'A MOTHER'S PRIDE. - A mother's greatest pleasure is in seeing her little ones bright, playful and heallky. The well child is a blessing ~to the home, but the sick child is a ; little tyrant. A few doses of "s Own Tablets will make the sick- ly child well, or an occasional dose will prevent sickness: There is nothing te equal these Tablets as a cure for sto- mach and bowel troubles, They make teething easy, break up colds, expel #"orms and curé simple fevers. Beby's Own Tablels are solid under the guar- antee of a' government analyst not !o . M. Kemp, Carleton Place, Ont., says: "{ have given Baby's Own Tablets to my litde one since he was a week old, end have found them a_ splendid medi- cine. At eleven months he weighed over twenty-six pounds." The Tablets sre sold by druggists or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ----_je--___ ONE ADVANTAGE. 4 much prefer the man who speaks From manuscript--don't you? For though he may be windy, yet He knows when he is through. an a A BROAD STATEMENT. A mcgnerae Hem-Roid will cure any case of P. This pans is made without any qualifications. {t is in the form of a tablet. ~~fit "A the only --pile-remedy~used 'in- ternal: it is impossible fo cure an establish- ed case of Piles with ointments, supposi- -- injections or outward appliances. A $1,000 guarantee with every pack- age of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid. $1.00, all dealers, or The Wilson- ¥yle Co., Limilad, Niagara Falls, Ont. eemneeneeille mimic COULDN'T SMELL IT. "Jane, don't you think that sweet- heart of yours is a procrastinator?' "I've been suspectin' it, mum; but he aiways uses a breath perfumer an' | can't be sure." fr VERY LIKELY. "I can't understand how a& man can commit suicide for love. "It tier frequently.' "Well, perhaps so, but if J did it, I should Sitieh it all my life. FELL DOWN FLIGHT OF STEPS fROVED ZAM-BUK BEST IN THREE DIFFERENT EMERGENCIES, . One of the most valuable points about 7am-Buk, the herbal balm, is the vari- ety of uses to which it can be applied. Mrs. A. Livernois, of 131 Sydenham St., Toronto, says: "I have used Zam- Buk for colds on the chest and found rubbed well in it gave almost in- slant relief to the 'tightness' and 'stiff- mess.. One day | slipped when de scending the stairs and fell to the bot- fom. My right arm was terribly dis- colored and. swollen and became quite stiff, As I still had a supply of Zam- Buk [ rubbed some on the bruised limb and it was really surprising how quick- ly it removed the discoloration, cured the stiffness, and restored the arm to tts proper form. Since that lime I have t.ad accasion to use Zam-Buk for rheu- matism, and | have found it equally poed." Zam-Buk is so uniformiy good be- cause it is oomposed of the finest her- bal balms, essences, and juices known %& medical science, compounded and refined in a special and peculiar way. {t fas such high germ-killing power that it is unequalled as an antiseptic. fis healing virtue is very great andrcs a household balm Zam-Buk is absolute- fy unique. It is a gure cure for eczema, lich, blood poison, ulcers, chronic sores, . tingwarm, children's rashes, spots, etc. Tt also cures cuts, burns, bruises, chap- ped hands, enlarged veins, piles, and a!' diseased or injured conditions of the skin and subjacent tissues. All drug- gists and stores sell at 50c. a box, or cost free from the Zam-Buk Co. . Toronto, for price. 6 boxes sent for $2.50. Send one cent for dainty trial box. eee Tae THERE TO STAY. "Well," said the tattoo artist, as he tropped his needle. "I have put an ele- thant on your arm and a ship on your chest and now I want my money." "I ain't going to pay you a cent. lad," thuckled the old salt, "and, what is amore, I have the advantage of you." "In what way? wee you can't take it out of my hi SS SS DODDS " ZKIDN EY <--* ANTI-SUICIDE BUREAU NEEDED. People of Austrian Capital Have a Ten- dency to Self-Destruction, In Vienna, the seemingly gayest # cilies, an anti-suicide bureau, such has been established in London, is bad- ly year's record. of self- murders shows that Vienna still relains her bad pre-eminence among European capitals in respect to the percentage «1 gh ns rege who vohintarily cut short e The figures for 1906, just published, sbow that 425 persons committed sui- cide, while another 707 tried to do it, but failed. The figures reveal some curi- cus anomalies which must sorely puz- zie psychologists. More suicides take place in summer than in winter. In the month of May when all nature was Proclaiming the joy of living, 48 per- sons decided that death was preferable and terminated 'their existence. In drearer November, when the birds had ased singing and bleak winds wailed mournfully through the leaffess trees, only 28 persons yielded to the convic- lion that life was not worth living. The molives assigned for suicide also disclose some perplexing problems. For instance, only 