an ele ee eee MorPRry & "GARTHEW), ~ BLEWETT. & BRAY; "QARRISTERS and Soliciiura, Listowel, Wat. reg to Leun. So) rs for scott's King House usd Ont: 'Perm: bryfiding & Amociation.Odsiees orer Scott's Bank; ' wel: 0 R. BLewers. Gx. Bret, B. A. ¥@: CECIL HAMILTON; BA, : BARRISTER, CUNVEYANCER, DLoney t> can. at 4 per cent. OFFICE--Main-st., ListuWel, text to Dr. Foster, Dentist. Branou Orrice--Main-st., Atwood; dyer Tite Bee otfce. Will yisit: At- Wood every Wednesday afternoon. DENTAL. Dr. W, A. McDOWELL; DENTIST. - 4 RADUATE of Royal Coltoge of Penta Sur geons of Outario rie nor Gradvate of Toronto University. Office d¥er Thompson Bros, store, Listowel, fh B } RANCH OFFicFE--Main St.. Ativood, over THE Ex office. Will visit Atwood every Mon day, fro 9.30a.m. : x _ DR. W. M.. BRUTE, DENTIST, sas owel, Ont. MEDICAL. DR.A.S. LANGRILL Yonor Graduate of Toronto Univers- y. Licentiate College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. _ Special attention givea to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat, Evenings preferred Jor such work. Ollice and residence--Main-st,, next dirs. Roger's store, ATwoop, ONT. Dp. A. KIDD, M.D., ATWoopD, ONT. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. A full course of six weeks in 1899 And a full course of eight weeks in 1901 in 'The New York Post-Graduate School 'nd Hospital? New York. operative surgery, =.4)fice fours : 9 to 10 8. m, a }to3 p.m. 6 to 8 p., m. VETERINARY. G. A. CUNNINGHAM, i° ical As ntario. Calls by telephone or otherwise promptly at- tended to, night or day. Office: MAIN S8T., ATWOOD. AUCTIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD; LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THB County of Lerth, Monkton, Ont. Rutes moderate. For particulars ap- bly at this office. ALEX. MORRISON, LICENSED AUC rlUNEER FOR the Cuunties of Lerth und _ Huron. Charges moderate, All orders by inail br otherwise promptly attendéd to. At- wood P. O PS G.T:R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and Svuuth, zs follows : GUING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. express 7.40 a.m. | Mixed 9.10 a.m ixed 10.35 a.m. | Express 12.52 a.D press 3.48 p.m. | Expres3 7,05 p.m LOCAL MARKETS: WHeEaT, 87v Oats, 20. Pras, 60 to G5. t Barer, 38 to 40c. Foun, per ewt., $2.50. Butrer, per 1b. 12¢. oas; per dozen, ide. PoraToEs, per vag, 290¢. to $1.00 Larp, per Ib., Lie. to 12e : ifoas, live weight, 95.00 per owt. ~' Hypes, per tb. Se. he quarter, 6c. toe. per Id. 1 Purn.ecs, take yore wool te C. fy s Huimes, Atwood. He will give you the highesr niarket price, Mrs. Hutchison and tatty of Grey spent 241 with Miss Ovens: Fred and Miss Mellie Bitte of "At Savtirday. ae 2 Mts. Roe of Milverton was visiting at her Sou Hobert's, cou. 12, Inst week. Tuesday, May 2¢tb, saw a number of young people wending their wey to the bunks of the Maitland at the rear of Mr. Wherry's farm. © Fishing was tlie order ot the day, but when the little finnies retnsed to bite, gantes dird other vmusements were Indnlged in, 'Poison bein the thost popniar, eh! Watt. ? Hebdtess to say fetf. fish were caught, Asevening camé-ti a tired and for "Horn looking band of people scattered 1o their ¥ariuft's homes. \(. and Mrs. 8 Wherry spent the 2th in Listowel. Mr, and Mra J, McCatchaon of Wal- Ince spent Santfay with friends op the 12th: Will Ovans was in Guelph Tuesday seeing his father, who ig in the hospital there, undergoing. speci! treatment. Mise Lottie Adams Visited her sister Mrs. Little; for # few days last week. C. Orans lost & Yaluable horse last week from bleod poisonthg. : a tee Miss Jacobs of Blyth and Miss Welsh of Ethel are