Atwood Bee, 28 Jun 1907, p. 8

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GZ Nanieedovivivei cievebevet, WVU UAB REV BUS MOO IN 2 "pps of a fine baby girl. 'that he has four lusty boys. : a ty SES aa oy ID. Cc. iccas: A.,M.D., | weiss gdh & ind Medicine Parole Sto aieo re of Ph ea ar Genee Hoveleal. Toco. me n the Bee Block. Residence at Mra. W. 2). Mitchells. AUCTION BERS Alex. Morriscn : 1 Fagen ggg ms for let tone moderate orders by mail or Pacis, | promptly attended to. Atwood post-office. Wm. Holman ICENSED pAUOTIONEES. for the Counties of P Newry P.O., Ont. Rates jac she x | eatiefection teed, All orders by mail orother wise prompt'y attended to, oe ae Morphy & Carthew |S ert ie Solicitors, Conseyancers. Solicitors for the Ba of Ham- fiton. Money toloan, Office seve Robt. Thompson's store, Listowe Ontario. H. B, Morruy J. M. Cantoew Blewett & Bray ARRISTERS and Solicitors, Listowel, Ont. Money to loan. Solicitors ToarSeatt's4 asking | House and Ontario Perth | Beading and Loan Association. Office o Scott's Bank, Wallace Street, Listowel. j R. BLewettT Geo. Bray, B.A. J. Gecil Hamilton, B.A. BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER i Money to Loan at 4} por cent. Office--Main stroet. Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentis' Branch Office--Main street, Atwood, over the Bee Office. Wi Visit Atwood every Wednesday aftern DENWTATL Dr. W. M. Bruce DENTIST ATE RC.D.S., Ontario Trinity Univ ersity, Toront | of Prosthetic ntistry, wit "te fovind da: y, in his new office ove' Gray, Co.'a store. Kntrance a same as Dr. peashente rd, Main Street, Liste ey Ontari Dr W. A. McDowell DENTIST YRADBUATE of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Honor Graduate ke Eerecke yg TA Office over Thompson Bros. ato B i Oice Mal i ranc co--Ma . treo Atwood, over the Bee Office. Will visit A > py from 9, 30 a. vee ere L ero dc rg raduate Haskel Schoo! G. T. R. Time Table frains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as follows : Going South Express 7.30 a.m. Express 11.53 a.m. Kxpreay 3.30 p.m. Going North Express Express | Express erve sickness--~nothing 15 was Gite Sues that Stet correctly ied Dr. back the that blets or seit what ft can 'and will do. We sell and fully recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative C. H. McFARLANE. No paper next week. Men's fancy front Shirts for 49| cents at Sinclair's. Mrs: Sinclair spent a few days in Loudon this week with her son Rob. Rob. Forrest, of the Sovereign Bank staff, of Milverton, spent Sunday with his mother. John Farrell returned on Tuesday night from Port Perry where be was working in a creamery. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston, of Fordwich. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ballantyne. Tom Alexender, well driller, met with a painful accident on Friday last having his nose badly broken. A number from here took in the Farmers' Excursion to Guelph on Tuesday. They report having a good time. Mesars. Hepburn and Killer, of Stratford, are acting as assistants to Geo. L. Griffiths, County and Town- ship Engineer. One of the members of a saw-mill gang got several fingers slashed with the saw while working near Mr. Vi- pond's last week. Dr. Kidd attended to the injuries. W. Price, pathmaster, has been doing his quota of roadword in the southern end of the village. This is his first experience in that capacity and he seems to be making good. Fred Switzer is improving the ap- pearance of his residence by erecting a fine large veranda in front of it. Chas. Parker is doing the work Our village can now boast of quite a num- ber of attractive residences. A quiet wedding took place in Por- ey ?>eWANTED 1000 a Cali Hides R. J. Walker ka Tella, Washington, on May 4th, 1907, when Miss Mary Stewart, for- merly of Atwood, was married to Jas. Stirton, of Walla Walla, Wash. Mr. > Stirton worked in Atwood seventeen ' years ago as tinsmith for Isaac Oaks. j Mr. and Mrs. Stirton will reside in 4 ale Walla. We extend heartiest 'congratulations and best wishes to the happy pair. Next Sunday evening Miss Rattey, of Teaswater, will address the Y.P.S. of C.E., of the Presbyterian Church, at 7 pm. Her subject will be "French Evangelization." Those who heard Miss Rattey when here be- fore wlll bear us out in the statement that she is a very attractive and con- vincing speaker. Those who hear her next Sunday evening may expect a treat. She will also address the Mission Band in the basement at 3 p.m., on. Savurday. The Stratford Herald 7" fae poking considerable fun at the North Perth Liberal Convention, claiming! that the nomination ef Dr. Rankin was a cué and dried affair, engineered very skilfully by a few Stratford Lib- erals. It states also that ex-warden Jas. Donaldson, who was also nom- inated, took his defeat