Atwood Bee, 1 Mar 1907, p. 8

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i ce ae Mew DiCAL q D. C. Murray, M.A.,M.D.,, L.O.C. P. & S. Graduate in Modicine and 8 Syate Lie; f PI and : : = us at Late resident- j is is Genon Hospital, Toronto. Qeridenbont Are We D. Mitchells, AUCTION DEES Alex. Morrison i c NEER for the Coun- x Rigi gee ge Huron. Charges orders by mail or otherwise 'I promptly attended to. Atwood post-office. moderate Wm. Holman R for the TL SEN SEP pate and Huron Newry P.O., Ont. Rates moderate and satisfaction Gd guaranteed, All ordersby mail orother wise (A prompt'y attended to. LEGAL Charles J. Wynn E Notary Public, Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Money to loan on '| Real Estate. Agent for Union Trust Com- pany's Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan 'Band Alberta. Village and Farm properties for salo. Office Main St., Atwood, Ontario. Morphy & Carthew ERS, icitors, Conv ARRIST Soll eyancers, B ete. Solicitora for the Bank of Ham- Diton. Money toloan. Office above Robt. Thompson's store, Listowe Ontario. J. M. CaRTHEW Blewett & Bray t DAF RS and Solicitors, Listowel, i BARRigren: to loan. Solicitors for Scott's Ban Hou d Ontario Perm Buildin, Ee enoclation. Office over Scott's k; Wallace Street, Listowel. R. Buewerr Gro. Bray, B.A. J. Secil Hamilton, B.A. "BARRISTER, CONVEY ANOER Money-to Loan at 4) per cent. ain street, Listowel, next to Dr. sat fat -- street, Atwood, over e. Will visit Atwood every Wednesday afternoon, DEWTAL Dr. W. M. Bruce DENTIST ICENTIATE R.C.D.S., Ontario D.D.8. Trinity University, Toronto Post Gradunte Haske) School of Prosthetic Dentistry, ------ -Will be found daily in his new office over Gray, Bernie & Co.'n store. Entrance by same stairway as Dr. Rutherford, Main Street, Listowel, Ontaric. «Dr. W. A. McDowell DENTI6T Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office over Thompson Bros, store, Lis- ie towel, Ontario, "} Branch Office-- Main pvent, Atwood, over } the Bee Office. Will visit Auwood eyery Monday, from 9,30 a.m, G. T. R. Time Table iq, 'Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as follows : Its effoctis charming. pleasingly delightful though safely, 1¢ surely equalizes tile blood certainty, for Dr. ft in 20 min fe--always. It's simply Common Sense. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tr?" C. H. McFARLANE. 14th. cessful students, E Turner, of Clinton: "Last night at John Large celebrafed their golden wedding, and had the pleasure of be- marriedthem, and their bridesmaid. superannuated and living in Toronto, and the bridesmaid was Mrs Orane, of Trowbridge, sister of Mrs Large. The wedding was performedin Trow- The groomsman, Mr J W_ Boyd, now living at Atwood, but owing to illness could not be present. A din- ner was served, when an address gold presented to Mr and Large." alone for, Piles-and it works with certain- ty and satisfaction. Itching painful, held their Anniversary services last Sunday. The preacher for the oc- casion was the Rev Mr Powell. of Brussels. He delivered two very forceful and _ helpful discourses. Though small of stature, and having @ voice somewhat too high set to be entirely melodious, the preacher nevertheless impressed us as a young man of forceful personality. His evening discourse was well thought out and was deliverad with & Going South Going North Expr 7.3) a.m. Mixed 7,30 a.m. "| Mixed 12.15 p.m. Exprees 1,21 p.m. Express 3.30p.m. | Express 8.26 p.m, ness and vigor. He hased his theme Mrs Earl Switzer on Tuesday eve- "ning received word from Milverton' 'that her grandmother, Mrs Jobn Smith, had died at that place. The «deceased had not been in good 'health for some time, but of late she 'had been somewhat better. The funeral took place on Thursday from athe home of her son, Wellington Smith, at Milverton, to the cemetery zat Millbank. Mrand Mrs Switzer ~went to Milvertom Wednesday. R.J.Walker's MBEATMAREET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Cured Meats of al] kinds when in sea- our own rendering Headcheese Pork Sausage Bologna --Cash --For -- Hides J. WALKER on Hebrews, chapter 6, verse 1, viz: "Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection."" Of all created be- ings man is the only one not to proclaim or manifest his belief: in perfection.. The animal of the for- rest, the bird of the air, the seed of grain, all did the work God designed them to do and thus exemplified per- fection. Man'sadvancement towards perfection depended on Salvation, creed and unselfish faith in God. This life is but a stepping stone to- wards the reaching out to higher things. The speaker made an ear- nest appeal to the young people to try the higher life and see if the effort and sacrifice involved were not well worth attempting. The sermon was delivered with an earnestness and conviction that must have left an ex- cellent impression on a large number of young people. The choir rendered very suitable music. The collections at all services went to missions. Railway Accident. EThree people dead and three score injured and an entire train with the exception of the engine and tender G TB main live two and one-half miles east of Guelph on Tuesday af- ternoon. Thé dead are ex-mayor O'- Donohue and Chas Rankin, of Strat- ford and the 4-year-old child of H C Walker, of Peterboro. Some of the injured are from Toronto, Stratford, oO 8 |Gaelph, Gali, Listowel, Goderich, gueniity of hay if not pages sold, . : ;. | forks chains shovels host of small Mitchell, Berlin, Peterboro and Sarnia. siticlea Tecue al Gee ok Me det ee -- bo an that amount 9 rigid Q: bd * t will ven on farnish a) a, ath theta tend Bought proved joint notes ora discount Beara > per cent. per annum off forcash on credit Bignatore amounts. at_one o'clock, and with- tt Ah out reserve, Ira Taylor, Ane . Gently, pressure. . Shoop's Headache Tablets stop and the tablets simply distribute blood gestion, blood pressure. You'll find it where pain 'We sell at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend Mrs M Hiles is visiting on the Listowel Business College is hav- ing a busy and prosperous session. It does good work and turns out suc- The following is from a Toronto paper, and refers to a brother of Mrs 114 Western avenue Mr and Mrs ing together with the clergyman who The clergyman was J E Dyre, now bridge, Perth County, 50 years ago. is was read and a well filled purse of Mrs Piles get quick relief from Dr, Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made ; ; : ike | lowing:mare 11 yrs old horse 5 yrs old, ele erica, a mg ere | eel Oliver Wilkes driving horse 4 years old, sale by C H. McFarlane. Scots Barron gelding acrenbray gelding, 7 The Methodist Epworth League earnest-" lying in the ditch fifty, feet below, is the result of a broken rail on the|in I Take the Test For your own satisfaction you should know the condition of your syes. We make no charge for testing the vision and it will be worth considerable to your future comfort. Glasses recommended only when absolutely C. H »- McFarlane Druggist and Optician. Bert Turnbull, son of J A Turn- bull' 8th con, west, is succeeding well at Toronto Varsity. He is tak- ing & medical course and at the Xmas exams he was one of ten students who obtained almost perfect marks. He also succeeded in writing off his supplemental exam in Latin. Auction Sales. from the undersigned to sell by pubhe auction at Donegal on Saturday March 2, the following: driving horse rising seven ears, 24 hens, buggy, cutter, 2 set single arness, buffalo oot, oat box, wheel bar- row, 2 sugar kettles, wagdn jack, 1209 feet dressed pine lumber, 2 water barrels, wagon cover, Happy Thought range, Em- pire Garland heater, cook stove, Singer sewing machine, oak bedroom suit, 2 iron hedsteads, 2 elm bedeteads, springs, mat- tresses, dressers, extension and 3 centre tables, dozen dining room chairs, kitchen table, dozen kitchen chairs, 2 rattan rock- ers, 2 oak rockers, kitchen rocker, writ- ing desk, chamber set. hall rack couch, sideboard, burean washing machine, wringer, baby carriage, tub, bucksew, shovels, forks, crocks, gems, pots pans and other articles too numerous to men- tion. Sale without reserve. Terms:--All sume of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 8 monthe' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or six per cent. per annum off for cash on sums over $10.