthy. activity, purify" the Y blood and build up the vitality of an- imals. You can depend kidneys" and £ We will with results. upon this re- medy, whenever the condition of your stock shows need of one aid tonic. cheerfully refund: your 'money if you are not, wholly satHised 25c. for I. Ib. package ; 2 1-2 lbs., 50c.;.-6 lbs. for $1.00. J. A. MITCHELL, DRUGGIST and | STATIONER, A : Iwo ~ sar SSS at a ee ee PAGE 'ACME' 150-foot roll, 4 fect High. ...,.scceeses-+-.H4.40 For poultry and garden. --150-foot roll, 5 foot high........--.-++-+--, 5.10 ,150-foot roll, 6 feet high......-.-...----+« 6.00 Walkerville THE PACE ne FENCE pains NETTIN Better than old style. Oflocaldealerorus. Freight SIMIT ES, eae St. John ae Joon Cushbertson, Agent, Atwood. Bank of Hamilton, {Established 1872.) HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTEN. HON. WM. GIBSORR, ~~ President. | J. TURNEULE. Wie President and| . Geuenil Atanager. Capital fil Pasd. up Baserve Fund Teta! Assats Xu Nas IN CANADA 36 i speci Notes af OUTIL perce? RYSINES? ially. Sys ite far 3 oo sk NOLES col lected + and advances mule (Qimsmee.s Sat anos its, rescly: yards? TEA and od 'wi Lads "pov. L a drawing money and Sold. _ No forniali ties noirdehuys | Orafis Berghe 24Aa™N ATWOOD BRANCH W. MeKAY, Subi-. Vi. Lgent. confidential Pe note tena AT business striclly Ee nen AND COMSIENTS, NOTES nrio Press As- sociation heid last wees k in Toronto, 4p iteresting ciscussion took place rte. 2 ue of the Tt was felt that Atthe meeting ar On it garding the tow pric some 'Toronto Daily papers, these puprrs were being published at a lossand they controlled by we: ust be dinaneed ane hil hy corpor wens an a tindiy duns, fi remarkabie to. uy thar papers Hike the Terento sta nafferd te issue at the ey a year, or Toe. 1 in order te aes seo and News ca yworateor Sl al papers. tremely i: clubbed with hee make up for the dyop in price from $4 $3, nnd 82 u yenr to #1 they wen! id re. elyenigtion near- o! a baits te increase thet ly threefold. sad we dont it any them are doing it? 'The issuing of . daily paper at such afew price 18 lo & certain degies th wtinl to the couorrs Meek lies sometimes uf- only fits heartily with Assoels- pan ers be whose readers gents nyear, We agree the motion as passim by the Mor ta ihe effect tint these reqnasied to raise their subscription te 4t leas) S150. Any farnier or meehsan- 2 weald not think ita great hardship to pay that price fora daily paper, Arvotber matter disenssed. was the + Rdmission of American mask rzines into @anesda at such ajiow rate of p ostage. It wes felt that Canadian magazines - phould be ; rotected and enconraged by placifig a heavier" Ovtage rate on_all Pumericen | publicutions, This would! 'perve to make tirin dearer and readers Swonid then turn to the heme pubtica- tions, wich wish increased circulation would improve greatly In quality of teh ma of ifustra- ie «a game of curling was. played. last week in Montreal between two rinks composed of Sadies, the first game of its kindin-Ganada> Anyone who has a sister knows full well that the sex has ever been adepts at curling. Tis Medical treatment has surely. ad- yaneed since the following item of ex- ;penditura: was recorded a>+*Wessex, Evgtand: "© Paid T. Hawkins~ for whipping two people that had the isuittipox, eightpence." : 4 The mouth is seldom free from bac- | tes yin and germs of disease,: These 'ywerins seldom: do injury to people in ro- bust bealth, bat we do not know how soon our howth my be impaired there- fore desirable to keep the free from vertas. 'This can only be done by rinsing the mouth several' times a day, partienlarly at morning and even- ing with 2 disinfectant, A mild. solu- tion of garbolic acik ad will serye the pur- puse, 1 ae | the Duke of Devonshire's last speech would seem to be towards the shelving of Vv. Chamberiain's scheme iey of the Conservative, or, as it con- tinues to call itself, the Unionist party. This door M tolimselt, Retaliation, if need hard!y be snid, ig the opposite of Mr. Champber- tsin's plan, fiseal union of the Empire, | .