Atwood Bee, 26 Feb 1904, p. 10

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CECIL Saecrone BA, ae er tae. OMNES ioens Grice _Mall Dr. Foster, Dewi " iox--Main-st, Atwood] ' = Will 'visit At wood every Wedinestny gtipenoon. DENTA iL. Dr. W, A. »MCDOWELK," DEHINTIST. RADUATE of Royal College of Dantal Sur Ontari "Pordnto' University. Office over Thompson Bros. More, Listowel, t. \-Biaver FFICE--Main St.. Atwood, over THE Bex office. Whi Sher ope évery Mon, a.m. ' DR, W. "M. BRUCE, DENTIST, FICENTIATE R. C. D.S., On Lo "D. D. 8. Trinit jatversity. pratt Graduate Farkol hool of f Prostivetic tog be found daily in his new office over o.'s store. Entrance by same Main St., Lis- ainir ra ah Dr. *tutherford, . towel, MEDICAL. #} ~ -DR.A. S. LANGRILL * Jlonor Graduate of Toronto Univers- SE rseuttate vamge of Physicians anc Surgeons of Ontar Special attention given to Eye, Ea Nose and Throat,~ Evenings preferrec + for such work. Office and residence--Main-st., nex! > Mrs. Ruger's store, ATWOOD, ONT. D. A. KIDD, M D., ATWOOD, ONT. Physician, Surgeon 'Accoucheur. A full course of six weeks in 18%¢ Pa And a full course of eight weeks in 1901 pOffice Hours : 7 to 10 a.m. , to - in The New York Post- a Schoo} , and llospital, New Yo Special attention to Diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat. Diseases of -Women children, and operative surgery, and p. m. 6 to 8 p, m. AUCTIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED gaa rte FOR THB Monkton, Ont. or particulars ap ply at this offic ALEX. MORRISON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR -the Counties of Perth and Huron. * Charges moderate, All orders by mail ! or otherwise promptly attended to. At- wood P. O The Place a Your Money Why keep your money for doubtful .» Mortgages at low rates of interest, ~ when at all times, in large or small ad teens for any reasonable per- od, it can be safely inyested in the gol bearing bonds of the British fortgage Loan Company, Strat: ford, at four per cent. interest, p able 'regularly evéry half year? nn "f 'safest and best investment. The "debentures of this Company are re- commended to Executors, Admin ee and Trustees, ag by the 'Statates of Ontario, chi apter 180, and by specia! Order-in- Council of 'September 3, 1902, they are made a egal investment, for trust fuuds, "The County of Perth and acy Perth -Muvual Insurance Com British Mortgege Loun « Company. Heposits interest is paid on daily "~ ba ances aud is ead: evers half year. BUCKINGHAY, Manger me ford ¥ lt Wes. Toya retirned: tant pautiad 4 |Poms Pleasant trip to California. Ie]: wo expressed himself as well pleased vith) ' --= | the firip and enjoyed living inCal fornia. | - Some portions of the .state had not had ahy tain for 9 or 10 manthe, birt-for the s able 6ne. 4.a'sposed of $2,000 worth of stock and Serptemad ya sposed of the stock, &in about 314 | Vices. Neabitf-Hamilton is visiting Strat- fri tends. * ot the $r0a plood--make 'at pure a ing, burning; itching: skin disease' will disappear. ... "I was taken 'with an Itching on my atms: Ww - very ' coneuaed it.was salt rheum and bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. In two days 'ifter I taking. it I.felt better and it 'Most-part- "the season "has been B a ie Wm. M. Shearer's auction, sale, held on Inst F riday, prayed tobe A «grand cess." Alex, Morrison 'wielded « the '| hammer with 'such 'dispatch that he was not jong before I was lever. bad any skin, disease since." 3. ina-K.-Vanp, Cove Point, Ma. -- aator fi out 4 honrs The | cows realized from $42 to $52, and the calves sold at $15. Jno, Houze's sale on, Wednesday of this week was also 2 Sevdiene realizing $2134, Mir, Morrison {food's Sarsaparilla vis the blood -of all impurities and ures all eruptions. AUCTION SALES . Joseph McLennan, lot 29, cop. 11 El- ; ma, twill have a sale of farm stock On:Friday eyening:tast an pujoyable (on Tuesday, March Ist, . Alex, Morri- tim= was speht by-a number of Metho- 800 is the auctioneer. The following is dist-young peopleattiie home of: Mr, the list; 1 Blood horse, rising 14 years, 1 and Mrs} Jobin Love. 