"4 - his life at once became dangerous. 'Meads to inflammation. _ {Farmyard--"A solicitor?" ""\*Yes'm. Entertaining Efforts of Callow Youth at Friends' Schools in England In the February number of Past and ' ipresent, a journal for old and young bor tcc cane Temagamians scholars of Friends' Schools Hand, there is a long and- "absolutely \genuine" collection of "howlers." We mre a few specimens :-- ' A Jong time ago England was once a foreign country. Becket put- on a camel-hair shirt. and , Saladin was a lizard in Egypt. | The Britons painled themselves with wood, and somelimes came oul green. Clive had to blow himself out in In- dia, but fortunately for England, it 'didn't explode. In trial by ordeal a man had to carry 'a red-hot piece of iron for five years. The Anglo-Saxons had no drains, and | so used to disperse their broken vitals | 'into the middie of the road. The Spartans had to get their living 'at the age of five by shooling at it on j a piece of string. i The Spartans had two kings to check | ¢ne another. The religion of China occupies half the house. Southampton is. noted for exporting | ipeople to South Africa. England has much coal beds. When the coal is finished we shall have to} 'use our brains for fuel, and it will be iscarce. | The potato is not oniy used for feed- 'ing peasants, but goes to more import- fant things, such ~ whisky. MOTHER'S GRATITUDE TO ZAM-BUK 'tT CURED HER BOY OF PAINFUL SOR! ae Nothing is more unpleasant to the eve 'and more painful to the sufferer than boils and ulcers. At this period of the vear many adults suffer acutely from these painful outbreaks. When boils, julcers, e{c., occur on children it is piti- ful to see the little ones suffer. a Mrs. E. Holmes, of 30 Guise St.. Ham- 'lton, is grateful for what Zam-Buk did 'for her little boy when in this pitiful lplight. She says:--"E wish to express imy gratitude for the benefit my child lreceived from vour famous Zam-Buk iBalm. He suffered from Spring erup- jtions and then boils broke out on his meck. I tried blood purifying remedies. isalves and ointments of all kinds, but nothing seemed {fo do him the desired 'good. The boils gol worse and became iso loathsome and unsightly that I could mot send him {fo school, as some of the jboils and ulcers could not conveniently ibe. covered. About this time a sample box of Zam-Buk was given to him and we tried it. The small sample. did him 'a litle good, so I bought a 50 cent box. (The resull was realiy amazing. In- side a week's time the boils had begun \to dry up, and in a very short time indeed every one of them was healed." Zam-Buk is a sure cure also for ecze- ima, scalp sores, ringworm, poisoned wounds, chronic ulcers, chapped hands, cuts, cold sores, cracks, festering sores, eruptions and pustules due to blood poison, elc. It stops bleeding and cures 'piles, fistula, etc. Is antiseplict an ex- 'cellent "first aid." Every home and farmstead should have its box of Zam- 'Buk. All druggists and stores at £0 wents a box, or from Zam-Buk (o., 'Toronto, for price. 6 boxes for $2.50. 'Send 1c. stamp for trial box. ---- A hive of 5,000 bees produces about 50 pounds of honey a year. Down Signals does not roe storms. | = When : of root do not opie n te 6 take Allen's Lans Balsam, te from opium, one of healing power. LEFT IT TO HIM. "What's your fare?" asked old Filint- skin of his cabby the other day, and 'vas met with the stereotyped reply. "Well, sir, I will leave that to you." "Thank you: you are very kind," said 'Old F., butioning up his pockets and walking off. "You're the first person who ever left me anything yet." NEXT BEST. Waiter--Whal would you be pleased 'fo order, sir? We have potage prin- tanier a la julienne, fricandeau de veu, javec croquettles des pomimes de terre, trissoles de boeuf---- Diner--Yes; weil. give us a_ plateful jof whichever of them's nearest to Irish islew." In the reign of Charles I. the death- rate in London was 70. per 1,000, or more than three times what it is now. If a cough makes your nights sleep- less and weary, it will worry you a good deal, and with good cause. To dispel the worry and give yourself rest try Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup. It "exerts a soothing influence on the air passages and allays the irrifation that It will subdue {he most stubborn cough or cold, and eventually eradicate it fram the systein, as a {rial of it will prove to you. "Johnnie, you shouldn't have eaten {hose preserved fruits. 