--i a : + . . nts." 1 $125 bbl. TEAS--TEAS--TEAS--We are sure of our ground, when it come to a A er ; question 'of purity and best of quality, that we "are willing. to leave the verdict to you. Come and test our regular 30c tea, which we are going to sell you at the following low prices. : 1 pound of regular 30c tea green, mixed or black for only 25 cents. . § pounds only $1.20. 10 pound® only $2.30. GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS. . BJbs. raisins 25c. 3 Ibs prunes 25¢. 6 lbs cooking figs 25c. canned puinpkin and blue besrie 10¢ a can. strawberries and raspberries, 90c a can. Good big pine apples 2 for 25 certs. ~ Turnip Seeds. Elepliant, Kangaroo, Champion Purple Top and Greystone all 18¢ a lb. Highest price paid for Butter.and Eggs, cash or trade. £C Oreensides & Son "Phone orders promptly attended to. IDEAL and IFERLESS > Wire Fences always in stock. Cheaper than home woven fence when time is taken into consideration. All number vine CLEVELAND Coiled Spring wire- W. Price's Hardware Now for _ Housecleaning We have everything you require such as-- OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM, STAIR OIL, Carpets ranging from 25c to $1.25 per yd. Rugs--Squares-- Window Blinds. : Furniture of all kinds Give us-a call and inspect our-stock. --John Roger.-- Undertaker Furniture Hardware ' eC WOOL! WOOL! WOOL! BRING IT ALONG WE WILL PAY YOU THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. ' CASH OR TRADE. SSS aes = pone = We have now all of our New Prints in stock. There are many new and artistic designs, that we know will be quickly picked up, and so we would suggest your inspecting this particular collection before the uewest designs are sold. We have a large assortment of Laces, Enser- tions, etc. -- nt eens ae ee STO eee oe & A cordial invitation is extended to,you, to in- spect the many new designs. Don't forget we pay cash for Butter and Eggs C. H. Holmes _. Pie eeeleea: wemmemenns taopelipen. "seen SS .' County Master. «) Warmers are busy finishing the sowing '|}the ministers characterized the beliefs _ In May, like of Piles quickly and. positively cured with Shoop's i Ointment. It's*made dit does the' work _ SCARLET MEETING.--The _ next 'communication of the Scarlet Chap- 'ter of the District of Elma, will be "held in the Orange Hall, Atwood, on 'Friday evening June 14th, at 8 o'clock. All companions are invited. | A. Willoughby, W.C. in C., J. Walker, ¢ The semi-annual , meeting of the County Lodge of North Perth will be held in Listowel, on Monday, June 10th, 1907. Coa Bea 3 the Signature of SronRrA. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought YThdedist ---- a 14th Line. Wr. Rutherford 1&h con, Savin and addition erected to his Louse this sutbmer, a Mr. lavid Herbert and family from near Reston, Man isiti in the township of Elma and Logan this weeks . of roots and corn these days and the late rains and warmer weather have greatly pimproved the appeararice of the meadows and crops generally | e understand there is to be a garden party on the 18th of Inne in the orebsrd of Mr Robt. MeCourt lot 12, con. 13, iima.at which there are expected to be specches music games lunch and refresh- ents and if the weather is favorable no doubt very enjoyable time will be spent. everybody welcome. s Unique Services ai London Conierence. JUBILEE SERVICE HEL! FOR THIR- TEEN CLERGYMEN, INCLUDING ATWOOD PAbd ik. Ninety-nine ministers responded to the roll call last Wednesday morning at the first session ot the London Methodist conierence. The morning session was devotel entire!y to rou- tine business, the chiet variation being arather lively tilt on the new theology. The questiou'@zose over the recom- mendatiop shat John F. Knight, a Victoria College student, be received into full connection and ordained. In the discussion which enstied one oi of many students as misty. The re- mark was.evi. ently regatded-by many of those present as belittling the work of the college and a storm of protests arose. In the end a motion carried providing that the former custom of the conference examining candidates be resumed, and this was done on Friday afternoon. _ Two ministers were reporled as coming in from other conferences. They are Rev. Jas. Chariton, of the Hamilton Conference, and Rev. G. F. Salton, Ph. B., of Montreal Conference. The following were recommended for superannuation :--Revs. Alex. Lang- ford: W. Homery, Benjamin Clemevt and Dr. Hannon. Rev. Thos. Griffin, . B., was recommended to be super- annuated for one year. Rev. H. E. Kellington, who is now in the United States, sent in his re- signation. . A JUBILEE SERVICE. A unique service, the first one on record, took place this afternoon, when five Methodist ministers parti- cipated in the jubilee service arranged in honor of the thirteen ministers in the district who have served fifty years gommittee. The fire who particjpat- éd were:--Dr. Alex.» Langford, Dr. Rev. John Kenner and Rev. E. Fes- sant, were present, and: were given a stirring recone by the conference. Revs. F. M. Smith, of Kincardine > John B. Phillips, E. Holmes, John C. Homeray, Jas. Kennedy, Geo. Brown, Edward Kershaw and Wm. Williams were unable to be: present; but each sent messages of encouragement to their brethren BEGAN AT ST. MARYS. Rev. Stephen Bond began his work. are Visiting friends|- in the ministry by the conference} Wm. McDonagh, Rev. Stephen Bond, | % A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, fate of : allowed and highest current 96 Branches throughout Canada, m 7. IT, De cimay j fey Pe, WEE fone, | i teed ---- nesiemenentionsd v2 ~~ nee a aS ed Council Minutes. The municipal council of the town- ghit of 'Eime, met in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on Saturday, June Ist, 1907. Members all present. Moved by Samuef Corry-- William ; Cicland, that an order be issued in favor of trustees ef u.s.s., No. 2, Bima and Wallace, for $2500 being part of debenture woney paid by treaserer to aforesaid. trustevs--cis | ried land--tbat By-law No. 532, for iicens- ing, reguiating and goveraing the keeping of biliiard, bagatelle and poo tavies in the townsiijy 0 Bima and! tor fixing the license tee tor each babic iL ibe sun of $2U.UU as now read au third time be finally passed --zarr'edt Moved by Samuel Uorry--Wauai. Creiand--that Geo. L. Guiflith, C.E be paid the sum of $4UU on accoul. of work on Burnett Drain. Moved by Wm Scouu--Wun. Cre 'aud--that the clerk be instructed : nowy all the parties assessed ip thx isurnett Drain to attend the meatin of council on June 2th, at ten o'ciock a.m. to hear the report of the engineer on said drain. --vcarried. Moved by Robt. Buchanan--Sauw- uei Corry--that the clerk be instruct- ed to advertise for tenders in the Ai- wood Bee, The Stratford Herald, The Stratford Beacon and the Contract Record for the construction of an 5U it. span bridge, steel superstructure and concrete abutments and also one concrete arch bridge JU ft. span, separate tenders to be received for the abutments and for the steel superstructure. Tenaers "to be re- ceived up to June 22nd, 1907, at two o'clock p.m.--carried. Moved by Wa. Cleland -- Wm. Seott--that the reeve and clerk issue orders for the payment of-the follow- ing accounts, viz :--Jas. Herd, repair- ing cul, lots 5 and 6, con 11, 2; Jas. Broughton, repairing gravel road, 2; ied. Moved by Wm. Scott---Wim. Clo- | Johy Sdair, ditching lot 23, cone 13, 7; Thos. Sherwin, repairing culvert, con 17, lot iz, 1; W- Sproule, re- pairing approaches to bridge, tes 23. con 10, 2; Jas. Porter, repairing cul- vert, gravel road, 3; Geo. Chapman. repairing culvert, taking opt stump and putting on pravel, gravel 'Toad, 7; Ernest Krugal, for 61, rods wie fence along gravel road, 9.154 Wnt. Scott, for.60 reds wire icuce, hound- ry Bima and Grey,-eon 1,9; Coas, j rnd dra wing 6; Jacol r 30 and 3t, Gernhelder, in cu'ver' 4 bs . "mr to. Os Prost, pititing in culvert x} tes ¢r 30 and 31. eon! Schmidt, natting in tile « con 17, 1.00; Henry ligsing drain : mated? s ry 30 and 3! Seiler, repairine 2 culvers and 21, eon 14, | 29; 3 NAN. re ' thine vive drain) oper Hill & Co- t 6, con 4, stave ant ')---earried. n, second- ' the council , again on + cen ofelock for general a engine 1... 3 s-atione Movs 1 io a revision vasiness.--vearried, Ata meeting of the Palmerston District Publishers' Association held i1 Drayton on Tuesday, May lst, a resolution was passed revarding the new postal regulations with the U.S., to the effect that the postal authori- ties were imposing an unjust tax on country publishers in the matter of increased postage, as it was not Ameri- can newspapers that were burdening the Canadian mails and injuring home production, but American magazines and periodicals; and in the opinion of said asscciation, the imposition of postage should have been confined to that class of publication. 3 Remarkable [nvention FOR THE Culture Fn che Bo Ba oho cfleclbe se cksokecle of 6 it he aie see Bieta ie ie ie ie ok ie ie a of Hairg ing the food supply which to the-roots, the effects of which are grows of hair. There is no rubbing, soe necessary to wear the Cap three or fou 60 DAYS' F ce we ie wit oie ie et ie ie ie scientific and hygienic princi Ce ee Oe a i ie aie ee at ie 2 Di trial. If you do not see a 'grad are at liberty to return the Cap requested as an evidence of good ed. with the Chancery Lane Safe » financt basiness institution of in 1856 in St. Marys. "This is my fifty-frst year," said Mr. Bond, "and I bave- better health | now than when I went to St. Marys. I feel as if I could go on for ten years yet in active work. I'm not predch- ing my old sermons. I'm not cloth- ing the old doctrines in new phrases. I'm not reading the old books all the; "| . Pl Te eee s ye eee "receipt. guaranteeing that th without questi ent, : free and normal circulation is ; minute blood vessels are gently stimulated to activity, thus allow- can only be derived from the blood, to be carried kind are employed there is nothing to cause irritation. e@money,will be return bbe be be blbt EE EE Pet ed: 3 ebb HE EVANS VACUUM. CAP is a practical invention constructed 'on ples by the simple means of which a restored throughont thescalp The quickly seen in-a healthy, vigorous and a8 no drugs or chemicals of what- It is only r minutes daily. REE TRIAL! The Company's Guarantee. An EVANS VACUUM CAP. willbe sent you fer sixty days' free ual: development of a new growth of hair, and are not convineed that the Cap will completely restore your hair, your with no ex i mite, that it she kind in the world, w nse whatever to yourself. It is tlie price of the Gap be deposit- mpany, of London, the largest ho will issue a in full, on demand atany time during the trial period. {lopaccit licen ( hair roots), ¥ would be solved. on, time, nor am I reading all the new and ifm, spared ~ sees 6 t 2 8 2 ss 2 8 2 28 2 8 ft st, TT. Tere eee The eminent Dr. 1. N. LOVE. in his address to Board of hair ) stated that if a.means could be devised to. bring nutri fon to it Lins pr, thd e' Medical o on the aa! any irritati roocess, the problem the EVANS VACUUM CAP was. id fi and in ints pon. whitch Cap -will be