Atwood Bee, 26 Feb 1904, p. 4

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thi cl DS éétion re oir; par rete or 'és'closet will reveal,we think, maya fabric that can be made as." "HET CAME: ° 1 good as new by dyeing. The cost. af 'but'a trifle and the modern dyes | o--all- of which "we carry--are 'so le'to use that Sny one cen dye a Fhiperfect success. "New invested in dye will often. Weld a a dollar' Turkish or Diamond Dyes 10¢.'a ee 3 for 25c. J. A: s worth of results. _. fs tio' 'more yout of slaasnain th the: jet. - ter written | on sluyenly, cheap look- 8] ing: stationery, _ Nothing more qi "plainty. belokeng the lady or gentle- man than the kind of pabeingud envelopes Shey, write 0 on, Belg TAERE'S NO FACUSE for the nse of the wrong kind when * _we. are selling the-right-kind-cheap ~}} as we are selling it. Dimity Paper in four shade 15c. a quire. 'Pads from 5c. to 25c, - es, from 15¢, to : Very nice assortment of box 'paper: and envels opes, 50c. MITCHELL, DRUGGIST and STATIONER, AT woop, [SS SS SS ----------------E-- ee ee ee A ETD PAGE LAWN FEN Indestructible, Handsome, Perfect. Only 20 --_-- per ranaing foot. THE- PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. Supplied by us or local deal Limited, aisle Montreal, Winnipeg, St, Jchn _Jobn Cuthbertson,. Agent, Atwood. oa of Hamilton, --fHstablished 1872.) 2HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. ION. WM. GIBSON, - - President? J: TURNBULL, Vice President and General Manager. ~ @apital All Pa:d Up $2,000,090 Reserve Fund $71,700,C00 Total Assets $22,000,000 &$ BRANOWHES IN CANADA 56 'FARMERS BUSINESS a specialty. Notes of responsible farmers discountec SALE oe éollected and advances made the s OUR COLL ao TION DEPARTMENT has every facility for making prompt returns. SAVINGS a ARTMENT-- Doposits recelv- ed from ono dollar and upwards; intérest allowed at current rates aud added twice each year, on June | an No formalities nor delays in 'ecu ing money. Drafts Bought and Sold. TOOD BRANCH W. N. McKAY, Sub-Agent. All business strictly confidential ATY NOVES AND COMMENTS, For 1994 there are no eclipses of the moon, but there are two of the sun, both of which are invisible to uz here This is the smailest number of eciipses that any year can contain and whenev- ; er there are two they are. both of the Bun. + The strenuons life is lived in Hamil- ton but sometimes the:forms it takes are hardly in keeping with what might be termed "the correct thing." In Stin- son street school Master Byron admin- istered the bine beechvor the "sat" in "too large doses tothe son of a fond mamma and with firein her eye she armed herself with a revolver and went tointerview Mr. byron. [Je might as well haye quoted the poetry of his own namesake about "Ilis days being in the yeilow leaf, &c" when he saw his inter- regator but hs declined to surrender. An apology by the.tender hearted par- ent aud.a promise by 'Johnnie' tobe a geod boy has brought the threatened eusiaught to an. amicable end... Wr worder whether Mr. Byron would have found it safer to stand or run if-the fire arin hud been oreought into action.? Because 2 woman can't throw straight i: does not fvilow that-she might not be +l to put windows in your anatomy with a lively seven shooter, After this before any schoolteather attempts to pruigh xo usraly papi they should. see thnt tieir insurance and.'aceident pol- igies are in good repair aad not ueglect ty wear sheet fron liniug to their vest ercout. Eveu ifthe X rays do help the . doctor figh ont the leaden ticklers many lgachers are too modest to accept 'pres. entations from parents unless at the cee OF, the school term. Hamilton wus aalaofal wickeé place --Dvst. The report of Inspector Wm. David- son of the Perth House of Refuge: in- forms us thatthe average number of inmates during the past year was 65. -The-cost-of-maintaining them andre pairing House was 35,310.67. ihe ace tual cost tothe county 1s $4,874.29. MONKTON. A load of young people from the Me- thodist Sunday School drove to Milver- ton to attend the S. S, convention. The Mitchell bankers played a game of huckey with the home team on thé rink