'They were plac- ed on the table merely to fill up. "Well, ma,-that's just was I used them for!" ose-colored spots on the bodies of children a etimes ualssaken for measles, The ga roseo! a d of the skin Promptly cured with Weaver's Cerate. Tramp--"Yes, madam, I've been a so- licitor for nigh twenty years." Mrs. , Tramp sa [ solicits breaé an' meat." - of Eng-| made the first canoe of birch bark Jon 'children of | working is the aim of physicians when | they find a patient suffering from slo- oe bi THE GREAT NORTH couNTRY s mrod was a mighty h . but had | he Tonia in the "Temagami" region he | would have been a mightier one: Nim- Indians who g ago, were our greatest benefactors. The Indians know the canoe, and they know how to use it, and if you go to Temagami this sum- mer they wil paddle your canoe in their own superb way. They will be the best guides: you ever had. Students who camp in the summer along the Temaga- mi lakes are able to do two years' work in one. Finest of fishing and hunting. Easy of access by the Grand Trunk Railway System. For information and beautiful descriplive publication -- sent free apply to J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Grand Trunk Ry. System, Toronto, English copper ore averages only 7 per cent. of the pure metal. A Recognized Regulator.--To ithe digestive organs bring into symmetrical! pa at t, tells you garmen' it will fitand won't shrink, -- your own dealer 50 'guarantees nderwear trademarked te softer, warmer, con, say Pen-Aase sr more flexible, or making. ay better wearing. TER UNDE RWEAR ': ;mach irregularilies, and for this pur- jpureose they can prescribe nothing' bet- ter than Parmelee's. Vegetable Pills, which will be found a pleasant medi- icine of surprising virtue in bringing the refractory organs into subjection and restoring them lo normal action, in which condition Only can they perform their dulies properly. THE WORLD'S BEER SUPPLY. There is a popular impression that Germany is the chief beerproducing and consuming nation in the world. As e matter of fact, the honor is divided between the United Slates of America and Belgium--the first in point of pro- duction, wilh 1,561,204,000 gallons an- nually: the latter for consumption, with an average of 40.1 gallons per head -{ population per annum. But Germany runs her American friends pretty close- ly for first place on the question of out- put. No fewer than 1.512.346.9000 gal- lons of the popular beverage are brew- ed in the Fatherland in twelve months. Great Britain comes third on the list, with 1.253,239.000 gal'ons, and, incredi- ble as it may seem, we Consume more beer than our Teutonic rivals--28.8 gal- lans per head per annum against their 27.2. Some excuse for Germany's ap- ine inferiority as a beer- -drinking na- tion may be found in the fact that, to a great extent, wine replaces malt li- quor in South Germany. SINGING KETTLES. The Japanese, who know so well how te add lillie unexpected attractions to every-day life, manufacture. in a great wariely of forms, iron teaketlles which break int osong when the water boils. The song may not be a very perfect melody, but it is perhaps as agrerable as the notes produced hy some of the insects which the Japanese also trea- sure for their music. The harmonious sounds of the teakettles are produced by steam bubbles escaping from beneath thin sheets of iron fastened close to- gether nearly al the botlon of the ket- tles. To produce the best effects some skill is required in regulating the fire. The character of the sounds varies wilh the form of the kettle. These singing keities have been used for many cen- turies. A" well-known ~ Colonial judge, who is_an Irishman, recently told a witness, who was somewhal verbose in his an- swers, fo "hold his tongue and give his evidence clearly.' Overwerkes Persons, either mentally or | physically, should try ' Ferro vim," the world renown nan blood tonic and they will | ickly recover strength and health Lecturer {with a good opinion of him- self}--"Ha, my man, I rather think my voice will fill this hall." Hallkeeper |" (candidly)--"It strikes me, sir, it's much more likely to empyy it." XS XA 'i ry > DODDS | STAMMERERS NOTT METHOD Is the only logi- for