peut Mrs. W. D. Mitchells, "AUCTIONEERS Alex. Morrison te LICENSED. eA ALi a ad for at ce ~ 1) 24 ties of Perth and oderate promptly attended to, orders = Sait or aeatets Atwood post-office + ~Wm. Holman 1: ICENSED AUCTIONEER 'for thi Counties of Perth and Huron Newr; P.O., Unt. Rates moderate and satisfactio: | guaranteed, All ordersby mail orother wis: | prompt'y attended to, Morphy & Carthew ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Conv watincets Solicitors for the Bank of Ham iiton, "Money te ton. Office above Robt Thompson's store, Listowe Ontario. 8. B. Morrry J. M. CARTHEW Blewett & Bray ARRISTERS and Colinttors, Listow Ont. Money to loan. Solicitors f creates Banking House and ever Porm Building and Loan Association. nen ag 'er Scott': Bank, Wallace strest, Listo R. BLewetr eg Bray, B.A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B.A. BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER Money to Loan at 4} por cent. ; reals ae Liatowel, next to Dr. 28. wi iI iy alt oot ever: _Wednexday afternoo y DENTAL Dr. W. M. Bruce DENTIST ICENT! arene C.D.3., Ontario 4. DDS. Tri tae University, Toronte Post Graduate Haske el School of Prosthetic 4 Will be and da) y, in his new office over Gray, Bernie & Co.'s eo Entrance id game stairway as Dr. therford, Mai * Street, Listowel, Or <a Dr W. A. McDowell DENTIST Gr sa tee | , oa, nizerstty wood, over the Bec Office. will visit at Monday, from 9 hs twood ween: --_-- G. F. R. Time Table Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as follows : Going South Going North ¥ | WANTED 1000 Calf Hides ~ We sell Electrolene--the best coal ore 'koown. Try a gallon and you will have 2 gro other.--W. Price. The next football game that pro- gnises to be of interest will be one bet. _ $ween the Toronto Scots and the At- - ~wood Seniorg on July 8th. The Scots will tour this district and asked for a date with our team: The man- :|hinery, $18,100. -Itary by law seems to be.the essence trouble is beta ermotom of, aad not 'Stomach tm itself o true disease. W: Heartburn, Intigention be segrde ige pl lanl ert ce gl eae ate! ly led Dr. Shoop tn the creation of that now very popular Stomach 'Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With- = thie fact that Great eit wha an an wil We sell and cheer. Dr. Shoop's Restorative AKLANE,. Mr. and Mrs, Hinks, of the 12th con., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ducklow. The Rev. Dr. Campbell, of. Mon- treal, was elected Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly in session at Moutreal. The Assembly is doing much important business. It was decided to raise the minimum ,salary of ministers by $100 and the movement seemed to meet with little opposition. The educational work of the Church demands considerable at- tention. the unfortunate investments l|of Knox College, whereby a loss of $37,000 was sustained, causing a feeling of uneasiness. Tho invest ments were unauthorized and were incurred at the personal risk of the late treasurer who no doubt did it all for the good of the College. It was decided not to recoup the funds from the estate of the late treasurer. Roads To Be Improved. Hicuways DESIGNATED UNDER By-LAWs PAssED BY COUNTY CouncIn. Under the Good Roads and supple- mentary by-laws passed by County Council at its session closed Satur- day 191 miles of road are to-be im- proved and upwards of $200.000 will be expended on the improvement of roads in the county witkin the next fifteen years, and much of it will pro- bably be spent in the present year. The estimates for the work in sight are as follows: Ronaas, $131,225; bridges and culverts, $75,925; mac- In the supplemen- of the whole matter, for while the :1County Council only grants $10,000 -{for present year improvements, the :}local municipalities may proceed to make further expendituré on the roads designated, and on completion certified -by the county Engineer may obtain their one-third of theexpen di- ture from the-Government. For in- stance, the town of Listowel proposes to expend this year $32,000 and the village of Milverton $4,000 They will be entitled to their proportion when the work is done. The roads designated and so improved must afterwards be maintained. by the county for three years. Following is a'lict. of roads named in the by- law: The following roads in the county are to be improved : 'TOWNSHIP OF WALLACE. 