Atwood Bee, 3 Jun 1904, p. 1

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~ :sinew-cumrplétes "Fler Uesinps ar: {- -- most beautiful. --" RITOHNSON, _ JEWELLER anv OPTICIAN, v VOL. 15. ~ WALTER za Sistowel's -Leading Dry Goods and Clothing "Store. The. life-giving principle of ad- vertising is Truthfulness. You wouldn't heed usif you didn't be- lieve us: aw=tra Specials E'or Saturdays. 1000. ydsof 424-28; PRINT for 8 4-26, Special vaites in all Ready-to Wear Suits and Hats for Men.and Boys. We sell Tailor-Made Suits: at Ready-To- Wear Prices. Don't miss the Print Sale. Phene -- 33 ROBERT THOMPSON, Questions of the- Hour. Now that houseeleaning is in full swing, everyone is asking the question: What/kind of Carpet and Lin~ oleum will I buy ? The Golden Lion store 18 the place to make these selections; . =" A number of ends of Carpet $025 yards. = n oe Elephant: ranging" fib 5 yards Union Carpet 1 yd wide reg. 32- 35 1 yd 40 Wool "" Tapestry Brussels Art Squares 34x4; 3x4; 3x3, e Linoleums and Oil Cloths in ail 'widths; 1 yd to 4 yds. 90 pairs Lace Cartains to be sold at half price. ae price paid for butter, eggs, etc., in cash or trade. GREY, BERNIE & CO., Listowel. NEXT ISSUE GRAY, BERNIE & CO. Agents Butterick's Patterns and Delineator.- : A fairly well attended meeting of the -- AND ---- No paper next week. Let all the citizens work_ together in harmony to make the Ist of Julv cele- bration a grand success. The Communion of the Lord's-Sep- per was dispensed in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday when 269 members partook of the sacrament. The pastor, Rey. Dr. McLeod, {delivered an excel- lent sermon. * The Re¥; Mr. Favjoy, pastor of the Baptist church, who was called away some weeks ago owing to the°sndden death of his brother, has not returned. A gang of gypsies, eucamped to the west of the grist mill, has been a mag- net that drew numerous small fry and doubtless numbers of the older people. A gypsy camp has a wonder- ful fascination for the boys and girls, The wet weather is doubtless helping on the growth of grass and grain but will not be very helpful to the potatoes especially where the land.. isslosm lying und-beary; . ' Alex: Dickten had'a: splendid heavy smoke stack placed in position at his gtist mill a short time ago and has now a thoroughly equipped mill. He ship- ped a carioad of flour to Montreal for export Jast week, J. A. Ros: V.S.-has had a telephone installed in his residence and is now prepared to attend to all calls for his service whether by day or night, teiephone line to Donegal is among the certainties ofthe near future. ? Ww. F. Forrest unloaded four cars -of lumber this week. It was brought from Sarria, to which place it had been shipped from seme point in Michigan ¥t was- exceptionally fine lumber and must have cost no small amount for freight. j » The Methodist Choir of Lisowel pur. bose giving aeplendid Goneert in Mit. chell's Hallin aid of the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Charch on Tuesday evening, Inne 7th. Admission 25c. Thisis an exrellent concert and is well worth the morey. Tnrn ont and help the good people of the Meth- odist Church. Impertant To Our Readers: Following our usualenstom we -pur- pose taking onr annual holiday next week. consequentiy no paper will be is- sued. It is our intention to take a short trip to Troquois on the St. Eaw- renca to see R. S, Pelton and family. It is a trip that we have long desired to take and we hope to theronghly.anjoy it @tders for job work may be left at the office, and will receive onr prompt at- tention upon our return. 1. 