$3.000,0c0" au Corie! I torp $2,960,348 and 7 we " Total Assets = $29,812. 672 patna Sama LISTOWEL BRANCH s vesGs wat _ DSPARTH ENT Pepow ts : sd peti reat added to prinoipad sPeCrat 'attention given to the "discounting of farmorts' notes. BRATS SOLD, available at all points in MONEY KS iment seyatio nrany Tiale ee Ol IER rade any ia Cana a tite ur $10, &c.; $10 to $20, 10c. ; $20 io aR. ZRKEL L, Manager. J. W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers suwistouwrel, Ontario. [Established 1872.) Palmersten and_ Clif toad, Mount Forcast cng aly IF FECES : ' . A. Hals ford ; alwo wi aud Shelour A Goneral Banking Rusineas tranancted. ' DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, guyable in all parts of thc BOMINIGN, UNIT- ED STATES aud GREAT BRITAIN. Netes Discounted. Deposits Received. Cr 'urrent rate of interest allowed A large amount of Private Foués to lend farm security at Four ondt es -half oan cont., with privilege of repaying principal srually, ' Marriage Licenses Issued. TRAIN UP A CHILD and when up, send him or her to Term begins April 11, 1904, Two courses--Commercial and Short- haud. Send for journal. A. L. Morn: iE, voretary MANY CADLS are received fram bustnoss firth pul Many srude nta are placed in good Bai fons each r by the famous CENTRAL YU STRATFORD, ONT This school stands for the highest ar nay 'Dext In businers education in Canadato-day. 3 Many a colle, ges employ our gra uaten teachers. t have scorer OF nprlb - cat viona | froin nig ce~, Ask to neo log them the day you eup Commence course mow. Catalogne eres Ww. ELLIOTT, Principal. = % jday merning, Death umburg, ply ag Ateverd and Menkton cuir tenrns will play a game on the Park here, , Saturday. eve at 630. m. Admission 10 cts. Every one sins ond encourage | the boys. -. The local Methodist cherch had one of the best years, finarycintty for years. Itsanntal statement will appear in -pook form in a few days. WANTED--SPECIAL REPRESENTA- Tive in thiscounty aud 'adjoining ter- ritories, to represent and advertise an old established business house of solid financial standing. Salary 221 weekly with expenses, prid each Monday by check direct from headquartera peuses advanced; pesition permanent We furuish everything, Address, The Columbia, 630 Monon Bldg, Chicago. Pork Factory in Operation. After being closed for a long time, the Palmerston purk factory has now 'been putin Operation agaur, with the best of prospects for -earrying..on a] ), propt-) sucecersful -business. The new etors. Massre. O'Mara, ave so. strong fi- nanciaily, and go well in touch with the British trade, that the snecess of the business 1s now assured. Joseph O'- Mara is now in charge of the business here, Mr. Faleonet remaining as chief assistant. Killing-and curing has been started, but the siaff of men is 'still in ° sufficient torun the plant to its full 'capacity. Fora starter the factory is 'paying $4 75 for 'hogs this week, quite abit above tne ducal market price, --Pulmerston Spectator. : CALOMEL RUINS THE SYSTEM d should only be used uuder a doc ta orders. Kura mild physic take Dr. Aamilton's Pilis of Mandrake and Batternut. No gripe, ne pain, certain relief fur headache, constipation sud torpid liver. Use only De. Llamiltou's Pills, price 2ac. The-death tovk place in Listowe! on Monduy, the 23rd inst. of Robt. Stewart sun of Jas. Stewart, gravel road, Eima, Ar. Stewart was a victim of that fer- rible scourge, Consumption, and has been Ul for more than a year, The faneral tovk place on Weduesday in Listowel aud was iurgely attended. We hope to inake & more extended refer ence next week. have the sympathy of many friceuds. "There died at his home on Con, 2, Elma, Ab, Aleimilton, son of the late Mr, HamiJtan, gravel road, Elina, Phis sad eveut touk plase en Wedues- IS StIpposced have been cauged by cancer of the of the stomach. Mr. Hamfiton was 2 hard worker aod last year sustained a ' heavy loss when his burn aud all con- FIRE ! THOS. MALE, (Succersor to W. | FIRE! ! LISWOWEL, H. Hay) GENT fer oP Waterloo 3 Mutnat Fire In terloo, Out, and the Ontai iri or above Companies at | office WARNTEB A man to represeut "CANADA"S GREATEST NURSERIES" in the town of AT uf COD and surrounding country, avd take orders tor Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Schrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potitoes, &e. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Seale. A permanent pusition for the right man on either salary or cow- amission. ~ Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES OVER 800 ACRES TORONTO - - - - - ONTARIO Stock Raisers Say They Are Alricht. Prof. A. V. M. Day's English Tonic Powders (5 separate packages) tor horses, catile, hogs, stieep 'and poultry, They make tonic, food aud fatten stock. Day's,Cream for Calves, with skim- med or separated milk, preveuts scours and acidity of the stomach, ROGER & RATCLIFFE, AGEETS, Po toe i Sr; BS tents Were burned to the ground, and | be himself was sevivus!y injured, while ee to save his horses. Ite has nevei been well since that time, fer to-this matter at greater length next week, We extend to the bereaved selutions our Biicere sympathy, Coneert. A concert In aid of the school libra-' ry will be held ov the schvol grouuts of 5S.S, No. 10, Grey, (Whitfield's school) con.12,0n Wednesday evening, June Ist. Wm McLeod, the clever comed- ian of Ssaforth, and who ranks among the best comic singers in Canada. has been engaged for the occasion, along with other exceNent talent. Masie will be furnished by an orchestra and there will be a refieshment booth oo the grounds, If the weather be unfay- erable for an onidovr entertainmeut the program will be given in the school house. Everybody welcome, Admis- sion {5cts. Program at§$ o'clock, ee deere TO BREAK UP A COLD Ané sich complaints astshivera" ane ague we recommend Neryilice very highly. Twenty drops of Nerviline tak- en in hot water with a little sugar three times djily not onty stops the chius but Knocks ont the disease campietely, Ner viline bas a direct acrion on fever chitls and removes the conditions eansing them, In stomach aod bowel -trouptes Nerviline never fails. [is pleasant te the taste. qnich to relieve aud, always cures permuuently, Get a 2dc, bottle o day. Vegetahies, Among those vegetablea containing the largest per cent of starch may be mentioned petatoes, beans, corn, peas, 'carrots,@beets, turnips and parsnips. The pungent vegetable foods, us leeks, onions, gariias, horseradish, etc., in- crease the saliva and the gustric juices, acting somewhat on the kidueys, Thiet In a Charch. At Cologne recently a thief chased try the police took refuge In a church and, kneeling before the altar, claimed ' sanctuary after the medinval fashion. The police arrested him all the sume. fourth day Ee j to * We will re) : thre m raf the Edlate Arthurt sip pes ome br or P oth. fare | na, mer, deceased, ; Notice is hereby given pursuant " : R Ss. 0. 1897, chapter 129 that all sons having 'cluims or deminds aga iat the eee of the said Arthnre Robb, de- j ceased who died on-er about the twenty of February A. D. 1904 are Feqiired to send by post prepaid or to deliver: to-the undersigned executors |. at Newry P O, or to Biewett and Bray at Listowel, Ostano, their adiiciturs. on or before the twenty-seventh day ot Juste 1954 their names and addresses with fall particulars in writing of their claims, the statemen: of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any.) heul by fede duly verttied by Statutory Devlaratio And ake notice further that after the taventy seventh duy day of Juve: 19094, the execulors of the said Estate| will proceed to distribute the aasets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shal! then have notice as aforesaid and said exe- cutors will not be liable fur said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shali not uve Deen reccived at the time of such distribution as aforesaid. Dated at "towel wg twenty-sixth OO NILELAM ROBB Ww AM ANDREW F. ae Execators. By Blewett aud Bray, their