baits uP - CAPITAL : RESERVE. - : : '- SAVING BANK-~ special attention ine "to thts dopartment. Interest allowed. from date of deposit and added to Prince 4 TIMES © 'your. Farmers' Business a Specialty. _ Out of town business solicited. | Bima Cheese Co , disposed of their- last balf of May cheese to Hodgson Bros, Montreal on Tuesday, - | shipment consistel of 335 the, ae & LESTE EE EEE --> Cerowat. BRANCH i. ©. SECOKD, Manager. _ ee Coenen ae omens eatin Vili place to go is = Listowell Business College. Two courses-- Commercial and Shorthand Enter at beginning of any month. ° For particulars write to A. L. Meintyre, Principal. PEPPER EEE EEEE REESE bbb Seebeck debit deeb : : : de ebb beh deeb beet bebe 3. vr Central . Business College Stratford, Sage S. Be Se Be Be Be Seals rr ver FH Ontario Was established twenty vears ago and by its thorough work and honorable dealings with its patrons yas become one of the largest.and most widely known Commercial Colleges in the province. The de- mand >apon ws for commercial teachers and office assistants great- ly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Studants are entering each week. Catalogue free. ---Bliott & McLachlan, Principals. Sheet ehh b bee ehee bbb Local Salesman Wanted at once for ATWOOD and surround- ing districts. High-ciass specialties in Fruit and Orna- mental Stock grown and forsale by Canad's Greatest Nurseries A permanent situation for the right party. Liberal inducements. Pay weekly. Handsome free outfit. Write for terms and catalogue, and send 25c in stamps for our Pocket Magnifying Glass or 30c for our Handy Metal Hack Saw. Stone & 'Wellington Fonthill Nurseries over 800 acres So Snake SoBe Seale che Rackecke ste ofa ok bat he) tee whe) she be ) A he he pohanesannesepenseates 4, 8, Fo Bo Peake Baatackecke Seckeckecke of * 1 ae a Wi oe 1d uae) ORONTO, ONT. The Larmour School of Telegraphy, Stratford - - Ontario The new system of training for railway ser vice, under test since January last has proved entirely successful, Write for pamphiet which gives full part culars, testimonals from pupils now employed by the G. T. R. etc. Robert Larmonr, Principal and Prop. Town Market. $ 68 to$ 68 22 00 to 22.00 22 00 to 22 00 2 30 Middlings Flour, per 100 Ibs Low Grade Flour 80 CO to 30 00 Fiax Seed Meal, per ewt.. 8 50 to 3 50 Oat Chop, per ewt 1.2 1 25 i 24 Clover - Timothy Seed..........++ bd 50 to Hogs (live) 1 1 9 3 7 "gZ8 Potatoes (bag) Onions, per bushel Apples (bag) Ween the tip ofa dog's nose is'cold and moist, that dogis notsick. A feverish dry nose means sickness with a dog. And eo with. the human lips. Dry, cragked and coiorless lips mean fey une and are as well ill appearing. tiful, pink, Lig Tike lips, apply' at bed time a coating hoop'sG Salve. It will pottear pe heal any skin ailment. Get a free, trial box, at our store, an eqnvince jare, 25 ce nts. _ Geto _ on 5 site siding, ves a cea : . | atback, tia rapid recovery. To have bean-. See our Pineapple Clips, only 25¢ and willsave you hours of work,--W. Price. John McKetizie, of the 16th con., had the' misfortune to lose a valuable mare on Monday night. Remember the date Wedneeday, June |{9th. at Elma House and consult with Miss J. J Allan about your oyes. Miss Susie and Maggie Johnson left of Tuesday on an extended visit | 2, among relatives at Smith Falls. Mrs. Simon Squires, of Listowel, was a-visitorat the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cuthbertson over Sunday. We are sorry to report that Mr. Thomas Carter who had the position of fire ranger on the Temiskaming Railway is at present in the Stratford , Hospital. Mr: Cyrus Harvey and Mr. Chas. Vallance were in Durham Jast Mon- . | day as delegates to the District meet- ing of the 1.0.0.F. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Gohl left on Mon- day for Hensall where they will visit at y the home of Mr. and Mrs Jas Priest, and will then return' to their home in Hill- man, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. John Cuthbertson were called to Mitchell last Sunday owing to the serious illness of a re- lative, Mr. Mundel. He is suffering from appendicitis, this being his 3rd We hope to see him make _ The trees are loaded with blossoms and if that counts for anything there should be abundance of apples and plums. 