with bad grace. If it is true that the Stratford contin- gent manipulated the convention so as toinsure Dr: Rankin's nomination, then we cannot much blame Mr. Donaldson for feeling a little sore. Wm. G. Marshall, hardware mer- chant, of Lemberg, Sask., is a happy man these days. He is the proud The reason Jor his delight is° found in the fact a Wn. pinks the West a great country. » & ' It is only human nature after all to feel that way, though perhaps it is the best policy not to show it. These Conventions should be free from all species of lobbying and wire pulling, and the best man should be chosen and that unauimously, if possible. It does not give the otber party quite so good a chance. to > fun-at you, in any event. CASTORIA For Infants and The Kind Yeu Have Always Bought "Netty "Now is the ---- = a ie DOLL BORDEAUX BLUE STON money. to. spray your vines, trait: trees, bushes 'and™ CEN a3 Ss 'invested now in a good insect destroyer will eafn you later. We have just received a fresh supply of « HELLEBORE INSECT POWDER Be sure to get our prices before buying, as we can save you C. H. McFarlae. Druggist and Optician. ARS MIXTURE, E Jobn Sanders is handling the town- ship grader in the vicinity of Gotham. It is a hot job these days. . Quite a contingent of Atwood Odd- fellows journeyed to Listowel last Sunday afternoon and participated in the ceremony of decorating the graves of deceased Oddfellows. There was a splendid turnout of 110 members, many being present from Palmerston, Harriston and Drayton. e Lis- towel Band headed the procession to _jand from the Cemetery. At the Ce- metery the beautiful and impressive ceremony was in charge of Rev. Mr. Mann, pastor of the Baptist Church. Each Oddfellow wore a beautiful red rose and the parade was an imposing sight." The visiting brethren were splendidly entertained by the Lis- |. towel Oddfellows. O JU are invited to meet the expert Corset- ierre of Bias Corsets, Limited, who will be pleased to fit you and and demonstrate the truly wonderfu! effects of Bias Filling. Fitting and Corsultation free. No obligation to buy. Miss CAMPBELL, WILL, BE WITH US FROM MOND4y TO SATURDAY, JuLY First to JuLy SrmxTs. ~ WALTER BROS. Listowel, The Sécret of A Beautiful | Gomplexion Now Revealed FREE What beauty is more desirable than an exquisite complexion and elcgant jewels. An opportunity for every women to obtain both, for a limited time only. The directions and recine for obtain- ing' a faultless complexion is the secret long guarded by the master minds of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS. This we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It is the method used by the fairest and most beautiful women of Europe. Hundreds of American women who now use it have expressed their delight and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood and simple to follow and it will save you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever 'give you a beautiful com- plexion and free your skin from pimples, bad-color blackheads, etc. It alone is worth to you many times the pri.e we ask you to send for the genuine diarnond ring of latest design. We sell you this ring as one small profit above. manufacturing cost. The price is less than' one half what others charge. The recipe is free with every ring. It is a genuine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaranteed very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of 12kt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it' would cost considerable more than $2.10. We mail you this beautiful complex- ion recipe free when your order is received for ring and $2.00-ia money order, stamps | © or bills. Get your order in before our supply is exhausted. This offer is made for a limited time. only as a means of advertising and intro- ducing our Union Sunday Schoo! will hold their Annual Garden Party on Henry Ron- nenberg's lawn, lot 7, con., 15, Elma, on Thursday, July 4th, ladies' 'baseball match between the Crescents of the Boundary and the Maple Leafs,, commencing at 6.30 p.m. match bewteen Atwood and Monkton teams. season commencing at six. o'clock. There will also be football, music and and songs. from 7 to 9. frounds. Everybody come and have a good time. is spending her holidays under the parental roof. bell, of Listowel, spent Thursday at Mr. Wm her home in Glenallen, after spending a few months with Mrs. McFarlane. ity Church, Elma, awill be held on July 4th, orchard, 12th con. is being-prepared. Everybody come and have a good time. successful barn-raising on Saturday, the foundation of the one that was ~| concrete Arch culvert of 30 feet span ( in- Township of Elma, in the County of a bridge 824 feet span over the South allowance between Concessions 18 and 14 abutments including the necessary ex- cavating and