Atwood Bee, 1 Mar 1907, p. 7

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Steamer With 180 Passengers and «Crew Driven Ashore. The for many years in* the A despatch from London says: L disaster 'wors bistery . of the busy cross-channeél igen a gland anc the oon curred duntg ® vioient gale short) : be: fore 6 on: Friday morning, when the Rot- ferdam mail sleamer, Berlin, trom. Har- wich to Hook of Holiand, having safely weathered the hurricane, was suddenly | aii wrecked as she-was entering port.. The terrific seag ve the sleamer with ans cre suddenness that all efforts to ea rt have been utter) hopeless. Ppes , No cause yel has been assigned for the terrible accident, and it probably will never be known how the sleamer came to miss the channel, which, al- oe three hundred vards wide_ and royed and ligbled; is always~ "dif acces$ in rough weather. It is' colijecterea that some derangement of - engines or steering gear may have the Vessel - uncontrollable. Captain Precious of the Berlin had @ . | wreck. steamer was lost, and all the names of those who _ on board have not yet been jearn Gein OPERA SINGERS LOST, The Berlin cerried passengers and crew to the number of 141. Among those drowned are nineteen members of the German Opera Company, who had just concluded their season at Covent Gar- den. The manager of the Covent Garden confirmed the statement {hat nineteen members of the German Opera Company Jeft oh Thufsday night on the steamer Berlin. "So far as we know," he said, "these did not include any of the star ts, as the party was made up of members of the chorus returning to their mes, They made arrangements direcUy with the railway company, so we are not vel able to get an exact Mist of the names. The disaster has @roused the most inlense alarm among the other members of the company, owing to the Irheediships and -- ships: existing." Arthur Herbert, one of the King's mes- who was Beagle gee to the con- timerit, was also lest. He was 8 grand- sor of the third Earl of Powis, & and was on @ mission to the courts of Copen- basen, S St. Petersburg, Berlin and. Teher: ing important despaiches to the Fareign Offices at (hase capitals. DUTCH HEROES SAVED ELEVEN. -- uf ADSTUFFs. Feb. 26. ---Wheat--Onlério-- 2 nile winter, 7lc to 7134c; No. 2 ree. "te to Lich No, 2 mixed, 70%e to G18) gael S6c; _No. Man'téba--No. 1 northern, 853gc 1o- Oats--No, 2 ete 39%c to 40, Tos ronlo; No. 2 mixed, 384c lo 39. Peas--793¢c. lo BOC. Corn--No. 3 yellow, American, sec to 52340, Toronto" ntain Mine and west; Ontario, 44c to 45c, basis Chatham freights. Buckwhealt--55c lo 5éc. Rye--Nominally 65c to 66c Burley--No, 2, 5ic to 52%c; No. 3 ex- tra. 49¢ to 5c; No, 3, 47e-t0. 48e,. Flour--Ontario. 9) per cent. patents, $2.70 asked, $2.67 bid; Muaniloba -- first --_" $4.50; seconds, $4; bakers', oe bid for 'sacks outside; $19 nd j buik at. point of shipment, Sho men sav three women and eight men from the wreck of the Berlin on Friday 'afternoon. 'Thé resctiers wo for nearly 36 hours in 'furious Seas, smoth- ering snowstorms and intense cold. They were repeatedly. baffled by waves which threatened |o smash their small boats like cups against pier or They returned again and again whenever & change in the tide or & "ing porary abatement in the ferocity of the gale caused a revival of hope, however slight, that they might reach the casta- ways. They were ajl animated by a spirit, which was put into words "by rince Henry after he had made his first visit to the neighborhood of the wreck aboard a tug. "We will not give up un- til we have saved them. We must get them somehow," said his Royal High- ness, and not a man amon ay crews but had the same determinali Their heroism was wartede Even now, however, their task is not com- pleted, for there remain on the wreck two or three women, whom fear or ex- haustion prevented from Using the life- line, by means of which their compan- ions were rescued.. Renewed efforts are now being directed at saving them, and as the gale has abated and the weather cleared some- what there is cunsiderablé hope of suc- cess. . JUMPED FROM | A WRNDOW: Woman's Suicide a Victoria erage: London. A despatch [rom London, Onl., says: