"Tmperial : Bank 'Paw UP Capirab RESERVE SAVING BANK --Spocial attention given to: ithis de' of Ganada. $4, 850,000. 00 "$4, 850, 600.00 partment. Interest allowed from date of deposit and added to Principle 4 TIMES @ year, Farméfs' Business' a Specialty. . Out of town business soliciteds LISTOWEL BRANCH fi, C. SECORD, Manager. silos to go is Listowel Basiness College Two courses-- Commercial and Shorthand Enter at beginning of any mont For particulars write to PEPE EDD Hoeeheh fofoo Hedoodeode fosfoodede foofrodods ofeofoofeods A. L. Melntyre, Principal. EEEEREEL EERE EEE EEE EEE EEE hE EERE EEE EEE beh bebe Central Business College Stratford, $3 Ontario Su cBa che aBecBeale Ba ale cBe Ba ube cack. tae ae ae ie the ate ues aie ait) s Was established twenty yearsago 4 and by its' thorough work ard 3 'honorable dealings with its patrons as become one of the largest and most widely known Commercial 'olleges in the province. The de- mand upon us -for commercial teachers and office assistants great- ly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Studants are entering each week. Catalogue Elliott & McLachlan, Principals. ebb biebtebbebh bbb beet Local Salesman Wanted at ofice for A'T WOOD and surround- ing districts. High-class specialties in Fruit and Orna- mental Stock grown and for sale by Canada's Greatest Nurseries A permanent situation for the right party. Liberal inducements. Pay weekly. Handsome free 'outfit. " Write for terms and catglogiie, dnd gend . , ;23c in stamps for our Pocket Magnifying. Glass or 30c for our Handy Metal Hack Saw. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries over 800 acres a che we ae be it ie ee oe oe he ie Be te Na a a eo a oY rer ee Be ee re Sir ae ae ae ae ie ae ae le ai ae ae Oe Me ee SI | ORONTO, ONT. The Larmour School of Telegrap h y Strattord "Ontario The new aystem of training for railway ser vice, under test since January last has proved entirely successful, : ; Write for pamphlet which gives full part eulars, testimonals from pupils now employed by the G. T. R. ete. : Robert Larmonr, Principal and Prop. Town Market. WREAS ccpcisosvceace cece $ 68 to$ 68 Bratt... ..cecccceeeeeee+ 22 00 to 22 00 Middlings Low, Grade Floiit- Flax Seed Meal, per cyt... Oat Chop, per ewt. ; 'Corn Timothy Seed Hogs (live) Butter ...cvwsees Fggs Potatoes '(bag).. Onions, per bushel Apples (bag) i.......--.. When the tip of a dog's nose is cold and moist, that dog is notsick. A feverish dry nore means sickness with a dog. And so. with, the, human lips. Dry, cracked and coiorless lips mean feyerishness and are as well ill appearing. o have- tifal, pink, sovet like lips, apply. at, bed time a coating of Dr Shoop's Green Saive.. it will soften and heal any skin ailment. Get. a free, trial box, atte ile ae convinced. Large nickel cap: g jars, 25 centa. ' Get our prices on metal roofing, siding -- ao Oto. 00 are issued jn policy holder | LOCAL. Qharlia Buchanan, of Newry, is on : the sick list this week. See our Pinéapple (Clips, only 25c and will save you hours of work,--W. Price. The Atwocd Cement Co., are ad- vertising for a chemist for their business: Mr. Trainer and Alfred McMillan, of ra spent ne 4 at Mr.. Si. Mitchell's. Mrs. Geo. Roger, of Fullerton, spent a-few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Roger. Miss Minnie Hilderbrand and Miss Lizzie Napier, of Stratford, are visitors at the Elma House. Cameron Forrest and Glen Andeus spent Sunday afternoon af the home of Mr. R. S. Ballantyne's, con. 8. Mrs. E. Grundenberger returned home on Monday night after a three week's visit in Stratford and Preston. George Brown and Cameron Dick- son tock a pleasant drive to Stratford on Saturday and returned on Monday morning early. William Blair returned home from Manitoba on Monday evening. Look- ing hale and hearty. What's the loadstone Will ? For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" ---- and "Currency" C arm a "Mrs, Wm. McLaughlan, of as town, returned to her home on Wed- nesday after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. David Thorudyke. Brussels and Palmerston will cele- brate. Dominion Day in right loyal style. - Hither place will provide visitors with plenty. of amusement. The Rev. H. P. Westgate, Thos. Smith and Chas. Kerr are in London attending the annual session of the synod of Huron, which convened on + Tuesday. , CA. STO Rrra. Bears the g Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of The rain of Tuesday -evening should do considerable good. The lightning and thunder were not so vivid and heavy in this vicinity, though early in the evening we had the promise of a quite heavy storm. A household necessity--the One Minute washer.