here on Saturday afternoon, The Seame was the best exhibition of ho - ey seen in Monkton this winter. The score was 3to liu favor of Monkton, The rink was decéorated with flags for the occasion, The attendancé was large. Mr. McKay, manager of the Sank of Lamilbon,.played with the lo- cal team and did-spleudid work. Achecker tournament is being-ar- Tanged for next week, Atwood, Newry and Monkton players are the competit- ors, Checker playing is all the rage. at present. Miss Nellie Merryfield is spending a few daysin Milvertun attending the S. S. convention, Word was received last week that Gilbert McKenzie, who recenily left Monkton for Sarnia, where he had _ se- cured a2 position in a saw mill, witha rather serious aceicent,. While working on ascaifuldin ths mill he fell and broke his Jeg near the ankle, Mrs, McKenzie, on receiving word, left immediately for Sarnia, Philip Schade intends starting a = cher shop in the spring, Wewish him success. Jas, Graham, our drayman, is going jnto the coal business this yoar. Those desiring coal will do well to place their order early. The experience of the last two years should teach people the -ne- cessity of having a year's supply ahead * On Wednesday evening, Feb, 24'h, at the home of Wm, McLaghan, father of the bride, Jas. Ray and Miss Agnes MeLaghan were united in maralage. The ceremovy was performed by Rey. H. E. Currie. Mr, Ray, has purchased the homestead from his father. The Masonic Lodge held its regular meetiog on Thursday eveuing, when Samuei Smith of EKilice received | his first degree, David Smith of Milver- tou and Jno, Ellacott of Monkton re- c'ived the third degree. The lo ge is receiving many new members and is in a flourishing condition, Tbere was a large und an apprecia- tive audience gathered at, Knipe's hall on Thursday evening, Feb, 18th, at the presentation of the comedy drama, 'Our Jim' under the auspices of the Jnwp tennis club, The entertainment was 4 decided success, the proceeds amvuuut- ingtoover forty five dollars. The stage was tastefully decorated fort 8 eccasion, Thh manner. in which tue ALU Crm hong de Sage and heavy, and 'Stops hair and d cures dandruf. Sold for met play was presented indicated much ar- duous piactice on the part of the young peuple, and reflected great credit on the part of Mrs. (Dr ) McKenzie who train-. 'ed them for the occasion. Ralph Rob- ertson as 'Our Jim' and Miss J. Ander son as Grace Antwerp, took the lead ing parts and were weil received. Juo. NecKenzie in the character of UncleJno was exceptionally good. Wm, I[tLol- man, as Deacon Tidd, played his part well, Edgar Wilson took the part of Major Madge in a manner that did him credit, Oilie Wilson took the part of Garcfine Antwerp and Edith Erskine, Deborah Matthews and both = acted well, Nettie Terry; 78 Bessie Mudge, Major Mudge's daughter, was all that could be desired. Art. Davis, as John Henry Tidd, and [1 Bettger, as Dob Matthews, were quite athomeia (their parts, Owing to the illness of O, Rob- ertson Andy ferry took the part ol Bill 'Tidd and udder the circumstances did his part with ability. The Companion Court, L. O. -F. tend holding a box social in their lodgd room on Friday evening, The hockey team played the return match with Milverton team on the lat- ter's rinkon Tuesday afternvon. Tha score was2tolin favor of Nonkton. A large number drove from here to see the game. The postponed meeting of the Farm- ers' Institule was held on Wednesday of this week. There was nota large atteridance owing to the severe weather, but those present listened to splendid addresses delivered by Mr. Sheppard of Niagara on "Small fruits, their varieties and cultivation." Mr. Elliott of Galt ou "Reasons why the boy should remain on the farm." Dr. McKenzie was also cailed upon and gave aspicudid address. The speeches were both entertaining and instructive. Joseph Near died at his homein the village ou Tuesday morning, ir. Near in- for many years. Lle tarmed in the vic- inity 'of Monkton untiljast Fall, when he sold his farm to his'son and moved to the village. He took sick shortly after and las never been well since. Mr. Near was a life-long