Atwood Bee, 7 Jun 1907, p. 5

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Seas "Imperial Bank: 'PAiD Ur CAbrraL : RESERVE - SAVING BANK---3pecial attention given to this department. Intcrest allowed from date of deposit and added to 'of Ganada. "+= $4,850,000.00- aa $4,850,000.00 Principle 4 TIMES «year. Farrers' Business a Specialty. Out of town busin:ss solicited, LISTOWEL BRANCH H. C. SECORD, Manarer. SS aS AR HE AS AS TAS TE EAS AE TS TAT ME ME MS Me AE WS AS TE TS TS Vesged Het place to go is Listowell Business College Two cottrses-- Commercial and Shorthand Entet at beginning of any month. For particulars write to A. L. "elntyre, Principal. bleed efbipbh ht oe biek tr * fobesfesde Sorted fecbestoo eee obese eofoeeofondenecbe sfonde steels decd bee tet ee eee et PEEP EEE EEEEE 4 Centra Business College 5, feos obo ake checks ofeskest: the lee ae ae Stratford, Qatario 4 oh leleobeds predecbeoh foferet Was established twenty years ago' 'F and by iis thorongh work and x honorable dealings with its patrons has become one of the largest and most widely known Commercial Colleges in the province. The de- inand upon us for commercial teuchers and Office assistants great- ly excveds the supply. We assist graduates to positions, Studants are entering each week. Cutalogue ree. Riliott & McLachlan, Principais. Bc cBecBe cla cls Becheche she fosheokesks ecko st 2. .Bek. ae eee ae bu * che Sint Wie niet She Wht Nit ie vit i) en Le sped pdb bbe ebb bbe Pee Loca! Salesman Wanted at once for A? WOOD) and eurrapnd- ing districts. High-class specialties in Fruit and Orna- mental Stock grown and for sale by Canad's Greatest Nurseries A permanent situation for the right party. Liberal inducements. Pay weekly. Handsome free outfit. Write for terme and catalogue, andend 2c in stamps for our Pocket Magnifying Glass or 80c for our Handy Metal Hack Saw. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nureeries over 800 acres ORONTO, ONT. a The Larmour School of -- Telegraphy, Strattord - - Ontario The new system of training for railway ser vice, under, entirely su ful. Write for Dampblet which sires full part cutars, testimbnals from pupils now emoloyed by the G. T. R. ete. 9 Rebert Larmour, Principal and Prop. : Town Market. 22 00 to 22 00 22 00 to 22 00 2 3" | breath is foul or feverish. white. soothing balm contains Oil Of sLsince January last has proved LOCAL. Tt will pay you to Yead Sinclair's ad. JUNE.--The mofth and the first of summer. of blossoms Have yeu bought » One Minute Washer? If not, why not?--W. Price. Freddie Dark-is around again after a severe three week's illness from an attack of mumps. Mrs. A. MeDermaid and baby are at present the guest of her cousin, Mrs. James Leonard. Miss Florence Campbell left on Monday for Stratford where she has taken a situation. J. A. Roe, V.S., was a littl under the weather for a.few days last week, but is now himself again. The cement foundation cf Thos. Dickson's new house is being con- structed by Mr. Lange, 'of Listowel. Messrs. MeMinn and Edmondson, of Listowel, are working for Wm. Gilchrist, as bricklayers this season. Mrs. T. G. Ratcliffe and daughter Marjory, returned on Saturday night '| from a week's visit with relatives in Stratford. Miss Annie Erskine returned home -|from Stratford last Saturday evening '| after tuking a course at the Stratford Business College. Robt. Knox's new house is going up rapidly under thé supervision of Wm. Gilchrist. It will be a neat structure-when finished. Monkton Presbyterians are to have a handsome new brick church. W. BE. Binning, architect of Listowel, prepared the plans and specifications. Ss OA: FTA. , Kind, You Have Atways Bought A Grand June Festival will be held on concession 12, Elma, opposite Trinity Church, on Wednesday, June 12th. A good program is being provided. We are very sorry to report. that Everett Haist, son of Wm. Haist, section foreman, is seriously ill with typhoid fever. We hope the young lad may have a rapid recovery. The fire company had an excellent practice last Friday evening and gave the hand fire engine a first class trial. It did splendid work, throwing astrong stream with ease over the highest building in the block. Think of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure if your nose and throat discharges--if your This snow Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, etc., in- corported into an imported, creamlike, velvety petrolatum. It soothes, heals, purifies, controls. ll at our store for tree trial box. Sold by C. H. McFarlane. R. B. Hamilton, of Linwood, was an interested spectator at the junior football match last Thursday evening between Milverton and Atwood. He would haye liked to see our boys win the game. . Samuel Wherry. preached a very 'aceeptable sermon in the Methodist Church last Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor, who was at the meeting of Conference. There was 'on the nature ofthe trip to the west. He thinks the west will have a good crop in spiterof the ff backward: Spring. It will all depend weather in the; Fall. - He Wee Sea | Drs. Langrill and Kidd.and T. c. || Ballantyne, directors of the Cement | Co., were in Stratford on Monday to. attend the Court there for examina- | tion for discovery in regard to the suit of Davis vs. the directors of the Ce- ; ment Co. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency"' 'Bobs' and "Stag" Chewing Tobaccoes, in big plugs. Quality always the same. m24 There was quite a large attendance | at St. Albans Church last Sunday evenirg to witness the dedication of the new pulpit and communion table. The rector, Rev. Mr. Westgate, gave & very appropriate description of the uses and significance of the different articles of church furniture and also delivered a very suitable sermon. Rev. Mr. Cranston, the pastor-elect of Knox Presbyterian church, Pal- merston, will be inducted to the pas- toral charge by the Saugeen Presby- tery on June 18th. The church has now been over six months without a pastor, though for the last several months Rev. Mr. Mustard has taken the work there and has been very popular. ~ Preventics, as the name implies, pre- vent ali Colds and Grippe when 'taken at the sueeze stage." Prevéntics are tooth- some candy tablets. Preventics dissipate all colds quickly, and taken early, when you first feel that cold is coming, they check and preverit them. Preventics are thoroughly safe' for children, end as effectual for adults Sold and re- commended in 5 cent add 25 cents boxes by C. Ho McFarlane. a Are you going to the Intermediate Football match on Friday evening, between Brussels and Atwood? It will be the game of the season. Do not wiss it, At Brussels our boys were only defeated by 1 to 0, and on the home grounds they hope to do better. -Nosy,:turn out and give the boys a bumper crowd. Help them on to victory by cheering them heartily. MY. and Mrs. Gohl, of Hillman, Mich., spent their -honeymoon at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Alec. Morrison. Mrs. Gclfiivess' formerly Miss Mabel Moran aid is wellknown in Atwood and vicinity, © She surprised her | Fs friends here by arriving with her bet- ter half. We=join" with her many friend¢ in "isbing +her and her hus- band every happiness and prosperity Wher the tip ofa dog's nose is celd ana moist; that dogis notsick. A -feverish dry nore means sickness with a dog. And wo with the haman lips. Dry. cracked and coiorless lips inean feverishness and are as Wellillappearing. To have beau: tiful, pink, velvet-like lips, apply at. bed }@ t reen Salve. | - ime a coating of Dr Shoop's It will soften and heal any skin ailment: Get a free, trial box. at our store, and be convinced. Large. nickel capped glass jars, 25-cents. Samuel McAllister. returned last Friday night from. his lengthened so- journ in Alberta, whither he went to wind up the estate of his late deceas- ed brother Joseph. He arranged everything satisfactorily and was,treat- ed with the greatest kindness. and cohsideration. by 'the people there. He says that the crops at Edmonton and Indian Head seem to be as far advanced as they are here, and that the older settlers do not seem to be worrying over the prospects. 7 Ly An interesting meeting was held in the basement of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday afternoon, when a fairly large gathering of ladies from all the congregations of the village listened to an intensely absorbing ad- dress from Miss Rattay, a French lady who spent 12 years in a Roman Catholic Convent. Miss Rattay is engaged in French Evangelization 'Negetable Preparation for As- carpet epi re peg ting the Stomachs of | INFANTS "CHILDI | | ii} LDREN _ Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither m,Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. Aperfect Remed-, for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions, Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. | NEW YORK. "Ato months old. 33 Doses -35CENTS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. The Kind You Have: Always Bought 'Signature of | Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. ; 03 a Lo ay 4 a! aS aon. unicago, "'Lot the GOLD DUST twins do your work," Snow white oloties are the result of asing GOLD: It makes light the labors of washing: . Turns ~ was day into play day. Better than ary Soap and more economical. sce. Made only by THEN. K. FAIRBANK COMPAN" ¢ New York, Boston, St. Louis. Montreal- Ps 7 ¥ a 5 5 Nadel ok SualbAd Seale: By aabale! DUST (Tr. 