Atwood Bee, 15 Mar 1907, p. 8

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Pah MEDICAL - c. Murray; M.A.,M.D., ; L.O.C. P. & Ss. e and Su ronto also ery of the oe Gra- LICEN lies moderate AUCTION BEERS Alex. Morrison SED AUCTIONEER for the Coun- of Perth and Huron. Charges orders by mail or otherwise | | 'promptly attended to. Atwood post-office. uro ae a L! t Real Estate. Wm. Holman CENSED AUCTIONEER Counties of Perth and Hyron 'P.0., Unt. 'Rates modcrate and satisfaction guaranteed, All orders by mail orother wise prompt'y attended to, for the Newry LEGAL Gharies J. Wynn BNotary Public. Conveyancer, WMarriage Licenses. Money to loan on Agent for Union Trust Com- pany's Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Village and Farm properties for sale. Office Main St., Atwood, Ontario. BA cte. ilton. Morphy & Carthew RRISTERS, Solicitors, Conveyancers, Solicitors for the Money to loan. Thompson's store, Listowe Ontario. H. B, MorPHY Issner of Bank of Ham- Office above Robt. J. M. CaRTHEW Blewett & Bray ARRISTERS and Solicitors, Listowel, Ont. Money to loan. Solicitors forScott's Banking House and Oatario Perm and Loan Assosiation. y Bank, Wallace Strect, Listowel. R. BLEweTt Building OfBce over Scotts Geo. Bray, B.A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B.A. BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER Money to Loan at 4) per cent. Office--Main stroct. Listowel, next to Dr. ¥oater, dont the Bee OM iat. 6. Branch Office-- Main street, Atwood, over Will visit Atwood every Wedne-<day afternoon. LI 4 Pos DENTAL Dr. W. M. Bruce CE D. ray. Ramue sttirway as Dr. Rutherford, Main Street, Listowel, Ontario. DE? NTIATE 8.C.D.S., Ontari D.S. Trinity University, T nto t Graduate Haske) School of Prosthetic Dentistry, oer Will be found daily in his ne rnie & Co.'s store. io 'oront w office over Entrance by oe: f Going South i A Express 7.30a.m. " 4 Mixed 12.14 £xpress 3.30 p.ta. Dr W. A. McDowell DENTI6T Office over Thompson Broa. store, towel, Onta Branch Oftice--) ri the Bee Office. Monday, from 9, 0. lain street, Atwood, Wi a.m t ] visit Atwood e over yory G. T. R. Time Table ° Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as follows: , Going North Mixed 7.30 a.m. Express = 1,21 p.m. | i Express 8.26 p.m, | satisfying. this stock of barness, whips, Constipation Baked sweet apples, with some people, bring prompt relief for Constipation. With others, coarse all-wheat bread will have the same effect. Nature undoubtedly has a vegetable remedy to xt y ail } t if physicians can but find Nature's way to health. And this is. strikingly true with regard to Constipation. The bark of a certain tree in California--Co< cara --offers a most excellent ald tot Dr. Shoop Laboratories, from this ingenuous : most effective prescription. Its effect on C pation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Br Sallow Complexion, etc., is indeed prompt u. No griping, no unpleasant after effects are ex and Lax-ets are put up in beautifu. lithographed metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 ceut per box. For something new, nice, economical su eflective, try a box of Lax-et: C. H. MecFARLANE. ~ A meeting of all those actively in- terested in the organization of a Fire Brigade will be held in Thompson's barber shop on' Monday evening Mar 18th. Everyone who is able and willing to work the pumps, carry buckets or do any WORK is urgently requeste 1 to attend. oA Bea: the Signature of STORIrA. a Kind You Have Always Bought George Cox on Monday disposed of i rings, collars, etc, to J A Hammond, of this place. They took stock on Monday and the same day removed the stock to Mr Hammond's shop where he will dispose of it at prices that will make it go rapidly. Mr Cox's selling out came as a great surprise to most people who did not know that he had contemplated do- ing so. He does not know as yet what he will do. He may or hemay not leave town. We trust he may be able to stay with us. He would be greatly missed in musical circles, and especially as leader of the Presbyter- ian choir which he has led with great success for seme years. 