~ Inspection i your ¢ rarret dlothes closet will eee think, or 'many a fabric that tan be made as- i} (B00 as new by dyeing. 'The cost 'Hil is-but 'a trifle and the 'modern'dyes -- ii --all of which we carry--are, 'so K 'simple to use that anyone 'cah hi 'with perfect success. Gye" f | 10c. invested in dye will often ' yield a'dollar's worth of results. Turkish or Diamond Dyes 10c.,a package ; 3 for 25b. J. A. MITCHELL, jDRUGGIST amd STATIONER, ATWOOD FENCES Wear Best s the ore strain--never ~ f acer = PAGE ence that has stood ~ a : Btatidard the. world' over, Order Py our THE 'PAGE WIRE -- oo. SG. LeaIrED. John Cuthbertson, Agent, Atwood. Dimity Paper in'four sbude 15c. a quire. "Very nice assortment of box paper and envel- opes 4s ho mete outof plate than the lets f | ter written' on'sloyenly, cheap look- 32 ing stationery. Nothing more (fF plainly betokeris the lady or 'gentle-~ man than the kind of paper and -envelopes they write ou, THERE'S NO EXCUSE for the use of the wrong kind when we are gelling the right kind cheap as we are selling it. --pads ftom de. to from 15c, to ee a ed ETD er MT EAR RM i = the test of t Walkerville, Ont.' sieatieans oak. or direct from ts. St. John, N.B. 'Winnipeg, Man, Sank of Hamilton. [Established 1872. "HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. Bton, WM. GIBSON, - -- Presfdent. +3. "*PURNBULL, 'Vice'President and 'General Manager. frasital All Paid Up © $2,000,000 / 2akerve Fund ($1,700,000 "yal Assets "$22;000,000 $6 BRANCHES IN CANADA 36 a USINESS a specialty. Notes'6f Aystens 2y farmers disoounted. ' MGs -- collected and advances made "TR tayecraos DEPARTMENT bas % "Tovar tet for making prompt returns. AVINGS DEPARTMENT-- --Deposits recelv- 'od from one'dollar and upwards; interest allowed ey current rates and added twico on June 1 and Dec. I. "No paslepeneta nor delays in drawing money. I prafts Bought and Sold. -ATWOOD BRANCH W. N. McK AY, Sub-Agent. "<1 business strictly confidential 'NOFES AND COMMENTS. "ne Directors of-the Western' Ontar- '+'Portland Cement Company are at 'esentin arather uncertain: position * 'wing to the inability of the township '-Wuneil to grant exemption of taxes, oI i 's¢ept school tuxes) for 20 years, and 'rree site, Itseems that this is in "a pature of a bonus, and as such it 'ald require a vote of the ratepayers. "ich a vote might be taken, but ffit '*hirg taken over the whole towuship: it 'tyht be defeated. <A sectional by-law 'intd no doubt beScarried by a sub- -sutial majority, but there are certain iwhbacks to a vote of that kind being Sten. -'Lt'Atwood-were an incorporated vil- -'oe, 'then the matter would be settled a Short time. The incorporation of '2 village'would doubtless§cause cov- *»~'wrable discussion, but the question ' - eustodecide is--If incorporation etienable ustekeep the cement in- "'3itry here, would it not be a good ex- evament? -'True our taxes would be SQhinuwhat larger'in amount, but then #24Mtin- we must rewneaber that this in- ausbLory-willemploy.« large- number of Mews mostly married at 'that. This will Ovid the erection of more houses, and ."¥ers-y additional fambly will mean that AQUCHh extra-in amount of collectable AaAXCtyg, besides the additios#! amount of NUNS Ey that would come intd the hands ef Ovur local metchauts. Then again the Jeurmers wouid be-benefitted ¢great- J¥; 8s more of their prédace would ve TeQuifired und they would-benodie to -fob- tM plenty of good cement for building | ,PRTr uses at a very low price, » "phate just come to this, that the} '| of the offer of free site, Swetors have beew offered 8 Snee-siteebildren: exemption from taxes'and a 'bonus of $10,000 to locate the works'ina neigh- borirg town. The Directors ate all res- idents of our yiilage and would like to see the works located here, but they are only the servants of the stotkholders, anc if the majority of the shareholders decide that they fhust take advantage exemption of texes and a bonns, then the Directors 'are helpless in the matter. Itis there- fote up to the people of Atwood and surrounding country to Tise equal to the occasion and see that that splendid industry is not lost to our town. Wecordially invite anydiscussion or correspondence Searing Upon this very important 'subject, and we urge upon all odr dtisiness men to thow some public spint. 