'Daring the even- | blovd mute, rising 7 yer, 1 blood horse hours. -Seal¥es bronght$122 and the cows ranged from $40 to 850. A two year old' heifer sold for $42, }pingMes. Loveswas presented with a Tising 6 years. 1 C.yde horse, rising ?, handsome couch'as'n'mark of Apjrecia. | by Royal Conqueror, 1 cow with calf at tion of her services as choir leader, The side, 8 cows, supposed in valf, 8 heifers, following address, to which Mes, Love! rising 2 years, 17 steers, rising 2. yen 8, replied briefly, was rend by Miss Martha | frst etass quality, | grade bull, rising 1 Thompson: Mrs. Johs Love: Dear! ye#*T, 8 Steers, rising | yaar, 8 heifers, Friend,--Your fiiinds of the Atweod | rising L year, 10 Leicester Ewes, 3 sows, Methodist church desire to conveyto' Supposed in pig, 5 pigs, 2 months old, you their.deep sense. or the -value - -of | James. Purtertieid, lot 14, con, 6, Il. your services among them. You have ™@, has instructed Alexander Morrison worked in the Epworth League and au ctioneer, to sell on Monday, Feb. 29, have for some time discharged the dut-}0Y public auction the following valu- ies of choir leader, and when we. re} #ble farm stock and implements; member the amount of time and Jaber | 14 cows, supposed in calf. 1 three year necessarily involved in this work we | Old heifer, near calving, 14 two year old feel that we Owe you a debt of grati- | &te-rs, from 1210 to 1400 Ibs., 1 spau of tide not e:sily expressed. We dr.) Working horses, 7&8 years old, 14 sre fto give-you "this évening. es, ti lamb, 1 ram, 10 brood sows, all not only a verbal, but also a tangible pig, L thorobred Yorkshire boar, 40 evidence ofour regard and esteem | hens, 1 shoe drill, 14 shoes new, 1 ten Please then accept this gift asa slight | 've drill, L hay rake, new, 10 feet, 1 token. of our estimation of your ger | hay rake, 8 feet, 1 land roller, ~ 1 double Our earnest prayer to the Giver | Tidiag plow, 24g shares in Elma cheese of «}l good is that the many pleasant | factory, 8 shores apd a quantity of g gherings in our 'little Eden' may ve | Busehold effects. ts pical of the happy re-union which, we trust, will take place in the beantifui Eden beyond, when we shall all jein in hegacred melodjes of heaven. Onur surnest prayer for you is that happiness may attend you in your new lotin life tnd that you may always, realize that highest juy found only in the Master'8 service. Signed on bebalf of the choir and cungregation : Nellie [lamulton, Ida Penhall, Will Thompson, Mrs, Crooks, Mrs. McBain, Samuel Wherry. The evening, which was spent in var- ous games, was brought to a ciose by a social and enjoyable tea. Alex, Morrison, anctioneer. bas re- ceived instructions from Andrew Thompson, let 9, con. 3, Elma, to sell by public auction on Wednesday, Mar, Q2ud,atip.m.ali his valuable farm stock and implements, also a quantity of household furniture. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Is CAUSED By a thickening of the lining mem- brane of the middle ear owing to pro- longed inflammation from catarrhal germs, The only cure {fs fragrant, heal- ing Catarrhozone one which is carried by the air you breathe to the remotest HiE DESERVED Pity parts of the throat and ear; it reaches His suffering from sciatica was so,the source of the trouble and cures great, but thanks to Nervyiline he: was! deafness permanently. Every sufferer c.iréd. "I suffered for three years from | from impaired hearing should use Cat- sciatica," writes E.S. Jenkins of Port-) arrhozone which has effected many land, "and ever suffered more! wonderful cures, You simply breathe I used a few bott'es of Nervilina and its healing medicated vapor--very eusy was perfectly cured, I can recommend | aod pieasant, Do this and your hear- Neryiline as a sure cure for sciatica; ing will be restored. Catarrhozone never fails; it is guaranteed. Two montbs treatment for $1.00 at drug- gists. it's excellent also tor rheumatism. and neuralgia." Try Neiviline, 25c. at ali druggists. arsed - Goods Kept Here We are just-throwzh Stock- taking and find 'a ntim- oe of odd lines that are of no particular use to us, but may be just the thing you require. Ifso,you can pro- cure them at Holmes', and he is_not_ selling them, just- psaerl ricing" them to get them out of the way. Ladies' and Misses' Mantles $2.00 Ladies' Wrappers' FS, $1.00 Furs of all kinds, Men's, Boys', Youths',and Chil- drens' Overcoats, Ladies' and Misses' Gauntlets. Winter Rubbers, all sizes. Winter Goods of all kinds at equally low prices. Call and see what we have in the shape of Bargains for you. . It will afford-us much pleasure to show you the bargains we have in store for you. The prices and quality not suiting, we do not expect you to buy. J ust Arrived New Vrints, New Spring Goods of all kinds, but we will talk to you about them Jater on when the snow rolls by. C. H. Holmes, Atwood. --==. FE BEES CLUBBING LIST. We are in a position to offer the follow- ing papers, clubbed with The Bee, for the year: 1904 at the following reasonable rates : The Bee and Montreal Family Herald & Weekly Star, including Two Premium Pictures and the Map 'of the Dominion of Canada for 1 75 The Toronto Daily World and Bee, o from now until Jan. 1905 for 3 The Weekly Globe and Bee 1 75 The Weekly Mail and Empire and Bee 1 75 The Montreal Weekly Witness & Bee 1 75 The London Advertiser and Bee The Farmers' Sun and Bee The Farmers' Advocate and Bee Toronto Saturday Night and Bee 3 This is a partial list.. Call. and see us and take advantage of this, offer of good, cheap reading. With large, stiff stay wires, makes a perfect Not one pound of soft wire enters into the Gonstruction of : THE FROST. The uprights are immovably locked to the running wires with THE FROST WEDGE-LOCK, making an absolutely, Stock-proof Fence, The Locks bind' without kinking or crimping either the stays or lateral Wires. Will not slip, and our new method of enamelling and baking prevents fust, which adds greatly \o the appearance of the fence. Make no mistake. Buy THE FROST. itis the heaviest andthe best. For sale by OOOO IC} A Coiled Spring Wire Fence G,T.R. TIME TABLE. ; leave Atwood eetion: 2 scab. 'South, as ae = _ ROBERT SMITH, MONKTON, | S. WATSON Complete Grocery and Bakery Full Stuck of Breakfast Foods, always fresh. Orange Meat # Force Food . adie DDOTISSS Shredded Wheat Oatmeal . Grape Nuts - Swiss Food Malta Vita Rolled Oats | Highest Bike pei for a was x " Produce, here, be sureand '(grant the Company exémption. Portland Cement Millis Cannot Supply Demand shebefeah cfoafeeleeh of hobeole dfeedee bead PLANT SITUATED AT COLDWATER, MICH., TO BE ENLARGED-- PRESENT CAPACITY 750 BLLS. PER DAY TO BE ENLARGED TO 4,000 BLLS. PER DAY. The most economical cement plant for power and fuel saving,in the Unit- ed Statag or Canada, says the Professor of the Natural Science haat Toronto, who bas been making a study of cement and cementplants for the teaching of pupils in that school, as some of the gentlemen of the Science School now hold stock 1n the Weste" -«)ntario Portland Cement Co.,Atwood, Ont., has forwarded a plan to the Directors here for their consideration free of charge, and if they accept it as their plan to ancees itas a donation trom the Practical Science School, Toronto, The Directors of the Company have had plans from other experienced Engiueers and as yet they hreve decided to take the plan of the plant at Cold- -- water, Micb, This plant manufactures 750 bils. perday. 'The machinery is of the latest rotary system, We notice that the great professors of to-day are spending time and money investigating the cement' enterprises ; also ain stock in them. The Westera Ontario Portland Cement Co, has the finest beds jn Canada of mari, clay, and peat for fuel. and it-will be the largest dividend paying-cement -- company in Canada as it bas:natgral-ad other cement magufactur~. UVic. ers, This Company is started on the soundest basis and the Directors are local men und have put a large amount of money in it themselves, and'we suggest to. our Conneil of Elma to give this cement company exemption of taxes for 20. years and free site, and have the #orks lopated here. Dp not wait till other ar- -angt mente ate made. - ey ¥ill empldy 99 men, an@these, will pay more taxes, tenfold than you are asked to exampt. If you wish So see the works gatablished ssistance thus giyen will ba . d i you will thas bave helped industrial scheme on tq - 7 for' . : ~ it will be mnde,

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