solicitors. Executors' Notice to Creditors Of Abraham Farrell, late of the Vil- lage of Altwood, ta the Vonnty of Perth, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statutes jn that behalf, that ail cred itors and others having claims agaiust the estate of the said deceased ,who died at Atwood, in the County of Perth, on or abont the 15th day of May, 1908, are uired on or before the lst day of June, 1904, to deliverto Morphy & Car- thew at Listowel P.O., the Solicitors for the undersigned, the Executors of the said deceased, 8a statement iu Writing Of Lheir names, addresses, ana descriptions with full particulars of their claims and the security (if any) held &s them jand Chattafter the said las! mentivoed date the said executors may proceed to distribute the estaie of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which they may then have notice, and that they will not be liable iu respect of the estate so distributed to any person of whose claim they may 4 . : / not then have received notice The bereaved family ' 1 Dated at Listowel this 28th day of April. 1904. JOHN A. ROE Atwond P, ¢ ANDREW M.SWEETON Newry P.O By Morphy & Carthew of Listowel, Ont., their solicitors, Fxecutors Notice to Creditors. Evceentors' nolic to creditors of Oldrin J. IF sale late of the Totwn- Ship of Elma, in the County cf Perth, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to ithe statutes in that behalf that all crea- itors and others having Claims against the estate of the said Oldrin J. Fisher. who died ou crabuut the Sth day of April, 194. at the said Township of Ei- mua, ave required on or before the 8) hb day of May, 1904, Lo deliver to J. Cecil Hamilton, Barrister, Listowel Ont., sol- icilor for the undersigned executors, or to the slid executors, a written state- meut of their names, addresses and oc- cupations, With full particulars of their claims and of the seeariiies Gf any)ueld "Z5o Dosr cow by then. And notice is further given that after the 3).h day of May, 1991, the said ex- ecutors will distribute the estate of the said deceased, having reyard only to the claims of which they may have notice , and that they will not be liavie for the proceeds of the estate so distributed to auy person of whose claim they had not notice at the time of such distrivution, Dated this 8rd May, 1904 JOUN FISITER GEORGE Fisiien { Executors By J. Cecil Hamilton, their solicitor ....Get Your.. Painting an' Paperhangiag , , done by Ed. Huck. who guarantees a first class job at right prices. Work done satisfactorily. promptly and Give hima HUCEH, | Pape hanger and Artistic \-Bocsrator. .. _ seal Preparation i Naiing the Food and saa: Promotes Ge atch ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. Apeceet tem Stowach, grist Worms Convulsions. Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimile Signature of 'Clenew, For Over . Thirty Years. THe See COMPANYS NEW YORK SITY. oo Pe re Ee ni 2AL6 AIO rath + olds, 5 CEN a ais 2 min the world bas the ones Efen and Womnem ar Den K.& me! ey sions, a Depattey : Syphilis, Varicocete Bersetues Gliest Scorce 2'Bindier Bisstad. eat ex and Mentai Wea knees, Kid- iacases. Theis guarantees are backed by Bank Bonds. counts BLOOD POISON! be tobertieds Bt bat it x itipaeeimoto at sie it to pet ee sche grates hick ag fa arm thice Bewara o y and Potash treatment. D. K. positively. curse the wo cat cases or = a VARICOCELE & & STRICTURE an estod ftom burteten tet meri enters La vour uffe ha g--no detention from pede oa te) onan rain ere 'The strictare fiseuods absorbed anid can meveraWEMER® Dre. K.& E. | Kidneys & Bladder pone er aching bacB tells the tale. Don't lot Doctors can cure youif you are not hapoed Pati aid. away. neglect your k asi ap by Dont nes on you. Dre it They guarantees to Cure or Re Pay, GURES ovaes ANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. Coneultation "i Frec. Book t Free, (sealed.) Write Joe 'Guestion Blank fer Hoc-s Fa : 'Treatment. Everything Confidentia : not SHELBY STREET K DRS. waraneite & ici OETACIT, Micts