Atwood Bee, 1 Mar 1907, p. 6

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A Sold by drug- al 25 cents a box, The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Aeed&kville, On!. _--____ %&¥ ODD CLOCK AND ITS AKER. "Giagemeus Frenchman Who is An Inmate of a Poorhouse. 'me of the most wonderful and uni- 'mggus. clocks, representing Biblical scenes, fees "been completed by, Lewis Julian, "mm inmale of the Northampton Counly use, South Bethlehem, Penn. , imlin is an expert watchmaker, but SMilmess has crippled him to a great ex- est, making him incapable of follow- -mg this trade. Notwithstanding his phy- sagacal disabililies he still retains all the 'memes of his early manhood. The hap- WRtst moments of his life, he says, were -smemapied in consirucling the clock. fulian. was born in Vast, Department e@@ Manche Iberge, France, in 1827, and _-@peroes of a family of watchmakers. At __ Mie age.of twelve le went fo Belgium 'te Searn ihe irade of his forefathers. 'rom then until the illness that crippled . ite Julian practised with success the ~memichmaking trade. It was soon after , Qew admission to the almshouse that he "a@pemeeived the idea of building his clock. After cOnstructing the- works of three erent. sized timepieces he commenced <Mie seal work. Many thousand: pieces 'eal "weod and melal are contained in Gis wonderful clock, and it took Julian "a@ppmerai years [to build it. The work 0 Grsi was slow, and at odd times he Grew diagrams and spent only 'spare 'mpements on his device. @et as time went on and the con- -@femeraie mass of wood and meta! be- 'gm. to grow inlo a tangible shape Jn- @aem became more and more enthusias- ~ Wie, and finally it was hard work for the ~@endants fo cet him to cat his meals omer get sufficient sleep. His companions at first thought his "Sbiic of mechanism were those of a de- i@peied man, bu! their doubls were 'qgradually dispelled as they saw the --ewotation of an cigh!-day clock. so con- > -oaftracted as to work aulomata to repre- 'ame. the advent «of Jesus in the > -amamger, surrounded hy an ox and ass: Whe visit of the wise men; the flight Soseph and Mary and the Chitd. "mented on an ass, to Egypt, and the --moetng of Herod and the soldiers, "Wesides this, the clock ha a dial giv- "amg the day of the week and the month qmmf Che signs of the zedac. It also "w@bews the rising snd = selling of the "am and moon. Vhere is . time dial. "Wike clock siriking hourly and every agearier hour. This wonderfn! We ' clack slands seven tSiee§ high and is bout two [eet six . Ss square and contains a large mmgpont of mechanism. A sixteen- |earried Mohamm rusalem to "Though a. camel shammed Mecea, seven mies an hour} §6--tthe Night ? Jerusa m +50 an hour is the latter day camel's dimit. It can- | 3 * : : What mother's or father's heart has ot mainidin this rate for over two hours. either. . {Rot leaped inlo their throat when they Its usual speed is five miles an hour 'have been suddenly awakened in the a ays pace a he yay! itis dan- night by that hard and prolonged, cr Gerous to urge it, ag cs say, it that smothering, choking, croupy cough might break its heart and die lilerally jthat betokens the most serious results sh ee gp on Oe a, | Unless relieved at once? What anett I speed snd Foes tt kneels foe ad lefactive aga WHAM ronleie te hans . ' ' i aa Eo Ans cles OF Asia oil make 'the child may suffer or die before relief te g P 1© camel remains can be given. where it kneels, and where it kneels it a dies. A fire under ifs nase is useless, : : THE ONLY RELIABLE 0 LTS FOOT "Do you take any stcck in winter prophets?" ; EXPECTORANT "No. I don't bilieve the cold weather ! 