the cure of ean gp it THE "ARNOT \OTI INSTITUTE FEATHER DYEING Meneing an8 Cusine Kid Giewes cleaned Them ch a drag Hr the Geat place ts GRITISH AMERICAN. DYEING C& /. MONTREAL Sepphed Ask your grocer for The Campbell ' Adilling Gh tani Campbell's Toronto Junction, Ont. , Queen City CANADIAN PACIFIC IRRIGATED FARMS SUNNY ALBERTA Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fic!ds, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us BE full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selling Agents, 216 CORISTINE BUILDING, MONTREAL. Plumduff--"Has thal charming widow any property?" Keltchum--"Yes, con- siderable." Plumduff--"Real estate or personal?" Ketchum--'"Persona!. She has six children." Suffer no More.--There are thousands who live miserable Kves because dys- pepsia dulls the facullies and shadows existence with the cloud of depression. One way to dispel the vapors that be- set the victims of this disorder is to order them a course of Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills, which are among the best vegelable pills known, being easy to take and are most eflicacious in their action. A trial of them will prove this. TELEP HONES FO FORETOLD IN SCRIPTURE. Some genius has found 53 passages in the Bible, which he claims as pro- phecies of the telephone, because, 'or- sooth, the language seems to fit into le mapas vernacular, Here are sarn- pies "The line has gone out info all the earth," "The land shall be divided by lines." "We have no right against this great company. "Charge the people." "T understand the number." "1 said in my haste, | am cut off." Miss Rokinson (lo stranger at recep- tion}--"Do you see that "plain- -looking girl over there? She has just got mar- ried. I'm sure I w onder what her hus- band married her for.' "I have no doubt he married her for her money," replied the stranger. "Oh. I wouldn't think so badly of him as. that," said Miss Robinson. "But I ought to know," replied the stranger; "you see, I.am th? man who married her." Smithson--"We_ had #a_ sensational case of kidnapping 'in our house late- ly." Wilson--"Reallv! How did it hap- pen?" Smithson--"The baby slept the whole night." FACING A WOUNDED TIGER. Experience With a Wounded Tiger in an Indian Jungle. The courage and good nature of ele- phants when engaged in tiger-hunting are the subject of comment by Gen. Thomas Gordon in his book, "A Varied Life.". He gives an account of the pur- suit of a wounded tiger in the Indian jungle. The tiger had turned back in howling fury looking for a victim. He first made for Davison, but catch ing sight of my head as my elephant descended into a dry watercourse, he dropped and crawled in the grass, and | tried to spring on me in the howdah. He was og the right. side of the ele- phant's head in a moment, and irftying fo reach me, broke the front part of the i; howdah with a blow of his powerful i fore paw. The elephant was badly billen and clawed on the trunk and head, and her right eye was blinded by the eyebrow | being torn down over if. She gave vcice lo suppressed screams of pain and ig and made the most violent efforts to shake the tiger off. My Bhil gun-bearer behind me in the | howdah, regarding the situation as des- | perate, slid down the elephant's. hind quarters and took refuge in a tree. All I could do was to wait an opportunity fo fire without injuring the courageous elephant. At last I had a safe chance to put the muzzle against the tiger's shoulder. One shot,--it was an expand: ' ing bullet.--and wilh a great growl of agony from the tiger and a trumpet yell af rage from the elephant, the whole of us were struggling loose in the high bushes. The elephant was coaxed to come for- ward to the dead tiger, and after feel- | ing cautiously with her -- outstretched | trunk, she gave the body a kick of con- | tempt and allowed it to be tied on her ; back, fo be carried back to our camp. No time was lost in attending to the elephant's hurts, but preparatory -- to handling them she was fed with a stiff mixture of coarse molasses and flour, with opium and brandy thrown in lib- erally, after which she took an intelli- vent and good tempered interest in the proceedings. With the tent-pitchers' repairing needles and stout thread, and the help ; of the mahouts and 'their assistants. her | cults and wounds were stitched and salved, and many yards of native col- fon cloth used in swathing her torn trunk. She was fed by hand for sev- eral days, and seemed quile to under- stand that this was done to keep the bandages on the damaged trunk from being displaced by her use of it_in feed- ing herself. SSS aa Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator because they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectuul expeller of worms. Melted butler is a very good suhstilute for olive oil in salad dressing. Many prefer the butter to the oil. 