MEDICAL D. C. Murray, M.A.,M.D., Graduate in Medicine Universit; duate ao L.0.C. P. & S. and § of the of Toronto also Honor Gra- '0 Hu AUCTION BDERS Alex: Morrison License AUCTIONEER for the Coun- ties of Perth and ron. Charges ¢ | moderato orders by mail or otherwise 'FT promptly attended to, Atwood post-office. Wm. Holman LIGENSED AUCTIONEER for tb Counties of Perth and Huron Newry , P.O., Ont. Ratos moderate and satisfaction A teed, All ordersby mail orother wise uaa prompt'y attended to. LEGAL Charles J. Wynn ¥[ Notary Public. Conveyancer, Issuer of *] Marriage Licenses, Moncy to loan on 34 Real Estate. Ageut for Union Trust Com- pany's Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Village and Farm propertics forsale, Office Main St., Atwood, Ontario. Morphy & Carthew { RRISTERS, Solicitors, Conveyancers, BS. Solicitora for the Bank of Ham Office above Robt. Thompson's store, Listowe Ontario. J. M. CarToew "§ilton. Monoy to loan. H. B. MorPuy Blewett & Bray | BARRET ERS and Solicitors, Listowel, to loan. Solicitors forSentt's Banking Houxo and Ontario a gi egy and Loan A: Bank, Wallace Stroct, Lis R. BLewett Association. -- red r Scott Viens 'Bray, B.A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B.A. BARRISTER, CONVEY ANCER Money to Loan at $4 per cont. --Main street. Listowel, next to Dr. Office j Fostor, dontist. Sragcn Offico--Mauin stroet, rn t Bee Offic over ©. Will a _ Atwood ev ery Pidneaes afternoo LIGENTIATE I Post Gradua - Bg ong tte Chi Grey, Bernie & Co.'s Btreet. Listowel. Ontari DENTAL Dr. W. M. Bruce LC.D.S., Ontario D.D.S. Trinity University, 2 te Haske) stairway as Dr. sivutherford, thetic Will be found dally. * Ran new coalee over a State Surgeons of Onta Office vver an towel, Ontar , Monday, from 9. Dr W. A. McDowell DENTIST NRADUATE of pe College of Dental Branch Offic odie Wi visit the Bee Office. tAv Honor Graduate of Poranto U neve ersity pson Bros. sto! » Lis . over rood oyery South, as follows : Going South 7.30 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 3.30p.m. | G. T. R. Time Table Trains leave Atwood Station, North and Mixed Express Going North 7.30 a. 1. 21 Pp. = p.m, po distorted limbs growths back to fiesh again. 'That is impossible But I can now surely kill the pains and pangs o: out belp. We sell, and in confidence recommen Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy C. H. MCFARLANE, DEATH OF ELGIN ANDERSON.-- The home of Thos. Anderson, mer- chant, of Donegal, has been darkened by a great sorrow. Their ten year old son Elgin was visiting relatives in Ayr last week when he was seized with an attack of pneumonia and in about five days death claimed the young lad asits prey. The best of medical skill was employed to save the young lad's life but all in vain. The dread disease got in its deadly work and poor Elgin was brought home a corpse. The funeral took place on Saturday Feb. 2nd and was largely attended. The stricken father and mother have tne sincere sym- pathy of all the community in the terribly sad affliction which has come upon them. DEATH OF Mrs. WM. BURNETT. --The grim reaper of death is truly no respector of persons. Old and young have to obey the summons. On Sunday last Mrs. Wm. Burnett of con. 6, east, was summoned to the home beyond, after a brief illness of about a week. She was seized with an attack of acute. pneumonia early last week and though the best of medical skill was secured, she rapid- ly sank and died on Saturday after- noon. She was a sufferer from asth- ma and being 65 years of age, the disense made rapid headway. We were not acquainted with the de- ceased, but from those who knew her best we have heard nothing but words of praise. The sorrowing re- latives have our most sincere condo- lences in their sorrow. DEATH OF JAMES HUMMASON.-- Itisour sad duty to chronicle the death of another former resident of our township in the person of James Hummason who died at his home in Wallace last Friday after an illness of a week's duration. Mr. Humma- R.J.Walker's MEAT MAREET Fresh Beef, Pork, Cured Meats of all kinds when in sta- son :: oe Lard our own rendering Headcheese Pork Sausage Bologna --Cash --For --Hides R. J. WALKER Main Streot, Atweod 4 Subseribe abies Bee. . dull or hilious, : complexion, try they will do CAri- ® If MAanglaghc en or havea rallow pee pie: ope Leads vig son some time ago injured himself quite severely by a fallin the barn. He was seized a short time ago with a stoppage in his bowels, supposed to be the result of the accident years ago. The best medical attention could not stay the ravages of the dis- Si ease and he died after suffering con- siderably. The funeral took place on Sunday. The deceased formerly lived on the farm now owned by Geo. C. Coghlin. He was aman of quiet and unassuming demeanor and was well liked by all who knew him. The bereaved family have the sincere and heartfelt sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. Try This For Your Cough. To relieve a cough or break up a cold in twenty-four hours, the follow- ing simple fermula, the ingredients of which can be obtained of any good prescription druggist at small cost,.is all that will be required: Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), one half ounce; Gly- 4 cerine, two ounces ;. good whiskey, a half pint. Shake 'well then take in teaspoonful doses every.four hours. The desired results can not be obtain- ed unless the ingredients are pure. It is therefor better to purchase the ingredients separately and prepare the mixture yourself. Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) should be purchased in the original half-ounce vials, which drug- gists use for dispensing. Each vial is securely sealed in a round wooden case boca cate ited dec ghnaas from ex- posure to light. Arow ved wrapper wi with the} The Jamestown International Ex- position will open its gates to the world on April 26th next and will close December Ist. The site of the exposition is situated on the shores and waters of Hampton Roads, about etd miles from the city of Norfolk, a. The historic interest that attaches to this site und its immediate vicini- ty is well known, but a brief sketch of the facts are not out of place in this preliminary article: It was here at Jamestown that the first English settlement was effécted and which has resulted inthe English virtually ruling or at least controlling the western continent. It was early in December 1606 that Raleigh's expedition left. Eng- land in three small frigates, for the New'World. It was not until the the 26th day of April of the succeed- ing year that they passed in between the two Virginia capes, naming the southern Henry, after the Prince oi Wales, and the northern Charles, after his brother. In all probability it was the mountain-like sand dunes that then stood guard back of Cape Henry, as they do to-day, that at- tracted the attention of the voyagers and prompted them to land at Cape Henry, but they were atonce attack- ed by savages and driven cif to their vessels. The next morning they pro- ceeded to Hampton Roads and an- chored just inside that ~ world-re- nowned harbor at a place they called Fort Comfort and'which to this day bears the name of Old Point Com- fort. This accounts for the date of the opening of the Jamestown Ex- position. At 'Old Point Comfort the colon- ists remained in peace for several days and proceeded up the river that empties into .Hampton Roads, first called Powhaten river, but afterwards James river after the then ruling monarch of England. On Janding at what eventually became known .as Jamestown, the crews disembarked and commenced the life of pioneers. Their tribulations and hardships and their eventful success are too wel known to require special mention here, even if want of space did not forbid. It was at Jamestown that the white man first met the red man for settlement and civilization and where trust and treachery alternated till the white man triumphed and the red man vanished from the scene; here for the first time in America an Eng- lish marriage was solemnized; here the first English childin America was born; here the first trial by jury in this country was held. Here, too, the first legislative body in America convened, and here was laid thefoun- dation of the two nations who con- trol the Dominion of Canada and the United States of America. _ It is to commemorate all this and phenomenal progress in education, art, science, manufacture and .com- merce, during the past three hundred years that the Jamestown Exposition will be held. Here on the placid wateis of Hampton Roads the great- est naval and military demonstration the world has ever seen will be held next year during the exposition. There will be here as it were on dress-parade the finest and most powerful war ships from the navies of all the great world-powers, parad- ding their grandeur and prowess in friendly competition, while on the thirty-acre parade ground within the exposition boundaries, the land for- ces of all important nations will vie with each other in gaudy uniforms and brilliant accoutrements, in com- petitive drill. The United States has never hith- erto permitted armed companies of foreign soldiery to visit this country; consequently for the first time visi- tors to the Jamestown Exposition will be an international encampm and the size of this one may be im- |. agined when one realizes that almost every country in the world will send one of its crack regiments and the United States will be represented hy a division, while the different states of the Union will send its quota of militiamen. While the above deals principally with historical facts and a sketch. of the naval aud military display, art, science, agriculture and commerce will be represented in all their bran- ches.