QPF CANADA. (Eetapuisund 18th) Capital Authorized, --$5,000,000.00 Gapital Paid Up, $4.500,000.00 Reserve Fand, $4,500,000.00 Dp. R. Wirtis, Presi:ient. Hon. RK. JArraay Vice-President. LISTOWEL. BRANCH. SAVINGS.BANK DEPARTMENT--hect st a@ilewed on 'deposits at cutrert races fcom date of opening of accotut and credited half ycarty. SPECIAL attention river to the @iscountang of farmers' noter. - PRAFTS SOLD, avaiinble at all points in Canada, United States and Europe. MGNEY ORDERS issued payable at any Chartered Bunk in Canada wifhout charge, Yukon Territory oxéepted. Ratcs $3 and unier, 3c.: over $5 Lo $10, @.; ever P10 to SH, ite, HERS ¢ CHEQUES on any Rank onshed or tekop on deposit without charge. H. €. SEC&CRQ, Manager. . THEY , Viliy ds Pet Listowell Business College Two courses-- Commercial and Shorthand Enrer at beginning of any month. For particulars write to A. L. Melntyre, Principal. PERE EEE EE EE EET EET EE Sethe ed Bopfelebebe beh ofl pie eb bebe bb heb Winter Term Opens Jan. and 3 y ' STF «TFOAD, u This school is recognized to be one of the leading Commercial Schools in America. Our grad- uates are in demand as Business College teachers. The most re- cent application we received for a teacher offered $140.00 per an- num. - We believe we are runnin bi of the most progreesive an to-date business training vabeoiat in the Province. The de- mand upon us for office help is eeveral tines the supply. Write for free catalogue. ELLiotTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS Be oe ate aoe Se a ae Se eo a oe ee fe a en tht it tinh th ak cb Aah hit Sot EEE EE EEE EEE EEE SEE EES T EEE PEST PEE Local Salesman Wanted at onee for A'T WOOD and surround- ing districts. High-class specialties in Fruit and Orna- niental Stock grown and for eale by Canad's Greatest Nurseries A permanent situation for the right party. Liberal inducements. Pay weekly. HUandsome free outfit. Write for terms and catalogue, and send 25c in stamps for our Pocket Magnifying Glass er 30c for our Handy Metal Hack Saw. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries over 800 acres TORONTO, ONT. The Larmour School of Telegraphy, Stratford ~ Ontario The new system of training for railway ser vice, under test since January laat has proved entirely successful, Write for pamphlet which shew full part outars, testimonals from pupila naw employed by the G. T. R. ete. Robert Larmour, Principal and Prop. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for Piles-and it works with certain- ty and eatisfaction. Itching. painful, Bele bk or blind piles disappear like its use. Try it --For sale ale by H. McFarlane. The soft weather of the first part @f the week played havoc with the gnow and ice. The sleighing is dcne, tiiough wheellng is good. The young people had afew days pleasant skating and it is too bad that the soft spell come just when the boys were getting a g oundation of ice. ~ We have had splendid IMPERIAL BANK' i Monkton and Milverton George. beetetee eb de feobteh bb bb ete beetob Cy 'Year's with her mother, | was the guests of his brother, James of Mr. and Mrs. Alec. Morrison. A Savings Account in The @ovetcign Rank makes you Happily indcpendent of the future, which keeps you from worry in the present. Open a savingsaccount to-day, Deposits of from $1 "00 ec Upwards received, Interest paid 4 times a year. The Sovereign Bank of Canada |f Subscribe for the BLE. Read Sinclair's ad for a money saver. One Minute Washer--The best foing. Rey.and Mrs. Bendspoent the Xmas holiday with friends in Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.: MacFarlane were in Toronto over the holiday. Alf Holmes, of the Mooney Bis- cenit Oo., Stratford holidayed in town. Miss Eliza Gilkinson is spending her vacation with friends in Chicago. 1907--May it be a yoar of hnappi- ness and presperity to all our read- ers. : Miss Sara Gilkinson spent Christ- mas in Clifford with her aunt, Mrs. Scott. Fred Cox, of Toronto, spent Sun- day and Monday with his brother John Roger and Lemuel Pelton were in Toronto on t#% New Year holiday. Rev. H. P. Westgate spent his New Year holiday with his parents in Watford. Charles Ducklow was the lucky man to get the prize goose at Ed. T. Greensides. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Robert Ford is confined to the house through illness. Jas Trim, of Milverton, spent a few days.with his friend, John Wil- son, 8th con. west. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hone and Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Johnston spent Xmas at Wm. Gilmer's. Mrs. W. J. Gilkinson spent New Mrs. Stev- enson, of Listowel. Miss Mabel Kidd of Toronto, is spending the holiday with her par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. Kidd. CASTOR Bears the The Kind You ian tas Bought Bignature Cx BtB : AL Thiede George Forguson, of Manitoba, Ferguson, last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Ballantyne spent the New Year with relatives in and around Stratford. Donald Murray, we regret to re- port, was under the doctor's care for a few days this week. Robt. Morrison, of Woodstock, spent New Year's Day at the home Mr. Walker, of Minnedosa, Man., is spending a few weeks with his brother, R. J. Walkér, butcher. A number from here took in the Listowel on Monday evening. and Mrs. John Gray, Blind Line. Try our Zero oil for windmills, etc It stands the zero test and will give you no trouble. ware, Listowel Oddfellows held am At Home in their lodge rooms _last Friday night. An enjoyable time was spent. We are glad to- report that Mrs. Harry Campbell is now able to be up ment owing to a badly sprainedankle. Robert Knox has all his gravel, sand and brick on his lot for his new house. 'This material was all drawn | am. Assembly given by the young men of| 9 Mr. Nairn, of Russell, Man., is vis- iting at the home of his friends, Mr.| .We Price, Hard-|' and around after five weeks' confin- |' Saree BuppEN 2s OF A GPP OE : ee BRAKESMAN ON NEw YEAR's DAY. os Our little village has certainly had its share of railway accidents, but the one on New Year's Day was--oné 'that cast a gloom over the village for ithe whole day. , was & stranger, that made the event -' none the Jess sad, for well could we! Though the victim picture the sad hearts of the father | 'and mother, brothers and: sisters in| the home when the sad news came to them that. Henry Barber, of Palm- erston, had been instantly killed at Atwood. The circumstances of the distrass- ing affair areas follows. The morn- ing. freight front Palmerston pulled into the yard soffewhere about 7.40 A portion of the train pulled into the siding to unload freight. Mr. Barber was sent up todo some coup- ling just in front of the coal sheds, on the north side. His mate was doing tsome coupling nearer the station and to the south of the train. He wond- ered what was taking Barber so long to do the coupling and onrunning out to see what had Kappened, was horr- ified to find him lying prostrate be- tween the rails. On turning him oy- er he found him dead and presenting a horrible appearance. 'The sight fairly unmanned the whole train crew, who were moved to tears af the sight of their comrade lying'coid and stiff in death. Tenderly they lifted him in- to the station house after the coroner had pronounced him dead. How the accident happened can only besurmised. Itis supposed that in making the edupling he must have slipped ontheicy ground directly in front of the slowly movingcars. Th flange of the wheel must have struc him on the bridge of the nose, and ow; ing to the icy rails, the wheel did no cut through the head but simply shov- ed the body along and crushed the bones of the head, causing the brains to protrude. Death must have been instantaneous. No one saw the accident and it is felt no blame can be attacbed to the train crew. Dr. Kidd ¢oémmunicated with County Crown rney,. McPherson of Stratford, and be decided that under the circumstances an inquest was un- mecessary. Dr. Kidd thenreleased the remains and undertaker R. Ballantyne had the body removed to his shop where it was prepared for shipment to the home of the deceased in Palmerston. Three G. T. R. brakesmen arrived {rom Palmerston on-the noon train in company with the deceased's uncle, George Barber, of Listeéwel and had the remains conveyed to Palmerston on the 8.30 train. The deceased was the son ofHenry Barber, of Palmerston. He was 21 years of age and in company with his brother George, G. T- R. Conduc- tor, was soon to leave the road and buy afarm. He was not on his regu- lar run when he met-his death, having merely taken the place ofthe regular brakesman whowas going to see a sick sister. His father worksin the malt houséin Palmerston. A sister died sometime the past summer. The family have thé sincere sympathy of allin their distréssingly-sad affliction. "Shieltt Brand" PIPES These are absolutely the Best Shif Pipe in. Like a tree friend, thoy wear well. THEY WILL NOT CRACK, | THEY WILL NOT BURN. SOLD IN-CANADA_FOR 200. Just remember "SHIELD BRAND" : = oko ddl the eapeatel ce baie doe Ts fi i a Fip 'in the, Wark |¢croup alone, remember, jets forsale at Livingatone's Drug Store. ~ (Joo Drops) es "For