Atwood Bee, 15 Mar 1907, p. 1

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-- ty "try Gray, Bernie & To. Listowel's low price makers for all lines of Dry Goods, Listowel's low price makers for your clothing. ' / RCH 15 : 1907. es a ' * we Vol. 18 No. 7.' ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, New Spring wo prea. © > _*. 2 We have just reeeived a large consignment of New Spring Goods. Fancy Fabrics New Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Cretonnes, | Goods - Fuaney Drapery, Muslins, Art Satins, Gingham - Hoisery, Gloves, etc. =taples WwW ns, . Cottonades, Shirtings, Deniums Lad 'Shirting, Flannel Shirting, Flannels, ete. The Public generally shoul.) avail themselves of an early opportunity to make p ving purchases in order to have their Spring sewing done before the busy Pa ish of xpring work cowmeaves Highest Price Paid for Farm Produce. A Call WwW. OR. Erskine. Solicited. J. NM. Schinbein, | Listowel's Greatest Store. NEW G OODS We are beautiful of goods which are on the very Pinnacle of good value. We back it up. without exceptions the best valucs. Dress Goods Four Prices. Nice tweed effects regular 50c value Saturday and Monday at 890 yards of Muslin in colored and white goods. . Some odd lines of Voile, regular price from 123 to 30c, Saturday and Monday for. 22.22... ..... cee. 10¢ New Skirts & Suits We have opened up this week some of the newest styles. All suits at very Jow prices. Our spring jackets are beauties. are opening New Spring Goods every day. All we can say. is that they The style, quality and price begins with us. We bny a brand Our dress goods are Men's Shirts w Regular 1.00, 1 25 and 1,50 shirts, W. G. & R. make. colors on sale at Guaranteed. 79c Men's and Boy's Hats and Caps We have our new stock to hand and if you want the best hat to wear and keep its color buy Barrington hat. anteed ....... 0.0... cece eee Extra nice caps irom 25c, 35¢ 50 cents. our Fvery one guar- 2.50 and Do not buy your Spring Suit unless you see ours, 7 Special Bargains in all Lines of Groceries Jd. M. Schinbein, Ontario Listowel, _-- ee ee New Spring Goods » cost. which we are offering and selling at line. from English, French, American and German manufacturers, unreasonable low prices. Shrewd buyers will buy now. - At Gray, Bernie & Co., Listowel's Cheapest Store. stock a large consignment of New Spring Goods of every description We have bought heavily in anticipation of an ever increasing demand this coming season, in proportion to our constantly increasing busi- ness, while we are busy with new goods and prepairing for Spring business, we are still slaughtering all winter goods regardless of We still have a number of Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats, This certainly is an cxceptional chance to get a genuine bargain in this Gray, Bernie & (Co. Listowel and Owen Sound. We are busy at present opening, marking and passing into * Grey. ni Misses Rathwell, of Farns, return- 'ed to their home last week. Mrs Geo McFarlane is visiting at Kincardine and Pine River. 'Miss Christina Buttery, of Paisley, is holidaying at her home, con 12. -Jno Osborne, 6th ¢ah, who has béen ill with pneumonitis improv- Na quilo nicely: "4 oss Emma Buttery has got back rucetic d after a pl@asant visit lends .nere. fe : MeKay left Monday of last woos ior the West. is a good wicker and we hope he will do well. Wilson and Mrs. Eyans were at Listowel on. March . attending the china wedding of Mr -and Mrs Gray. ws Herb and Miss Ida 'Hastings are this week visitors with Elly and Mrs Hastings, Silver Coruers. Angus McKay, son of Jas McKay, will be foreman of the steam shovel at the McNaught gravel pit. Wm Milne, Mayoraf North Bay: formerly Reeve of Grey Township, was visiting at DK Drvingston's, con 15. Several members of the home of Mrs E Dickson, con 11, have been ill with scarlet fever. We wish them a speedy recovery. 3 We are sorry t) hear that Miss Maggie Crerar, con 9, has been quite poorly this wesk from-a heart weak- ness but we hope she will soon be all right. averal more drainage By-laws were before the township council last meetings and there are,more to fol- low it is said. The work will be undertaken during the coming sum- friend Angus Lamonyecon 7, is not enjoying - his -uauilsazod health | thie Winter but we fiope the coming of Spring will tend to his invigora- tion. Gordon, the little son of Geo and Mrs Best, has been seriously ill at the home of his grandparents, James and Mrs Ferguson, con 9, with anat- tack of bronchitis. We trust aspeedy recovery may ensue. Albert-Fox has leased his farm con 10, to Johr'and Charles Fischer of this locality for a term of four years and will give up possession