Atwood Bee, 3 Jun 1904, p. 5

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OF CANADA. EsTauListteD ty) a. S ~ $2.960,243 3 - $28,813,672 Branches i: io, @ Manitoba, North "= West oOo BE ney Britich Columb LISTOWEL BRANCH ' SAVINGS ibis DEPARTMEN T*scposita Screg i interest miided to principal "SPECIAL. altention maven to the discounting of farmers DR AFTS SOLD. es ayers at all points in er test 2. tates an and i Curope. . EY ORDERS asuee payable at any Bs ae iy Canasta. Rales--Undur $10, 8c, ;..832,.t0 to R. ARKEEL, Manager. a <3 ret % a J, W. SCOTT & SOK, Bankers Tiaistovrcl], Ontario. [Zstablished 1872, List 5 eh el, Palmerston and raat} wird . A. Halstead, Mount Forcst. ear Shelburna ne. A General Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNIT-- KD STATES aad GREAT BRITAIN "Notes "Biscounted. -Peposits Recetved. Current rate of Interest ale wad, A ysiee arnount of Private Fonds to lend on good fav security at Four and one-half per erento, wi ith 'priv iloxe of repay sine priacipal if iy. Marringe Licenses [ssned, ARAIN UPA CHILD >» and when up, send him or her to Term begins April 11, 1904. Two courses--Commercial and Short- _ jdaand.. Send-for:journal, ~ A. L. McINTYRE, secretary MANY*CALLS are recsiyed from bnu='ness firms and Man pee sare placed in good positions cac car by the famous 1p SENTRAL, STRATFORD, ONT school stands for the highest au best in busines ede ation in' lo tovlay. Many business cvile. vox employ our grad- untes as teachers BVe RCOreS of sor rhi- cationr from other ¢ matlug eos, ta seo them tho day yon enter. vis ommence course now. Catalogs i ec. . ELLIOTT, ch Principal. "FIRE ! FIRE |! THOS. MALE, LISTOWEL, (Successor to W. H. Hay) aie GENT = the ba nig Mutual Fire Tnsnr- ance Co., Wate Out., and the Ontario Mutual i oe Yosurance ° "Co. oe low ; absolute security, Tas Bre. is authorized to take -- risks or above Companies at his-oftice, Aty WANTED A man to represeut "CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES" in the town of AT wi OOD and surrounding country, and take orders for "Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals,Sehrubs,Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stoek true to name and free from San ~Jose Scale. A permanent pusition for thevight man on either salary or com- .. taission. - Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES OVER 800 ACRES xsfORONTO ~ ONTARIO " » Stock Raisers Say They Are Alright. | + Prof. A. V. M. Day's English Tonic Powders (5 separate packages) for - horses, éatule, hogs, sheep tand poultry. "Phey make tonic, food aud fattenstock, Day's Cream for Calves, with skim- med or separated milk,. preveuts scours and acidity of the stomach. _ ROGER & RAN IAPPE,-AGEETS, "et ATWOOD a 3 A starry night in New Déewver. lore to lake'a ramble on a starry night, [Ou a starry night to ramble nil the) morning light.", and that teminds me| that 'We're not $9 young as we used to ve', and must e'en be content to take a qniet seat on the balcony or other like benint of vantage atid mse on. uld re- collections aud the pleasures 6f-adape: Come, sit down beside me for a pleas ant haH hour and yiew a few of the beauties of Nature. The April new moon, following the son, has just "gane doon" o'er the jofty Valhallas, leaving a-giint of its opuleseent light~omn vbhe erruliau canopy, |The air is balmy faad gevialanda light, refreshing breeze comes up the lake shore, Louk down and&glauce-orer the rip- '| pling aud stersprigled waters of the bitiowy lakaco the western shore. line: follow up the dark, lowering shade and steep slopes of the jmountain and on wird and upward to .the high, broad plateau where. Gur"Lady spreads. her white, suow, Mantle on-beds-of peren- ttinl ice, and note the serrated contour of the sky-liue, then raise your gaze tu the blue ethereal aud idealiza and re- alize the hopefal and inspiriting truth, ed by'one vur mosLeminent poets, "The Hand that made us is divine", '|For? inament or two let us take the beauties of the firmament, south along the Valhailag. a bright magnitudinal star hangs peudanot over the pinnacled pesks of Mt, Denver, over the deep bend in the sky linqabove the Glacter the three bright stars that form the belt of Orion are slowly descending to the horizon. See a little further north the acute angie of the inverted isosceles triangle in the consteliatiou points directiy downwtrd to the sharp augular peaks of Mount. Niord, Still fnrther vorth and beyond and above the four symmetrical sugar loaf peaks of the Raby Group, -the.