grading for a bridge over the and St in said Township. goods. - Bend to-day plies ise and plans Ganpan PARtr: --The 16th con., 1907. A There will also be a quoit This will be the hit of the Lunch will be served Refreshments on the Admission, 16 and 15 cents. Remember the date, July 4th. 12th Line, Elma. Miss Emma McCourt, of London, Miss Tena Petrje and Miss Camp- . Struthers. Miss Nellie Smith 'has returned to The Annual Garden Party'of Trin- in Mr./James Cockwell's A large program Mr, W. J. Gilkinson, had a very June 22nd. The barn was erected on burned last July, but it has an addi- tion of a straw-shed 35x46 which when completed will afford good ae- commodation. Mr. Gilkinson wishes to thank the' neighbors and commun- ity for rendering him such great help, as it was only six years all but a few days, since they had raised the last one. Both walls were made of ce- ment. T. Smith, of Milverton, was the framer of both barns. Tenders for Concrete Arch--Con- crete Abutments and for Steel Highway Bridge. The Municipality of Elma will receive tenders until one o'clock, p.m., on the 13th day of July, A-D., 1907. 1st.--For the complete construction of a re-inforced cluding wing walls, parapet walls and the necessary excavating grading, &c. ) over the Gilkinson Drain on the road allowance between Concessions 11 and 12 in the Perth. 2nd.--For the complete construc- tion of two concrete abutments, including the necessary excavating and grading for Branch of the Maitland River on the road in the said Township. 8rd --For the complete construction of two concrete North Branch of the Maitland River on the Sideroad, between ots the. Ist Concession of ,4th --For the complete construction and efection of the steel superstructure of a highway bridge 82} feet span, centre-to centre, over the South Branch of the Maitland River-on the road allowance between the said 18th and 14th Concessions:of said township. Certified cheque for $100 to accompany each bid for the Concrete Arch and the Concrete Abutments and certified cheque for $200 to acconipany bid for steel High- way Bridge. The-right is reserved to re- ject any or all tenders . pee eam Ba od and day by day the ehvawd customer seeks the store where he'll get the best, and -the most, for "his .money. Now, we don't want to dog his fuot-steps --we merely want to hint tht DRY GOQDS, SHOES and MEN'S FURNISHINGS is his quest, they're right here under our roof. In generous quantity, un- rivaled in quality and at prices that wall arrest his steps when he sees them, and will make his little dog sit up and take notice, tov. Here's a_ special chance to-day. Hot Weather Specials White and Colored Muslins 10c, 124¢ and loca yard. Ladies' white lawn waists, fancy embroidery fronts with tucks, very special at $1.50 and $2.00. Ladies' white underskiris, speci:.J at $1.00.and $1.25 Ladies' fast black hose, splice! heel and toe, 2 pair for 25 cents. Ladies' linen embroidered collars, 25 and 35 cents each. Tab collars, turn over, wash belts, at prices to suit everybody. at 8a, Men's halbriggan underware $1.00 a suit. Special for Friday and Saturday Ladies' white embroidered belts 15c each, 2 for 25 cents. Torchon laces 15¢ a dozen yards. Ladies' silk waists, worth up to $5.00 at $1 00. each. Highest price paid for produce--Cash or Trade. LJ. Sinclair Atwood's Cash Bargain Store ~Special Offer. The Weekly Mail and Empire and Atwood Bee mailed to any address, postage paid, in Canada pr Great Britain until January Ist, 1908, for 75 cents Both publications for 7 months, the period mentioned, at r rates, would cost $1.15. =i -- this offer new ubscribers sav The Weekly 'Mail ¢ ey Empire during the Summer months will unquestionably be the greatest weekly publication which enters Canadian homes. It at present ntains a greater number of a has reading matter than any other weekly. All the news publisbed in it ia is carefully sel to meet the varied tastee o ers. The General News Section will contain the fullest and most complete information of thé events transpiring in all parte of- the world. Particular attention will be given to cable and provincial news. The Agricultural Section will be replete with information forthe general advance- ment of agricultural ence. -Contri- butore to this section will be men eminent in this important industry. The Magazine Section will also be a mine of information upon subjects which are at present attracting public attention. Many of the articles will be brightened by illustrations. ; Altogether the 24 pages, which coms prise The Weekly Mail and Empire, are a library in themselves, the regular price for which is One Dollar a year. Send Order To Office Of This Paper. | A mumber of: Atwood football en- oe sey pe drove-to Brussels on Tues- Se and

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