Ne amend Try Gray, Bernie & Co, Listowel's low price makers for ali Hes of Dry Goods, pitas low price n - for your clothing, Vol. 18:° No. 22. ATWOOD,-ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 28, D. G. Anderson, Pror New Spring Goods Sse SPER TEREST FE 6 ROD We have just. received a large consignment of New Spring Goods, Fancy Fabrics New Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Cretonnes, Fancy Drapery, Musiins, Art Satins, Ginghams, Hoisery, Gloves, ete. staples New Cattonades, Shirtings, Deniums Shirting, Flannel Shirting, Flannels, ete. Uottons, The Public generaliy elou) | avail themselves of an early opportunity to make &pring purchases iitorte: to have their Spring sewing done before the busy rash ofspring work commences. A Call Solicited. Highest Price Paid for Fartn Produce. WW. R. Erskine. J ~-DM. SCHIN BSEIDW LISTOWEL'S GREATEST STORE Our reduction Sale will last until 23rd Day of June. } GREAT DOINGS BIG BARGAINS Remember ten per cent. of every $1.00 worth you buy. Special for Saturday and Mcnday. 98 sample curtains, .extra fine quality, regular price from 50¢ to $2.50 Saturday and Monday 25c to 50 cents. 28 Men's Suits, in worsted and twoed effects, all good patterns, reg. price from $8 to $12. - Satur- day and Monday, your choice for $5.00. 16 Boy's two piece suits, good tweed, regular fae $?.00 to $4.00 ; Saturday and Monday for 50 2 Cans Peas or Corn, Saturday and Monday for 2 Bars Pine Olive Soap, Dominion Spools 3 Paper Pins 3 Pr. Shoe Laces 2 Cans best Salmon J. M. Schinbein, Listowel, Ontario TEN DAYS "Greatest Of all Clearing Sales at Gray, Bernie & Co. LISTOWEL'S LOW PRICE MAKERS. Starts on Wednesday, May 22nd, and will last ten days, Thousands of Dollars of new up-to-date Dry Goods will be offered to the buying public at ridiculously low prices. New Dress Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Carpets Rugs, Muslins, Prints, Ladies Coats, 'Skirts, etc., all reduced for this sale. This is your chance to buy up-to-date Goods at about 2-3 the regular price and just at the time you need them. See bills for further: particulars. Come early as you know what a sale means here. Terws Cash or Trade, gGray, Bi Bernie & A Larid Pageant. (By & Banker.) In almost the last of this series of articles an aftempt was made feebly -|to describe the beauties of a most ex- ceptionally gorgeous display of sheet lightning which-the writer had the good fortune to. witness a good many years ago, © Since that. article was written a most unusual and quite startling exhibition of electrical enerey has passed over @ portion of the Bri- tish Isles, whieh in some respects was altogether diverse from the ordin- ary thunderstorti, and-quite different | . to ihe-brilliant electrical aisplay abo referred to Immediately: alter the twilight bad fuded away an imtermittent, flickering luminosity from tiaie to time partially illumined the-hoxizon, gradually aug- menting in intensity and advancing ever nearer and nearer. Soon the firmament itself appeared to be in a blaze of blue fire, 90 vivid and dazzl- ing and so incessant that the landscape was lighted apasthough it were broad daylight. Still gathering more and more in intensity, streams and cata- racts of electricity dart hither and thither; now, With a zigzag, contort- ed movement, pulsating horizontally wildly across the skies; now a narrow, throbbing cascade of flame hurtling downward to the earth, a very river of fire; or now with an angry con- vulsive spasm @ Gloud of flame issuing forth from a broad, riven cleft in the firmument, until the heavens are a fire. and the grandeur of the. spectacle, in the centre cf one of those great out- bursts of lurid fires a flaming globe, or bali, cf great splendour, suddenly ampantat: for @ moment and then as suddenly vanished away, probably de- scending to the earth, though its de- scent was not o And all throngh this. fiery disturb- ance of the slements the rolling thunders crashed sed detonated ; now a rattle like a discharge-of musketry;}n or now a pealing, Trending blast as though a broadside of great guns had been fired; and now ® final reverber- ating crash which rapidly recedes in- to the distance with a succession of ever fainter and fainter muffled