visiting Miss Eve- lyn Tarnbull. . Mir, Wil Love spent the 2ith at Mitchell. Mr. Malcom and. Miss Love of -Mit- chell spent Sunday with friends on the 10th. Miss Trintay, teather at.8. S. No. 4. spent the 24th at her home in {Kincard- ine. . ba A. Barr spent an evening at Ivy Cottage. Mra. Wm. Graham atid daughter Al- dith and Miss Mina Graham yisited at Woodstock during the holidays. een gasp tae aitee Mary Forman shd Adam tn- clis af Galt sneut the holiday Visiting at fhe homes of Wm, G. and Walter Inglis. Miss N. Alexander of Britton and Chas. Kerr, Carthage, visited the Miss- es McCourt, 14th Con. on Sanday. The Maple Leaf beef ring started op- erations on May 2ist on the farm of Wm. G. Inglis, lot 23, con, 7, Elma, and the members Were ¥ery glad to have it started again. It was started with a right good beef which dressed 740 Ibs The animal was furnished by George Hnme who does not do anything by halves. The ring bids fair for a good geason's work. _ That excetlent horse, Local Option will stand for mares as follows; Mon day, will leave bis own stable and pro- ceed to Adam Willotighby's, con.$11, El' ed- | ma, for night; Tuesday, to!Peter Duck- jow's for noon, thence to Wm. Robb's, con. 10, Elma, from 3 to 4 p. m., thence to Wm. Scott's on the boundary for the night: Wednesday, to Jno. Carson's in Morningtéo for noon, thence to his own stab'e for night} Thars@ay; to Leonard Hutchison's, con. 4, Elma, for noon, thence to Molesworth for night, Friday, to Wm. Coates' for noon, thence to his own stable for night; Saturday, to Jas: Gray's, con 2, Elma, for noon, thence to his own stable where he will remain till the following Monday. wood visited Mrs. Liugh hichmoud last Che Good O% 'Ger a. a and six bottles made me baby, she conld not iets othe bala ci 1 at _kcep anything oe totunch, afd WE Save her Hood's tilla which cured ber." Mus. T nis, Wallaceburg, Out. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures kidney and liver troubles, re- lieves the back end builds up the | whole system. ~ COMMUNICATIONS. Dear Editor,+En reply to the item in last week's issue would say that Citize: is starting to take quite an interest in: the comm unity al! at opce, but he took good care not to prrblish the drunkery disorderly baf<room fight which took place in the yillage on or about the ev. of the last municpal election participa. ted in by a pnblie citizen of our com- munity whieh was wot at all to be com - pared with the schoolboys' squabble concerning which you were wrougly in- formed us there was no filthy language used nor was'the dispute oyer accon.- panying a girl home. OnE OF Tue Youne Bioopr, To the Editor of TnE BEE. Dear Editor,--In reply to the item in last week's issue regarding ou: little dispute we would say that the writer let us down somewhat easy when he owned up that we were not intoxicated. We can surmise the reason by saying that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones, Will the writer allow us to trot him back to the last election times when the pugilist of high degree flourished his fists above {iS head and filled the air with fumes that smelled like sulphur fumes. Ip truth we need a magistrate; surely we need the C, E ; surely we need the E. L We have heard a great deal said about broken bearfs brit our opinion is that the writer's gizzard ig the the toughest piecs of meat in thé .whole kritter Now Mr. Writer, get behtad a tree and fumigate your own clothes. Letus a- lone. You have bad your day; it's ours now. Boyt will be boys, "She's all that fancy paiuts her, She's lovely, she's divine. Yours truly, Yue STH LINE GuTTER SNIPES. In regard to the above discussion we desire our readers to distinctly under- stand that we take sides with neither parties, We claim the right to use our columns to rdvance all the interests of the village and community, and will do so without fear or favor. We desire the parties to confine themselves to the topic tinder discussion --Haditor. AN EFFICIENT TREATMENT FOR CATARRH b but when ded the poor tolerable ex- cis found zone, which r remedies " writes d me.' Catarrozone cab Two months treatmen 3.7 Beskeske * 2 2.2. .2. 