this month. Mr Fox announces an auc- tion sale on March 20th and leaves early next month for the West. The Riding Mountains appears to be the point he will aim at. Mrs Fox and family will likely spend the summer with relatives and friends. Miss Gertie Hanley, whose home ig on the 14th.con, and who holds a millinery position in the Simpson store, Toronto, is making first class progress in musical lines and is now a member of the Metropolitan choir in that city and also sings in the choral .orchestra of Massey Hall. Miss Hanley was organist at Bethel church at Moncrieff at onetime We wish her success. Henfryn. a Too late for last week. John Gaynor, Sr, is on the sick list with la grippe. Henry Murr has been on the sick list with la grippe. Miss R Rolland spent a few days this week with Miss M Quipp. Joseph Hanna fell and broke one of his arms one day last week. Mrs Jas Thompson was the guest of Mrs J E Rowland last Sunday. Miss Frances Nicholson spent a few days last week with the Misses Greig. Mrand Mrs Henry Fogal have been on the sick list with la grippe but are recovering rapidly. We are glad to report that Mrs J Cummings, who has been laid up with an abscess is improving 4s well as can be expected. Ethel. A new preacher has come to the Parsonage. a bene John McDonald has been on the sick list, but we hope he will soon be all o, k. : Geo M Mitchell has turned out quite a lot of harness this winter. He is @ hustler. Mrs A Cole left for Guelph last week where she will undergo an op- eration for appendicitis. W H Love is at present busy_pre- paring his store for a choice stock of furniture now on ordar. Miss Mary Brown, cousin of Miss Agnes Walker, has taken a position with W P Fraser,. tailor. Mrs Laird aud daughter, Nellie, intend taking a trip to Dakota next summer. Travellers getting off at the Ethel station are surprised to see two. bus- ses waiting to transfer them to the hotel. Mrs Wm Spence has received the location ticket for one hundred and sixty acres of Veteran's land in Hart- man Township, Wabagoon district, being the grant frorn the Government to Mr Spence for services rendered in the Fenian reid of 1866. John Jamieson, mail carrier, who has been laid off from the effects of a fall from a sleigh about two weeks ago, was able to resume his duties on Monday morning. We are pleased to see Mr Jamieson on the job again. Will Spence took charge of the mail carrying during Mr Jamieson's ill- ness. 12th Line East. Miss Sarah Gilkinson hasreturned from an extended visit with friends in Peel, Wallace and Maryborough. Samuel Gilkinson spent a few days 'ast week with friends in Listowel. Harold Smith-has returned from a few days' visit in Paris. Miss Addie Stevenson, of Listowel, | is spending a few days with her sis- ter, Mrs W J Gilkinson. Monkton.' Richard Near left Tuesday for the West after spending the winter here. Miss Sadie Hammond, who has been on the sick list for some time, is able to be around again. Chas McCullough left for his home in Balgonia, Sask, after spend- ing the winter with friends and re- latives. Alf Hammond, who has been vis- iting friends and relatives during the winter left for his home in Sinclair, Sask, Tuesday morning. --_-------- -->-- Curll-- Gordon. A very quiet but pretty home wedding took place at the residence of Mr and Mrs D McDonald, of Ot- terburne, Man, on Wednesday, Feb 27th, 1907, at9p. m. when Miss Elsie E, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs George Gordon, of Atwood, Ont, was united in marriage to Wm Owen Curll, of Bridgewater, Nove Scotia, now C P agent at ( i.t®rburne, Man. The ceremony was performed by the Rey A Chisholm, Presbyteri- an minister, of Winnipeg, in the presence of a few friends of both con- tracting parties. After theceremony and congratulations the company partook of a dainty wedding' dinner. The bride lgoked charming, dressed in a neat ahd becoming costume of silver gray silk. Her travellingdress was of navy blue lady's cloth, with hat to match. Numerous and use- ful presents testified to the esteem in which both contracting parties are held. The young couple take up housekeeping at Otterburne where Mr Curll is C P R Agent. Mrs Curll's many Atwood friends will join with usin wishing the young couple every joy and happiness. Mrs Cua! is well and favorably known in Atwood as avery fine young lady, and we congratulate Mr Curll on his Mr and Mrs J E Rowland enter- tained a number of the young people Frida y evening of last week. All re- good judgment in choosing a bride. 'from among Ontaiio's girls. May 2 een Council Minutes. The Municipal Council of the townrhip of Elma met in the Agricultural hall, see on the 4th day of March, A.w., Members present.