14th Line Tue: day of last week Mr and Mrs W A eet cntertained a number of hei friends and neighbors to dinner at 7 o'clock, p. m., after' which the evening was spent in music and games. PR@ZSENTATION., Mr and Mrs W A Peet and family were agreexbly surprised Friday eve- ning of last week,when a number of their church friends and neighbors stepped in quite unexpectedly. After all were assembled Rev Mr Armstrong was chosen chairman. He then introduced a pleasant prngram R.J.Watlker's MEAT MAREDBT son Headcheese Pork Sausage Bologna --Cash --For Lard our own rendering Fresh Beef, Pork, Cured Meats of alJ kinds when in sea- --flides 4 with a few well chosen remarks and called on Mr J K Baker for an ad- dress. Mr Baker responded in his usual efficient manner and in closing presented the host and hostess with a beautiful writing desk in behalf of the company. In behalf of the Union Choir Mrs Wilson then came forward and pre- sented Miss Clara, a member of the Choir for some yeirs, with a valuable gold bracelet as a slightremembrance of many pleasant times spent togeth- er. Mr Sidney, too, was remembered, receiving a set of gold ouff links from the choir. of which he too, was a member. The recipierts responded, thanking their many friends for the kind way in which they showed their affection. The remainder of the evening was spent in music by the Choir after which lunch was served and all re- turned totheir homes with best wish- eS to the family who will soon re- move to theirnew home in Hamil- ton. , = R. J. WALKER 6 Main Street, Atwood me iu b 3 w swale from pri tovor 2. & Porch 2nd sired by the anida 3 years fn succes-jon. BF For Sale. Pure bred Holsteir ext of Molesworth. W K Boldon, Prop. by Corn aweepstakes bull arm 3 c of milics House And Lot For Sale. }. | bet it is said to be by those that know it The News --No Pure Drug Congh Cure } Laws would be needed if all Cough Cures | were like Dr Shoop's Cough Cure is--and | has been for 2) years The National Law | how requires that if any poisons enter in- ity a cough inixture it must be printed on the label or package For this reason mothers, and others, should insist on having Dr Shoop's Cough Cure. No poi- json marks on Dr Shoop's labels--and {none in the medicine else it must by law ibe on the label And it's not only safe, best. a truly remarkable cough' remedy Teke no chance particdlarly with your children Insist on having Dr Shoop's Congh Cure Cornpare carefully the Dr Shoop package with others and see. No be ee leman, T E Marbury, Bur death very sore. An application disagreeable. WITCH HAZEL CREAM after washing will replace the natural oil in the skin, keep' it soft and smooth-and prevent "the roughness and soreness which is so painful aud Price 25 cents. . HANDS THAT CHAP AND BLEED. | Frequent washing of the hands and exposure to the cold cause them to crack and chap and become of " C. H. McFariane Druggist and Optician. ( Continued from page 1 ) Corry--Scott--That the Reeveand Clerk issue'orders for the payment of the following accounts:-Jno Cand- ler, 2 months' relief to Feb 15, 07 as certified by Clerk, $6.00, Municipal World, assessment rolls & assessors ' guide, 6.80, David Dewar, 71 yards gravel for pathmasters per J Love Jr, 8.52, T G Ratcliffe, postage & sta- tionary from Aug '06 to Mar '07 12. 58, J R Code. gravel & gravelling lot 9 ¢ 4 3.50, H Walker rep culvert s r 10 & 11 ¢ 1 2.00, Chas Cosens spikes .70, Robt Harrow, tile drain, Blind Line, c 12 & 13 lot 32 2.00, J Irvine, pt contract.gravelling sr 30 & 31 ¢@ 10 & 11 37.50, W C Cumberland, rep culvert sr 60&61¢1 3.50, James Greig 270 yds gravel tte & g 27.00, J Greig pt gravelling contract t 1 e & g 37.29, J Hird shovelling gravel in pit and inspecting gravel for con- tracts 20.63, A M Sweeton discount on cheques 1906 3.87, A M Sweeton expenses On debentures 1906 6.30, A M Sweeton postage and stationary 1906 1.86, D G Anderson 12 placards for small-pox 75, 115 copies of 14th con drain By-law 20.00, T Dickson grant to Atwood public Library 20. S Bennett 128 yds gravel for path- masters per S Love 15.36, J Illman contract of gravelling o 16 lot26 1906 17.45.