{ foreign nations to a reciprocal reduc- 'ion of duffes. To retaliation as a prin- ciple ne moderate frea trader objects. [ts object is, in faet, identical with that whieh is sunelitin he negotiation of yerelal treaties, Let it not be for- the arch free trader was the n the commercial treaty with France. Hutin the practice of re- taliat.ou two Cancers are invoived. One. is, the intrusicn of protection under che cover Gt a re alia: ory inert ae other is seutimMent, CU Zoutten Uiat eaytmaiar Of ait' sil producing " wrruatien such as nruy fead to estrangement, gen- eral as weil us commercial, defeating thereby the object fur which the pres- gureisspplied. 'hat Mr. Chambet- 'laiu's policy will be sheived by the Gov perhaps, under the decent uta-Hoyal Commission of En- appectrs Lo be the growing opin- tat his condaet has given a shock fisval svstem, Cabiact eeverunment, whieh no Royal Commission ean aunui,--bystander, Farmer's Sun, rar ubienl, Pores i qpuiry, ton, 1 Npetoniv te the A SATISFAVEFORY PLL Will ence the condition causing Ube piles, Try Dr, Hamiiton's Pills of Man- drake and Gatternut ; their frequent use prevents piles. No case aver kivowa where the use of Dr. Hamiltou's Pills jailed. Price 25e, mouth The trend of thiugs in England since | the appearanee of the trade returns ane | and the) adeption of retaliation as the fiscal pol- | r, Balfour has kept open) iis aim being to constrain the consent; but to} lu} EREMEDY | 1 greauly to the jooks, AUCTION SALES W. MM: Shearer, lot 12, con. 3; ints, offers for sulé on Friday, Feb, 19h, at 1 o'clock p.m., the following farm stuck and implements: 1 span working horses. 10 years old; 1 general purpose mare, 11 years old, with foal; 1 driving mare, 4 years old; I standard bred horse, 3 years old, by Oliver Wiikes ; 1d mileb co's, supposed in calf; 1 fresh calved cow; 1 Holstein bull; 4 spring CAives 6 store pigs; 2 brood sows with litters; 16 thorebrod Plymouth Rock pullets; 4 thoreobred Piymonth Rock cocks; 24 hens; 1 Frost & Wood binder, preéarly new; L Deering mower;*1. Duer- ling make; 1 Massey-ilsryis hoe drill, neariy uews: 1 dise harrow: | Cocksbutt opened out. -We invite our customers to call and inspect our splendid line of new Spring goods just = + € * Our Groceries are always fresh and clean. oe Highest prices paid for all Farm Produce. - - The. Popular Place to Trade. = W.R. ERSKINE Full Staak of Br eakfas Orange Meat Shredded Wheat Grape puts Malta Vit §& WATSON). Complete , Grocery and Bakery™ MITE eg oods, always fresh. Force Food Oatmeal Nis 7 Swiss Food Rolled Oats Highest Price paid for Produce fee 8. WATSON.. SarseeseroTCoDSTSTTTSTIDESCSOTIOSITTSSOTSSFTTTCTTO > 24 Frost Wire Fence ? Has no equal as General Purpose Farm Fence {corn cultivator; 1 Cockshuit kKangarvo plow; L gang plow; L rout pulper; i sin- igie plow; bfanning inill, with bagger; ji MeGormick corn binder; 1 set iron | harrows; 1 truck waggeon; L set track | Scales, 2,000 Ibs.; .L° Cookshutt corn | planters 1 hay rack; | set bod sleighs; 1 Portland enutter, new; 1 tep buggy, new; 2 sets doubie harness; 1 set siugle -lar- ness:-1 wheelbarrow; 8 biey@es; 1 Daut- tercup churn: 4 duzen grain bags: 500 'Dusheis of turnips; whiffletrees,: neck- yokes, forks, shoveis, miik cans, pails and numerous Other articles ; 8 shares in Lima Cheese & Balter Company. _--- oo Hint NEFEYN. The trains are on the move once | more, The eleettic railway 1s the ject of discussion at present. Jno, Gaynor and wife entertained a number of young people lust 'uesday evenin'.