--John McKenzie, Prop Alex Morrison has received instructions from Teasdale Vipond to sell by public auction on jot 25 con 10, Elma, on Thurs. March 7, 19117, at | o'clock sharp, the fol- cows sup'd in calf, 6 heifers rising 3 years ai Ag in calf. 2 heifers 2 years sup'd in calf, 3 heifers rising 2 years, 9 steers ris- ing 2 years |) calves rising | vear. thoro 5 she bull rising 2 years. grade bull rising years, bull 7 mos old, 10 pure bred Lei- certer ewes! brood sow with litter brood sow in pig. 8 stoar hogs. 80 hens 3 ducks, Deering binder 6ft cut Deering mower 5 ftcut cultivator with seed box, Perrin riding plow. walking plow, !-set iron harrows, gang plow, large cutting box, harness, 2 set single harness, team wagon, light wagon, top buggy.' set bob-sleighs, cutter dump cart and harness, forks sho- vels, chains and a lot of household furni- ture. Terms:--Al! sums of $5 and under, cash: over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 5 per cent off or 'cash on credit amounts --Teasdale Vipond, Prop. Alex Morrison has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on lot 80con 9, Elma, on Tues March 12, at 1 o'clock sharp, the follow- ing: pr of mares !2 years sup'd in foal to Pride of Bogie { mare 11 yrs, mare rising 8 vre by Scotts Baron, foal of 1906 b Royal Conqueror. 13 good milk cowssup' in calf 4 heifers rising 3 yrs, heifer rising 2, steer rising 2, 9 calves, 12 ices- ter ewes, 4 brood sows pig at foot, 10 stoar hogs, pr geese, 4 ducks. 2 movers, binder, Massey Harris seed drill, Peter Hamilton 2 set teeth and seed box, hay rake. land roller, Perrin single sulky plsw, two furrow Verity plow, 2 single plows, 21 Fleury. set iron eo 2 ons with boxes, ligh} wagon, set bo sleighs, jumper cutter, set scales (200v). scuffier, 2 set double harness hay rack hay fork, car & pulleys, Magnet cream separator and numerous articles. Terms. --All sums of 85 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months? it wi given on furnishing appigr joint notes or a discount of 6 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. No reserve.--Wm et Buchanan, Prop, Alex. Morrison, auctioneer, has received instructions to sell by public auction on lot 17, con 14, Elma, on Friday, March 8, the valuable farm stock and Implements : UgE Alex Morrison has received instructions | fanning mill scuffler, pulper. 2 set double . | The 1 to31 Club held its second meeting at the Manse last Thursday evening. There was a fairly goodat- tendance and a helpful study of an- other portion of the book was. indul- Ged in and the two previous chapters Teviewed. The next meeting will be held on Friday evening, March 8th, at 7.30 p.m. We desire to. impress tpon- our readers that we are always exceed- ingly grateful to those of our friends who send us items of news for the paper from time to time. It is im- possible for us to get all the news of town and country. We do our best, but in the nature of things can't cover all the ground. We therefore appreciate very greatly ll the efforts of our friends, and especially in the country, in their endeavors to help make the Beo a newsy shect. But it could be much more so, if only we could obtain a larger number of cor- respondents on the different conces- sions. Some weeks there may not be much of interest happening, and we editors renlize that fact keenly at times, but witha little. coming im from each concession we could thus have quite a grist of Elma news. Do not be afraid to send in items of news. But remember let it be news. In Remembrance of Jd. A. Chapman. J. A. Chapman known more particularly in this neighborhood by the name of Allan Pentland having been adopted when quite young by the late Mr. Pentland who formerly lived in Newry and Atwood. At the time of his death he was living in the townshi» of East Wawanosh a few miles west and north of Belgrave where he had purchased fifty acree of land. In the spring of 1905 he was taken sick and was under the doctor's care for two months and never fully recovered his health, al- though he with the help of his wife and children