'No. is over until my wife quits telli ,is a quick and absolutely safe, reliable ees are out of coal." en ae me \and certain cure for all forms of Cou ;Cold, Sore Throat, ZAM-BUK SAVES A FARMER'S ARM sc", 2a" hte ad ;Bdulls many an hour's suffering and illness. SLOGUM'S SIGN. these open It will save SOME SENSATIONAL PROOFS OF ITS HEALING POWER. \ ai Every day brings interesting inslances a7 to light of the wonderfu! healing power Gf Zam-Buk, the herbal baim. Mr. Wm. rant from Snell, : Langenburg. (Sask.), farmer, es ra of two days the is pect rhe : "I saved my arm by. using Zam- ultese 7, I had a terrible scalding sprites ee A oa pe ta me ; and the arm after the injury 'took the | ROBERT PALEN, wrong way.' When I started to use ;-A:-® Station, Zam-Buk: it was all swollen up 'and! No home should be without it. discolored, and I feared it would have to come off. In a few days Zam-Buk troubles the world killed the poison, reduced the swelling, it on hand. and finally healed the arm completely." @5c. at your dealer. ECZEMA CURED. Mr. J. E. Cusick, of -349 Wilson St, Hamillon, says:-- GOOD FOR OLD AND YOUNG, "Every winter I used to have eczema PERFECTLY HARMLESS. CHILDREN LOVE IT. cn the back of my hands. Last winler TOURS I was especially bad--so bad that Thad to be off work for three weeks, While suffering acutely I was advised to try | Zam-Buk and did so. I could not have | From $195 to $545. Fo | Programme, write Rev. Dr. Withrow TORONTO, it ef, in got a bottle of t and in as cu © re- and we decided t Oo our home coa- Ottawa It is has produced. Keep It is a never-feiling frined. r believed anything could have healed so quickly! It just seemed to dry up and | clear away the sores, and in a wonder- | fully short time my hands were quite cured." | PILES CURED. Mr. Neill Devon, of Webbwood (Ont.), sayvs:--'For eight years I tried all kings of things for piles, but got nothing to do me any good until I struck Zam-Buk! That quickly worked a complete cure." Zam-Buk heals all skin diseases, culs and bruises, eczema, scalp sores, ulcers, chapped places, Spring pimples, scro- fulous ailments, poisoned wounds, swol- len glands, boils. As an embrocation it cures rheumalisrn, sciutica, ete. All druggists and slores sell at 50c. a box, ov from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. 6 boxes for $2.50, Send 1c. stamp for dainty trial box. ete: STAMMERERS The ARNOTT METHOD is the only logi- cal method for the cure of Stammering. It treats the CAUSE, not meroly the HABIT, and insures natural speech. Pam ihiet. par- ticulars and references sent on reques THE ARNOT! INSTITUTE BERLIN, ONT,-CAN, HOW SHE GOT EVEN. He found fault with her cooking, His temper oft displayed, And never got {hrough talking Of "the kind that mother made." At last, her patience wavered, To try there was no use, & And so-well, she got even-- ee "My! but there must be somethin' She simply cooked his goose. awful the matter wid the Missus," said the chambermaid; "consumplion, may- hap." "Why do ye say that?" demanded {he cook. "{ jusht heard the doclor tellin' her that her lungs is 'normal.' Don't that sound turrible ?" Many patent medicines have come and gone, but - Bickle's Anti-Consumplive Syrup continues to occupy a foremost place among remedies for coughs and colds, and as a preventive of decay of the lungs, Jt is a standard medicine that widens ifs sphere of usefulness Pains, Like {he Poor, are Always With Us.--That portion of man's life -qpownd wejght runs the works. and the weme Yhat runs the strikes is qpoesids. Hundreds of persans visit the sm@iimeshonse to sce Julan and his clock. _---------- jp "Mes," said thet young man, pensive- Se "A dog 1 once had saved my life." "Fel me about it," said the young lads, eager interest. "lt sold him for " said the voung man, "when | Was | near starving." Bessie: "What did Jack meak when he "maat.that Miss Olde had a_ beautiful Whgere 2" ay: "He was probably re- WSeering to her banking account." "Yee many people assume that they they think you cught lo do, - fy "Astemious" and "facelious" are the | 9# ig words in English having the vowels g Ener order. ™® Cure for Rheunsatism.--The intru- 2 ef uric acid info the bleod vessels Ss @ fruitful cause af rheumatic pains. his irregularity is owing to a deranged anhealthy cis i ton, of the liver. ene subject to this painful affection find a remedy in Parmetee's Vege: | ® Pills. Their action upon the kid- ws is pronounced und most beneficial. | & iby restoring lhcalihy action, they | Bormect impurities in the blood. | + ej | -- e he ght | from pain is a pleasure. Simple reme- } idies are always 4 1 done their duly when they tell you . A which is not made up of pleasure :s year by year. If you are in mé@d cf targely composed of pain; and to be free |something to rid yourself of @ cough