Mrs. -Bessie Doidge, wife of Molerman 'George' Daidge, an employee of the Lon- Won" Slreet Ruilway Company, jumped lrom a third-siorey window of the zma- terfiity ward of Victoria Hospital on Friday evening and was killed. Dr. Kerguson says thut Mrs. Doidge was the] wictim of temporary insanity, induced | hy her illness. She cunningly induced | Khe nurse to raise the window on pre-' fence of securing air. Immediately her back was turned she jumped through. fler husband entered the room while (he nurse wis downstairs. Finding the room empty he inmediately called the gurse, who d:-covered the body outside. LAKE "OF "Oil ENTERED. 'A Wonderfui Siri ie Reported in Rom- ney Township. A @espatch from Chatham says: On Saturday morning. when borirg al a cepth of 230 feet on a well on the north- west corner of lout 21, concession 4, Rom- ney lownship. the tools disappeared and a gush of oi] overflowed the fleld for acres. Thousand= of barrels of oi] were lost. Fxperts «av an oi! lake has been entered, and tat the showing is the best fo the @eld vet. 'The wel! will probably run hundreds of barrels daily. The well fias been thought lo ve a duster and was down further than shallow oil is usually found. ----_--_---- sf ~ FIVE FIREMEN INJURED. at 2 Pianing Mil in London. A despeich from London. Ont, says: Firerapen Thos Artken. A. Davis. A Scott, E Bean aod J. Riddell were seriously in- jured in 4 fire which gutted the Grand Trunk planing mil} at the corner of Ade- aide and £©.mcoe Streets on. Saturdey night. Firemer Aitkens, Davis am Sool are in Victuria Hospital, and are reported to be improving. Fireman Ait- ken"Ss the worst injured, having a bro- ken rib and severe injuries to his buck apd keud. Davis and Scott have imvernel injuries, and Riddel! and Dean are in- ured about the head. The loss will amount to $30,000, with no insurance, --$--<----§ --___ Serious Fire A WINNIPEG SUICIDE. Soha L. Sirns, Real Estaie Deater, Sheots Himself at Strathcona Hotel. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Bohn L. S'rus, rea! estate dealer, cum- mitied suicide in the Sirathcona Hotel @ Friday evening by shooting. Social amd financial! troubics are believed to. be-the cause. --j------ BRITISH ARMY ESTIMATES Yen Million Dollars Less Year. A @espatch from London says: official memorandum issued on Friday, epnounced thal' come oitie gael ae the Thasi Last An- ein ie ste ct solulio CHAMBERLAIN A WRECK. le Is Wheeled) About the Greunds In an invalid Chair. A despatch from London says: i, in- 'teresting authoritative statement, con- cerning the health of Joseph Chamber- jain was published on Wednesday. Ht does not confirm the worst rumors, but it shows that Mr. Chamberlain is com- pletely broken physically, allhough he is mentally alert. He passes most of his time indoors at Highbury, his Birming- ham residence, but when the weather is fine he drives in a carriage in the grounds of his estale, . on unfrequented roads in the vicinity. He seeks to avoid the public gaze. He et stays outside the house more than forty-five minutes al a time. He sometimes spends. con- siderable time in his orchid houses, as ine temperature in these buildings suils him, or he will be wheeled in an invalid chair about the grounds. He occasionally takes a short walk, supported by his stout stick and the arm of his wife, but the invelid chair always is at hand. fe TERRORISTS ROB POST OFFICE. Killed the Postmaster, Two Clerks. and Two Soldiers. A despalch from Warsaw, Russian Poland says: The post-oflice on Wapoiena Street was attacked at noon on Friday hy a band of Terrorists, who shot and killed the postmaster, two posta! clerks and two soldiers guarding the place, and wounded a score of bystanders. The Terrorists robbed the safe of the cash and stamps and escaped in cabs. The Tobbers belong to the organization known as the Fighting Socialists, and displayed a red flag while making their escape. The post-office authorities ad- mit that the robbers got away with several thousand roubies. This was the first important raid in two months, andsgshows tial the Terrorists were not wfppressed as the authorities alleged. The incident has caused intense