'The D& L"' Menthol Plasters are marvel- es Copel their -- action when applied to lume matic muscles or jointa- They give Lie relief Earthquakes are rather more com- mon at full moon than at any other time. It Reaches the Spot.--Theré are few remedies before the public"to-day as ef- ficacious in removing pain and in allay- ing and preventing pulmonary disorders as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It has demonstrated its powers in thousands of instances and a large number of fes- {imonials as to its great value as a me- for it. It is for sale everywhere. "Tyottor," said the shrewd-looking man, "how many feet of gas does it take {(e kill a man?" "That's rather a queer question," replied the doctor. "Why do you wish to know?" "One of the guests at my holel used enough of it to kill himself, and I want fo send in a proper bill to his executors." Nurses' "and Mothers' Treasure --safest regulator for baby. Preve colic and vomiting--gives healthful rest --cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines contpining opium or other injurious drugs. © 42 Wc.--at drugstores. Cures National Drug Aker Diarrhoea octet RIVALING THE NILE DAM. The government of New South Wales is about to begin the construction of a dam at Barren Jack, on the Murrumbid- gee River, which will form a reservoir 40 miles in length, and conlaining more than 33,000,000,000 cubic feet of walter, ot 50 per cent. more than Sydney har- bor contains. This immense artificial lake, which will be but little -- n capacity to that created by great new dam on the river Nile, is to be used for irrigation. The dam will be situated in a gorge cut by the river through 4 granite ridge, and its height will be 200 feet. | physicians in Canada and on the com choos could be got were there occasion |. DOCTORS USING PATENT MEDICIN The Honest Physieian is Anxious Cure and Uses the Best Avall- * able Remedies. The discussion of the bid now the Dominion Partiament for the gulation of the memufacture of patent or proprietary . medicin one of the utmost tmpertance, and receiving a great deal of attention, only by the proprietary medicine facturers, but also by the retail wholesale druggists. Every me 'the right direction. The discussion ba brought ont the fact thet the tinant approve of and preseri! cases of the .most | oanter. In a recent ery serious throat and lung be the petiemt had been using Psy . Two leading United States x: were consulted, in addition to twp nent Canadian hi < Pp. acral learning what the patient was using, tak: vier caameitied 10:0 Paschine with the rienit thai the p tient has fully recovered and is ng ™ equal, and the best ne physicians recognize this fact. * At the cee of i wee® 'lungs were in | terribie state. I had ila grippe ver a " Settled on my & kept eadily ng for chore than a year. I wonders for me. I am now as es Psyochine, pronounced Si-keen, greets of onlay building up the e appetite, p psi 'the blood, aid« digestion, ~~ directly upon the throat and iw ----. tone = vigor to ee system. At west, Toron RINTER WANTED--3 years' naney at preter teciee . ni ENDER OFFICE, dy Building, reconsn ee FOR SALE, S0-acre farm, wivoie:scaltin teal brick house, two frame b: loam ; on "They say that Shifler is ten years ahead of his time." "W ell, its not true, I'm his landlord, and f kmow he's just six months Dee " Where can | gel' sor some of Helloway's Corn Cure? 1 was enlirely cured of my corns by@this remedy and | wish some more a it for my friends. Se writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. Mrs. A.--"The doctors have just dis- covered an extraordinary thing about Professor Stute; they say his heart is on the wrong side." Mrs. B.--"Aby he dlways was an untidy man.' A -weman may be afraid of the cook, but a man isn't--unless she's his wife. meee