HEAD OFFICE, 4 TORONTO. Branches in Outario, eg 2 Week Territories, a "LISTOWEL BRANCH : NK DEPARTMENT=Dopanita [" etnies Aas interest added 'to petnetpal SPES Sete attention atves* to the. disconnting at 'all ee in oe, Aanitobs, North hb Go mya. da, United 8: and Euro moni Gi RDERS senate 'payable ee it any oath Canada. Rater-- or $16, 8c. ; FO $0, Le. ; 22 to $30; Rk RKEL L, Manager. J. Wy SCOTT & SON, Bankers istowrel, Omtario. (Cstablished. 1372.) Loa te ay Palmersten nud_ Clit A. Halsiead, Stount. Forest 'OFFICES : ford ; also w and Shelbur icon A Genera} Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, paysblo in all parts of the DOMINION, UNIT- EDSTATES and GREAY BRivTAIN, 'Notes Discounted. Ree ontis Received. Curront rate of Interasi alléwer "a R large epount of Private Fu: ad rtoctend on 'good farm 'Security at Four aictdne- half per cenl., wi ib prtvileye of rousing 'einclys st ually. , Mucriage Lic enses issued, --_---- 'gUCCESS attends the greduntes of "On Jan. 4tb, Two courses, C Unime relal and Short. 'hand, Send for Cottege j: nie. A. L. MeIN TYRE, secretary. 1904 Wiutes cee Gegiies, LARGE ATTENDANCE. Vy billy, Clg STRATFORD, CMY We have enrol er - many students dur- ing the last five montbs, counting from September, ai we Sarai x] dast year it . ten t a ung tend students enrolled at any time. W rite "for catalogu W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. FIRE FIRE THOS. MALE, LIs~owWEL, (Successor to W. H. Hay) Ace for a he iad be alg Mutual Fire 1: oo oo, Ont., und the ¢ Mutual Fire Nace a e Co. , Londdn, Rates low ; absolute security. B.G of Tar Ex, Isauthorized to take. ocal rievks or above Companies ut his office, Atwood. Stock Raisers Say They Are Alrisht. Prof. A V.M. Day's English Tonie Powders (5° separate packages) for horses, cattle, hogs, sheep jand poultry. They make tonic, food aud fatten stock. Day's Cream for Calves, wilh skim- med or separated milk, pre veuls scours and acidity of the stomach. ROGER & RAT LIPFE, AGENTS, ATWOOD. WANTED A man to represeut "CANADA"S GREATEST NURSERIEs" in the towu of AT wii OOD and surtounding country, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Sma}l Fruits, Ornamentals,Schrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. _-. Stock true to name and free from. Sad Jose Scale. A permanent position fory 5 the right man on eitber salary or conia mission. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSEROES cidared, balance in: hus ~| reasouable, and Mrs. John Irvine, this wee The sympathy of this commu> ty | 4s Arthar Robb in This their aad be: ae ment. Paliace text week, "Wm Hy meng. avi ; the 'move on to the farfh vacated by fr t » "dir, 'McCracken. We ure sorry to raport theit,..Al: 8. ey | Masofi is couflued to hér bed with a B= | vere attack of grippe. ger attended the S. S. convention ~ at Milverton this week. Herbert MceLoufian .of Listowel is spending 4 tow donsisn' at hia bom? fere. WIEN your apperi rE FAILS. Aud it. makes you dizzy to even think of jailing ou need Ferrozong the great- eaf'nt uppetizing tonics, It bitilds np ihe whole body, the taste becomes a- ware Of. new Mavors in food you never noticed befure, A relish and' after-- satisfaction in eating is another resnlt from Ferrozone Which improves -the digestion aud converts everything eaten iato neurisument. fog the bleed, and neryes) Just one Perrozone-tabiet efter meais, easy to take and pleasant. - Try) Feriozode. Price 50, at druggists, SMLARAIDD: McLrop--Lamont -- At the manse Atwoad, onthe 17th inst., by Rev, P. A. McLeod, D.D., William Me- Leod to Mary Jane Linont, both of Eihel, Grey township. MILLeR--Porp-- At 'the mause, At- wood, on the 7th ipst,, by Rev, P.A. McLeod,- D. D, John Miller to Vilizabeth Ford, both of Elma, Dr. Gordon, pastor of the Bond street Congregational church, Toronto will deliver bis-fanrous lectira, "Grace, Grit wud Greeubacks', in the Congregation- al chureh, Listowel, on Tuesday, Mar, isth, Admission 15 cents. ALMOST EVERY WOMAN [singled to habitual coustipation }and shonid use Dr, Hamilton's Pills of | Mandrake and Butternut which cleanse {the system and regulate the stomach jar ad howels., For mild and sure use ouly IL - Hamilton" 8 Pills. Price 25e. > -- A FE W rORPEDOES, jeietion Spectator.) Russia