te Gray, Berbic & Coe. Nistowel's low price makers . for all fines of Dry Goods, } } a Vol. 18. No. 20. "ATWOOD, ; aUNE 14, 1907. New Spring , Goods oe TES EEE EE We bave just received a large consignment of New Spring Goods. e Fancy Fabrics New Press Goods, Prints, Muslins, Fancy Drapery, -Mustins, Cretonnes, Art Satins, Ginghams, Hoisery, Gloves, ete. Staples New Cottons, Shirting Cottonades. , Flannel Shirting, Flannels, ete. The Public generally shoul { avail themselves of an early opportunity to make epring purchases in order to have their Spring sewing done before the busy rush of spring work commenves. " _A Call Solftited, Highest Price Paid for Farm Produce. Ww. R. Erskine, ST. ME. SCEIN BET res LISTOWEL'S GREATEST STORE Our reduction Sale will last until 23rd Day of June. GREAT DOINGS BIG BARGAINS - Remember ten per cent. of every $1.00 worth you buy. Special for Saturday and Mcnday. 98 sample curtains, extra fine quality, regular price from 50c to $2.50 'Saturday and Monday Zde to 50 cents. : 28 Men's Suits, in worsted and_ tweed effects, all . good patterns, reg. price from $8 to 5 Satur- day and*Monday, your choice fox $5.00 16 Boy's two Pi: suits, good tweed: regular mad $?.00 to $4.00 ; Saturday and Monday for 91.00. 2° Cans Peas or Corn, Saturday and Monday for "9 Bars Pine Olive Soap, Dominion Spools 3 Paper Pins 3 Pr. Shoe Laces 2 Cans best Saimon Listowel, Ontario TEN DAYS Greatest of all Clearing Sales at Gray, Bernie & Co. LISTOWEL'S - LOW PRICE MAKERS. Starts on Wednesday, May 22nd, and will las€é.ten days. Thousands of Dollars of new up-to-date Dry Goods will be offéred to the buying public at ridiculously low prices. New Dress Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Carpets Rugs, Musling, Prints, Ladies' Coats, Skirts, etc., all reduced for this sale. This is your chance to buy up-to-date Goods at about 2-3 the regnlar price and just at the time you need them. See bills for further particulars. Come early as you know what.a 4 means here. Terms Cash or Trade. = Gear, Bernie & Co. Lanne, ane: Ones Sonne KEEPING WHITH Shirtings,.. Deniumas | * Cc. P. BR. Officials Here. LisTOWEL TO 'aay A STATION IN PROGRESSIVE ~ TOWN. ae On Wednesday mcrning of last week, Mr. J. BE. §nllivan, who has been recently appointed Superinten- dent of construction: of C..P..R. lines 'in Outario, with headquarters i in Tor- onto, arri in town, and was ac- conmanied by Mr Murphy, Division- at "perintendéit, of London, and hie! Kingineer Paterson of Goderich. nject of Mr. Sullivan's visit was -aint himselawith the Listowel Lasowood branch, if being-his first ist} here. The day being extremely we! :t was decided fo defer a trip over he road, and the time was spent while here in takisig in the situation in town and the itomediate vicinity. A meeting was attanged with the C. P.R. officials-in the Public Library building at 10.30,the members of the Town Council and 3, good:representa- tion from the Board of Trade being present. Mayor=Watson presided, and the question of the C.P.R. erect- ing an up-to-date statian was the chief topic discussed, the Mayor and Messrs. J. H. Gubther, F. W. Hay, J..W. Seott, H. B..Morphy, M. McD. Fieming, EB. OC. Thornton, and others urging upon the officials the desirabi- ?) lity of giving this. town a modern and substautial brick station that will meet all requirements and be a credit to the Company and the town. Mr. Sullivan in replying "expressed his pleasure and surprise at finding Lis- towel* sucha fine .and progressive town, and premised to lay the matter of a suitable station hefore the O.P R. management, also giving hisassurance that the Company, who were fully, alive to their interests, would not be behind in thematterof station accom- niodation. ~ At the same time. the question of e goo#train' servic' was of greater importance in his estima- tion than the style of a station build- ing. . Mr. Murphy, who is head of the operating department, expressed him- self as being very favorably impressed with our.town,-and said that our citi- yens could depend upon an éxcellent; train service, and the station being properly equipped and grounds made attractive. Chief Engineer Peterson | said he had a warm feeling for Lis- towel and would be pleased to see the wishes of its citizens carried out as far as possible. Mr. Carr Harris, Engineer in charge of construction, was also present. The feeling of the citizens who waited upon the C.P.R. officials is that the Company will give us a good station and that both it and the line will be equipped in a way that will leave nothing to be-desired. A joint resolution of the Council and Board of Trade setting forth, Listowel's views, has been prepared and for- warded to Mr. Leonard, the Assistant General Manager.