Infants and Children, oe The Kind You Have: Always Bought , ' eee Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither n,Mo nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. Im Use: For Over: Thirty Years: "SCASTORIA, THE OSNTAUR teal NEW YORK crry. cr fect Remet' . for Cons | a Sour Stomach, Di Worms Convulsions ,Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. ; Ato months % old 135 Dosts pas a NTS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE MASTER SPECIALISTS OF AMERICA We know the diseascs and weaknesses of men Ike an open book. We have been curing them for 80 years. We have given our lives to it, and thousands-upon thousands of men resiored to Vigorcus Vitality are today living monuments to the skill, knowledge and success of" Drs. Kennedy. & Kergan. We nover hold out false hopes, we never undertake a cass we cannot cure. We have made sd™thorousch a study" of all the diseases of men--cf Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisens, © Hydrocele, Nervous Debility, Paralysis, Bladder, Urinary and Kidney Diseases, General Weakness, Loss of Vitality, and have cured so Many thousands of cases that if there is a cure for YOUR disease you will find it here. When we undertake a case there is no such thing as failure. We charge nothing for consultation and our knowledge, skill and experience are at your service. We will explain to you How and Why We Can Cure You; why the diseases of mca require the knowledge and skill of Master Specialists. We do not require to experiment with your case as we know from experience-in treating thousands of cases exactly what to prescribe for your symptoms. Don't be discouraged if Fh have troated without success with Quacks, Fakirs, Electric Belts, Free Trials, etc. You must get cured--and Doctors alone can cure you. Our New Method System of treatment has stood the test for 25 years--why should it fail in your case. Should your case prove incurable you need not pay us a dollar, We refer you to any Bank in this city es to our financial standing. If you cannot call write for a Question Blank fer Home Treatment. Consultation Free. Booklets sent Free. | Puede eoe KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. a ee Drep-- In 'ics, ol Friday, Dec. 28th, - Lay Walter Chisholm, aged 76yra., 4 - , 12 days. The funeral too place = on Monday from his late pong ia esi: = 16, cn. 12, to Elma Centre ¥ "Hockey _-- are cheap at W. Price's Hardware We are sorry to report that Cameron Forrest is very ill. Floesie Wateon is spending a week at Stratford at W. D. Angus'. Croup can tively be stopped in 20 minutes Re vomig oe to sick- r, Bhoope|t called Dr. 8 poop ay p Cure. does the work and quickly. Dr. Shoop' pepOee is Stat It does not claim to cure a dozen ailments. It's for croup, that's all --Scld by C. H, McFar- 2. . to aan a cold with "Preventics"" iss safer than to let itrun and cure it T= wards. : stage" Preventics it head off all colds and © d perhaps eave you freq Puew< ~ monte or} Bronchi Preventics are Hts - rin cent candy cold cure tableta sel- = toe in @tent and ooo te boxes. If <a x= ps5. foe sute cher the - pa ck _ Preventive, The reven tics. cold, and please ycis----BOuE by Farlane. New GAs PLANT. George Curry has nisiiel: a deal a with Mr. Grosch, of Milverton, snd@.2~ exchanges his store on Main St., Bt a present occupied by Mr. Sinclair, for ~ a large acetylene gas plant, capable." > of providing sufficient light to supply -- il the business places in Atwood, aa well as private houses. Mr . h&s:secured the building to the rear of EH. Porter's property, formorly us-. ed as a stable and store roomand install the-plant in. the course of ax few weeks; This will mean the dis- sce posal of a geod many machines in a the village and shouldsnaterially lesss-- en the danger to the individual own~-- ers-of the machines... The light is hana good one and should prove ory to all concerned. We ®! Corry every success : ' de i ts ue Ab Gordon spent' New Years im Palm- erston. > . Fred MeNeil left Thureday morning for Strathroy where he intends taking a course in the.Dairy School in that place Farewe Lu: Tour.--Jessie McLaughlin Co, will appear in McDonald's+ Music Ha'l, Listowel, on. Monday Jaz:.7. Prices: children-25c., adults,50¢ and '75¢ Tick- _Atwood Oddfellows-will hold their an- unal At-Home in the. Music Hall next Wednesd ay evening at 8 p.m. Ifyou are ce dul} ov hiliots, or have a sallow, lifelesyicompiexion, t Lax-ete just once te see what they will do a you. Laxets are little toothsome can- dy tablete-nice to eat, nice in effect. Hess no pain, Juet a entle laxati