-set of stars that form the little dipper or plough (or as [ heard a little girl call it) " the little tub and washbduurd" are twinkling and bliukiog as much as to say "It is tim? to go hom", so we take the hint and leave further description for the pen, of some "Star" tourist who may some Gay shoct athwart the Wes- lero Sky. And let us consider that underlying all these scenic beanties tie treasures of wealth untoid and the mitking of homes of comfort, prosperity and happiness, bat slill lying dormant aud latent under the clonds and the mists of blind and vague distrust. "Wie off the dust that hides.our, gs¢p- tre's giltand let high Majesty once wore assert itseli", : We. D. MiTouEeLu Eima. The council of Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on the 89th of May 1904. Members all present, Minutes of last meeting read and' ssign- vd. Moved by Mr. Boyle, sec by Mr, Coates that the Court of-Hevision ov the assessment of the Gilkinson drain Kima met in rio. | and extension Uo NSW open up and the reeve be chairman of said Court, Cd After the Court of Revision closed, the Council again met for general business. Moved by Mr. Curry atid see by Mr Coates that no action be taken for the change and alteration of 8.S. No. 5 and 8 under the petition preseuted owing to the lateness at which petition was filed and the opposition to the changes. Cd Moved by Mr. Boyle, see by Mr. Bell, that orders be issued for the payment of the following.. cecounts, viz., L. Henth $1.60, repg culvert, lot 2, con. 4, W. Wherry and A. M. Sweeton 82 each for signing and selling debentures for Gernhelder Branch Drain; BD. G. Ander- son $10. general printing; J. W. Giikin- son 75 cts, repg 2 culverts con. 12; J. F. Redmend $5, gravel; R. Smith, tile a- cross con, 12, $1; ed. oved by Mr, Corry, sec by Mr. Coateg that the Coun- cil do now adjourn to/meet again on June 6th at 10 o'clock a. m. for the Court of Revision en the assessment roH. Court of Revision tor Gilkison Drain cil. The Reeve was. appointed chair- man. Members having been sworn, the the follwing appeals were considered and @isposed of; Moved by Mr. Coates sec by Mr. Boyle that the appeals of W. Vipond, _S. Peebles, G. Sanderson, and J. Gilkinson against the assess- ment of their lands understhejGiikingon Drain By-law be djsmigeed, aud the tase] OF ecoeat Wi Poutston,, lot 83, con, , be reduced $6 and Int 84; con. 7, $4. and: the assessment of J. Danbrook, lot 31, con, 7 be-reduced $25,and the assess-, ment of 5. Carry be reduced in acreage |" 15 acres which de not drain-in that di- Bh cats and his assessment accordingly Aa so trenchantly aud beautifullyexpress-' a brief astrouomic™l! glance at a few of Yo thet met and was composed of all,the Coun,. or Infants and Children. Nad You Have -- Bought =f 4 ~ Court of Revisiaz. Lhe Conrt of Revision for the Tor:n- ship OP Eivan.on the assessment roll |. wili be held in the Agricifitural [lall, Atwood, on Monday, the 6th day of June, 1904, at 10 o'clock a.m. The assessment rofl is open for ins Spection at my office, Atwood. Appel- lunts und all interested please take ne- tice Mey 10,1901. Tuos, FULLARTON, Clerk Executors':Netice To Creditors, -- In the matter of the Estate of fer Robb. late of the Township of HK «ma, in the County of Perth, Fare ~<mer, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 80.1897, ehapter 120 that alf per sons haking claims or demands against the estate of the said Arthur Robb, d-- rceaged who died on or about the twenty fourth.