--W. Price. A garden party will be held on tke lawn of Mr. James Mitchell's, 4th con., Gravel road, on Wednesday evening, June 26th. A good pro- gramme is being provided. Ad- mission 15 and 10 cents. Brussel's football team defeated Clinton Intermediates in the latter town on Monday evening by a score of 8to 1. That Brussel's bunch are worth watching. and no mistake. Robt. Hamilton last week entered on his new duties as caretaker of the Methodist church. The church is much handier for him and the work will be much lighter. Think of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure if tate Ag and throat discharges--if your reath is foul or feverish. This snow white soothing balm contains Oil of Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, etc., in- corported into an impo A creamnlike, velvety petrolatum. Mt soothes, -heals, urifies. Controls. Cail at our store for ree trial box, Sold by C. H. McFarlane. A team of High and Public School kickers from Listowel played a team from Atwood and vicinity on the park here, last Wednesday. evening which resulted in. a close victory fcr the home, youngsters by a score of 1 te 0., Elma Farmers: Mutnal Fire In- surance Company held their regular monthly, meeting on Tuesday and transacted considerable business, The company have issued a revised set of | by-laws which were compiled from! the ee by the able secretary- treasurer, J. R. Hammond. They | book form and Sah: They play football N wel, ¢ guoday. at Mrs, W. eerste hg Mies Jennie Dickson, Blind Line, . with Mrs. is learning the Harry Campbell. GIANT te Saeed eee 'Bobs' and * Tobaccoes, in big plugs. ty eaples a thegame. m24 Miss' Allien Sinclair spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Walter's, of Listowel. © Miss Bertha McDowell, of Drayton, was the guest of Mrs. John Davis for a few days last week. Miss. Waltrina Murray, of Newton, who .was visiting her brother Dr. Murray, has returned home We sell Electrolehe--the best coal ore known. Try a gallon and you will have no other.--W. Price. George Cox is having his residence improved by a fresh coat of paint. Ed. Huck is doing the work. Miss' Mabel Mann, of Listowel, spent Tuesday of this week, with her friend, Miss Allien Sinclair. We are sorry to announce that Miss Edna Hiles, daughter of Geo. Hiles, is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. Wynn Price was suddenly called to Detroit early Monday morning ow- ing to the very sudden death of his aunt, Mrs. Parker. We are glad to report that Eyerett Haist is recovering from his attack of typhoid fever. He was a pretty sick boy for a few days. Wm. Long, of the 8th con., has been somewhat indisposed by having his foot-stepped upon by a horsé. The injury is painful enofigh. Drs. A. G. Naismith, of Milverton, and A. M. Murray, of Newton, paid a flying visit to Atwood on Wednes- day while on their way to Listowel. A. J. Collin's of Listowel, had his residence struck by lightning and set on fire'on Tuesday night. The light- ning damaging the tower considerably. - Roadwork was all the go last'week Pathmaster Jno. Struthers kept his |] gang busily at. work and made quite an improvement to the road on Queen street north. Roy Roberts had his foot badly Wadtne stepping cn«a piece of glass on V morning while playing in the school: grounds. took care of the wound. Dr. Murray Preventics, as the name implies, pre- vent all Colds and Grippe when "'taken at | ¥ the sueeze stage." -Preventics are tooth- some candy tablets. Preventics dissipate all colds quickly, and taken early, when you first ieel that a cold is coming, they |} check and prevent them. Preventics are thoroughly safe for children, and as end as effectual for adults _ Sold and re- commended in 5 cent add 25 cents boxes by OC. H. McFarlane, Mrs. Wm. Morrison had the mis- fortune to have her left'eye badly burned with lime one day last week. She suffered intensely for a few days, but is now much better. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Penhall, of Monkton, were in the village Thurs- day of last week. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McBain, for a short time. High School Entrance Exams., will take place in Listowel next Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday. Seven or eight candidates will write from the Atwood public school. The grader was at work on the ewry road last Thursday. Keeso's traction engine supplied the motive power. The road is left in a pretty dusty state, but when covered with gravel should be greatly improved. Stratford is gaining considerable notoriety of late. Two suicides and one case of manslaughter, all in one week, is surely quite a record, for so usually quiet a city as Stratford. The Sovereign Bank of Canada : IN} ANTS ¢ HILDREN Ness al t.contains Mo: Conta al. OT NARCOTIC. ecype off Olet Dir SA COELPITCHER Pianpkin Saod- Rochelle Salts Arise Sted + ect Remee PLS gS pn rh tions Sour Stomach -Diarrhoea,|} }| Worms ions Feverish- | ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. "Ato months 'old 13> Dosrs--35CrNTS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. For Over . Thirty Years: HOASTOR THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CiTY. Chicago, Now York, ~ (bes Ge iene we mini Wim clean anything c' "ganable--clothes 'and dishes, pots am ~ans, rs and doors--in fact, anyit ng from cellar to <ttic. 30LD DUST lightens labor, lessens care. Made only by THE N, K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Boston, St. Louis: Morxtrtean Special Offer. The Weekly Mail and Empire and Atwood Bee mailed to any address, postage paid, in Canada or Great Britain until January Ist, 1908, for 75 cents 'Both publications for 7 months, the period mentioned, at regular rates. would cost*$!.15. By accepting this offer »ew subscribers save 40 cents The Weekly Mail and Empire during the Simmer months will unquestionably be the greatest weekly publication in enters Canadian homes. It at present contains a greater number of columns of reading matter than any other Canadian hrf All the news published in it is careful p Pie 8e ee to meet the varied tastes of the The Bénoral nal Nowra Section wil contain sh fullest and most complete information €urrent:Accounts and' Savings Deposits received at all Branchesvat" best<rates~ consistent with' conservative - banking. Interest paid 4. times. a.year on Savings-Deposits. | é Monkton and Milve-t>n, G. NO BRo*s, © A J, Cusprerx, Manaces > Ma@uagecy f the -events transpiring in all parta of the, world.. Particular attention: will be | given to cable and provincial news. he AgrieutturalSeetion will be replete. "e iniormation.for tbe general adyance- tiof dgricultaral science tri- Bolts to this section will be men eminent in this important industry: The M ine, Beetion will aleo.be,a mine of infofmation upon subjects which are,at-present Gitracting. ublic¢ attention. Many, of.the articles will be brightened by illustrations. Altogether the, 24 pages,-which prise The Weekly wae and Kmpire, ure a library in them-elves, the regular. price for which is One Doliur a year,. At a meeting of'the. board of man-= nee of thé Presbyterian church held'* = last week it was decided to appoint = ~ Thos. Whitfield as earetaker of thes -- ou ai the same salary as that paid Hamiitsn. We have no doubt sm that Mr. Whitfield will prove a - thoroughly reliable and efficient offi- - cial. It is unquestionable whether the > beneficent 'infinence of wholesome = out-door sports is fully appreciated by many parents in the rearing of ~ young Canadians. The real fact of = the matter is-that out-door exercises, ie whether' in- the: romping game of =~ pomp-pomp-pull-away, lacrosse, foot- ~~ ball, or baseball; shouid be a parental? ~ consideration in the care of young =~ .boye-svbo-are to be the business men = and mechanics of the future. Thers= is no-better way of strengthening the = bonds.which ensure a s:rong mind in 2 a --o body. ; te pew Pure Food and Drng Law wit markrit re the label of every Conga Cure containing Opium, Ublorourm or any Sc st vein ats Ae or polsomere oh Cough Cuter lore ay wears. eatrely pied nae OT 28 oplatre or macentiar Orr Sh on "a Co are is absolutely safe even for Nyonngest babe--and it cures, it does" sinply enprress. 'Get a eafe and h ae by faa -- on shey-: aw nS. Order eA Office Of a. pare - i