- hain sub- A number of the young people from here drove ont' to Tros St. Armevur's on the Tuth line and spent ayery happy evening. Archie Fogal, who bas been working at Brugsels, is home at present. Hs talks of taking a situation in 'Toronto or Berlin in the near future, Coal oil was getting pretty scarce in this bury, bat it suited the young tolk. The Gare Cf T The eyes are the most wonderful and delicate optical instruments in afl the Would and easily suljeeted sirain. There are feweyes that are not caused unnecessary detrimental strain, This produces the inflammation that is jthe tonbl: of many ind"whiel in turo is Gtten the cause of the unsightly | putiiness under the eyes,' Although it iit is nol possible lo civinge color orshape, the eppesrance of the tyes jean often be miuteriny improved by proper care, and the surroundipg tissue {Aud features se modified as to edd Excellent infor- imation on the eare of the eyes is given lhy Dr. Grace Veckhbam Murray in (the 'Mareh Delineator, Phe use of glasses is a gub-topic Lbat merils speciil atteri- tion. he Eyes to anil their ersPills Keep them in the house. Take one when They ace gb eel wt ious or a tieae rectly onthe : BUC "We gnarautee satisfaction to ont cur- || and watercolor portra It will turn Stock withont y injury -- beautify the Jarm -- does pot need constant patching and with reasonable usage wii iH last a lifetime. Nookiet and full particulars given on request. z -) FOR SALE BY Seescscnesdesseseeenans ROBERT SMITH, MONKTON. _ ec 2882 22 0°00 0806.8 That makes eatarrh such «a dreaded | disease. Jf you bave catarth ten t! drop) ing in the throat,if you tuwk and; ' spitand havea stuffed up feelingg in your nostrils you should use fragrant healing Catarrhozone at once apd get cured. 'Thousands have been. saved from.consumption and completely cur- ed by Catarrhozone, so there is no rea-' son why you shouldn't stamp out your catarrh also. Catarrhezona will really cure you aud prevent the Gisease {rom returning. It's very pleavant, just bal- sami¢ medicated vapor,---bo nauseous drugs, Absolute cure guaranteed to users of Catarrhozone; it ean't fail, try it. Complete outtit $100; sample size 25c. Farm for Gale. The undersigned 1 offers for sale tis farm, consisting of fifty acres, 45 acres cleared, balance in bush, Good brick house, splendid flowing well,and timber tora barn; also gravel for building a concreto wall, Four acres of fall wheat, and ploughing all done, If not sold, will be rented. Uaasons for selling, ill health of proprim 'ferfns of sale reasopable. Jor all information apply to JAMES H, MILLER, Lot 18, Con, 14,. Atwood P. O. Elma, ALL ALIVE! Now is your chance to seeure an up- to-dale photo of yourself or family.« A suap for ' THE PEOPLE here for the next 80. days, My prices are right, ranging from 7oc. per dozer and up. Cabinet photos a speciaity, something new for the people OF ATWOOD What fs nicer than a photo of your, self while in health, We will do buti- ness bere 4 R ONE MONTH only, 830. 7t forget to give us" a Call, tomes copying aud enlargiug. Greet die raits. u opt Puesday aid ae of ench wet k. Cail and see. samples ae ir's WHAT iE LEADS. TO. Wanted. Sealed tenders will b be received by the Tenders undersigned up to2 pin. 1 Peb. 13th, for the following + the shingtine of the enring roe: Nort Elma Cheese & Gutter M fe eis He the contractor to lift off od aos i furnish 4x D4yitish Colnmbia shingles and do the wérk ; 2nd--Also to erect derrick to hold whey tank; 3rd--For a man te divide whey and pumping same into tanks during the cheese season. For alt necessary information regard- ing the above apply to Jno, G. Dickson. Atwood 7.0., Ont. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, ou Soturdiy ist-- For = Tenders for Drain. Sealed tenders (marked teaders for drain) will be received by the under- signed up to 2 o'clook p.ta. on the 15th day of February next, for the tonstruc- tion and completion of the drain known as the Gernhelder Branch Drain (also culverts and bridges), Plans and specifications can be seen at the Clerk's office, Atwood. Contractors to 'name sureties in tender, each tender to be ac- companied with a marked cheque for $26.00, or cash to that amount. The -- lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Tuos. FCLLARTON, " Clerk of Eima, Dated Jan* 16th, 1994. Atwood 2, For Sale. The undersigned offers for' sale Sie : 12 month old Shorthorn bill, ANDREW ROBB, . Lot 22, con. 11, Eima, q NEWRY P 0. For _ Sale One 14 horse power. Watering trac- + tion engine ; one Champion separator with claff blowerand dust collector -- attachment ; tank withont weeon | Price, $800; 8100 in cash, Lave beet' -- two seasons. -Applyto ..-... . JAS. Da Munook,