"alge & nity ES ag BS ETT pee Mrs, Emma Stoll, of ecegain." " Appleton, Wisconsin. : advised me to use Peruna, nto improve-at once." ~ rs? -- A Ins. EMMA * TOLT. Mrs. Emma _ Stolt, 1069 Oneida St., Appleton, Wis,, writes: "Peruna has done me a great deal of good since I began taking it and I am always glad to speak a good word for tt. "Three years ago I was in a wretched condition with backaches, bearing down ins, and at times was so sore and ame that I could not move about. 1 'had inflammation and irritation, and 'although I used different remedies they dig me no good. _ "A neighbor who had been using Pe- runa advised me to try it, and I am glad that I did. I began to improye as svon as I took it and I felt much bel- Mer, . "] thank you for your fine 'remedy. It is certainly a godsend to sick wo- men." - CATARRH OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS. . Miss Theresa Bertles, White Church, Mo., writes: "I guffered with catarrh of the stom- ach, bowels and internal organs. Ev- erything I ale seemed to hurt me. | never had a passage of the bowels without taking medicine. I was so tired mornings, and ached all over. 1 had a pain in my left side, and the least ex- erlion or excitement made me short of 'breath. ° "Now, after taking Peruna for six months, I am as well as I ever was. Pe- runa has worked wonders for me. 1 believe Peruna is the best medicine in the world, and I recommend it to my friends." a sn Heiress--"Which would you rather lose, Jack--me or my money?" He-- "You sweetheart." Heiress--"Oh Jack!" He--"I would, because, don't you see. dearest, even if I lost you, I would still have your money to offer large rewards for your recovery, and get you back Heiress--"Dear Jack!" A Tonic for the Debilitated.--Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills by acting mildly. bul thoroughly, on the secretions of the body are a valuable tonic, stimu- lating the lagging organs to healthful action and restoring them to full vigor. They can be teken in graduated doses and so used that they can be discon- tit:ued at any time without return of the ailments which they were used to allay. There seems to be more charitable- ness connecled with the brotherhood of ican than there is with the sisterhood of woman. Holloway's Corn Cure is a specific for the removal of corns and warts. We have never heard of its failing to re- move even the worst kind. ee TO RESTORE HOLYROOD. to Have Been Guaranteed or the Purpose. A sum of £40,000, or about $200,000, Is said to have been guaranteed for the purpose of restoring the venerable pile of the Abbey Church of the Holy Rood, adjoining the Royal Palace of the same same, a little oulside Edinburgh. Holy Rood dates from the twelfth cen- ury. The exact year is uncertain, but 1128 is generally accepted as approxi- inate. . According to the legend King David 1., who was hunting in the neighboring 'forest, was attacked by a stag, which had been brought to bay by the hunt- jing party. He was thrown to the 'ground by the-furious animal and was 'in imminent danger of death. Suddenly, says the Rosary Magazine, a cross arose from the ground between the form of the beast and the monarch; and the stag, alffrighted, fled. The cross remained on the spot. ls ma- ferial'substance was a mystery to those who examined 'it. The occurrence was looked upon as miraculous, In gratitude to heaven the King ordained that a shrine should arise on the ground adjncent. ic creed that it be called the Church ef the Holy Rood, and gave it in the care of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. "What rema of the abbey is cailed apel Royal. It is only a frag- ment of the-old building, but is yet con- siderable. The portion formed the nave ef the great abbey, Its walls are lofty, its windows fall, and ils western r tions. The carving £40,000 Said f not florid. f The tombs within the abbey walls in- elude those of King David I., King J The ~ ' ---- ty. nthe James Hl. fof Scotland), King James and his: Queen, Magdalen. Henry, Lord 'Darnley, and bcos A other ; the Scottish : ve hi Sultan of Morocco Gave Him 450 Wives for Valued Services to British Court. Kaid Maclean the captured com- ruander of the Moroccan fortes, fo whose safety the British authorities Fave required an assurance from Mo- rocco, was stationed with the 69th Re- giment for some years in Canada. He has relatives near Kingston, in Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Sir Harry Aubrey de Vere Maclean was born at Drimnin, Scotland, in 1848 and is a son of the late Gen. Andrew Maclean, a distinguished soldier. He comes of a long line of fighting ances- tors. It is recorded in the history of the clan that, after the battle of Cullo- one of them, lying stricken upon id, declined to inform the Duke of Ciimberland as to the whereabouts of the ill-fated "Bonnie Prince Charlie." The duke called upon, a young Officer to slay (he wounded man, butthis the of- > y es Wolfe, the hero of Quebec, refused WAS IN CANADA. Sir Harry began his career in the army in 1869, when he