8 2 2.2. A, ress Fe increas 2,2. 3 So che Be ake ob € the he oe Wie it ae et y Millions a oe ad ee ee) We occupy the place - we do better we guarantee at any- m ~ IT nquire A. WADDELL MET pt 2.4..3. 2.0 28 8 2 + : s 2 28 Tes POSS SPST Tes ere Tee se ee ee See de THE MANUFACTU Ss - "ty The record of the Manufacturers it amongst the best life companies 10 applications for new insurance 1D each of the last four years amouhting to the following sums :-- 1900--$4,894;87% : 1902---$6;502,569 : for the intveetor than they do, because we not only invest your joney and pay you pro- fits, but from the moment you enter the company, you an amount which may fall due moment should death overtake you. for further particulars to Life places Canada, the 1901--$5,502,096 1903--$7,764,542 of the'savings banks, but F i District Agent, RERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY | 'These ents represent the latest utyle of cor- rset | Summertime ay: Coming --aee sets, unsurpassed fur Veauty, co pete ¥, comfort and dur- We Aim to Lead = ut we admit that we are in advance of tha se1- 30n this time, buc the Warm weather Will soot ne here whet vos svt he looking for seasonable, Sa up-to-date goods. In'a word, we can supply your wants to your heart's desire iu afl the latest Dress Goorts, Drese Trimmivgs, Wrist Ends, Waist : oe Vestings, Mustins, Shirt Waists, Wrap- pers y-to-wear, Prints, Gimghams Tnsertions, etc., etc, ™ -- TO SEE THEM IS .TO ADMIRE THEM Hats and Caps in abundance. Boots and Shor' and a great, big stock of Ready-to-wear Clothing in men's, youths', boys' and children's, No doubt yon are aware cotton goods have advenced at i 4 ' east 10 per cent. We bought early and cau supply you at the old prices, Space will pot admit us enumerat- ing all we bave to offer or quote you prices, In Fact quality is the great factor tn prices; : ; poor goods. are nie ee price, Examine our ear get our prices, be your own judge. A full stock of Grocer: ies always on hand. . a You will find our prices as low as the lowest and our prices for farm produce of all ki the highest, 2 _ TO WEAR HEM IS EVERLAS/ING COMFORT THIRTY DAYS -- aa , aan Prices are cut to the bottom on every article. Many lines at half the regular rice. Suit lengths in Worsteds* and Tweeds at sacrifice price. Ready made Suits in Men's, Boys' and Youths' at less than wholesale prices. Our Hats, Caps, Ties and Collars will go at almost any price. Your time to buy at our prices will soon be over. Next to Marshall's Hardware J. K. BRICKER. New Goods Arriving This Week Ladies' summer Percale Corsets. Children's Hygian Waists. See them. Ladies' and misses' Ready-to-wear Skirts from 75c up. A lot of ag and Caps for Summer Underwear; ose, Sox, etc., in plenty. Boys' Linen and DuckSuits $1.00. Men's and boys' tweed and serge suits. Ladies' and gents' Cravenette-Rain: coats: - luatest styles lowest price. We expect a raft of Boots and Shoes on Friday. Best and latest, which we are going to self at prices that will gurprise you. . Grocery prices are at Rock Bottom. _ Discount for cash or coupons on our free silverware. | -&. D. GOODWIN, te RN & a The Up-to-date Storer