1. The highway between lots 24 and 25 in concessions 2 to 10 inclusive. 2, Between lots 18 and 19, conces- sions 6 to 10 inclusive. 8. The townline between Wallace and Elma. 4. Between 4th and 5th concessions from lots 25 to 36 inclusive. ' TOWN OF LISTOWEL. 1. Wallace-st. 2. Main-st. "3. Townline between Listowel and. lot 30, concession 1, Elma. TOWNSHIP OF ELMA, . 1. Highway between lots 15 and 16 in concessions 2 to 18 inclusive, and 7? lots 30 to 31 in concession 1. . Townline between: Kima and drat llaee. agement promptly agreed to their terms and we hcpe to see-one of the best games of the season. - The Sco' ta | team ig one of the fastest in T. wud the public may dspend np eo See- 'ing a very fast and elean game. meiber the daie, Ju 8. Townline dakota: lot 30, con. 1, Elma and 'Listowel. 4, Townline between Elma and Lo- on | bounded on 'south by lands and roads lying between lots 16, 17 and 18 in yeaa "Tt will be good news to many su @ full line of all Dr. Shoop's Famous Cures . for different preparations of his, his line of goods in stock. - We are acting as Dr. Shoop's agents and have had so many tals C. H. NMicFarlane Druggist and Optician. fferers to learn that wa have now that we have docided to keep all -- F ootball Match. : A GREAT CRO wD. AND A SPLENDID ; GAME, The Atwood football clubs have been! favored with grand weather for ali their | matches this year, and last Friday night's} game proved no exception to to the rule. The weather was delightful, and us a con- sequence a very large crowd assembled to see the Brussels Intermediates down the home lads by a score of 8 goals to 0 The game was late in starting owing to; the non-atrival of the referee. Mr. Moore of Wingham, bad been appointed by the Executive of the W F.A. to officiate, but he found it impossible to come and 8 in- formed President Duff, though the management here knew nothing about it | When he failed to putin an appeafance the two teams agreed on Ira Gerry. of Fort William, an old Brussels boy and a thorough good sport. He hadthe teams lined up and ready to begin the game when the official referee arrived in the person of Mr. Hawke, of Galt. He had miseed the train at Wingham, whither he had gone from Mildmay, at which place he officiated the night before as referee for the Mildmay-Walkerton game. He left Wingham at 415 pm. and arrived in Atwood- at seven o'clock. He certainly did some driving. Mr. Hawke eat once got the teams going and did his work ina thoroughly business-like and impartial manner. Brussels won the toes and defended the west goal, having thé'sun in their favor. During the first ten minutes or so the At- wood forwards playeda fast game and it looked, séveral times as if they would score, But the sturdy Brussels' defence held them out. and at last the Brussels' BORN Cugrre.--On Saturday, June 8th, 1907, to Mr, ana Mrs. George Currie, a son. Ersxise.--On Tuesday, June 11th, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Erskine, a Miss J Jd Allan <'Eye Sight . Specialist and Refracting Optician Elma 'House 'Wednesday, June 19th All the. latest approved methods used in exam- ing. and perscribing for 'impaired and weak vision | forwards iiaks away and secured a foul jnear the Atwood goal And here was ; where an error of judgment on the part of | the two Atwood backs gave Brussels their | firat.goal and took the ginger ont of the | home team The two backs came u> too | far, the Brussels half back very wisely kicked over their heads and before they knew where they were the fast forwards ; of the visitors were inon the goal and jrushed the ball through. The sccond | go: goal was scored by a nice piece of com- { bination work, but was practically a gift, 'as.the home defence failed to cover their checks properly. On changing ends the game was far more even and the Brussels lads had to fight for every inch of gronnd No more goals were scored til! about eight minutee before time was up, when a goal kick from the Atwood