0. F. Excursion. ; The Monkton I. Q: FP: Society pur- pose rennihg a popular excursion to Kineardine on June 25th, The Sonday Schools of Nonkton are alse jcombining to make the excursion a great success, Keep t!'e date in mind and watch for tWe large bills for all necessary infor- mation as to fares and amusements: The extnrs'o@# will bea snecess for the cowmittee are going to see that it ib properly advertised, and the k& @ F of Monkton never do things by halves. First Of July Celebration. business men was held on Monday eve~ ninhg-to discuss the advisability of hoid- the a celebration on Dominion - Day. D. G. Anderson acted as chairman. and Manager McKay of the Bank of Ham- ilton as Secretary. It was decided to hold a celebration and the following officers and committees were appoint- ed;-Pres.- D. G. Anderson, Sec.- W. N: MeKay, Trear.- Robt, Knox, Athletic Committee- Messrs, Struthers and Hol- mes, Footbalii €om-- Messrs. Geo Kinmp and Earl Switzer, Baseball! Com.- Messrs. R. Richmond and &. hack, Decoration Com.- Messrs. Good- win, R. M. Ballatiiyne, Roger, Herlet and Holmes, Musical Com,- Messrs. Mitchell rod Anderson. It was the feeling of the meeting that thereehould be some good outside attraction ob- tained in the form of a good band and the musical.committee will endeavor to obtain one. There wilt aiso-be a grand | elas at-pight in beset nigh fall = be given when Rev. 'Wan, Penhall left oufTuesday mornit g for Loudon to attend Con fer--+ ence meeting, Some trees are wasted with: Dlossoms nerd-seemingly give promise of an a- bundance of fruit. Miss Nellie Little left on Monday morning to resume ber work as book- keeper aud stenographer in Detroit. Rev. Dr. McLeod: left on Monday, morning on a two weeks' trip' to his home jn Prince Edward Island. He willattend the Presbyterian Assemb- ly which meets in Sti Jehn, N. B. We wish the Doctor a pleasaut<ttip aud a safe return, Rev. Mr. McKinnon of Milverton preached a very héelpfal sermon et the held in-the Pres- byterian churoch-iaet Fridag. afternoon. Pienic Postponed. ; The pieuic which was to have been held near Monkton on Weditiesday has heen postponed till next Tuesday owing to unfavorable weather. Baseball Mateh.. A baseba'! mateh: will be: Ssieaitiion: Saturday evening betsreen the local nine and a team from 12th con. There are some rattling good ball' Ts OD the 12th con, und we expect them to give the boys a good stiff - argument, 'Be there and see the fun, gare ee: at 6.15, Brussels defeated Wingham in Wingivsm last week by 2 goals to 1. Earl Switzer injared his leg and was unable to Opish the game, -H¢ is still suffering fronr effsets of it: Brussels also defeated the Seaforth tn termediate by 1 goal to 0 and are now champions of [uren District. Wa. Gordon, who spent the winter and spring visiting friends and relatives here, left on Monday for Mhite Horse. Algoma, whera he will spend-the sum- mer and Fall, Wea proposes working # eonper aiid' mine in 'which he bas an interést. We wish bim all tanner of success and so, we ure sure, do all his friends, Back.From 8. America. Joo. Wilson arrived home from South |: Amer'éi last Friday cvening after an absence of over four months. Mr- Wilson had latterly experienced very indifferent health, having become a vic- tim of what is gnown as Demarara fever which stays with a person, who rewainsin the country, for the spice ef about 9 months. Mt Wilson has not yet recovered from the effects of the fever but hopes to soon feel more like himself. Ile may in the near future be able to give us some further impress- ions of the connotry to the far south. "YOUNG SLGNAL™ CRO.. 10909, ) This celebrated horse, registered in Great Britain and Ireland, will stand for service at his own stable, lot 17, 6th con., Elma,on Monday forenoons, on Wednesday afteriiaons, Thuraday fore- noons and Friday evening aud Saturday all day. TERMS AND CONDITIONS--To nsure a foal $14. Mares must be re- erned regulasito the horse or they will be charged whether in foalor not. Persons disposing of their mares be- fore cullecting time, February, ist, mus; pay, whether in foal or wot. Adah acci- dents to mares at risk of owners. JOuN GRaA¥, Proprietor. The football match advertised to take place on the park here on Satur-|. day night did not materialize owing to|' the non-apperrance of the Monkton team. No word was received from them till about 6 o'clock Saturday eveniug and quite a large rumber of spectators had assembled only disappomted. 