or cold, you cannot do beller than trv the best in treating! Bickle's Syrup. . bodily pain. and a safe, sure and simple remedy Dr. Thomus' Eeleetrie Oil. You cannot do wrong in giving it a {rial when required. ix | "Poor woman! She works hard all day, and then she's up nearly all night with the -babies." "What's the matter with her husband? Why doesn't he help her?" "Oh, he puts in 'all his time agi- taling for an eight-hour day for the workingman." Kind Lady: "After I gave you that nice dinner, you didn't saw thal wood." Ho- bough: "Pardon me, lady. Yer gram- niar is 'bad. Youse should say 'you didn't see that wood.' and then you're wrong. ioe Se "A Grave.yard Ceugh"' is the cry of tortured I saw it when I came in. Balsa ry lungs for mercy. Givethem Allen's Lu . which is used with good effect even in cbusumep: tion's early stagcs. SUBSTITUTE FOR DRINK. "Is your husband keeping his promise {> abstain from drinking?" asked M ise. "Oh. yes, | Newliwed. ! "Are you sure? CATALOGUE FR: ; man to resist the' temptation." C E. BROOKS, 1... Brooks' Bide, MARSHALL, MICH} "Yes bul he tells me he's found a sae | Subslitule which he eats whenever he feels lempted to lake a drink; and what do you suppose it is? Cloves!" faithfully," replied Mrs. Is pretty hard for a LUCKY MEN, Admirers of great, ric#,_or-Tamous Leople offen bestow their wealth upon the objects of their regard. The Ger- man Emperor heads the list of lucky ones so savored. His receipts in money and real estate during the last ten years would, it is said, make a mil- fionaire envious. Following a prece- ----_S VA\ \) - DODDS- ny ea ee Z i Vil MARK TWAIN PREDICTS my little girl. ; to an 5 the greatest family medicine for ohese | jdent, a Hamburg merchant prince left jmore than $1.000,000 to the Emperor's ;}Chancellor, whom Kaiser William im- mediateivy created "Prince" Buelow. {William Jennings Bryan recently came hy-wealth in the same way. In Eng- land Lord Aiterton has received $100,- 400 from an admirer of his public yca- re r, and Dr. Jameson inherits a sum one-fifth larger under the will of Mr. Heit. Queen Vicloria was very fortu- (nale in her admirers, of whom the wealthiest was Nield, who beqeathed to Geiand is The only European country "@hich the population has been greatly Miucod~<during the past .century, Stranger: "Excuse me, sir, but | mitice that you are looking al me closely. There anything aboul me tha is ' ar?"° Second. Stranger: "Yes, "is.. My. umbrella." ss Needed in the blood of pale, rua " Ferrevim," the best tonic, rill At all general stores and Druggists. be. the sum of $1,250,000. mcf TIS S es 8 jan' not knowin' how, sure the wurk wis ek | eae ae FOR 7 Tie 4 Famous Humorist Has a Dig at Ameri- 'can Weakness for Cash and Baubles. "The Coming American Monarchy" is the tille of Mark Twain's reminiscences tn the North American Review. In them ;he vents his humor on the American's well-known worship of titles and money. "Human nature being what it is," he Says, "Il suppose we- must expect to j Grift info monarchy bye-and-bye. ja saddening thought, but we cannot change our nalure; we are all alike, we lare human beings; and in our bleed and bone, and. inadéricable we carry the !seeds out of which monarchies and aris- f , worship these things nd their possessions; we are all born so, and we cannot help il, BARGAIN HUNTING. ,. "We have to be despised by some- _body-whom we regard as above us, cr ; We are not happy; we have to have somebody to. worship and envy, or we cannot be content. ' "In America we manifest this in all the ancient and customary ways. In pub- ww we scoff at lilles and hereditary pri- vilege, but privately we hanker afler them, and when we get a chance we ; buy them for cash and a daughter, | "Sometimes we gel a good man and :worth the price, but we aré ready to lake him anyway, whether he be ripe or rollen, whether he be clean and de- cent, or merely a basket of noble and sacred and long-descended offal. "And when we get him the whok nation publicly chaffs and scoffs -- and privately envies; and also is proud of the honor which has been conferred upon CARESS THE LIST. "We run over our list of titled pur- chases every now and then, in the ; hewspapers, and discuss them and ¢a- 'fss them. and are thankful and happy. | "Like a'l other nations, we worship , money. and the passessors of i!