defence went to « russels forward, and by some fast and neat dribbling and combination tne ball was short through for the third tally. Thus the game ended in favor of Brus- sels by ascore of 3 goals to 0, and though defeated the bome lads were wot dis- graced [hey wereup against a heavier and faster team ; a team much improved over what they encountered in Brussels a few weeks before. The visitors must have averaged 165 pounds, their defence being particularly stalwart fellows. It wasa splendid game to watch and the better team-won. With one or two ex- ceptions the Brussels lade did not play a rough game. They used their weight to advantage, but very rarely unfairly. The home team was as strong a line-up as could be obtained and eaw the re-ap- pearance of the two old favorites, Guy Hanna and Jimmie Robb, Guy at centre- half put up a splendid game and held his check toa finish. Jimmie did not quite play up to his form of last year, but in justice to him it must be remembered that he has just recovered from an atta-k of typhoid fever, end could not be ex pected to beas strong and lithe as of yore. The half-backs, George Peebles and Ab. Thompeon, did splendidly and-could not be improved upon. Howard McVane at back was bothered by the sun during the first ha'f, but redeemed himself in the second period. The forwards at .times played a neat combination, but could not seem to penetrate those heavy checking Brusselites. The gate receipts were very gratifying, amounting to 814. The following constituted the home team : goal, Walter Hamilton ; backs, H. Mc- Mane Jim Robb; half-backs, G. Peebles, Guy Hanna, A. Thompson ; centre, Ralph Robertson ; right wing, Geo. Brown and Guenther; left wing, Joe. McFarlane and Dick Robertson. ' Miss Minnie Barnam, of Brussels, is visiting in Monkton and vicinity. It's cold weatber for June, but you will want a hammock yet. See ours for quality and style.--W. Price. Furniture In order to make room f are offering great reductions in all kinds of © Furniture, Linoleums and Carpets. _W. H. GROSZ -- our new. stock, we 5 UNDERTAKER |Dave MeClory ALucky Find That's what you will find our GOODS. There is none .of the luck ele- ment about the STOCK, however -- none. The: markets have been ran- sacked for the best there is to be had, and selec- tions made with a view to giving our customers what they want and the best value for their money pro- curable. For Quality and Price we stand Tre- eminent. LA FEW SPECIALS WILL INTEREST OUR CUS- TOMERS FOR THE COMING WEEK. We were fortunate to get a hold of a few snaps ina heavy cotton ribbed hose in size 9,94 and we will give our custumers the benefit of our purchase. These are good values at 25c a pr., while they last 18c,a pr. or 2 for 35 cents Figured mustins, reg. 15 and 18c a yd. to clear at 10 cents a yd. 2 doz. pear] buttons for 5c Hemp door mats 15c each Highest price paid for produce--Cash or Trade. L. J. Sinclair Atwood's Cash Bargain Store FARM FOR SALE.--50 acres being cast half of lot 3. con. 7, Elma Township. All in grass and well fonced and well watered. Any parties wantin z to buy call on Alex. Morrison, Atwood, or to Wm. Hosn, Donegal P.O. If not sold before the 15th of June, it will be sold by public auction on June 2lst at Grunden- berg's hotel, at 2p.m. Terms made known on application. Alex. Morrison, auct., Atwood. Wanted to purchase in Atwood a building lot about 120x066 ora lot with dwelling house and stabling thereon. State in confidence -| lowest price to Box B. Bee office. Atwood. S S No. 8, Elma. Following is the report of 8. 8. No. 8, Elma, for the month of May.-- Names in order of merit. ' FourtH Cuiass:.--Harold Ham- mond, Susan Hammond, Ollie Mc- Court, Ethel McClory, Wesley Ill- man, "Maggie McCullough, Beulah Blair, Withey Rowland. THIRD...CLASS. --Edward Pehlke, Alma McClory, Annie Rowland, Wil- mot Miller; Eva Horn, Emmerson Holmes, Jennie Cockwell, Leonard Schade. Seconp Crass. -- Albert Wain: mond, Norman Hiles, James Hender- Lioyd Smith, Newton Blair, Leona Hammond, Wesley Takdaeoe, Eddie Strickert, Annie Schade, Eva Holmes, Clara Swint, Emma Debus. No. on roll 54. Average attendance for May, 45. R. _BoBERTSON, Teacher.