--Louis Larivee, Specint Corres- pondent to the Canadian Press at the Jamestown Exposition. cance sore ln meee Auction Sales. Alex. Morrison han received inetrac- tions from the andersigned to sell by pub- lic auction at lof 6 con. 5, Bima. Bt Feb. sth. 1907, the following Cattle, 26 rod milk cows sup'd in calt to pure bred yall; 82-year-old heifers eup"d in' calf to pure bred bull; pure bred bhorthorn bull: steers rising + + years; 4 steers rising 2 years; ) steers rising | year and 6 heifers rising 1 y ar Hogs, 5 good brood sows in pig; 72 hone about ! » ibe, each; In hogs abont to Ibs. and 15 hoge about 3 tnonthe old. tren. 14 well bred bred Leicester ram. Sale atlo"clock sharp. Trrue:-All sums of 310 and under, cash; over that amount "4 months' credit will be given on furnish- ing approved joint notesora discount of 4 per cent. off for cach of on credit amounte. Everything will be sold withont reserve a8 the proprietor has rented his farns -- Those. Hunter, proprietor. ewes and a pure Alex Morison bas received instructions from the undersigned to fell by blic auction at lot.2, cyn, 14 Elna, on re day Feb. 14th, 'the followi ing: pr horves, 8 r old; horse l¢yr old; mare 1 svrold sup'd in foal; colt rising syr old Oliver Wilks colt rising 4yr old grand weer! 16 bande high; 20 good dy Airy cows sup' arrow cows; § steer rising 2yr; r hetieny rising 2y8; 14 well bred ewes; 1 well bred ram; thoroughbred birkshire breeding BOW elighble for registration; | well bred eow; 4 pigs about Luulbs 9 pigs 3. months old; 100 henge; pr geese Noxon seed drill; wagon and box; pr sleighs; cutting box; double carriage; 2 top buggies; 2 cutters: light set double harness; heavy eet double harness; 2 Ret single harness; quantity of Scotizhchief oats free from wild oats and noxious weeds; 100 bushels Mancer bar- Jey; a quantity of hay; and other articles too numerous to mention. The above articles inust be suld as the proprietor has lensed his farm. All disputes left to the auctioneer. Come along and get some good young cows.--Texms:-All sums of 310 and under, cash;orer thatamount 9 months' credit will given on furnishing approved joint notes ora discount. of 3 er cent per annum off for cash.-- W. A. eet, Proprietor. CASTORIA For Infants and Children, the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Be fflltda : signature of 12th Line East. Joe McFarlane, of Atwood, spent Sunday with his mother on the line. Wm Struthers sold his fine year old colt for the neat sum of $1465.00. Miss Emma McCourt has secured a position in London as book-keep- r. We are glad to report that Mrs John McCourt is able to be around again. Ab McLennan is under the weath- er at present with a severe attack of la grippe. Miss Annie Struthers has returned home after spending a week with re- latives in Atwood. Miss Olive Burnett spent a few days last week with her friend, Miss Lizzie Struthers. Quite a change took Sass last week on this line when John Henry sold his farm to John McCourt and bought Robt. Rholston's farm near Milver- ton; Wm Struthers bought A Petrie's farm and A Petrie bought W 8 Buch- anan's farm at Donegal. Times are looking up, boys! Eyesight TAUBE Manufacturing Opticians' and Byesight Specialists of Toronto] 7 & SON --will be at-- Elma House, Atwood, on Thursday, February 2ist, and will be glad to have all those troubled with defective eyesight call and consult them. Thev have been established in Torongo since 1871 and dur- ing that time over 100,000 cases have been successfully fitted by them. Ao advantage they have over others i is the fact that they grind | beir and b doing pre oe the ot leon Bargains | "~ ee Sinclair's for the com- ing week. a We have cleared out a lot of cur win- ter goods, but we have some spaciul bargains for you yet. Read over the list below and see what we have ie store for you = A few Indies' coats left at just hal price. 1 Man's calf coat, reg. 27.00, sala price 17.50 1 only Man's Bear coat, reg. 17.00 sale price. 13.50 1 only Ladies' Astrachan coat witlt sable collar and Japells, regular 3 only Children's white bear coats, reg..8.00 & 4.00, sale price 2.19 9 pieces double fold Dress Goods, regular 1.25 & 1.50, clearing at 39c a yard Wool hoods for the girls, regular eo sale price Men's cardigan jackets at a great re- duction Men's ~siatale reg. 5.00 & 6.00, =e price ...---- Boys reefers, reg. 3.00, sale Bes 2.95. Men's heavy socks and rubbers at cost Men's wo: king shirts, reg. 50c, sale price 39c A few ladies skirts, reg. 3.00, sale DEICG ocr scsnns inrnencens: naxennenn 1.19 Space will not Usrmit us to quote - but a few of the special bargain. Come in and see for yourself and be convinced what we advertise is BO. ==" Highest price paid for pro- duce -- Cash or trade. 1. J. Sinclair Atwood's Cash Bargain Store House for Sale. Tho frame honse on King st. North, at pre- sent occupied by Samuel Newsteadt is offered for sale on casy terms to the rizht person. For particulars apply to Thos. W. Fullarton, Monk~- ton, Ontario. Farm for Sale. Being on Lot 35, Concession 11, of Grey, there being 97 acres, more of less, 8 acres dlelred + on the promises"their are a bank barn, 60x40 ; hog pen 40x26 ; implement 4022. A com- foctubis frame house ; thefarm is well watered 4 a good fruit orchard ; 35 acres ploughed ed in a good state of cultivation. For infor= mation apply to R. W. Pickrell, Henfryn, Ont. good wellson premises. Price $300. Terms to @uit purchaser. Village Property.--Six room fratee house, | good stable, good well. 25 acre lot, well fen+ ced with wire. Location first-clats. © Price ese properties will stand investigation,-- Cc. Ke Wann, Atwood, Ontario. Remember the date of TAUBE & SoN's visit to Atwood and if your ~ eyes bother you in any way, Make if % point to see them at the Elma ~ House on Thursda} Feb. 21st. To'stopa cold with 'Prevéntics" is ~ , esa Chart to let cage - cure it after: | Taken "'sneese | Breveniticn will bead off fn colds and