of Canada. eee oe ee ae Se 'The closing exercises of Whitby Ss. _=2-- $$4850,000.00 ' ;Laidies' College tbl ples lat week. | RESERVE ' Ree é $4,850,000.00- Among the prize winners we are) % <3 is ment. -| pleased to see the name of Miss Agnes SAYING BANE spoil nines ft ned added Yo Principle 4 TIMES rear. _-| Dickson, daughter of Mes. Wn. Dick Farmers' Business a Specialty- RE su ~ ""\son, 8th con., west. Miss Aggie took Out of town business. solicited, ; : a high stand in junior vocal work: ical ' ie LISTOWEL BRANCH - The Sacrament ofthe Lord's Supper} -- es Sis H.C. SECORD, Manager. was observed in the Presbyterian The Kind Ycu Have Always . Church, Atwood, last Sunday morn- SEG AS ASS IS TE ETE AE TE TE TE TE ME TS ME AE EE A IE ing. There wasa fairly large turnout ------ enews = rapes of members to observe the ordinance. ~ eg R LOCAL = Four new members were admitted to G THE. : the church, two on profession and two All Counterfeits, Imitations and "'Just-as-good"" but by certificate. Experiments that trifie with and endanger the health of No paper next week. Glen Andrus, chemist at the cement Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. It will pay you to read Sinclair's ad. works, has been offered a more lucr: - C S O $ place to go is Samuel Watson was in Stratford t've position with the Wiarton ce- Wh at is A i FR lA Li a last Friday: ment company and ng ea for A a wuashied ¥ = On, istowell Business College Lown about the 10th of July. Glen| Castoria is & harmless su or Caste Oil, Pare +4 For the latest in Stationery go tolis a good chemist and we wish him goric, Drops and Svothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It C. H. McFarlane. / évery sticcess. He will be missed as contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic a member of the tennis club. We substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms have not heard as yet who is his and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind successor, Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation Miss Annie Gordon, of Brussels, Atwood Lodge, L. 0. L. No. 630 and Fiatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the a her*cousin, Miss) |" ade for divine. service to St. | Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. , : Titan's Siptsoova'. Ubureh on Siieday| >? Culiiren's Panacea--The Mother's A. L. Melntyre, Mrs. Wm. Graham returned home afternoon, July 7th, at 2.80, p.m., as last week after spending some time} .16n the Rev. H. P. Westgate will GENUINE CAS [ ORIA ALWAYS Principal. with her sister in Harriston. te * preach. It is expected that there . pepeeebeeeeeeeteteettt444 | Promotion Exams., are in progress] will be a large turnout of local and Bears the Signature of this week as well as the Entrance] visiting Orangemen. . Exams., to the High School. The Rev. Mr. Haig, of Millbank, Miss Ruth Knox and Miss Alice|conducted-the preparatory services at Central tl Currie, students of Listowel High|the Presbyterian Church, Atwood, A . C ll +| School, are' home for the holidays. last Friday afternoon and preached an a Business ollege ¥| For Quality and Quantity ask your especially able sermon. The attend- . o .. | dealer for the new big, pluge of "Bobs" }ance was not as large as it should ] Ol aye Ways Stratford, 83 mtario +/ 'Stag" and "Currency" C a 7 have been, and those wha were not py aesoes present missed a treat. In Use For Over 30 Years. CAS ein a Bought I'll stop your pain free. To show you ; THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW TORK CFTY. Bears the first---before you spend a penny--what Bignature my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail of y Lidk ~ free a Trial Package of them--Dr. hoop's Headache Tablets. Neuralgia, Two courses-- Commercial and Shorthand Enter at begitining of any month. For particulars write to Miss Mary Fisher is at. present spending a week on the 12th. Fe a a he ae ---- hee EEE EERE EEE EEE EEPET 2 o sSe he cde hee whe aie 3 Fred. Fisher spent Sunday near| Headache, Toothache, Peried pains, etc, : i : "tare due alone to blood congestion. -Dr. + ape _ ha i some attrac Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill HO! FOR NIAGARA FA LLS. E ion, What is 1 ee hy euaxing, Lig J ad -- are entering cac | The crops are going ahead by leaps pressure. That is all Address Dr. free. tland bounds. The warm rains are Shoop, Racine, Wis, Sold by C. H. Mc- ; -| proving very beneficia Farlsne, rained Elliott & McLachlan, 4 7 sey Dane Rev. A. Henderson, M.A., of Sinta- a John Pelton, of Ford City, Mich., lute, Sask id a flyi +s |. ' aby, 1 ' ., paid a flying visit to our C D 'lents, Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Pelton. village last Saturday, on his way from = \ ~ - 7 Assembly meeting at Montreal fo visit . Miss Aggie Dickson sang a solo in} his relatives at Whitechurch. Mr.