member of the Methodist church and was a man of sterling character and highiy re- spected in the community, The funeral will take place ou Friday morning at ten o'clock, James Moffat, of the Boundary, west, is on the sick list. Rey. Mr. Abrey attended the §$,§. convention at Milverton on Thursda:. Seal We invite our" customers to eall dnd eee our splendid lite of 'new 'Spring goods just" opened out. 9 spe ae Our Groceries are always fresh and clear. snes Highest prices. paid for. alk Farm Produce. The Popular Place to Trade. W-R. ERSKINE has been a resident of Elma township) - ae BY.AR Wo. ----OF THE ITOWINSEIP oF Euaca. A B,- law to authorize the issue of Debentures of. the Townsh! p 'of Rima fer the purpose of granting a bonus of $550, ta. 'Lhe. cuaien Junction Kauiway Company tu aid ol the said aealvey Whereas a petition signed by at least 50 fr eehulders resident in that portion of the suid Township of Kina iu the County of Perth herveinultter described, sucn petiliouers being dury qualified yolers uuder "Phe Consolidated Municipal Act; 1903," has been presented to the Council of the saia Township, praying Uat a By-law be submitted forthe assent-of the quatiligd ratepayers Of such portion uf said Towusiip, granting a Bonus of B6CU0.00 1 ot tie saia Rauwuy, proyid- ed the sai. Rasiway be constricted on want is kuGwhas the cenira route, by way of the Villages of Milverton, Moaltou - sn Waltop, the stuuion of ,sueh raiiway fur Muoukton lo be vet uiore Lban balla mile distaut from the South West corner of lot 16 i the rSth Guucession of thy Powuship of Eima, now iu the Village of Monkton, And whereas iat portion of Ura said Towaship of Eima hereinbefore ref-r- red ty and which is interested in the coustruction of ite Said-railway, or through or near to Which Lhe said raliway way pass, is hat portion of the said townsuip consisting of all lots und parts.of lols comprised iu the i2th, 18th, 14th, 15th, 1SLb, 17th and 18th Concessions of the said 'Township of Eima, 'Aud Whereas it is deemed expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition: And Whereas in order thereto 1b will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Lownship of Eutna for the sum of $6500.00 us bereiuafter provided (which is the amount of the Gevt intended lo be created by this By-law), proveeds uf the said debenturts to be applied to tne sald purpose, und Lo no olier, xud . provided that the said railway be cousiructed ou wuat is Known as the central route, as avitin before deserived or delised, and provided that the stativo of such raitway for Moukton aturesdid be vot more tiatu haifa oils distant [rom the Soutur Wai curner of jot 16 of the 18ta Cuopcession of the Lowasbip of Kina, uow io th Villiage of Mouktpn. Aud W hereas Lhe amount required by "The Consolidated Municipal "Act; 1993," tu be raised quinually by special Pate for paying The said debt aud iutecese is Une sum uf $178 3u, whereof $269 00 Is td be raised" anbually tor paymeut of luteresi during tie currency of tlie said Geventlures, and S218 3Vis to be raised annually for the purpose of crealing a sinking fund for payment of the debt secured by the said debentures, And Whereas the valpe of the whole real property rateadle ander this by- law, as show iy by the last revised Assessment Mull of the Mucicipaiity, 13 31,0U6,0u0. And W hereas the debt intended to be created by this By-law is created on: the security of the special rate settled by Unts By law aud on that @ecuriy oniy. '{HEREFORE the Municipal Couccil uf the Curporation of taw Lowasnip of Elma enacts as follows : A bonus of $3500.00 is hereby granted to the said The Guelph Junetion Railway Compauy in uid of the said Railway, subject lo the provisions hereiu- belare recited ; aid for tbe purpose ot raising the said sum, "debentures of the said Township of Elina tu. the amouat of $5500.60 as aforesaid shall be issued iu sums of not less than $100.00 eachon the dist day of March, 19 44, each of whiclt said debentures shall be dated ov the sad Urst day of March, 19st, wut shail be payavie on the first day of Mareh, rh at the Bank of Hamiltuu lu the Luwa or Listowel in the