'The Monkton boys gnye no reason for their action. The focal boys had in- structed Mr. and Mrs. Ed. T. Green- sides to prepare supper for them an? they had goue to considerable trouble and expeuse., Such conduct does. not speak well:for the Moukton bays who Should' lin ge come even if they brought only a.second rate team. We hope At. wood will uever do such.a thing. We are pleased to know that the Monkton football boys ara sorry to bave dinappvinted: the lpeal: tops last Listowel defeated Milverton in. W.. F, A. junior-game in Listowel on Mov day eveniug by 7 goals'to 0, Mie must be n.-g- Mr. and Mrs. Tanner <of * "Milbanins- Were visitors at the home of. their - daughter, Afrs. A. Smith, on Monday, We direct our readers' attention ta . an interesting letter from our. former « tewnsman, W. D. Mitchell of New Den- -- ver, [3.0., descriving some of the scenic beauties of that sptendid country, We~°* are always pleased to receive contribut- . ious of this kind from.our friends and: ' subscribers, > Dennis Barton moved 'hi3 household ~ effects into the village on- Monday -aud | x is now getting. comfortably settled in < the house formerly owned by M. Corrie. Mr. Barton has had the interior of the . = hose painted and 'papered and it is. his intention, we understand, to brick. the houssaext year, We welcome Mr... and Mrs. Burton to our village. Oddfellows' Service. About twenty Oddfellows from At- . wood and vicinity drove to Listowel on 'Sunday afternoon to.attend, divine. ser- vice. The brethern to the number of - sbout 120 assembled at the Oddfellows' + - Hall and marched to the Methodist . chusch: where they Jistened to a splen- 'did gospel sermon, delivered by Rey. - x Mr. Oliver, the esteemed pastor of the. Methodist church. Mr. Oliver is not an. Oddfellow but he-nevertheless gave an. exceptionaliw able sermon, which, was greatly appreciated by all who. heard it. The-choir, undor 'the leader- ahip of Miss.Seaith, rendered. splendid: , assistance to the service and amply - sustained the excellent reputation , which they have earned, as being -a.. splendid body of singers... Visiting - Members were present from: Brussels, Wingham, Drayton, Milverton, Palm." erston, Elarriston and Atwood, The. Listowel brethern were, as usual, very - attentive to the--wants of the visttors . and we heartily: congratulate them on, the success. of their anniversary ser- . mon. & SUMMER SCHOOL FOR NATURB 'STUDY, The Macde [Tustitute at the Ont- . ario Agricul! College, Guelph, will: provide a sum school for tsachers; during the coming vacation, The term, will extend from July 5th to July 29th inclusive. and-the work will consist of; practical Nature Study, suitable for - our public schools, The classes will be whder the direct-. Hon o. De. W..f) Muldrew of the Mac- donald Fustitute, and Professor Wm, Lochead of the Biological Department in the Oatario Agricultural College, as- sisted by teachers of special Otness in the various subjects of the course. ' The Macdonald Institute is situated» on the grounds of the Ontario Agricul- tural College about one mile from the, city.of Guelph and is reached by the electric railway. The course will be thoroughly pract-. ical, involving daily excursion, lectures. and laboratory work, the preparation of, Nature Study eollections and courses of" reading in illustration of the subjects. discussed. A leaflet giving fuller infor- mation maz,ba had by application to. Dr. W. H., Muldrew, Dean of the In-. stitute, Ayers} Why is it thag Ayer's Hair V does s0 many remark- ahle things? Bécause it is a hair. food: It feeds the hair, pute.naw:life into. The hair Hair Vigor} cannot keep f ror growing | And gradually all the dark, f rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. eet ee ees nae a. Satusday aight and have agreedito. pay |. * ineurred; i the baj8 here for all expenses

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