seems to have been travelling on its size, The Cztr complains that little John- ny Jap hit him when he wasn't looking. For an autocrat of about a third of the world, nis niva the Czur is a good val of a@ whiner, The Rassian exiles ara not mindiag the 'rigors of a Siberian winter" the ASL DIt Just now. Scoismen willinsitst that Russia do no niake a change in her naval fl 1g. fhe cross of St. Andrew doesn't look well over peuple who puilit down wwith- gut ficilug asdot when tha eaemy ap- pears. Alexieff does not, in his dtapaten to the Czuy, "regret to repor", but when he hears from Petersburg he'll probab- ly regret that he Teported. -- LOS AL MARKE- TS. WukAT, 8. Oars, 0c, PEAS, 69. Bancey, 38 to 49e, PLour, per ews., $2.50. BUTTER, per lb., ic. to 15e, Eeas, per dozen, 22c. POPATUSS, per bag, 75e LARD, per |b, 12¢. to l4e~- rlocs, live weight, $4.6) perewt, [lipes, per lb., de Beer per quarter, 6c. to Se. per Ib, Coa, $7 25 per ton. aris a ereeedliigaaeen eresjans Card of Thanks. Hiving so'd my stock to Mr. A. D, Goodwin, we beg to thank,our uumer- ous patrons and friends for the very libero! patronage we have received dur- ing the past six years we have been in > business in Atwood, T.iecommend to}. you my successor, feeling confident that you will receiv : good treatment at bis ands. M. M. HILES. Farm for sale. The undersigned 0: offers for sale his farm, consisting of fifty acres, 45 acres brick honse,-splendid floy tog Welland timber for a barn; also gravel.for building a Ppp Wall. Foar acres of fall wheat, d plonghing ail done. If not - sold. Meilk berenved. Reasons for selling, ili health of preprictsr: Terms of sale or all information 'apply JAMES I. MILLER, > DYER UCR ARB ES ~ aORONTO ee Paging: ans be Lot 18, Con, 4, ~* Atwood P. Q, j ae oa Joseph Metrneken is making ee , ee to move to 'bis nriv. faim. 4p.) = Messrs. EW Vipo dandDan, Ane. extended 10 the family. and frie sof aes di fireamt of. It was Taglioni;: our chief peas St the opere and "this is ber "chief feat, repeated over and over to But duc 'at her feet,; 'and not-a man, except Car- 'lyle, "who =did 'not- seem disposed to 'fling himself. - >But' what ;of. that? The 'empress of 'all the: Russias once in a fit of: enthusiasm " flung her diamond bracelet at the feet of this same Tag- Honi--"virtue its own -reward" (in this World)? -- Dancing is and singing and 'some other things still more frivolous. But. for virtue? It may be strongly 'doubted, as Edinburgh people say to 'everything one tells them." z 'Policemen of the Seas. Revenue cutters are the policemen of the high seas. They have regular beats to patrol along the coast, looking for vessels in distress, suppressing smug- 'gling, illicit'seal hunting and mutinies. They also enforce quarantine regula- tions, examine ships' papers, supply lighthouses and act-as life savers, am- bulance corps, fire at at age and mes- "senger boys generally for the: goyern- 'ment at sea. The first revenue evifets were built at the order of Alexander Hamilton Icounted twenty-five | when he was secretary of the treasury, and except in war time, when they nre | subject to the authority of the navy, they are still under treasury depart- | ment orders. Strange to say, however, Atis in times-of-peace that revenue cut: | They | save many lives and property that is es- | timated at many millions yearly,. Their name gives little idea of the great and | ters fight their hardest battles. varied service they render the conntry. He Met His Match, 'Fhe Russian marshal Suvarof was famous as a jester and was fond of confusing the men under his command | by asking them unexpected and ab- | surd questions. But occasionally he | met his match. Thus, one bitter Janu- | ary night, such as Russia only can pro- duce, he rode up to a sentry and de- |! manded: "How many stars are there in the sky?" The soidier, not a whit disturbed, an- swered coolly: "Wait a little, and I'll tell you." And he deliberately commenced counting, "One, two, three," ete. When he had reached 100, Suvaroff, who was half frozen, thought it high time to ride off, not, however, without inquiring the name of the ready reck- oner. Next day the latter found bim- self promoted. Pecallar Twins. A Harlem mother who bas twins and is perforce