'Small fruit will likely be very scarce, the cold weather retarding the growth of the berry bushes. , The township grader is once more in operation under the superyision of John Sanders. A portion of the time gine, but there is nothing can beat the horse' He does his work every time: _ . The Bowling Club are getting in some -good practices, although the green is not as smooth as one would like to see it. It will take consider- able work to get if as smooth as it should be. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of 'Bobs' "Stag" and "Currency"' cai -- accoes. The 10th con., baseball stevens play the 12th con., ball players on the school grounds of 8.8. No. 5, this Friday evening. Mrs. Thos. BE. Shearer, of the 4th con.,.west, has not been in good health for some weeks, but is some better at present. tinue to improve. Murray Dickson, railway telegraph operator at King, Ont., is spending a well-earned holiday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Wm. Dickson, con., £, west. Mrs. R. S. Pelton, and three girls, Beryl, Norma and Mildred, of» Iro- quois, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Anderson. R. 8. arrived on Wednesday evening after spending a few days in jean CAS a rA. Beara thor : Tut bind Yet oe Hiways ; Bought Signature Tennis is all the go aft present. Two courts have been laid out cn the school grounds and a large num- ar of young people are taking a great deal of solid enjoyment out of the game. Think of Dr. Shoop' s-Catarrh Cure if}: your nose and throat discharges--if you breath is foul or feverish. This snow white soothing balm contains Oil of Eucalyptas, 'Thymol, Menthol. etc., in- corported into ah imported, creamlike, velvety .petrolatuin. It soothes, heals, purifies, controls... Call at our store for tree-tria}.bex,, Sold by C. H. McFarlane. Sons OF .SCOTLAND EXCURSION --The local 'Camp of Scotchmen, 'Melrose Camp, have arranged to run aamonster excursion to Niagara Falls jon Tuesday, Jur e9th. The fare from be! Large nickel capped y glass Atwood is $2.05, good for two days this wilt be the exct rsion of the sea son. Leck for full particulars late: on when we will give time: table. anc | it has been operated by a traction en-| We hope to see her con-f The price of cheese remains at a very begets sa the name implies, pre- vent nea i olde and eovee when 'taken at the sueeze ventics are tooth-- some candy all colds quickly, and taken early, you first feel that a cold is com ng, eck-and prevent them. Preventics are thoroughly eafe-for children, and as end as ual for adults _ Sold and re- ; hg age in 4 cent add 25 cents boxes: v C. H. McFarlane. Prano Tontne.--C. J. Keller, piano tuner, of Stratford, and lately of Listowel, wishes to announce to the public that he will call at Atwood every six months when he will be prepared to tune pianos and organs, He desires them to thoroughly under- stand. that he has not left the coun- try, as reported, but is still ready to attend to all business that may come his way. Any orders left with John Knox, at the post-office, will receive his prompt attention. His correct address is 3£1, Nelson St. Stratford, Ontario. We are pleased to report that our young friend Jno. A. Inglis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Inglis, 8th.con., east, has bettered his position and now holds an'excellent situation as stenographer in the General Passen- ger Department of the P. & L. E.R.R., at Pittsburgh. Pa. He now receives a salary of $75 a month, with the promise of an increase. This speaks well for John's ability afd fidelity and shows what a young man can do who determines to succoed. Sixteen or seventeen local Oddfel- lows drove to Millbank last Sunday afternoon to attend divine service held in the English Church under the auspices of Millbank lodge. © There lect Remed- , for Constipa- bingo Stomach, Diarrhoea, |} We ns ,Feverish- } forms i| ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. | FacSimile Signature of Gh tfi'thidev. * NEW YORK. Ato months old 135 Doses =33CENIS WCASTORI THE CENTAUR sone. New TORK CITY. was a large turnout of members from |§ Millbank, Milverton and Linwood. Rev. H. P. Westgate, rector of St. Alban's Church, Atwood, was the preacher for the occasion and deliver- ed an able discourse which was much enjoyed by the large audience assem- bled. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" 'Bobs' and "Stag"" Chewin plugs. Quality always the same. We heartily congratulate Hislop m24 Tobaccoes, in big} § Dickson. son of Thos. Dickson, blind 2 course and is a faithful student. ° will spend three years at Knox Col- lege when he will be ordained a min- ister of the Presbyterian Church. He i will spend his vacation in doing mis- sion work in New Ontario. Quite a latge number of the resi- dents of town and country attended the funeral of the late Robt. I. Jolly | j last Friday afternoon. The body was brought from Sti wtforl by train and then conveyed to Elma Centre Ceme- tery. The deceased was an uncle of Wm. Jolly, 4th con., and had lived in Stratford for some time. He had at one time kept store in Monkton. We have not as yet-been able to ob- tain-the facts regarding deceased's life, but from what we can gather he as to have been highly respected. The "cement Company started the manufacture of cement in both ro- taries this week and it is hoped to keep the plant running continuously from this time forth until the season isended._ If no accidents of a serious nature océur, there should be no rea- son why a successful season's busi- ness should not be done. The direc- tors have had a number of difficulties to face during the past two or three months, but have thus far managed to overcome them all. The Sovereign Bank of Canada" Money Orders, Sterling» Exchange, Letters of Credit, Collections, Savings Depart- - ment, General . Banking |, Business. ~. Interest paid 4 times a year on Savings Deposits. 4 given to cable and provin a library in themselves, the regi Tes for which is One Doliex:s a "haga whi clean anything cleanable--clothes and reaper pots am "Ans, and doors--in fact, anyif 'ng from cellar to at : "OLD DUST lightens labor, lessons care. ~ Made only by THE N, K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, New York, oston, St Louis Mortreal » Oe ae Wée are indebted to Mr. John Wat- son, late Olerk of the township . Mornington, for information with re- gard to the various reeves, who pre- = sided at the council board of the. town- 7 ship since its incorporation in 1854. - The information was difficult to ob- Special Offer. The Weekly Mail and Empire and Atwood Bee mailed to any address, postage paid, in Canada or Great Britain until January Ist, 1908, for 75 cents Both publications for 7 months, the period mentioned, at regular rates would cost $1.15. By accepting this offer new subscribers save 40 cents. The Weekly Mail and Empire during the Summer months will unquestionably be the greatest weekly publication which enters Canadian homes. It at present contains a greater number of columns of reading matter than any other Canadian weekly. All the news published in it is carefully selected to meet the -varied tastes of the readers. Theéeineral News Section will contain the fullest and mostcomplete information of the events transpiring in all parts of the vorld. Particular attention * in be minute books were kept in the early days. The first reeve was James Whaley who was elected in 1854 and = remained in the office until 1857, . Walter Peffers 1858, John Smith 59- : 60. In August 60 Mr. Smith ten: dered his resignation and was follo ed by Wm. Grieve who also oceu ied & the chair in 61; Richard Bennett '62, = 68-72,: Valentine. Kertcher 73-78, : F. Ruthorford 76-77, Valentine Ker teher 78-80;: James Johnson 81-82, -- W. B. Freeborn 83-98, Hugh Jack 94.96, Chas.,Trim 97- 98, Hugh Kerr = 9-01, D. B. Grieve 02-03, John™ Davitison 04-0%.--Milverton Sun. 'The new Pure Food-and Law mark it on the label of every ; qonteinin Sei. Chlorojorm or an: t! t isonous it passes Dr. Shooprs Cough Cure asad for 20 years, erly Opie free. Dr. Shoc new: The Agricultura! Section will be s rerilote with information forthe generabadvance- ment of agricultural . science. Contri- butors to this sectiox will be menventinent in ae important industry. The Magazine Section will also be s mine of information upon subjects which are at present attracting public attention. Many of the articles will be mies anil © ges, which com- prise The Weekly Mait and atlas greek are: nae Cea Oewe ty saggl insiati '- re, by sim iin on-hay ies _Bhoop's. z Lok tbe. w be Ww cheerful tain owing to the way in which the Sms John Watson 63-67, Samuel Whaley =