- day of February A.D, 1904 are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the uudersigned executors at Newry BP. , or to Blewett and Bray at Listowel, 'Outario, their solicitors on or before the twenty-seventh day of June 1904 their" uames and addresses with full particulars in writing of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any,) held by them duly verified by Statutory Declaration. Aud take notice further that after the twenty-seventh day day of June 1904, the executors of the said Estate will 'proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties . the claims of which they shall then § have notice as aforesaid and said exe. cutors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been recrived at the time of such distribution as aforesaid. Dated at Listowel this twenty-sixth day of May A. D. 1904. WILLIAM ('ROBB ANDREW F. ROBEY 3 By Blewett aud Bray, their solicitors. xecutors, Kxecutors' Notice to Credifors Of Abraham Furrell, late ofthe Yil- lage of Atwood, in the Connty of Perth, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given .pursuant to the statates in that behalf, that a cred' jtors and othere having claims against the estate of the said deceased,who died at Atwood, in the County of Perth, on or about the 15th diy of May, 1908, are required ou or befure the 1st day of June, 1904, to deliver to Morphy & Car- thew at Listowel P.O., the Solicitors for 'the undersigned, the Exeeutors of the said deceased, a statement in writing of their names, addresses, and descriptions with full particulars of their claims and the security (if any) held by them;and that'after the suid hist mentioned date the said executors may proceed to distribute the estate of the ke entitled .thereto having regard only to |.-4 fs Scud Hilve Bikess bony bt; andl which hes bene in use aieain se 80 years, has borno the signatnre of and has bee under his per=- scr ap its infaney, : Aflow no one to deceive you in this, All Gisutetiin Initations and ** Just-as-good" are are bat sealant Fecal trife w with j and endanger the health of against Experiment. rs "What is CASTORIA ~Castoria is a°harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- . goric, Drops. an@:Seothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. I . contains neither 'Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie ¢ subvianee...tis age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays'#everishness. It cures Diarrhoea-and Wind Celic. Ii relieves Tecthing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. -It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and..Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. "he Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend, -- .cEnuNE CASTORIA atways: Bears. the Signature of she Kind You Have Always Bought ! Jn Use For Over SO Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK Crry. K i Nervous: ng and mid Sie gncl ton see: enone iy swept to a gt HAWLY INDISCHETION, EXCESQES, AND BL a have any of the followin Bales toms consnit us Detoss. itis -# gloomy, specks inays ifritabie, ceria of the rine, pimples on eri Ms nicer aia ~ iitelent, sete wat wl, lack mano pany fs Moose, sore x" hts, AP nero 0S, reatment will cure you. more fi at night orsecret Pe Sener gr N ried life or social happiness. ; nish "es M oe ree q tively c i meniness, or tal er ceateta crema nee CURE, NO PA _. ------ a Without Suatssie oo WwW r, of Lima, O., says:--"I vas one of the countess victims of early v = at15 years of weakening my Scales as wella tem. For. ten sears J a heartil r poor Drs. ra & EK. ne * r4 BeforcTreatment fellow After Treatment f a dure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervors Debility, Seminal Weakness, ; refed Birieture, Sy pain is, Paanath tral PHEKg eS Sclf Ab use, Kicaey and Uiadder D ii dibense sof Men and Wo s_ aes USED SFIZHOUT teres 'CONSENT. PRIVATE. d medicine coat .O. D. 'No uames on boxes er envelopes. Everything conSSential, Be zo mi list and cost of treatment, FR. $48 SHELBY STREET, k is. Kennedy & Kergat, DETROFT, ICM. ' x said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which they may. then haveg notice, and that they will not be liable in respect of the estate so distributed to any person of whose claim they may not then have recéived notice Dated at -- this 28h day of April, es JOHN "ROE. Atwood P, O. ANDREW M.SWEE' CON, Newry P.O, +:Bzt orphy & Carthew of Listowel, Ont., their solicitors, ....-Get Your.... Painting and Paperhanging done'. by Ed. Huck. who guarantees.a first class job at right prices. > Work done promptly and. | satisfactorily. Give him a rial. ED. HUCK, Paperhanger and. Artistic _ Decorator. : GOLE: DUST © 8 a woman's, best. friend when Wash day comes around. ahakes 'thg clothes sweet ard pg Takes onty. Jets Siberams and half-the. labor 'of soap. Just tolls directions on package - Made coe N.K. Sa Chicago,

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