comneaen Se get his hay k again and -- the same e gradually went down for a time then e disease, thin and impoverished blood, seemed to stay fora time and his family hoped he was going to recover, but God saw otherwise and suddenly alter being in bed but one day he succum from heart failure. He leaves a wifeand family of eight children the oldest being about sixteen years and the youngest sixteen months now. The widow has rented the farm and has got the post office at Fordyce where she intends to keep a little store until the boys the oldest of whom is 12 years will be able to work the farm. gl are a few lines rep sary by his dear wife who has requested that they be inserted in the Ber. Who departed this life May 28th, 196 A dear husband and kind fa as been called to that bi it shore, And though sad we foc! and lonely, His dear form we see no more. We saw not the ange! meet him him, The city gate we could not see, And the Saviour's words we heard not, Tothe to me. ; Men's Moleskin Pants only......- 1-5 off sale for one week only 2 ¢- a Just stop aed think what a saving that is to you. You can bay $1.00 worth of govils for 80 cents on the following lines.--- Dress Goods, Men's Tweeds, 'Cot- tonades, Flannel Shistings, Woo} Blankets, Underwear, Shawls, Men's and Boy's Sweaters, Wrappers, Fiannelette Night Gowns, Lace Car- tains and Table Covers. 4 only Ladies" Black Comts, regaiar $12.00 amd $15.00, to clear at $4.99 Big reduction in ali Ready-to-weaz Chothing. Make it your business to come im and save 20 per cent, on every dollars worth you buy here. These prices ave only good for one yeek. a .="Highest price paid for pro- dace --'Cush or trade. I. J. Sinclair Atwooa's Cash Bargain Store Property fos Sale. 138 Acres, township of Eims, convenient to cheese factory. church and school. Anat pasture farm, 4@ acres mises frame house, 24x30, lathed and plastered bank barn, 50x70. Buildings first-class. Two good wells on premises. Price $3500. Terms to suit purchaser, On the pre Village Property.--Six room frame house good stable, good well. 25 acre lot, well fen- ced with wire. Loeation first-class. Price will stand investigation ---- These properties C.J. Wyns, Atwood, Ontario. one so dear Though no more I know his barque wilt Balferith a. life's songh ans, Yet I know on thst shore somewhere He will watch and wait for me. a sit alone at twilight, iw m Dearest husband, how we miss thee, Thy dear voice now bushed and vtull, ._ Farm For Sale. One oi the nicest lying farms in Elma and good land, bank barn, immediate possession - Lot 9, Con. 14, 100 acres. Apply to McPhersom & Davidson, Stratford. Farm for Sale. Th T But for And thy place forever vacant, 'None on earth can ever Por some wire and unknown purpose, y dear Saviour took thee home To that land of Where no si oy and gladness, ness be er can come Suddenly and unexpected hou vert taken from tha', ch us all, ange was ready, Answering to thy Seviour's call. While o'er lonely paths } travel, I hee mae thy re A 80 cee bave zee. must strnggle on without thee, Miss thee ail along the road. But my Saviour whispers kindly, TH thee a husband be. - And a father tothy if thou'itput thy Dearest loved children trust in Me, one, we have laid thee ve's embrace, be "Wheu 1 bid this world tavewell j : By wife and children, | Fer! Farm for sale on concession 10, east half lot No. 20,inthe Township of Elma, The farm contains 50 aeres, more or less, 10 acres in hard water in barn, pig pen and driving shed, also frame house tinned. It 1s 1-2 mile from Done- gal, post office: store and cheesefactory. For further information apply to Wellington Sproule on premises or Donegal P. 0. Subscribe for the Bee. If you are consti dull or bilious, or have a sallow lifeless complexion, try Lax In the peaceful nce to see what they will do gg ened face" a gha for Sonia ee are little toothsome can- Peanut oes wat ay to eat, nice in rg Bd i no pain, Justa gentle ve mf re meey tkotiees Cia thes is pleasingly desirable. Handy Oh, how soon will be that meet every desire. Lax-ete come to you Sand ¥ centa--for ale by C, H. Me-

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