} Under-the auspices of Melrose Camp, §. O. Bi to Niagara Falls and especially good voice at the evening Henderson is looking -well and is still return on ee esMman _ [service in the Methodist Church last | doing grand work in Sintalute. Hej | -- : ed Sunday. is quite buoyant regarding crop pros- J uly Oth and 10th. "Holy Communion will be admin- | Pects and the outlook of things spirit-} " at once for AT WOOD and surround-| istered (D.V.) in St. Alban's Church, ual in the great West. From Wingham to Stratford and all Intermediate Stations. ing districts. a ; Atwood, on- Sunday, June 30th, at nn ae lowing Time Table and Rates High-clase specialties in Peak m ie lla.m. Service also at 7 p.m., as Deas aif be -- "aC je oats Wingham ~ B pe ayy me, tave ae 8.98 am. Ware $2.05 mental Stock grown an or sale by usual. of the Epworth League, of Hictikien | aztaessle se m. at 285 ir a 165 Canad's Greatest Rey. Mr. McCamus, of Listowel, | Methodist Church of Tuesday evening | Brussels f ; Nurseries occupied the pulpit in the Baptist July. 2nd, 1907, in Edward Bettger's | Bthel : p i Milyerton 8.50 A permanent situation for the right party Church, Atwood, Sunday afternoon, | orchard, west of Monkton. Refresh-| Henfryn : 3, Brunner 8.55 reel inducementa, Pay weekly. 'land delivered a very able sermon. -- ments will be served from six to eight. | Attwood ' 205 Gad's Hill 9.05 Handsome free outfit. Write for Miss Stella Morrison, of Mandamin ig > prea se: esol =, , 8.20 2.05 i aera Se in is visiti -| Ly. Listowel 8. . . weaebe sapere Ge nas he vate tn co, Morrioon, and A baseball match will be one of the "Ohilaren over Five and under Twelve years of age half fare. "Pocket Magnifying Glass her aunt, Mrs. Charles McMane, ae the avout Admission Arriving at Niagara Falls at 12:20 pm. or 30c for our 10th con., " ele 7 -- eat Returning leaving Niagara Falls by special at-8 p.m. Handy Metal Hack Saw. - e heartily congratulate Milverton | TT win be x ic . good going only on Excursion train valid to return following day, on aby regular Eas ete & 'Wellington quite frequent once more. It is as- Junior ee ae: SUCCESS | train, ccnuet hoes aeutlaun Wingham aud Blucvale, which tickets will be good reyarming wor -- onthill Nureeries tonishing how many apparently goo ait. trimming the ortl Team on days following date of Excursion. over 800acres. =. | swimmers lose their lives when pre- eoppteamp hy re iat Hridey ovening) HIS IS THE GRRATEST EXCURSION OF THE SEASON: ' cipitated into the water. in semi-final games, Milverton won DON'T FORGET THE DATE, JULY 9TH. The Larmour School of The Garden Party held at the home| out, Seaforth only defeating them in} Cownorrer: RB. COMMON, GEO. LOCHHEAD, A. PEEBLES: Telegraphy, of Mr. McCourt, i4th con., last week |Seaforth by 1 to 0. We hope to see See Large Posters. Strattord - - Ontario |in aid of the 14th con., Sunday School | Milverton keep on winning and thus The new aystem of training for railway ser was very successful. The threaten-|bringthe championship tothis district. eles. under test since January last has proved | Ing weather no doubt kept a number The cement works were shut down Heche ets eee ee entirely succossful. 'laway. -- ' st 7 7 Sunday owing to an accident to the) 4m . 44 wp Writeforpamntlet which ives f0 vert] fe. D. G. Horn, is spending a few|rotary. The burner, who bad cbarge| 7 Let the GOLD DUST twins do your wor*. culars, testimonals from pupils now emp bolidays with his parents on the 14th] of the rotary for Saturday night, did fey she C.F. t. p con. He will leave on Monday for] not evidently know his business but Robert Larmour, Principal and Prop. -| hig home in Red Deer, Alberta. allowed the rotary to get red hot, so Three English families have rented | hot in fact that the bricks fell out in the upstairs portion of James Fer- poe The ic we a recti- guson's store. The men are employ- |" owever and early Monday morn- ed at the cement works. Our village | ing all the machinery was going full needs some suitable houses. for rent- mee aoe Jake Ricewh si "a not in urposes. e Manager ong give ro ner of Gael the burner his walking ticket. Some number of elderly people have| of the local lads who are learning the | ne victims of the ae among | burning are developing into first class @ number being Mrs. F. Graham|hands. It was none of them who} j and Mrs. J. A. Roe.. Some of the| made the mistake we are glad to say children have been quite sick with the disease. . The Sovereign | Bank of Canada Advertisers. Following ' --invites. the Accounts of Snow white clothes are the resuft of using our usual custom of taking one ; Six candidates from the Atwood!% week's holiday during the year. Cor porations,, F raternal. @ i public school are writing at the High We will issue no paper next Ct at . cf GOLD D US School Entrance Exams., at Listowel|3 week. Correspondents and ad- Societies and. Individuals. ' e this week. Two of the pupils wore|% vertisers please. note this fact. "allowed om-Bavin ps It makes light the labors of washing. Turns unable to write owing to"an attack of| "The office will be open. to.re- = Interest allowed o - wask day into play day. Better than any Soap "mumps. Several others, having just|# osive subscription and orders =| Deposits. and. credited 4 and more economical. ce recovered, were in none too good} % for job work. Rememberthen, %| ,>- 5s : . | #y times; a.year.. \Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPAN™ « jog wales, New York, Boston, © St Louis. Montreal Drowning accidents are becoming TORONTO, + Middlings Flour, per 100 lbs Low Grade Flour Flax Seed Meal, per cwt.. 3 Oat Chop, per cwt SSSSEESE BR RSESSBSE SSss zsapoudne Sab s® ASSASRERSSSSSE "Bee Potatoes (bag) Onions, per bushel Apples (bag) OTICE to Subseribers and sss Those who were unable to write shape physically for the ordeal.|% no BEE next week.