31 persons committed Suicide because of poverty, while two Tore shuffled off this mortal coil be- cause life had dealt too generously with fhem, and they had become satisfied with it. Sickness was the motive alleg- ed in 100 cases, while love affairs gone wrong drove 63 to destruclior and do- mestic strife impelled 23 to flee to the other world where there. is..neither raarriage nor giving in marriage. The oldest victim was a man of 87; the youngest a lilile girl of eight. What dire tragedy of childhood caused her appear; fact awakens a feeling of infinite pity. Poor little mile! May.her soul rest in peace. The men greatly outnumbered the women, which can hardly be regarded ax proof of the superiority of the male sex. There were 313 of them who took their own lives in the last twelve months and of women, 113--liltle more i In the a making their exits, showed a much. greater partiality "ae bullets than did women. Only twelve at the latter shot themselves while 118 men chose that way of ridding them- selves of the burden of life. Despairing womenhood displayed the greater pref- erence for poison. Thirty-two women swallowed fatal draughts. Twenty- eight women selected the most ghastly {crm of suicide--throwing themselves from top-story windows. er a BREAD THAT IS TWO YEARS OLD. The Hungarian Has a Year's Supply on the Shelves. In' Hungary they do not eat fresh bread. Whether it is because the Hun- garians believe in hygiene more ehan tneir European brothers and. sisters -r not has never been told, but the Mag- yar is partial to stale bread, and the slaler the better. His "rozskenyer, nthe or ordinary black bread, as it is eaten b the very large majority. of the Magyar population, is carefully laid away on a shelf and dug out for consumption months and months after it has ¢ome out of the great ovens. If the huge loaf, weighing something like five pounds and for which the Hungarian pays six or seven kreulzer, equivalent to about three or four cents in our money, has careful- ly been hidden away for two years it +s considered all the better. The Hungarian never thinks of where the bread is to eccme from to-morrow. He thinks of where it is lo come from next year, for te has at least a year's supply on the shelves. The Hungarian bakes bread 365 days ahead of time. Wednesday baking is for the W day of a year to come; her Th baking for a Thursday of a year to ome. The immigrants arriving in America from Hungary bring over many of these immense loaves. They are cumbersome affairs and of ripe old age. The loaf weighs a trifle under five pounds and is sr hard that to drop it on your feet would be to smash a {toe or two. hatchet struck into this loaf is hard to remove, and yet the loaf is vonsidered ao great delicacy by the Hungarians, who look upon it with the same pride that the German peasant looks upon his pumpernickel. ------- Like little velcanoes of disease, the eruptions of eczema pour out discharges. cau the trouble. The local remedy is Weaver's Cera' and Weaver's Syrup will drive the poison from the. HOLLOW GLASS BRICKS. The demand for hollow bricks and building blocks for house construction has induced glass manufacturers to put \ That Tells |= le } and Russia third 'with 70,000 000. But a to take the leap in the dark does not tt but the bare mention of the- hollow glass bricks on the market, and they promise to be used extensively f. r | novel and artistic effects. The first | glass bricks, being solid, proved a fail- | ure on account of their cost, but the hollow glass bricks can be made at | much less expens?. They are lighter and slronger than clay bricks and are such excellent nonconductors that walls buill of them are proof against damp- ness, sound, heat and cold. The bricks are sealed hermetically when hot and walls with a colorless The bending strength of the glass mortar i< almost as great as the bricks themselves. Mrs. Madison--"How do you like your new neigh o. . Dyer--"I don't es r 'haven't tried to borrow any- thing am eat Austrian salt mine at. Wiel. ' as 600 miles : The. M ark shrink,-- your own dealer so! guarantees ~ Underwear trademarked re ' softer, warmer, more flexible, better wearing. , eeTTE R-» UNDERWEAR SWEEPING ASSERTIONS. Father: "Did you notice how grace- fully Ethel swept into the room at the party last night?" ther: "Yes, but.when it comes to Sweeping out a room she's not much use," If you are a sufferer from colds get a bolle of Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup and test ils qualities. It will be found that no praise hestowed_on--it--is 5 all that is claimed lor horoughly. Do not take pte substitute for Bickle's Syrup, be- cause it is the best, having stood the test of years. All the best dealers sel! NO HEART TO HEART. She--'And now, Charlie, I suppose to-morrow you will have to speak to papa about this?" . He--""Yes, dearest, I suppose I must." (After a pause)}--"Has your father a telephone?" ' pe Your Doctor png ue Mors or Co een « otha bate why go to le and 'ou can step into any drug store anada obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. pay Paar two to five dollars 1 aay can -five cent S will cure you AUSTRALIA'S WEALTH i. SHEEP, The greatest industry of Australia' is woah ul pap oagered be ie ake at ie but prerace: caecuirtiae of course, for the ranks second rn Beige haa great sheep tidsing countries, Argentine being first bal 82,000.00 sheep, Australia seco 72,000,000, féw years ago Australia was first, pas- sessing no less 106,260,000 head of sheep. 