obtained a com- 'mission as lieulenant in the 69th Regi- ment, which was sent to Camada short- ly aflerwards. The regiment shared 'n the defence of the frontier during the l'enian invasion of 1780, and he was deéorated with a medal by Lord Strath- cona in London a few years ago, while undergoing special treatment for wounds received in one of his innumerable skir mishes. Sir Harry's regiment was sta- ticned for some years in Canada, and while he was in Quebec most of the time he was also posted for intervals at Toronto, Brantford and London. WENT TO MOROCCO. From Canada he was shifled to Gib- raltar, where he had a staff appoint- ment. The Sultan of Morocco was de- sirous of obtaining a British officer lo arill his half savage army, and the po- sition was offered Maclean. The pros- pect appealed strongly to his martial tustes and love of --adventure,-and--he giadly accepled, resigning in 1876 to en- ler upon his duties of organizing tne sultan's forces. He rapidly rose in fa- vor by his daring, intrepidity and mili- tary genius, and became a prime favor- ite with the late sullan and inspired equal regard and confidence in his suc- cessor. SCOTCH ALL THROUGH. Maclean, whose headquarters have teen at Fez. has maintained a band cf 12 pipers, all Moors, in charge of 4 Scot, and wearing the proud tartan of the Maclean clan. For some time Ma- jor Angus Ogilvy, of the 13th Hussars, was in command of his cavalry. Major QGgilvy was in Canada some years ago, and is known to a number of Canadian mililary men. In 1893 Sir Henry visited England for the first time since he had severed his connection with the Brilish army. He was on a special mission for the Sul- tan, who was anxious to obtain assur- ance of British support. GIVEN A GUARD. So apprehensive was the Oriental po- tentate that Maclean might be induced to remain at home, that he caused an escort of one hundred armed Moors to accompany him, with the injunction that unless the Englishman should re- turn every man in the detachment would be beheaded. While away the guard never alloy et Maclean out of their sight, and watch was kept un ceasingly outside his chamber door an Leneath his window while he.'slumber- ed. So successful was Sir Henry in his mission that on his return, the Sultan, as a particular mark of favor, insisted on presenting him with 150 wives. Sir Henry was the victim of an un- happy marriage. obtained a di- verce from his Spanish wife several years ago, causing considerable of a sensation in London society. He has a son and several brothers in the army. NEVER NO.MORE. Friend--""Now look here, Nye, when are you going to repay me that fiver ou borrowed from me last year? I've asked for the return of it eighty-seven times; but remember this, . shan't ask you for it again." Nye (delightedly}--"What, you won'l? You really won't?) Well, that's what I call being a real, good pal, and no er- ror. I wish there were more like you. Now, do you think you could possibly en With a how! of derision, the creditor fled, completely routed by the Nye ar- tillery. a DOD - KIDNEY s\A > DS |; / 4 a ficer, who afterwards became immortal |° Nothing you can wear costs you 10 little in real comfort, real service and real satisfaction as Pen-Angle Guaranteed Underwear wasn Made in many form-fitting CREAM: WEST Manitoba r OUR flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR AND FEED.) WRITE UB, WE ALSO MAKE "QUEEN CITY! A BLENDED FLOUR THAT HAS CAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL HOUSEHOLD "ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR TH CAMPBELL MILLING CO. TORONTO JUNCTION | > FEATHER DYEING ee ee BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. ' MONTREAL HAD ENOUGH. "Reginald, what is this I hear about your having been engaged in a fight with our new neighbor's little boy?" "Yes'm, 1 was." "Now I wish you to promise me that you will never quarrel with him again; will you make me that promise?" "Yes'm; he kin lick me." SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS real ones, at Singer stores. Buy here and deal wilh the manufacturers. The Singer Company is permanent and re- sponsible; its representatives are al- ways at hand to care-for Singer, and Wheeler & Wilson machines. Look lor the Red S. Singer Sewing Machine Co Write us at Manning Chambers, Toronto, for set of Bird Cards free. -. Doctor--"I don't think it is anything very serious, but you will have to stay in bed at least two weeks." Patienl-- "But, doctor, do you know that this is a very expensive hotel?" Doctor--"Yes; I am,a friend of the proprietor." Cholera morbus, cramps and kindred complaints annually make their appear- ance at the same time as the hot wea- ther, green fruit, cucumbers, melons, elc., and many persons are debarred from eating these tempting things, but they need not abstain if they have Dr. . D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cogdial and take a few drops in water. It cures the cramps and cholera in a remarkaple manner and is sure to check every dis- turbance of the bowels. "You have three pairs of glasses, pro- fessor?" "Yes; I use one to read with, io find the other two." Yes, indeed, "blood will tell," when blotches and incrustations mark the skin. Weaver's Cerate and Weaver's Syrup make short work of all blood and skin troubles. fnght Jack got on his wedding-day?" Olive--"Yes, indeed--I was there and saw her." Always a Good Friend.