said County of Per 2. Each of the said depaneneee shal be signed by the NKeeve of the said fowuship of Eima, or by some other pérsuu authorized by by-law to sigu the same, und also by tue Treasurer thereot, and the Clerk" of te said Towash, , shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Municipality. : 3. "The said debeutures shall bear iuterest at the rate of tuur per cent. oF annum gayatile yearly at the said Bank ou the First day of February ineach and? every year during the currency thereof and shall have attached to them coupour for the payment of the said interest, which coupons shall be sigued by Lhe suid Reeve and 'Treasure 4, During the currency of the said debentures there shail be raised annually by special rale on all ratable property in that portion of the said Towuship of Elma hereinbefore particulariy described, the said sum of 260,00 for payment of interest ou the said debentures and the said sum of 8218.30 for the parpose of creating a sinking fund for payment of the devt hereby secured, making in all the suum of $478 30 a be raised annually by special rate as aforesaid ne each year for twenty yea 'dD. 'This By-law 'shall take effect on 'the 15th day of February, 1904. ; 'The votes of the duly qaalified electors of that portion o1 the said 'fown- ship of Elma hereinbefore particularly Gescrived shall be take on this By-law at thé following times and places, that 1s to say, on Tuesday, the twellih day of ° January, 1904, commencing at the hour of nine o'clocs in the foretidon ama «cons tinning until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the foll lowing Deputy Pete caaaiteia rsi-- For polling subsdivision No.6, at Grange Hall, lot 16, con. 16, Elma, John R. Hammond to be Deputy Returning/Otticer., For polling sub-division No, 7, at Lambert's School House. to be Deputy Returning Officer. 7.- On Saturday, the 9th day of January, 1904, the Reeve of the said Town- ship of Elma shall attend at the Monkton Hotel iu the village of Monkton at two o'clock in these aw arnoon to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places aforesai? mand at the final summing up of the votes by the Cierk, on behalf of the persons juterested in and promoting er opposing the passing of this Ly- law respectively. 8, The Clerk of the Township of Elma shall attend ut the Agricuitural Hall, Atwood, at two o'clock in the afternoon of the 18th day of January, 1904, to um up the number of votes given for aud against this) By-law and declars the result. Dated at ima the lith day of December, A,D., 1903, Wilson Ranney CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haye Always Boughi Bears the i : Bignaturs of 'VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer Feta it soft and glossy. it always noel = 5 sanded i TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a truecopy of a proposed By-law, which has been taken into consideration tnd which will be tinaily passed by the Council of the Municipality (iu the event of the assent of.the Bentars entitied to vote thereon being obtained-thereto) after one month from the first -pubiication in The Atwood Bee newspaper, the date of which first publication is Fiuiday ths - i8th day of December, 1903, and that the yotes of we electors of that portion of the said Municipality particularty described in thes By- aw Will be takea thereon on the "8 f' estat a the hours aud places there in fixe WM. WILERRY, OS. FULLAR ge CLERK, Dated at E'ma the ons "day of December, 1903. TAKE NOTICE :--The above is a true copy of a By-aw passed by. tha Municipal Council of the Township of Eima on the fifteenth day of Febraa Ys. And all persons are hereby required to take notice that. arrone desirous of applying to have such By-law, or any past thereof, quasted, must make his ap- _ plicativn for that purpose to the High Court of Justice Within three months ; ext after the publication of this notice once a week for three successive Weeks, : the nerrige. aid catled The Atwood Lee or he will be teolate to be heird ige that behalf. Dated February 161, 1994. THOS. FULEARTON, Cian, EL

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