-- --Standard. ------ Ethel. A new viatiorn has been built at Mrs. Slemmon's res sidence. Robert Pearson was at Goderich last week attending the Methodist Conference. The address given by Deaconess Haddock, of Toronto, in the Metho- dist Church here was,full of interest. On Tuesday, June 4th, Miss Agnes Walker attended the -wedding of J. Leslie Kerr and Miss Lottie J. Brown rat Brussels, probably seeing how the ceremoriy is perfor med. This kind of' information is often useful. Mrs. Laird and Miss Nellie left on Thursday for an extended visit m Dakota with Mrs. S. A. Armstrong and other relatives. They will visit at Ann Arbor, Mich., en route. Their many friends wish them a comfort- able journey, a pleasant stay and a safe return. We are sorry to hear that the Methodist Conference is removing Rev. Mr. Armstrong from Ethel. He has been appointed to Charing Cross, six miles frém Chatham, Kent Co., and will close his pastorate here with the last Sabbath in June. There will regret over his leaving. by Rev. Mr.\cer will take by passenger trains on the lines north Lvisiting at his home, 10th con., last been on the sick list for the past five Changes In Ti Time Table. A new time table bie witt go into effect on the Grand Trunk line on June 16th and «a number of important changes will be made in the passen- ger trains. A new train will leave Toronto for Port Huron via Stratford and London, at 11 p.m., daily. new train :will leave Port Huron at 9.40. a.m., Stratford 1.35 p.m., and arrive at Toronto 4.55 daily. This train will have direct connections at Guelph and Stratford with trains from the north--Palmerston, Southampton and Kincardine, etc. Iu order to give a quicker morning service from all of the territory north of Guelph a new train will leave Guelph at 10.10 a.m., and arrive at Toronto 11.35 a.m. This will get passengers to Toronto 45 minutes earlier than at present. A new train will also leave Toronto at 4.15 for Guelph, connecting with trains for all points on the northern ines. A change that will be greatly wel- eomed is the replacing of mixed trains of Palmerston, Durham, Southamp- ton, Kincardine, ete. So far no definite word has been given out as to an earlier morning train for the north from Guelph and southern points, the first train up now reaching here at 12.35. A local offi- cial is of the opinion that when the time table is published such a train will be included. Grey. J. Hogg and bride, of Milverton, spent Sunday at the latter's parental ome. Wes. "Armstrong, of Lindsay, was week. We are sorry to hear that Robt. MeNaughton, an old and well known resident of Grey, has been seriously illlately. He is over 90 years-of age. Few men retain their vitality like Thos. Whitfield, a well kno wn resident of the 12th con., who, although along in the eighties, appears to-be about s-hearty as e1 ever. ES We are pleased to state that-Mes.1 Thos. Davidson, 11th con.; who has or six weeks, is improving nicely and will soon be'as hearty 4s ever. Andrew and Mrs. Turnbull, 15th con., left on 'Tuesday for the West or a holiday visit with relatives. Their first stop will be with their son, Dr. Turnbull in Winnipeg. We hope they will enjoy their stay. SLIGHTLY IMPROVED.--A letter from Saskatoon to Mrs. R. Mitchell, llth con., says that her son, Percy, who was so, dangerously ill, is some- what better with a more favorable out- look. He has had quite a combina- tion of ailments commencing with a cold and followed by quinsy, threat- ened appendicitis and last but not least pneumonia. With the good caré the patient is receiving from Dr., trained nurse and willing relatives and friends we hope he will soon be restored to good health. His father arrived in Saskatoon all right and will probably fetch his son home with him when able to be moved. Last week as Mrs. Jno. McKinnon, th con., was removing a setting hen from the nest she received a pec from the fowl on her hand. Blood poisoning set in and Mrs. McKinnon has been quite ill, the swelling going up her arm to her shoulder and neck. We hope she will be speedily restored to her accustomed good health. Cheese Adulteration. New OFFICIAL APPOINTED TO PRo= SECUTE ALL SucH CASES. Toronto, June 10.