--In health and happiness we need no friends, but when pain and prosiralion come we look for friendly aid from sympathetic hands. These hands can serve us no better than in rubbing in Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, for when 'the Oil is in the pain is out. It has brought relief to thousands who without it would be in- deed friendless. Friend--"Didn't your. husband rave when you showed him the dressmaker's bill?' Wife--"Rather." Friend--"And how did you quiet him?" Wife--'"I showed him the miiliner's next, and then he became absolutely speechless." Pale, .sickly children *should use Mcther Graves' Worm Exterminator. Worms are one of the principal causes of suffering in children and should be expelled from the system. "you young scampf' roared the old broker, rushing in unexpectedly, "I thought you told me you didn't smoke cigarettes read ' we Dicks,' cr histle while you™> worked." "Well?" 'yawned the office boy, laconically. *and_ here I come in and catch you do- ing all three." "Yes; but you don't catch working." } You cannot get high moral tone out cne to see al a distance, and the third r Jennie--"Did you hear of the awful], a wrong one... ee ween igealg eats Out all heppi-' of loose muscular wires. : u do not know how to let up you not know how to live. You can do little for inhumanity without the saving salt of humor. of a duty» is @ man who borrows belter than the one who makes, it, No lJearning can make up for the lack of that which the home can give. e@ grea sins are the ones com- mitted against the least of the children, cause he creates go much friction. Every time you depend on a bracer you knock out your own underpinning. When we confess. to our own faults ---- we are thinking of our neigh- r's. : Every man may have a right to his own grouch, but he has a duly to keep it to himself. * If you are afraid of belng misunder- stood you are not likely to do much worth understanding. It makes all the difference whether you want {to be known as good or want to know the good. It is possible to take the right way in life and yet to take life in such a way as to lead others wrong. It seems to be as easy to think our cheerfulness fo ourselves as it is to think our troubles out loud. It is strange thal when some folks talk about lifling up their hearts they are sure to pull down their faces. -------- fe PERSONAL. Diggs--"What salary do you gel?" Wiggs--"One hundred and fifty per." Diggs--Per week, per month, or per- haps?" To Prevent is Better than to Repent. A little medicine in the shape of the wonderful pellets which are known as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, administer- ed at the proper time and with the direc- ticns adhered to often prevent a seri- ous attack of sickness and save money which would go to the docior. In all irregularities of the digestive organs they are an invaluable corrective, and by cleansing the blood they clear the skin of imperfections. - --_--_-- Stranger: "You are the only gentle- man in the room." Guest: "In what way, sir?" Stranger: "When I slipped in the dance, ahd went sprawling on the floor, tearing my fair partner's dress, you were the only one in the room who did not laugh." Guest: "The lady is my wife, and I paid for the dress !" & If You are Nervous and irritable, take « Ferrovim," the greatnorve and blood tonic; you is no complete understanding |: unui ft will be a new person by the time you a pottle, $1.00 bottles. All dealers. peerenepennouie QUEBECST EMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. re and Gulf of St Lawrence Suramer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 88. '"' Campana," with electrie . © lights, electric bells and all modern comforts. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS pm, 8rd and 17th June, Ist, 16th and 20th J: 12th and 26th August, ¢th 29rd September, ene fortni ey ee a Pictou, N.6., . ing at Quebec, Gaspe, Ma y, Peree, Core, Grand River, Summorside, P.E.L, tetown, P.E.L BERMUDA Summer Bxsersom. eo new awh a an", w 8S, 1 Bermedioch end sist July, 10h June, 3rd, 17th sth, 14th and 35th September, Ootober, 6th, 16th and 27th Nor i parenese cooled by sea breeses seldom bore 80 Tees. ty doce} ioe of the season for health and com THUR AHERN, Secretary,~Quebess A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents, 29 Broadway, New Yo MADE IN 2 ana 4 Cycle HAMILTON MOTOR WORKS, Ltd. HAMILTON, ONT. CANADA Complete " On Your Send for booklet "BANKING Ah Compounded Quarterly. . SD It explains how our Savings Department Is no (uriber from you than your nearest mall boxy Capital and Reserve . $2,900,000 THE UNION TRUST Cos Lures Temple Building, <= Toront® = Savings BY MAIL'