--Carried. Cleland--Scott--That Council do now adjourn to meet March 11 to receive the balance of the Auditors' report and géixeral business.--Car- ried. t i T G Ratcliffe, Clerk. Monday March 11th. The Municipal Council of tke Township of Elma met in the Agri- cultural Hall. Atwood, on Monday March 11th, 1907. Members present, Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Couticillors Scott Cleland and Buchanan. Minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed by Reeve and Clerk. A number of communications were read and filed. Corry--Buchanan--That the Aud- itors' report as now read be adopted and that the Clerk be instructed to have 200 copies of the abstract state- ment printed and that gthe auditors be paid the'sum of $12 each.--Car- ' Park, Geo Hargreaves, Samuel Johasvon, George Sanderson, Jacob Kiumwnp, W J Hunter, J A Porter, Jno Coghiin, Robert Galbraith, Jno Leo- nard, James M Dickson, Charles Mc- Nichol, George Keith, David Edgar, Andrew Stevenson, Thomas Hamil- ton, J W Dickson, Fred Curtis, Geo Hume, Robert Burks, G W Foulston, James Thompscn, Thomas Klinefeldt John Love, Jr, James Coulter, Wm Morrison, James Danbrook, J 8 Cowan James Barton, Hugh Richmond, 8 Love, Sampson Bennett, Robert Carson, Charles Ducklow, Allan Me- Mane, Martin Schweitzer, John Al- brecht, Russell Riddell, J W Smith, George Hiles, James Hinks, Joseph Horn, James Buchanan, Thomas Cockwell, Samuel McCourt, Robert Roe, Allan Barr, J W Steckiey Alex McKay, Alex Robbie, Josehp Hol- man, John R Hammond, J Brough- ton, William McClory, William Pehlke, Charles Prost, Joseph Lam- bert, Wilson Little, John Flood, David Bartja, Robert-Murray, Thos Sherwin, Robert Adair, William Merrytield, Geo Near, Isaac Parkin- son, William White,--Trowbridge-- ae) e | Edward Carson,--Atwood, north, John Struthers--Atwood, south-- Wynne Price,--Monkton, James Keliy,--Newry,-- Young Coulter. Fence Viewers.--J A Turnbull, H Moore, Archibald Tughen, Thomas Dickson, R S_ Ballantyne, Alex Simpson, Edward Corry, William Burnett, John Sproule, Jas Brough- ton, Sampson Bennett, G Struthers, John Gernhelder, W J Gilkinson, and W H Gilmer. Pound-keepers.--Ivy D Smith, Whitfield McCormick, John Hamil- ton, James Mitchell, Richard Cogh- lin, Edward Grundenberger, J W Jobnston, G W_ Foulston, James Buchanan, August Buuer, Hugh Mc- Court, James Blair, Joseph Lam- bert, William Cuthbertson, and Alex Inglis. Cleland--Corry--That the Reeve and Clerk issue orders for the pay- ment of the following accounts:-Fred Candler, rep pitch-holes gravel road, .75, Foseph Johnston, tile 1906, 2.44, Wm Scott mileage to Stratford, wit- ness fees Chapman vs Elma 2.85, R Buchanan mileage to Stratford, wit- ness fees Chapman vs Elma 2.70, T ied. Cleland--Scott--That in reference to the notice of Messrs W Hamilton, And Peebles and H Shannon so re- pair the Hanna Drain under sec 75 of the Drainage Act, -& By-law be prepared for next meeting of Council appointing G L Griffith,C E,as_ en- gineer to examine and report on the said drain.--Carried. Cleland--Corry--That W Hamil- ton be appointed Collector for the township of Elma for 1907 ata sal- ary of $80, he to furnish satisfactory security.--Carried. Scott--Corry--That D G Ander- son be given the contract for general printing at-$65 for 1907 andthat 200 copies of Abstract Statement and 350 copies of the Voters' list be included in said contract.--Carried. - Buchanan--Scott--That the 50 acres of the south parts of lots 14 & 15 con 12; Blma, owned by Alex Grant be detached from S S No 7, Elma, and annexed to S S No8, EI- ma, and that a By-law be introduced at next meeting of Council to make the necessary change.