--The executive committee of the Western Dairymen's Association has decided upon the ap- pointment of a special official whose duty it will be to: prosecute all cases of adulteration of milk. The regular dairy inspectors will make tests of milk, and where evidence is secured of breaches of thé act'the special offi- action. Where such | steps are taken no compromise or set- Reveries Of The Night {By a Banker.) A child of earth, resting after the toils of the day, ig indulging in that sion of buildings castles in the air. gume more vivid reality, and the feats cinating creations of his fancy become endowed with a real existence; while ~ he himself finds that he has cast off his earth-trammels and can roam ab- will throughout the firmament. Now -- bolling and curvetting amidst the rol- ling billows of the wild ocean, vault- © ing from wave to. wave, disporting -- himself on the foaming crests of the _ the chambers of the deep midst slimy monsters, great sea serpents, and -- graceful forests and gardens of theseas. Now he emerges once more into the light of day, and, skimming along the heaving surface, alights upon the shore; now bounding upwards to the edge of the loity cliff, now making a delicious plunge down again to the shore beneath; leaping far up to. inac- cessible eoombes i in the jagged rocks, -- never visited even by the most ven- turesome and reckless of climbers, and revelling in a naturalist's Paradise of the rare and the beautiful: And then, with the flash of a thought, he speeds upwards into the mighty rolling globe poised unsup- ported in space and careering onward at a terrific pace on and on-into the abysm. of the infinite. But espying our beautiful satellite he alights upon its arid plains, and finds that he is on a dead world; not a vestige of life; not a blade of grass, not a living creature; no air, no water, no wind; not a sound, not a spark of fire, not a drop of rain; nought but the dread, ie peat silence of death; a drear and ravaged wilderness struc': with the lethal spear of Doom. And there above him hangs the great 'earth, brilliant in the full glare of the solar rays; throbbing, as he knows, with 'ife and vigour, adorned and embel- Hished with all that is beautiful and attractive, and the home of a race of beings capable of apprec*ating all its superabounding loveliness. Then, - paghast-cnd_awestrack, at the separ: chral desolation around him; ne-yae again upwards intending to return ts his native planet; but only to realize to his horror. that he is h * Sr eatin lost in empty space.. And he awoke, and behold it was-a dream. But a time will come when those who have served and obeyed their Ged, - and who have not wilfully rejected His offer of pardon through faith in all believers by His well-beloved Son, will be able surely to roam at will throughout the universes, and to visit on angel-wing all its sublime wonders and all its stupendous, cverwhelming magnificence and grandeur. Hon. G. P. Graham Coming. WILL ATTEND THE LIBERAL Con- VENTION AT MILVERTON ON JUNE 19 Weare pleased to be able to an- nounce that Hon. George P. Graham, leader of the Opposition in the On- tario Legislature, has been able to re- arrange his programme. of meetings -- so as to be present at the Liberal day, 19th inst. Mr. Graham will probably arrive in Stratford on Tues-, day evening and proceed to Milverton: with the delegates from Stratfordand the southern townships on Thursday evening. As Mr. Graham is possessed of a -- genial personality as well as being & pleasing and forcible speaker, his presence will add interest to the gathering. +s Sherwin Williams Paints stay wheres : they are put, For sale at W. bi et hardware. CASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have cain alluring but perhaps irrational diver- Gradually, these shadowy visions as- -- with the stormy pétrels,--he-is-gam---- Convention at Milverton on Wednes- curling breakers, or diving down into _ aether, this earth of ours at first a ~~ the atonement made on the Cross for ---- Bi