i The : oo STAR GROCERY | Hiv awheerina are about done expect Cherries: next week; leave your orders early and we' will try and fill them.. Nice Sweet Oranves from 25c to 60c per dozen. HIGH-CLASS CONFECTIONERY FRESH GROCERIES SUMMER DRINKS FANCY BISCUITS PURE ICE CREAM Highest price paid for Butter and' Eggs, cash or trade.. £T Oreensides& Son *Phone orders: promptly attended: to. We have + DEERING " and. "GILT EDGE" BINDER TWINE There are none better Prices Right W. Price's Hardware Highest cash price paid for Hides. einige E je | f co TO JOHN ROCER FOR THE BEST BINDING TWINE Binding Twine AOL pooho~ --John Roger.-- Furniture Hardware Undertaker BARGAINS: FOR ALL for $ 1.00 75 c Corsets, regular:............+06- ~ $1.25 Corsets, Corsets, 55 Corsets, to. Boy's Ready-to-wear Suits from $2.50: upwards: . for: for Carpets, regular 35c, upwards 22c. Prints, regular 124c, upward& 10c. Terms Cash or Trade. Don't forget we pay cash for Butter 'and Eggs C. H. Holmes ef kine bo te in of revision w pane por by the reeve yanat o5 William Scott--W William ( Cieland-- that the clerk do now phe the report of the engineer on the proposed Burnett drain. carri re made; win rd a So Buchanan--that the | report of 'the woe on. the Burnett drain weore meeps to have a by-law Ee. pa or the same as s00n ade carried, f Robt. Bucha e8 rain of the and that the report of the engineer on the said pro rain will be read-and con- sidered y council on the lith day of July, A. Db, 1907, at ten o'clock a m ; car- ri Whi. Scott--Wm. Cleland--that the time for the engineer to file his report on the Murray drain be extended to the First day of October, 1907. Wim. Cleland -- Samuel Corry -- that Messrs. ges eg re e be tueap inted to examine the al at inary complained of by Me Wit "Baillie, make enquiries a8 to who is responsible for eg condition of the road described by M Baillie and also examine the cuttle brood plained of as being injured and Be report at the next meeting of council ; Wahi. Scott- uel Corry--that the council do now adjourn to meet again on | Saturday, the 18th day of July, 147, at 'ten o'clock to the report on the pro- posed McCourt drain ; carried. aati The report was then read and discussed and an opportunity given to add to the petition for the drain or. for withdrawals therefrom ; no additions or withdrawals were made, bridge be accepted for the total sum of $200u.L0, work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications of the en- gineer, ea for the purpose ; carried Wm. Scott--Robt Buchanan--that the '| Stratford Bridge Co., tender for the steel superstructure of the bridge over the south branch of the Maitland River, con 13 and 14, be accepted for the sum of $2200.00, said superstructure to be erected hin accordance with the plans and speci- fications of the engineer prepared for the purpose ; carried. Wm. 'Scott-- Wm. "Cleland--that the council of Elma give.a grant of ten dollars to the Elma Agricultural Society ; carried Wm.. Scott--Samuel Corry--tbat. the clerk be instructed to serve the amended report of the Logan Maitland drain as ef proved by the referee upon the head of the municipality of Logan ; carrie Wm. Scott--Wm, (leland--that this council do guarantee the petitioners for a new street in Monkton the sum of $30.00 towards paying for the opening of a new street connecting Selby ayenue with Win- stanley street providing the residents in- terested raise the $260.00 of balance re- ania for the purchase of the land ; car- ried. 1 Corry-Wm. Scott-that Messrs. Curtin 'and McGrath be paid the sum of $500.00 on account of work on contract 14th Con. drain per engineer's certificate ; carried. Samuel CorryRobt. Buchanan--that Charles Henry be paid the sum of $300 part payment of contract Partridge drain *] per engineer's certificate ; carried. m. Cleland--Wm. Scott--that John Ghapeben be paid the sum of $150 part contract Posliff drain as per engineer's certificate ; carried. Wm. Scott--Samuel Corry--that Geo L. Griffith be paid the sum of $1087. work on Posliff drain; the sugy-of $81.50 'survey, preparing report, etr. on on Fourteent ceestomdrain ; $50.77 work on Partridge drain; $30), 7, 'work on Gilkinson drain as per itemized ac counts rende > carri A number of communications were read including a notice from the County trea- surer, that the general county rate: for Elma for 1907 was. $4227.00 and for good roads' $1TR3 4 ing a total eounty rate of $5,360 00 A large number of accounts. where paid: at both meetings. Samuel Corry---Robert Buclunan--that 'CASTORI 1A ii |, . For Infants and Th Kin Yo tne Aras Baght { proposed | adopted and that the for examing lands, making --. . Award drain ; the sum of one 90, work , iM} | this council do now adjourn to meet again | . ai | at the call of the reeve ; carri rally arian coal of the townehip, -BANK OF HAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and highest current rate of interest allowed. -- 96 Branches throughout Canada, At 20a L-Sency Sub-Agent if] GARDEN Party.