obliged. to study the pe- culiarities of the species affirms that never has she punished one of them-- they are both boys--for a misdeed but that the other committed the identical offense at the very first opportunity. Moreover, if one asks a question, es- pecially in regard té an unusual hap- pening, {n the absence of the other his brother almost invariably repeats the query and very frequently in the same phraseology. Her twins are not bad boys, but the mother says that she is satis- fied of the fact that twins require as much attention and make as much noise as four ordinary children. Wounds of the He In wounds of the heart itaelt the es- cape of blood is never in ifrge quan- tity, and the lethal consequences are due to the fact that the escape of blood from within its cavity or cavities into. the surrounding sac of the pericardium mechanically interrupts the alternate contraction and expansion by. which its pumping action {s maintained. Ac- cordingly the results of the wound of athe heart are usually identical with those of gradual suffocation One Thing Unbroken. % rt' toe 199 "The 'Kina You. Have caicapad Bought; and swhictr has in use for mba ses 'eats; has borne the sichatrn = , and has been made under his "sonal sapervision. since its in fanc: "What i is 'CASTORIA. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Ou, Pare- goric, Drops and Svothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 'Tt 'contains neither Opium, Morphina' nor other" Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, 3{ cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation - and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the * Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. -- The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. (GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS? Bears the Signature of ~ The Kind You Hove Always Bonght in Use For Over SO Years; tt | won conan enact' oe Sa cann om, " : .,* . =) . --_--_ rr Oe HVE Be 1K" WS He KK. tHe ALK RIE 'E Nervous Weak Men._| youn Rdie-eged sie ti are annnally ewept to Gist ve throu " rC ats inpise ETION, EXCESSES, vt, 8 D- one -- ae you have any of the following aves eee ult us before ie a ge ous and weak, despon specks bsfore 4 or swith ~~ cireié under them, weak back, dane irritable pales = of the bearct, bash{ul, dreams and losses, sedim ones fa urine, ow checks, Careworn expression, poot menioryy lite ufos dietensita fe lack stunt arena tired mornin restiess nights, c! ated Onpane ieeeeenes One ecay, bone pains, bair sore thsont, 'etc? will cure you. MEN'S LIFE BLOOD. appiness. at weakness, or sexual axcepan ARA tively cure you. CURES GU. ED. A. Muir, of Lima, 0., says:--"I was one of st counters victims of eariy ¥ at iss years of re weakening tri ied sc tem. F or a yearn 2 balpe Twas ae apin ie a in rhe me, none crred, fact, contemplating -- when vised $2 re: ISU nit RES SN seven years go--am married and happy. heartily recommend Drs. KX. & E.to my acicted 4 BeforeTreatment fellow m | Sar We treat and cure Varicccele, Emissions, Nervous Byrne iy Serinal. Y em Gieet, mg poe Syphilis, Unnatural fain es Self Abuse, Hicne F an iMiacéer Diseases, an: nil diseases of Me en and Wome . aa-NO NA need USER. Php mia veberrien CONSENT. PRIVAT Ne mo ato sentC. O. D. nameg ou boxes. ar envelopes. bla "rgd te SKE ay Ques 2 listand moecut t tredinien t, FREE. " s. Kennedy & Kergan, 148 SHELBY STREET, wernt Piss. Standing over the shattered remains , ts of their last Dresden thina statuette, | 5 the exasperated mistress said to the awkward servant: "Is, there . anything you haven't broken since you:have been witli me?" "Yes, mum," replied the servant. "I: have yet to break. mne- record. for. de- io structiventss.". His Revenge. ies 80 ht answer i final. You" will not be She--Never! ° 'But pray don' 't go antl blow your brains out. He--It would be an idle attempt. Peo- ple say if I had any. brains I. never. should have ee to you. wsay ld man eta 508 anit Have & "4 big. time tonight." it a rs ' pUST - GOLA | is a woman's best friend when wash day, comes around. It mdkes. the clothes swoet. and clean. ° « Takes only half the time and half the labor of soap. Just follow directions on package.....: Made only fe THEN. K FAIRBANK (COMPANY, -