ex- cilement and aroused fears of a recur- rence of the sanguinary events of the eariy Winter --_-------f---- ACTED IN SELF-DEFENCE, Puckingham Manslaughter Charges Dis. ° missed. A despatch from Hull, Que., says: Judge St. Julien, at the conclusion of the erguinent of counsel in the Buckingham riot trial on Saturday morning, dis- missed the case against Alexander Mac- er Chief Co le and ngs, eed with slaughter. The Judge declared that the the ev mane -- the, accused had' simply acted in -defence. They were accor- dingly discharged. DENOUNCE THE RUSSIANS. ¥rench Merchants Angry Because Their Wares Were Not Purchased. A despatch from Toulon. France, says: The action of the Russian squad. ron, which is anchored in this harbor, in buying provisions from Greek and peeith nerchent has . incensed rench merc who have ucarde gj the city: with denunciations of 3 allies and have forw: - an 5%c; No. Tts--Scarce; price a $22; none offering, COUNTRY RY PRODU CE. Buiter--- ~--receipts are not quite so heavy and there is alap'some improvement no- liced in quality,-a good portion of the poor stuff having been got rid o Creamery, prints .. .. .. da solids .. .. Dairy prints .... do tubs .. ' Cheesk--the to 'aye 1444c for twins. Eggs--New-laid, 30c; storage, 24c. Poultry -- Continues very quiet and prices practically nominal. Chickens, fresh-killed ... Inferior, frozen stock large and . 10c to lie Honey--Sicady 'al ile 'to 12¢ cor pues for pails and $2 to $2.50 for combs. Beans--Market easier at $1.50 hand-picked, and $1.35 to $1.40 primes. Polat es--On'ario, 75¢ to 80°; 8c lo 85c, in car lols here. Baled Hay--Market is easy at $9 to $9.50 f.o.b.. and $11 to $11.50~n car JIots here for No. 1 timothy, and $8 to $8.50 for No. 2 in car lots here. Straw--S'eady at $7 to $7.50 in car jo's here. ' MONTREAL AL MARKET! S. Montreal, Feb. 26.~Locally the grain market is steady. Buckwheal--55e to 56%c ex-sbore. Corn--Amer:can, No. Nu. 3 mixed, 65c, ex-store. Oats--On "rr No. 2 No. 3 while, 414c to 42c; 'No. lo 41c per bagi ar: -store. Peas--Boi'ing pess~$1 lols; $1.10 in jobbing lots. i Flour--Manitoba spring wheat, $4.25 ti $4.60; strong bakers', $3.90 to $4.10; winter wheat petents, $4.10 to $4.25; siraight rollers, $3.60 to $3.70; do., in ae $1.65 to $1.57; exiras, $1.50 to far for easiern, per bushel, 5h 2 vac; @¢ 2 yellow, white, 522¢c; 4, A250 in carload 'Milifeed- ~Manitoba bran, in bags, $20 to $22; shorts, $22 to $22.50; Ontario On"ario bran, in bags, $20 to $21; shorts $.2 to $29.50; milled mouille, $21 to $25; straight grain, $28 to $29 per ton. Rolled Oals- --Per bag, $2 to $2.10 in car lots; $22 to $22.50 in jobbing Jots. Hay--No. 1, $1250; No. 2, $12.50; No. 3, $11.50; clover, mixed, $11; pure clo- yer, $10.50 to $11 per ton in car lols. Eggs--New-laid are coming in more plentifully, and are quoled at 32c. Cheese--It is reported that stocks do Tut now amount tou more than between five and eight thousand boxes, and for these 13%c and lic is being asked. The English market conlinues firm and un- changei to-day. Sixly-six shillings is being. qucted for white and 68s for col- ored. Butter--Fresh ereamery, 25c lo 25'4c; rolled, in baskets or half-barrels. 22c to 2234c; western dairy selected, 22c; Manitoba dairy, 20c to 21c; receipts this morning. 67 packages. Provisions--Burrels short cul mess, $22 to $23.50; half-barrels, $11.75 to $12.- 5: clear fat barks, $24 lo $24.50; long cut heavy mess, $20.50 to $22; half- ber rels do., $10.75 to $11.50; dry sall long elear bacon, 12c to 1224c; barrels plate beef, S11 to $12.50; half- barrats do., $6.25 to $0.75; barrels hagvy mess beef, $8.59; half-barrels do., FR75; compound lard, 8%c to 10%4c: pure tard. 11%,¢ to 13c; ketlle rerdered, 18¢ to 13}4c; hams, 132 to 1634c, according to size; breakfast! bacon, 15c to 16°; Windsor bacon, 1534c te 16%4c; fresh killed abattoir dressed hegs, $10 to S10°25; alive, $7.25. BUFFALO "MARKET. Buffalo. Feb, 26. -- Flour --- Steady. Wheat--Spring firmer; No. 1 Northern, $9c: Winter firm; No. 2 wile. 80c. Corn --Sleady; No. 2 yellow, 50%c; No. 2 white, as Oals--Firm; No. 2° white, 2 mixed, 43%. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New York, Feb. 26--Wheat--Spot mar? bet steady: No. 2 red, 81}c ee No, 2 red, 83}c f.0.b. afloat; 1 port er Duluth, 91%e f.0.b. afloat: Ne. @ hazd winter, 87c¢ f.0.b. afloat, CATTLE MARKET. Toronto, Feb. 26.--T'rade at the West- ern Market was active on fairly free deliveries. Peg exporters' cattle were quoted at to $5.40; fair to medium, $4.50 Sco, per cw. Some animals were sold under the appelalion of exporters' cattle as $4.25 to wae a ce but these could more accural ere Bs ROR, 1 10 | 90.487 ; '/One Resuit of the Terrible Famin - ' in Russia. A despatch from Kazan, Russie, says : A correspondent of the Associated Press has returned heré aller. a twenty-five days' trip through Kazan, Samara and Ufa, three sampie provinces of the twenty affected by famine. The co pondent investigated the situation in all directions, travelling 500 miles by sleigh in districts remote from the railroads where the distress is most acute... He tTeports sporadic cases of scurvy in all three provinces. Aside from the distri- bution of Government rations, the Red Cross and local municipal organizations are feeding: in Ufa 210,000 persons. in Kazan 230,000, and in Samara 100,000. A trip by, sleigh into the northern part of Kazan province took the correspon- dent into: one of the ee sections of Alanzhipshack, many persons corres-| traction of the limbs, ness and id disabled. Almost every (he famine region. In the'hamlet of --pitit-s from ergotism were found in seve = four out of seventy-eight houses ¥5 ; The symptoms of this malady srar a. fellowel™. burning sensation ese the liser, a permaness cum snd finally: Ste jocy.' A total of ene-tential: the ulation has n permenesiie: - ed. house visit: présented variations of this disease>. Four-fifths of the cattle in. this disteiaie:. by chills, spasms: and have been killed by the same poisem, amis. fully five per cent. of the crop is ergalliss- The peasanis are fully aware of the am wholesomeness of the grain, but Ghager have no allernalive and must eat: wite&e they can get. 'Thousands of ceses- aft col erga occurred before the Gorerm=-- was Stirred to action. The maleniige:. is w diminishing. butchers', $4.40 to $4.60; heavy ani- mals, medium quality, $4.25 to $4.50; fat cows, $3.50 to $4; common cows, mixed, $ $3.25; canmers, $1.25 to $1.50 per cwl. Stockers, choice, $3 to $3.25; common, mixed, $2 to $2.25; bulls, $1.50 to $2; feeders, $3.30 to $3.80; short-keeps, $3.80 to $4.25 per cwl. Lambs, grain-fed, $6 to $7; lambs, eS $4.50 to $5.50; export ewes, $4.50 to $5.25; export bucks, $3.50 to $4.50; Me ule, $3.50 to $4 per cw. Hogs w 're quoted as easy al $6.70 for selects, arid $6.45 for lights and fats. P ¥ FROST WIPES OUT FAMILY. \ Farmer, His Wife and Three Chil- dren the Victims. wan, says: A man named David Trap- ver, arrived here on Westnesday night with the startling infor:nation that a farmer named Radcliffe, wiln his wile and three children had been frozen to death. Radcliffe was a homesteader, who came here for coal about a fort- ntught ago. A neighbor named McAl- tine called al Radcliffe's during his ab- sence and found his wife and children frozen solid and no fuel or food in the house. Further search also found Rad- cliffe and his team of oxen frozen to death on the ice in a_neighboring creek, with his sleigh loaded with coal and provisions. It is thought+that he had lost his way in the storm and perished. Radcliffe arrived from England last May and went homesteading in June. Sergt. Lelt, of the Mounted Police, con- firms {he report by wire, adding that the bodies were brought into Macoun on Wednesday nighi. ----__--__* ) DEPORT INSANE SETTLERS. Arrangements made to Send Back Un- desirable Imintgrants. A despaich from Toronto says: Ar- rangements have been made by Mr. S. Armstrong. Provincial Inspector of Asy- lums, through the Dominion Immigra- tion Department, for the deportation of live setllers who have, since their arrival i Canada. developed insanity... All are men, and all came from Great Britain originally. One of them, who is at pre- sent confined in Toronto Asylum, will be sent back to the Old Country ina few days. Another will be removed from Hamilton on Saturday. Several more persons