'Let us have a. public . ¢/ Meetiog in Mitchell's halland invite all who have taken'stock aud those who, contemplate doing so, to be present 'to 'discuss the matter. Some people doubtless think that the works are hound to locate here and we would not require to offer any induce ments whatever. Now thisis a great mistake and a selfish one at that. It would seem that they desire to see the industry establishea here at the risk of other people's money, without having to contribute anything towards it. If it be established here, who gets the benefit? Surely not the promoters a- lone. Every person stands to benefit by it, directly or indirectly. Oue good feature of the cement industry is this, 'the Company is not dependent on man for the production of the raw material, 'The marl and clay are there in abund- ance and only requtre to be used to be appreciated. Our reiders may depend upon it that the Cement factory is go- ing to be built and uperated, and that the town which can hold out the best inducement ts likely to get it. So do not let as-be caught napping. TT , During six weeks of the stormy sea- son, the expenditure of the C, P. R. was $300,000 in excess of the same period of previous years. A case for damages was recefitly set- tled at Middlesex winter assizes which is of interest 'to townsbips. The plain- tiis were Mrs. Munro and Mra. Kenzie of Metcalf township. It will be remembered that some months ago a threshing engine was being hauted across a wooden bridge which spanned asmall stream in Metcalf, when the structure gave away, precipitating the machine und a number of men into the ditch below. Messrs. Muoro and Mc- Kenzie, husbands of the plaintiffs in the present 'actions, were among the nhumber'that met their death, being caught'under the thresher and ~ killed, The plaintiffs set"wp a claim that the township was responsible for the main- to tenance of the bridge, and that if the latter had been kept in proptr repair the accident would'not have happened. When the Council"met, a 'aettiement 'was made, Mrs. Munro being awarded judgmetit for $1,800, of which she gets $1,000, three children $100 each and ar- other $500. Mrs. McKenzie got a" ver- dict for- $1,600; 'she to receive $1,300 and the: balance'to-be divided among the J AUCTION SALES Joseph McLennan, lot 29, con. 11 Et- ma, Jwill '>have a sale of farm stock on Tuesday, March Ist. Alex. Morri- son is the auctioneer. John Houze, lot 8, con. 12, Elma, has authorized Alex, Morrison, auctioneer, to sell by public Auction on Wednes- day, Feb, 24th, at 1 p.m., all hts farm stock and implements. Full list in this week's paper. Sale without re- serve as Mr. Houze has sold his 'farm. 1 span matched mares, rising 5 #46, 1 mare, rising 10 in foal to Oliver Wilkes 1 driving horse, 6 years old, 1; driving horse, 3 years old, sivéd by Oliver Wil- kes, 1 colt rising 2, by Oliver Wilkes, 10 cows, supposed'in«calf, 1fatcow, 8 helfers, rising 3, 'supposed in calf, 1 heifer, rising 2, supposed in calf, 2 heif- ers, rising 2 years old, 4 steers, rising 2 years old, 1 Durham grade bull, rising 2 years, 8 calves, 7 wellbred ewes, 2 brood sows, due to farrow in about a month, 18 store hogs, about. 8 months old, 50 bens, 1 Deering binder, nearly new, 1 1 Massey-Hurris mower, 1 Massey-[lar- ris seed drill, 1 Massey-Harris disc har- row, 1 Massey-Harris hay rake, 1 straw cutter, 1 gang plow, 1 pulper, 1 fanning mill, l scuffler, 1 turnip sower, 1 set of iron harrows, 1 lumber wagon, L'spring wagon, 1 set plow harness, 1 set single harness, 1 set bob sleighs, 1 road cart, 1 cutter, a quantity of hay, 1 grain cra- dle, 1 sugar kettle, 2 cook stovee, Ll box stove, 2spinning wheels, a quantity of carpet and othef household effects, also forks, chains, whiffletrees, scythes and other articles too rumerous to mention. RACKING PAIN IN THE JOINTS. Also every form of rheumatism, neu- ralgia and .ciatica are best cured by Nerviline, the quickest relief for. mus- cular pain yet discuvered. It's because Nerviline strixes in and penetrates right to the core of the