throbs; until at length the turmoil of the ele- ments is hushed, the lurid fires no longer flash, and quietude and calm once more assert their sway. But once there was a far more ter- rible and awe-inspiring display of thunders and lightnings, when thé Majesty of Heaven deigned to visit this earth of ours in order to deliver to His servant Moses the Ten Com- mandments, written with the finger of God, which are the commands of the Almighty to all mankind for all time. And yet how many dare to ignore these commands; and, worse still, also fatuously refuse to accept the great expiation of breaches of those commandments made by the Son of God upon the cross, by virtue of which propitiatory atonement whosoever will may become an in- heritor of eternal life! First Machine Shipped. The Listowel Drilling Machine Co., completed anid shipped out on Tues- day their first well-drilling machine. It was assembled in their yards in the morning, and with its new fittings and iclean coat of paint it certainly. pre- sented a handsome and serviceable appearance. The machine was built throughout at the foundry and mac- hine shop of the company here, the material and workmanship being of the Lighest class... Mr. Melrose has had a great many inquiries for these machines from allover Canada, and the prospects for building up an important industry in this line are excellent.-- to prove merit, Banner. a Trial size box of rf Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Letmesendit now. It isa snow-white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm. Conteniy a such healing ingre- dients as Oil Eucaliptus, Thyiol, Men: thol, etc., it gives instant and lasting re- lot to Catarrh of the nose atid throat Free for Catarrh, raging chaos of turmoil and whirling}- And, adding to the sublimity jcon Mrs. Neil McNair and Duncaa McTaggart took in the excursion to Detroit last week. It is said an arrangement is under way for the union of the 4th and 5th cons., sometime next Fall, A frame driving shed, 26x40 feet, resting on cement foundation is being built on the farm of Lawrence Wheelsr. Mr. Wheeler has a fine farm and is a good farmer. The Trustees of 8. 8. No 2. Grey, Bvere-engaged Miss Rebecca McNair as teacher, at an increased salary of $450. per annum, She is giving ex- cellent satisfaction in the section. " DiED.--Last Tuesday evening, June 18th, Miss Catharine, daughter of Lauchlin and Sarah McNeil, 14th con., passed away from earth in her 47th year. The funeral took place last Friday to Cranbrook cemetery. She was a fine woman and the be- reayed will be deeply sympathized 'with, At a trustee meeting held in 8. 8: No. 6. on Thursday evening, June 18th, the resignation of Angus Shaw, who has been a member of the Board for about 20 years and Secretary- |, Treasurer a good share of the time, owing to his intention of spending an indefinite time in British Columbia, was accepted and Wm. Hall, jr., was elected-to complete Mr. Shaw's term. Last Wednesday, Angus Shaw, 5th ., left for holiday trip to Van- couver, B.C., where his son resides. He leased his farm to his son Joe for this season. It is 45 years since Mr. Shaw carne to Grey and he well de- serves a holiday. Mr.Shaw has been in the West on three former occasions but'never_went past Manitoba. We wish him an enjoyable stay and a safe return, His son, W. A. Shaw, is proprietor of the Strand Hotel at Vancouver, and-has lived i in the West nearly 20 years. oAS Bears tho 7 Tad You te ae a rt Signature of Britton. Quite a number from here went to Stratford last week to see the circus. Jas. Dickson, of Stratford, passed through our village one day last week. Mrs. Thos. Neilson and _ little daughter, of Stratford, who have been staying with their friends for a week or two have returned home. They were accompanied by Miss Clara Bur- nett who will spend a few days in the Classic City. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunn and son, Gordon, Mrs. Fuller and Miss Lucas all of Grand Valley spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Boyd. They were on their way to Dashwood, Huron Co., to attend camp-meeting. Another of Elma's pioneers has passed away in the person of Robert Long who diel on Tuesday, June 17th, 1907, at the home of his son- in-law, Geo. Sanderson. He had been-very ill for some weeks last win- ter but was again able to go around as.usual. His last illness, however was short, he being ill only a few ays. His wife pre-deceased him some sixteen years ago. He leaves two daughters and two sons to mourn his loss, Mrs. Matthew Dobson and Mrs. Geo. Sanderson, of Britton and Wm. of the 8th con., Elma, and Robert in the West. The funeral took plade last Friday afternoon/\to Donegal Cemetery, the service being conducted by the Rev. J. W. Cameron. Henfryn. . Mrs. James Hamilton and daughter Ella were the guests of Mrs. Ben Brant on Sunday evening. ~ Ed. Collis, Sr., moved his house on the newly built cement wall on Fri- day of last week. Misses Bertha, Edna and Mr. Mil- ac-|ton Schaefer, were.the guests of Mr. Hagine, | and Mrs. Harry Murr, last Sunday. jered tulle- Mrs. Frank LaZelle and baby boy Ethel. toes and Mrs. W Welsh nary West on a holiday trip. Thos. Watson is away for weeks on business near Belleville. Ethel circuit Methodist church has sent $51.50 to the Chinése Famine Wand. 9": Bie Master Charlie Isard, of Wingham, is holidaying with his unele, Ose Sparrow. Miss Netta Simpson arrived home after spending two weeks with frie in Bluevale. " Old Mrs. Barr has been quite ' ly but is somewhat. better now Wo are pleased to report. Ed. McGallum arrived honie fron his father's illness. Harold Best and Miss iteae? oe Listowel, spent Sunday of last weeky- with Osear and Mrs. Sparrow. Miss Cole:is home: from College ab St. Thomas for her vacation. She" will graduate rext year. Beg Jno. J. Sparrow and son, D. H. Sparrow, of Paisley, are spending a few days with his son, Osear. : * We can boast of our town boys' in: : regard to playing football. They ara going to play in Wroxeter on the Tek * of July. G. G. Imlay, attending the High Court of C.0 at St. Thomas, is home again and re- -- ports having a good time. Brussels will be the magnetic vara for many in this locality on Dominion: Day. day' s fun will be presented. "--~ The change and great improyem@nt in the train service is highly apprecis ed here and will insure the GIR, increased patronage we haVe no doubt. Ethel's well known cheese maker, "Jock" Brown, has been quite under the-weather something "appr for. him bet his many 'friends trust he. will soon be o. k. We are sorry to hear that © Me- Callum has suffered from a stroke-of paralysis and is in a rather precarious ~ situation. We hope'a change for the better will soon ensue. To make -- matters woise the family is in quer intine owing to scarlet fever. - Rey. R. Pearson and his mother left for the West last. Tuesday morn- who has been i ¢ By the announcements & big) 7 a Ya, ing. The former goes to his appoint ment at Calgary and Mrs. Pearson -- will visit for a few months with re- latives and friends. Our enterprising Pathmaster, Geo. M. Mitchell, has built us two new ce- ment crossings. the Presbyterian folk going to their church and one handy for the hotel, and our west end Pathmaster, H. Dob- son, has put one down at tHe post otlice for the Methodist church peo- ple to keep their feet clean. The members of Ethel Epworth League madea visit to Brussels League last Monday evening and report a fine time. The Ethel contingent supplied a short literary and musical program ~~~ and were treated most hospitably by Brussels Leaguers. A return visit is expected shortly when Ethel will en- deavor to return the compliment. Glenn--Lang. "Belleview" the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Lang, Township of Morn- ington, was the scene of a very pretty _ home wedding on Tuesday morning, Onetoaccommodate -- June 18th, at 11 o'clock, when their ~ daughter, Emily Maude was married - to Mr. Townshif. "The ceremony was per- formed, under an arch of evergreens by the Rev..H. P. Westgate, of At- wood, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. " Little Miss Marjorie.Turnbell, of Mil- verton, made u dainty little flower. girl, while Masters Earl Tanner, of. Newton, and Freddie Stafford, of Berkeley, acted as pages. The bride ed in white batisté with lace insertion -- and trimmings and wore an embro After the wedd;j dinner the bride and ¢ Detroit. room Wm. A. Glenn, of the same --