of the same type will leave Can- ada a week from Salurday. A consider- able number of similar cases of colonists who have shown signs of mental weak- ness will be similarly dealt with shortly. During the 'ast month 18 lunalics, who came shortly before into the country, have been deported. fe ~--_____ WHEAT saiiahicin THE KLONDIKE. Saimple of No. 1 Nard Grown Near the City of Dawson, A despatch from Ol!awa says: Dr. Thompson on Friday morning showed the Commons Committee on Agricrlture a sample of No. 1 hard -wheat, which iwas grown on the Yukon River, neay te Dawson, at a vlace called Minto, states that there is a considerable area of country there on which wheat can be grown. A despalch from 'tstevan, Saskalche- b LIEUT.-GOV. SNOWBALL DROPS - DEAREW Sudden Death of His Majesty's Reye=-- semative at Fredericton, N- B:. A despatch from Fredericton, Me Be. says: Hon. Jabez Bunting Snowtieli?_. Lieulenan!-Governor of New Brunswistig... dropped dead on Sunday evening. oma Queen sireet, while-on his way Wp am?- tend service in the cathedral. Sursdixyr- morning he arose at the usual tomr, partook of breakfast, and attended) sae~ vice at the Melhodist Church.. He Sa dinner at the usual hour, and spent fi greater part of the aflternoom quittiévitr. his room. He seemed to be in his wah? \ health, and made no complaint to thasae - who were in conversation with hiram Sie - left for church at 6.45 and hed' wail" less than a block and' a half from» tie~- "I always walk too fest." saab be, "when I start oul." Saying this; bute immediately started to return io hes holel, Mr. Mackenzie taking hirm By tte arm. They had only proceeded! a mae oa distance when his Honor sank. to dem. sidewalk. Help soon came, and Pete prostrate man was carried to his ragam in the hotel, where Drs. Athertore ami. McGrath were quickly in attendamee;, i ut there was no sign of life. The Gam- tors said heart disease caused death. . -- -- 5 meinen KILLED BY A LIVE WIRE>~. Young Elecirician's Sad End in. Toreme to Power House. ' A despatch from Toronto says: Witt lian Powgll. 24 years old, who bad Bema. employed by the Toronto Electric ee ma Company, was electrocuted about SOB. o'clock on Sunday afternoon et eam af: cy the Niagara power switches in the ouhe-- sialion at Terauley street. Powell wasssr. up on a ladder engaged in Be sr as : wire on the upper part of the kuwter swilchboard when by some means= fie; , last his balance and fell backward' aaraam, the terminals 'of a swilch below: Mame... Fred B. Martin, foreman in the stafiom,.-_ was behind the board at the time amin, heard Powel fall. When he fourd Glmm-> « his pulse was scarcely slirring Bee.- Waller P. Thomson was 6Ummoned and Powel) was oom..- veyed to St. Michael's Hospital im oe ambulance, but he was dead whem ibe ambulance arrived there. Powel? wam <= unmarried and had no relatives in ae ada. he THREE aaer TO DEATR Fire Destroys an indian Tepes: ess" church, Manileba_ A despatch from Winnipeg says-> Alma the result of a drunken debauch ge tere Prince, Rosie Smith and George Kissiam- - were burned to death in an Indiam tepem~ about a mile west of the Indian Indam- trial Schoo! at Middlechurch on Swmdiage>: + morning. 'The three viclims are Tadigmme. - from the Brokenhead reserve, end wear |. cremaled as they lay stupefied fromm @ium- effects of liquor in 4 mi structed of bark, a8 Mackenzie & Mann are reported" ; have purchased the Quebec & Lake SR. John Railway. : CANADA'S RAILWAY LIN Railway Blue Book Indicates the Pas&~ Year's Record. 4 despatch from Otlawa says: The railway statistics blue book for the year ending June 30, 196, was brought down on Friday. 'The development of Cama- dian railways is page ger by the increase in mileage. in 1905 there were in 1§ Hass. There were 2,931 locomotives. 1,289 first-class curs, 716, second-class. 61,929 cable and box cars, and no jess than 61 official: In number of penersigers carried er iacheae is s com= 1906 Earnings show wie sae Fegan: FOE " Passengers Freight Mail and cxpress. .. Other sources ..... Tolal ......25.s..6 SRS 32256. as The number :of fatal "accidents ince Car)tor strewn set

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