--the reeve, deputy ve and councillors, Scott, Cleland and Buchanan. Minutes of last meeting read, approved and signed by the reeve and clerk. Moved by Samuel Corry--Wni. Cleland, that the court of revision. on By-law No. 523 known as the 14th Concession Drain Improvement By-law of 1907 be now opened up and thatthe reeve be chairman ot said court --Carried The court of revision on. By-law No. 623 having adjourned the couucil meet for general business, A deputation from the Atwood Public Library consisting of Messrs. Thomas ickson and J. A. Porter waited on the council asking for a grant in aid of the library and Messrs. W. N. } Geo. Lochhead appeared council on behalf of the people of Atwood asking a grant to assist in the purchase of afire engine and tire eppliances- for the protection of the village. Mr. Jas. Hol- man, bak mnsonee an account for $82.75 alleged damages to engine sustained on January 21, ly 7, owing to bad condition of Wherry's sideroad and Milton Leslie an account fa". xz5.uu damages sustained to buggy on Townline Bima and Listowe:. Moved by Wm. Cleland, seconded by Samuel Corry that this council make the Atwood publiclibrary a grant of twenty dollars and the Monkton public library a grant of ten dollars for i¥..7.--Carried. Moved by Wm. Scott--Robt. Buchanan --that the treaurer be authorized to pay to the treasurer of Logan the sum of 3479.10 being Elma's share of the repair of the Logan portion of the Nichoison drain as authorized by By-law No, dtu and that an order be drawn in favor of the treasurer of Logan for $8 60 being Klma's share of extra expenditure oi Logan on Townline Elma and Logun during 195 and 19U6, and that the tres- surer be directed to accept from Logan the sum of $415.66 as Logan's share of the repair of the Elma portion of tbe Nicholson drain as set forth under By- law No. 5v9.--Carried. Moved by Wm. Scott--Samuel Corry, that Messrs. Morphy & Carthew be pait the sum of #25\'.UU as payment in full of bill of costs Bell vs. Elma --Carried. Moved by Wm. Scott--Robert Buchan- an, that the clerk be authorized to notiiy the trustees of 8.8, No. 7, Elma, and of . 8 S_ No. 8, Elma, that Alex, G cima, has made application to have his and detached from 8, 8. No. 7, and an- nexed to S S No.8 and to attend the next' meeting of council in reference thereto.--Carried. Moved by Samuel Corry--Wm: Cleland, that Messrs. Morphy & Carthew be paid the sum of $344.46 balance of account aa rendered February 13th, 197, and the treasurer be instructed to charge the items therein to the various accounts in- teregted. Carried. Moved by Wm. Cleland--Samuel Corry that in reference to the claim .of Jas Holman for damages to engine that the reeve and councilior Scott be a committee to examine into the claim of Mr. Holman and report to this council as soon as practibie.-- Carried. Corry--Buchanan--That M Leslie be paid the sum of $:u as payment in full of his claim for damages aguinst the Town- sbip, for damages sustained to buggy in April 'U6 on boundary between Elmaand town of Lis towel.--Carried. Corry--Cleland--That council do now adjourn to meet immediately us court of Revision on By-law 523.--Carried. The Court of Revision on By-law 523 having closed Council again met for gen eral business. Corry --Scott--That this council grant $50.00 to the village of Atwood to be used for the »urpose of fire protection and paid over to the treasurer of the Atwood tire brigade on demand.--Carried. Corry--Scott--That the G T R be paid $70 for culvert across railway track lots 2 &3con 8 Ie Smith award.--Carried. Corry --Buchanan--That the collector's roll be accepted, he having collected full amount of taxes on roll for 1406 except taxes on lot 25 con 17 returned to County Treasuter as non-resident (31.82) and that he be paid g16 being balance of gal- ary for 1906. -- Carried. Scott--Cleland--That By-law 624 re-' peating By-law 480 of the Township of Elma as now read a third time be fin the same and the Clerk be authorized to affix the Corporate seal thereto.--Car- ri Buchanan--Corro--That By-law 425 appointing G L Griffith, 'Civil and Hy- draulic Engineer as engineer for the town- ship of Elma under the Ditches and Watercourees Act as now read a_ third tine be finally passed and that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same and athx the ~ Corporate seal thereto. --Carried. ( Continned.on page 8+) CASTORIA. For Infants and Children, The Kind Yeu Have Always Bought lives is our sincere w. they live long, happy and prcesperous igh, ; Eeers the Zoe , Signature of y Lilehiek Bae ; ] > towner oa of South parté of lots. 14 and' 18, con. 12, ~ passed and that the Reeve and Clerk sign ~

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