--Carried. Pathmasters, Poundkeepers and fence-viewers were then appointed. Pat:masters -- John Hamilton, Amos Weber, Ernest Mann, James Henderson, Henry Karges, Abel Tindall, A B Gordon, DP Cameron, Thomas Daly, Wesley Hewitt, Geo Lemmeaux, George Hamilton, Nin Ward, James O Hardie, Thomas ee William Johnston, Wil- AS B3 poison marks there! You can always ° on side by deman in : . Samuel j Possible success. G Ratcliffe mileage to Stratford, wit- ness fees Chapmam vs Elma 3.00, J Hamilton mileage to Stratford, wit- ness fees Chapman vs Elma 3.00, A 'Roe rt contract gravelling lots 34, 35 '& 36c 8 & 4170.00, F Howes, 26ft of 8" sewer pipe 1906 5,20.--Car- | ried. Buchanan--Scott--That Council do now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Reeve.--Carried. * The Cement Co have this week sent out to the shareholders a state- mont setting forth the fact that an agreement has been arrived at be- tween the Company and M M Hiles and also setting forth the resources and liabilities of the Company. This shows] the Company to be now in a prosperous and satisfactory condition, with every prospect, under wise and careful management, of attaining a premier position among the cement mills of Canada. We believe that the Western Ontario Portland Ce- ment Co possesses a splendid propo- sition. equipped mill. ' now place the mill under expert every {join wi They have abundance of the 'best marl, excellent clay and a well The Directors must managememt and spare no expense to get the very best men obtainable as manager and foreman of the concern. Eyery resident of our village, and shareholder will, we are sure, th us in wishing the Co all The Directors and with us it is a strong one. Preminent from ev- ery stand pvint ourstock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Shoes presents all that the most exacting in point of qual- ity could wis. for, and at prices that will prove a no less forcible. argument than the merit of the goods themselves. High Quality and Reasonabie Prices are the dominant factors of our business Prove it for yourself. We have opened up a nice line of goods for spring and would invite you in to look them over. Special mRareains For a few days we will offer Dress Goods remnant in 21-2 to 5 yard ends, regular 60 to 75c yard, to clear ..3o9C A few Odd pairs of Corsets some of these are large sizes, regular 75c and 1.00 selling price, come early and get first choice .25¢ Our grocery stock is always clean and fresh. Highest Price Paid for Produce. LJ. Sinclair Atwood's Cash Bargain Store Farm For Sale. > . - % One of the nicest lying farms in Elma and good land, bank barn, immediate possession. Lot 9. Con. 14, 100 acres. Apply to McPherson & Davidson, Stratford. ; Farm for Sale. Farm for sale on concession 10, east half lot No. 20, inthe Township of Elma, » The farm contains 50 aeres. moro or less, 10 acres in hard wood bnsh and the rest cleared and well un- derdrained and In good "tate of cultivation and the best of soil. Good barn 50x52, windmill, water in barn, pig pen and driving shed, also frame house tinned. It 1s 1-2 mile from Done- gal, post office: store and cheesefactory. For further information apply to Wellingtun Sproule on premises or Donegal P. O. oads. In order to start a movement to improve the condition of earth roads in Ontario. "The Farmers' Advo- cate," in co-operation with the Pub- lic Works Department of the Ontario Government is offering $100 in priz- es for the best results froma season 's use of the inexpensive implement called the split-log drag. There are two sets of prizes, one for the East- ern and one for the Western part of the Province. The first prize ineach case is $25, second prize $15 and third prize $10. There is no fee to enter, and the conditions are very simple. The judging will be done by Mr A W Campbell, Good Roads Commissioner. Fuller particulars may be obtained by dropping a card 3 > Advocate." don, Ont. Wemight add that the entries for this exceedingly interes- ™ ye Ee 1: ~ ' ' ion will |

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