'luat was in 1891. Prolonged droughts were the cause of the destruc- tion of many. millions of one has been an Yet these sheep were not indigenous to Australia. They were first introduced in 1797. being of the Spanish merino species. LOTS! A fellow can't live on love, But lots of men there are Whom you and I -have kngwledge of Who live on their love's*pa? They Advertise Themselves.--Immedi- ately they were offered to the public, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills became po- pular because of the good report they made for themselves. That reputation h wn, and they now rank among the first medicines for use in attacks c! big eae and biliousness, complaints 'f the liver and kidneys, rheumatism, eves and ague'and ithe innumerable complications to which these ailmeats give rise Doclor ;+-"Did those red- pills T teft for little Walter do him' any good?" Mrs. , indeed, doctor. He's been sitling = in bed all day playing marbles with th will need net shed an t lame Yeu The D& Menthol Pp Try and be convinced. tears if ter on org Constituent--"Now, } Mr. Wunnout, I wish you'd do your best to get my boy ood Government position." be bothering you!" They Cleanse the System Thoroughly. --Parmelee's Vegetable Pills clear thé stomach and bowels of bilious matter, cause the excretory vessels to throw off impuritizs from the blood into the bowels anc expel the deleterious mass from the body: They do this without pain or inconvenience to the patient, who speedily realizes their good offices as soon as they begin to take effect. They have strong recommendations from all kinds of people. And when you hear a man boast of his ancestors it's a safe bet that his descendants will have no occasion to boast of theirs. A Patter ef 1 tance te all these who are run down -- ebilitated is "the fact that " Ferrorrm " @ best tonic ever compounded. It gives Tecaath and Gaile ee the system. Judge--""And your wife aimed at and struck your head with a cup?" Witness --"Yes, sir." Judge--"'Well, all I have fo say is that you ought to be very proud of her." The never failing medicine, Holl- way's Corn Cure, removes all kinds «{ ,corns, warts, etc.; even the most diffi- 'cull to remove cannot withstand this g m "Well, what can your son Con- stituent--"What can he do? Cn Scot, 1 man, if he could do anything I wo ldn't | od. 'Allen's Tame fin Oo Queen City] FOR -- nie yeh enmeragh p oemtigy ons, bs airy good che pom dw ™ Ld. WARRICK, Corning, Calif, Big money now being made sell- ing shares of one of Cobalt safest, best and most reliable companies, A trustworthy repre- sentalive--avanled--for this --dis= trict. Write at once to Box a, Toronte. CARPET DYEING SRITISH AMERIOAN DYEING 0@ Gend partioniars by post and we arecurctoswvinly Adarees Box 166, Montreal, "How much coal is there, Susan? How long will it last?" "Well, ma'am, it will ast quite a while if you 'don't have any fires." "Then there isn't much leit? "There isn't any left, ma'am." Pain is Punishment.--Pain is @ pee fest of nature against neglect of the Ledily health, against carelessness ™e garding the physical condition. it lakes up its abode in a man and it ig scmetimes difficuit to 'eject i. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will drive it emt in short order. it is used, but immediately .flees awag. * Sugar to-day is only one-sixth the price of what it was in the year of Walerloo, There Is we sack t a harmless The ble from So worse unless 2 Lug Balsam cures the worst It allays Before Lister's antiseptic inventions the, rate in amputations of the thigh was 41 cent. It is now abeut 6 per cent. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator does not require the help of any pur- gative medicine to complete the cure, Give it a trial and be convinced. Sometimes a woman doesn't meet her ideal man until she is too old for him to recognize her. wonderful remedy. 6 pb ph: uare (10 with » cost you as much, and be ft. ny we), warranted) with heavy galve nails OSHAWA' STEEL ver SHINGLES Anybody who can drive f wi les will to dust lon nba peters Shineie proof, cant an fava tone na a Hae 0 : Xx The Pedlar Peo MONTREAL TORONTO. OTTA book--where s (28 - guage -- Of Oshawa LONDON Dendas hall we i send your copy? ple AGENTS Sal steals in at the first opportunity and. - Pain cannot slay where -