--The Garden Party held on the agricultural grounds on Tuesday evening under the aus- pices of St. Alban's church, proved to be an unqualified success. The evening was warm and balmy, the at- tendance was large, the refreshments and eatables abundant, the program interesting and varied, and the finan- cial returns in the neighborhood of $89. Now, whet more could any one desire than that? The Milverton Brass Band discoursed sweet music in.abundance, and just here we night say that they deserve hearty thanks for keeping their engagement when a championship football match was be- ing played in their little town botween the All Saints, of Toronto, and Mil- verton for the Junior Championship of Ontario. By keeping their prom- Have you seen our hammocks ? They are worth while iar at W. Price's. ENTRANCE Exans,--In publis! i- ing the Entrance F'xam., results last week we omitted 8.8. No. 3, Britton, of which Miss Jessie Morrison, daugli- ter of Wm. Morrison, 10th con., eas', is the popular and successful teacher. Here | then are the names and mark-, Reid Cleland, 404; Pearl Coleman, 409; Frank Gray, 396; Jennie Me- Cauley, 396; Russell Taggart, 3:11. Piles get quiek and certain relief from Dr. Shoop' s Magic Ointment Please note itis made alone for Piles 'and its action is positive and certain, Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles dir appear like magic by its use Large Sg ge d glass jars 0) cents. Sold by i. McFarlane, drugyist. SPECIALISTS, sult them. ° All work guaranteed. BEwwTesic HD Taube and Son '| MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS & EYESIGHT OF TORONTO a Elma 'House, on =| Wednesday, July 24th. And will be glad to have all those troubled with defective eyesight call and con- They have been Established in Toronto since 1871 and during that time over' 100,000 cases have beon successfully fitted by them. The advantage they have over others is the fact that they grind their own len- ses and by so doing prevent any"error in the process of Lens making. The new Electric Ophalmometroscope used in making all examinations. For references see booklets. ise they showed themselves the tru- est kind of sports, and we commend their conduct most heartily. They are good musicians and fine felldws too. The Incumbent, Rev. H. P. Westgate, presided over the program in his usual happy and felicitous style style, and the order kept was excel- lent. Excellent addresses were de- livered by- Rev. Messrs. Spence, of Milverton; Washburn, of Millbank; who also rendered in fine style a re- citation entitled, 'When the old man went to town," and Bourne, of-Lis- towel.. The Male Chorus rendered two selections in splendid voice, and just Here we would sr o them that with steady practice tiey will make a name for themselves. and be in great demand. Harold Wilkinson sang a solo in good voice and was well re- ceived. We heartily congratulate St. Alban's church on the success attend- ing the event. John Wilson's sale on Tuesday was a grand success. The cows brought great prices, some as high as $55 and the average about $45. Alec. Mor- rison wielded the hammer in efficient style. . CoA. SromnRrira. beare the " Kind You Have Aways Bougt * Fignature of Pro., EXAMS.--The following are the names of the successful candidates who wrote from the Yous Depart- ment of the Atwood: Pablic School for promotion to the Sr. Room. Total mark 680. To pass 408. Russell Wood: 537; Wallace Me- Bain 447, Don MacVicar 482, Ellen: Willoughby 455, Gordon Johnson 467, Helen Lochhead 467, Edith Camp- . bell 423. . Ton-pupils wrote and seven. were successful. WESTERN FAIR EXHIBITORS AND programrhe each grand display, © 'The Extibition the People all LiketoAttend PROFITABLE TO GO KNABENSHUE'S AIRSHIP daily, and a full list of Attractions, with plenty of Music. evening," concluding with. that. "RHE SIEGE OF GIBRALTER" VISITORS FIND IT Fireworks after d 'REDUCED RATES Sod J. REID, President. ON ALL RAILROADS}: Send to the Secretary for Prize Lists, Programmes and all information A. M. HUNT, Secretarye Sept. 6. to 14