'v eat sittin Dats > asa b Wad Views Special Offer. The Weekly Mail and Empire and Atwood Bee ragiled to any address, postage paid, in Canada or Great Britain until January Ist, 1908, for 75 cents Both publications for 7 months, the period mentioned, at regular rates would Frre.--The fire conipahy had a little more practice last Friday night,... than they were reckoning upon. or about 11.30 p.m. the fire bell rang = out loud and clear. seemed very slow at responding, and? a very small number of mén handled. the fire engine and ladder wagon- The fire was discovered to be in W... R. Erskine's weigh scales, just op-~. On» The people Tt was ata posite the Elma House. . once seen that the building could not be saved and that there was - mediate danger of any other building + being destroyed, at the same time thes . engine was run down to,, the Elma... House well and soon a good stream was playing on the building. It did 3 not take lang to produce quite an= effect on the blaze, and 'ina short. time the fire was out. If appears" that the building was on fire early in= the eveving and that some men ex- tinguished the fire. That it byoke: 80 €0 to 30 00 8 50 no service in the evening. Rev. H. P. Westgate will preach to the Oddfellows of Millbank next Sun- day afternoon, June 9th, in the Eng- lish Church there. It is likely there will be a large turnout from the lodge here. The Tennis. Club are some fine practice at their court on. the school,. grounds. The ground is not as fast and: level as one would wish to see, but with a few weeks'*warm weather will soon improve. Low Grade Flour Flax Seed Meal, per cwt.. 8 50 to Oat Chop, per cwt 25 to cost $1.15... By accepting this offer zew subscribers save 40 cents. - The Weekly Mail and Empire during the Summer months will unquestionably be the greatest weekly publication which enters Canadian homes. It at present contains a greater number of columns of reading-matter than any other Canadian weekly. AJl the news published in it is ] » selected to meet the varied t the readers work and it bulks largely in her life. She explained clearly the extent and nature pf the work and produced. a good impression. 'The Sovereign Bank of Canada --invites the. Accounts of: 25 to 30 to 50 to "00 to 17 to 17-to 00 to, 00 to CO to 00 Barley Chop, per cwt .. Clover : Timothy Seed Hogs (live), ww a weeagC RS i tastes 0 . : . . The General News Section will contain the fullest and most complete information of the events transpiring in all parts-of the vorid Particular attention will given to cable and provincial news-- The jcultural Section will be.replete Potatoes (bag) Onions, per bushel Apples (bag) ..-+..+ +++ Pe LISTOWEL BRANCH C:P.R.--Mr. T. Heeney of the C.P.R., offices at Goderich was in town for a day or two last week, and was pleased to find that construction work, on the Lis- * towel branch is how well under way. Mt. McDonald, sub-contractor "for eight miles of the road bed in Morn- ington and Elma, has his foréées well organized and busy at work. . Mr. Nicholson is pushing this end of the line, and the cement men gre at work: verts and bridges. = Siar Ws, We understand that Robt. Hamil- ton; who for the past few years has been caretaker ofthe Presbyterian Church, has resigned; the ition and-accepted that of -caretaker of the Methodist' Chureh. The new posi- tion will be less onerous for. Mr. Hamilton who is getting up in years, as the Church is much nearer his home and is not nearly so large a structure, thus'entailing far less work, ~ tre. ef he Corporations, Fraternal ' Societies. and Individuals. literest allowed: cn Savings ; Deposits. and credited ' 4} times.a.-year. . | with information forthe general adyvance- ment agricaltural -- acience Contri- butors to this ection will be men-eminent in this important industry. The Magazine Section will also be a jon upon subjects which ublic attention. 1 be brightened , which com- d. as rte sare ghould be the case. * The destruction: -- of the scales is quite an inconven: | For Qualit: and : ty sel "Stag" and Gurrency"™ FO og robe out agoin goes to show that it wa 3s of= incendiary origin. 1} "self is satisfied that the building wass Mr. Erskine him-* fired by some one who owed bim a It is too bad that suche: ~ ience to the public, as well as quite sa. loss to Mri Erskine. « Reta 2 ity Quantity ask youn dealer for the new big ee ae .

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