pain that it gives such unbounded satisfaction. "T caught cold in my shoulders while driving 'and suffered great pain, writes G. E, Demp- sey of Berlin. L used Nerviline freely and was soun quite well. I have found Nerviline an excellent remedy for rheu- matism and neuralgia as well. as for cold on the chest. I recommend Ner- viliné highly and wouldu't be without it." Price 25c. Farm for sale. The undersigned offers for sale his farm, consisting of fifty acres, 45 acres cleared, balance in bush. Good brick house; splendid flowing well,and timber for a barn; also gravel for building a concreve wall. Four acres of fall wheat, and plougbing all done. If not sold, will be rented. Reasons for selling, ill health of proprietor. Terms of sale reasunable, For all information apply 'JAMES H. MILLER, Lot 18, Con, 14, Atwood P. 0. Elma, For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale one 12 mouth ol@ Shorthorn bull, ' ANDREW ROBB, ' , Lot 22, con. 11, Elma, é We invite our custemers to cal] and inspect our splendid line of new Spring goods just opened ont & #8 %@ *% & CDI TIHEC EGS Our Groceries are always fresh and clean. | : 29D 'Highest prices paid for all Farm Produce. CS TIES TOD The Popular Place to Trade. W.R. ERSKINE + eee" BY LAW ito. 463 ----OF THE---- TOW NSEIP oF Hla... A B,-law to authorize tha issue of Debentures of the Township of Elma for the purpose of granting # Bunus of to The Guelph Juuetivo Ruliway Company iv aid of the said Railway. Whereas'a petition signed by atdewst'50 freeholders resident in that portion of the said Towuship of Kima in tpeCounty of Perth heretuatver descvibed, such petitioners being duly qualitied yoters under "Lhe Consulidatea Municipul oe 1903,' has been presented to the Cuuucil of the said Towimulp, praying Uthat, By-law be submitted for the assent of the qualified ratepayers of buch portivn se said 'Towuship, granting a Bouus of $6500.00 tu aid of the said Railway, proyid- ed the sai Raliway be constructed on wuat is known as the central rouie, by way of the Villages of Milverton, Monktou aud » the station of ruck railway for Monkton to be nut wore than halt a mie West corner of lot ic - the 18th Cuncessron of the Township of Eima, now in tie Village of Monk Aud. Whereas that. portion of the said Towuship of Elma-berainvefore refer red'to and which is interested iu the couetructiou of the said tuiiway, or through 6r near to which the seid railway may .pass, is that portion of the suid townveblip consisting of ull lots and parts of lots comprised iu the I2tb, 18th, 14th, Lbth, 16tb, 17th and 16th Concessions of the-said 'Lowuship of Eima. And Whereas it is deemed expedient to graul the prayer of the said petitivun: And Whereas in order thereto it will be necessary to Issue debentures of the said Towuship of Eima for the sum of a8 hereinafter provided (whicu is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-law), proceeds of % 18 said debentures Lo be applied to the suid purpose, and to ue olber, and = proviaed that the said railway-by constructed on what is known as the central route, as uerein before descridved or detiued, and proviued that tbe station uf such raiiway fur Monkton aforesaid be uot wure thau haifa mile distant frum the sSeu-n West curner of lot 46 of the 18tn Concession of the Fowusbip of Kina, vow in the Village of Moikton. Abd Wher be'amount required by "Tae Consolidated Municipal Act, 1903," to be raised aunually by special rate forspaying the said debt aud = interes is the sum of $178.9, whereof 826) WO is to be -valsed anoually for paynieut of juterest during the currency of Lhe suid deventures, aud 3218 3u is to be raised annually for the purpose of creating & Siuking 'fund-fur payment of the debt ease by the said debentures. d Whereas the value of the whole real property rateable under this by- law, ~ site by the last revised Assessment Kull of the Muvicipaity, i¢ al, res 000.00 Aad W hereas the debt intended to be created by this By-law is created on- the security of Lhe special rate settled by this By law wud ou that security only. FUEREFORE the Municipal Cuuacilof the Cuorpuration uf tue Lowuship of Elma eusclts as follows ; 1, A bonus of $3300.00 is hereby granted to the said The Guelph Junction Railway Company iu aid of the sad:Kailway, subject tu the provisious hereiu- before recited,; aud for the purpose Of cruising the sald sum, Gebembtures vi the said 'Township of Elina to the amuuel of $650).00 as afuresaid shall be issued in sums of not Jess thau 310U,00 each ow the .st day of March, l9u4, each of which said debentures shali be dated ov tie swd tirst day ef March, 1904, dul shail be payaule ov the first day ef March, a ai the Msauk of Hamiitou io te 'Lown of Listowel in the said Cuunty of Per 2. -Bach of the said deventures- Satiatt be sigued by the Reeve of the said Township of Elma, or by some otber persun authorized by by-law to sign the same, aud also by the 'l'reasurer thereof, aud the Clerk of the eaid Tuwasbip 3hall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Municipality, 3. 'The said debentures shall bear interest.at the rate of tour per cent. per annum payabie yearly at the said Bank on the First day of February ineach and every year during the currency thereof and shall have altached to them coupons for the payment of the suid interest, which coupons shall be signed by the said Reeve aud 'Treasurer, 4. During the currency of the said debertures there shail be raised annually by special rate on-ali ratudle property in that-portion of the said Township of Eima-hereinbefore particularly described, the said sum of 8260.00 for payment of interest on the-said debentures and the "said sum of $218.3u tor the purpose of creating a eyed fund for payment of the devt hereby secured, makiug iu all the sum of 3478-30 tu be raised anuually by special rate us aforesaid during each year for twenty vears 5. This By-law shall take effeet on the 15th day of February, 1904. The votes of the duly qualifted electors of tbat portiou o: the said Town- ship of Eima hereinbefore purticularly deseribed shall be taken on this By-law at fhe following times and places, that 1s to say, on Tuesday, the twelfth day of January, 1 1904, commencing at the heur of uine o 'cluck in-the forenoon and con- tinuing until five o'clock _ the afteFnvuon of tie: same day, by the following Deputy Returving Officer For polling sab- division 1 No. 6, at Grange Hail, lot 16, con. 16, Elma, Jobn R.---- Hammond to be Deputy Returning cer. *For polling sub-division No. 7, at Lambert's School House. Wilson Ranaey to s Deputy Keturting Officer. n Saturday, the 9th day of January, 1904, the Reeve of the said Town- ship. of Elma shall attend al the Monkton Hotel in the village of Monkton at two o'clock in the afternoon to appoint ons to attend at the various places aforesaid and at the final summing up of the vores by the Clerk, on behaif of the persons ingyrested in and promoting or opposing the passing of tnis By-~ law respectively cs 8. The Clerk of the Township of Eima shall attend at tke Agricultural Hall, Atwood, at two o'clock in the afternoon of the 18th day ef January, 1904, 4 sum oP the number of votes given for and against this By-law and declare the resu Dated F kiiis the 15th day of December, A.D., 1903. Pa Seas NOTICE that the foregoing is a true copy of preposed By-law, ich has been taken into cunsideration.and which will be ingily passed by the Gounell of the Municipality (in the event of the assent of the electors entitled to vote thereon being ob}ained thereto) after one month from the.Grst publication in The Atwood Bee Pani gt the date of which first publication is Friday the 18th da "4 of Decem 908, and that the votes of the electors of that portion of Hse sai Muntoipaltty erribalarty described in the said By-law will be taken thereon on the day orl us t the hours and ann nares in fix WM. WHEK OS. FULLARTON, CrEerx, Dated at E'ma the ieth ¢ day of December, 1963. TAKE NOTICE-:--The aboveis.a true copy.of a By-law passed by the deep hy Couneil-of the: Tuwnship.of Eima on the fifteenth day of © Febenary, uré-hereby required to take notice that apyone desirous of sing to md st such: des ony. gaat i wit make bis cathe, a ---- for test st suis wine three mon ication of this pets &: a Sewapaer siiee The Atwood Bee week for three or be-will be too NEWBY, P.O, |' . THOS, 'TU.