-- they ; being our aristocracy, and we have to | have one, | "IT suppose we mus! expect that un- avo dable and irresistible circumstances Will gradually take away the powers of the States and concentrate them in th« _central government, and that the Re- public will then repeat the history o1 ailelime and become a monarchy." Mother Graves' Worm' Exterminator | has the largest sale of any similar pre- paration sold in Canada, always gives satisfaction by restoring health te ! the lillie folks. . Dr. Sharpe: "I say; Mr. Dooley. you're a long time paying me your account." ; Mr. Dooley: "And it's a long toime ye look lo cure me, be jabbers !" | t The masc! Mistress: "Norah, you don't seem ta! try fo learn anything. Haven't you any! ambition in life?" Kilehen Maid: "No, | mum; bul I've saved something, an' I'm goin' to have a gr-rand funeral whin I die, mum." Impurities in fhe Blood.--When the! aclicn of the kidneys becomes impaired, ; impurities in the blood are almost sure } to follow, ahd general derangement of | the system ensues. Parimelee's Vege- | table Pills will regulate the kidneys, so that they will maintain healthy ection and prevent the complications which certainly come when there is derange- ment of these delicate organs. As a restorative 'these Pills are in the first rank. Where 100 to 150 persons live to the square mile, the death-rate averages 16 the square mile, the death-rate increases to 24 per 1,000. Like a bed.habit a skin disease lous hum eczema cu) AUSTRALIA'S GROWTH. This is the record of Austratian sta- tistical facts in 1904, as compared with 1901, wilh a population, be it remem- bered, of only 4,000,000, and after a per- icd of unprecedented drought and dis- te . aster : Voltime of trade (increase)... £17,272,189 Agriculturai, pastoral, miner- al (increase) Bank deposits {increase) ..., Savings bank deposits (in- crease) Shipping lonnage (increase). Private wealth (per inhabi- 260 Railways (increase in miles), 1,156 "Oi can't slay¢ ma'am, on- less ye gives me more wages." | Mrs, Hirem Often: "What!- Why you don't know how. to cook or do housework at ail! Bridget: "That's just. it, ma'am, Bridget : a'l the haftder for me, ma'am." .| removal of corns. warts, etc. intl patil Of oe dae Teething Babie are saved suffering--and mothers given rest--when one uses Nurses' ana Methers' Treasure Quickly relieves--regnilates the bowels -- iety' of fabrics, styles and variety sizes for women, 'men and guaranteed by own At drug-stores, 25c. 6 bott! Sole Proprietors, Montreal. "Queen City" is betier than a pure Manrtoba flour--a os better Se bal quia df bal -- "Queen City" s an all-purposes four. ea Ask your grocer for The Campbell Campbell's Milling Co. tmites . Toronto function. Ont Queen City son your systems with fake nos- m fe 7 able should be 'treated as you would treat a sore finger. GET AT THE £@AT THE TROUBLE tmancipator" is a local applied by yourself, costs but twe is guaran absolu THE EMANCIPATOR CO., -- 112 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada Agents Wanted in Every Town. GENTS--LATEST BELLING CRAZE--$1e daily easy for workers bandling our phot pitiew tops: send at once for particalncs before somesone olse gets yourterritery. Central Supply Co., Dept. 3, 367 Richmond street, London, Oat, OHENILLE OURTAING LACE CURTAINS £0 & CLEANED Write to us Dy LIKE about GETTING RID OF HIM. Eva: "Percy squanders money some thing awful. His father says he is no- thing but a debt to him." Jack: "Then why is his father going fo send hint away on a yacht?' Eva: "I suppose he wants him to bee floating debt." It is only necessary to read the timonials to be convinced that Hollo- way's Corn Cure is unequalled for the 'It is a complete extinguisher. , IN THE SICK-ROOM. >: "Iam awfully jealous of ti pretty trained nurse. I wish they. had engaged a hojr one to attend George." Ruby: "Buteehe is only taking his pulse." . " Pearl: "Yes. but what guarantee have I that she might not take his heart?" gland, more mn coonle as many ae per million of population occur m@ accident as in France, ISSUE NO.8-47.

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