Atwood Bee, 19 Jul 1907, p. 5

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~ Imperial Bank of Ganada. Paro up CaprraL + RESERVE - - - $4,850,000.00 - Seman: SAYING BANK ---3pecial attention given to this departme: Interest allowed from date of de] Farmers' Business a ée'ia and added to Principle 4 TIMES a year, hy. Out of town business-solicited. LISTOWEL: BRANCH H.-C. SECOKD, Manager. ae place to go is Listowel Business College : Two courses-- Commercial and Shorthand Eater at beginning of any monta. For particulars write to © A. L. Meltntyre, Principal. EERE LEE E EEL OGLE EE PEEAEEEEEEE EEE EEE EES EE Se abe ae aie CEEEELEP EEE ESET ESET | 2 Pall Term Opens September rd 3 Central Business College Stratford, Gatario This school which is an old and well established one stands to the forefront as the greatest Com- mercial and Shorthand school in the west. Qur teachers are ex- perienced instructors, courses thor- ough and practical. We assist graduates to positions. Write for our free catalugue. " Elliott & McLachlan, Principals, PEE PERE eb bet bb bE bh The Larmour School of Valography, Sale Sooke ck abe aie 2. Se s8ek. sake bie Se Ne ee ee ae ee ee ee ee ee ke iia \ % oyert a a ie i ee ae ee ee ed a eo oe bet ihe Mile ale ae Me ha aie ae te as Stratford Ontario The new system of training for railway ser vice, under test siuce January last has proved entirely successful, Write for pampblet which g'vés full part culars, testimonals from pupils now employed by the G. T. NW. ete. Robert Larmour, Principal and Prop. BORN LEONARD.--Inv Elma, cn June 26th, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs? John Leon- ard, a daughter. BLAKE.--On Thursday, July 11th, 1907, to Dr. and Mrs. Blake, of Fort Frances, Ont., a sq Mrs. Dr. Blake was formerly Miss Hat- tie Jackson, of Trowbridge. GRAHAM.--In Elma, on Saturday, July 13th, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graham, a son. LONGMIRE.--On Thursday, July 11th, 1907, ix. Atwood, to Mr. and Mrs. John Longuwire, a son. DIED. NEWBIGGING.--In Dryden, New:On- tario, on Sunday, July 14th, 1907, Margaret Hardy, relict of the late James Newbigging, in her 71st year. The- funeral took place from her late residence, lot. 24, con. 5, on Thursday afternoon, to Elma Cen- tre Cemetery. P SERMON TO ORANGEMEN.--Local and visiting Orangemen to the numn- ber of about 90 paraded to St. Alban's Church, Atwood, Sunday afternoon of last woek at 2.45 p.m., when they listened to an exceedingly able ser- mon from the Rector, Rev. Bro. H. P. Westgate. The church was packed to the doors, and the whole service was: uplifting and devotional. Mr. Westgate took for his text St. John x11. 32, "And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me." In intro- ducing his subject the preacher gave a clear and forcible description of the organization and origin of Orangeism. He then applied his text in such a way as to show that the basie princi- ples of Orangeism should have a ten- dency to improve the individual life of each member if each would Jive up to his obligations. It was a thor- oughly practical sermon and was much appreciated by tho Orangemen and 'their friends. Special music 'was furnished byfhe choir and a splendid' duet was rendered by. Messrs. Cox and Wilkinson. - LOCAL. It will pay you to read Sinclair's ad. Mr. Cameron Forrest was in New- ton last Thursday on business. Rev. H. P. Westgate is in Kirktou this week on Diocesan business. Don't forget the Herald Detroit excursion on Saturday. It is a good one. 6 ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. McBain, are spend- ing this week with relatives in Dunn- ville. Frank Dennis' baby boy is rapidly recovering from his attack of typhoid fever. Get our prices on" sivalroustian etc.--We guarantee a good job.--W. Price. Miss Ferguson, of Walton, is the + guest of Miss Aggie Dickson, 8th -; con., west. _Mrs. E. T. Greensides is spending an couple of weeks with her son at %. | Brantford. Miss Hollenbach, of Ethel, spent | a few days last week visiting Mrs. R. J. Walker. Miss Agnes Forrest spent a few - | days last week visiting Mrs. Graham, . | of Trowbridge. Pure English Paris Green--the kind that kills every time for sale by C. H. McFarlane. Miss Morris, milliner for Mrs. Mac- -kie, is spending her holidays at her home in Peterboro, Master John Wilton, of Brussels, spent Sunday with his cousin, Mr. George Greensides. Miss A. McMillan, of Brussels, spent Sunday in.our village with her friend, Miss Elsie Wilton. Samuel Watson and daughters, Mamie and Flossie spent a few days visiting friends in St. Marys. CASTORIA. Boa: the " Kind You Have Always Bought 9 Signature of ar A Lid Miss Marjory Lee, of Listowel, was the guest of Miss Ruth Knox this week and a portion of last. Miss Florence Mickus, of Preston, is spending some of the holidays with her friend, Miss Marion Mitchell. Misses Addie Cardiff and Mabel Zimmer, of Brussels, are the guests of Mrs. C. H. McFarlane, this week. Age your glasses right? Vision chan ag all things do. See Taube & Son at the Elma Honse, on Wednesday, July 24th. J. W. Gray, G.T.R. agent, of Duthn- ville, was in town Tuesday on busi- ness. Jo, is as brisk and cheerful as of yore, and is locking well. Fred Little, city traveller for a wholesale hardware firm of Denyer, Col., spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. John Little. Stanley Ogden, for some weeks harnessmaker for J. A. Hammond, has taken a position as bartender at the Elma House. R. 8. Ballantyne was in Hamilton and vicinity last week on the hunt for some first class cattle. He did not make any purchases. Mrs. W. J. Draper and two chil- dren, of Brandon, Man., are making a lengthened visit with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donald- son, Sr For Quality and Suenety ask your deaier for the new big p as 'Stag' and "Currency" "Chewing is b- accoes. W. J. Hunter, 6th con., west, ae livered a team of heavy horses to Geo. Dixon, of Walton, on Monday of this week. He realized a gocd price for the team. We regret to report that Miss Sarah Boyd is. confined to the house with an attack of typhoid fever. A trained nurse is in attendance and we ho; e to see her make a rapid recovery. Hepry MeNichol, 8th ;con., east, lost a valuable horse last week. The animal f¢o%.frightened at tome- thing, rati away and took a header over a fence, breaking its neck. It is quite, ® loss. te, Mr. MeNichol. ad | The brick Be of Thos. Dale new House is proceeding apace and | will soon be completed. Mr. Dick- son will have @ fine residence' ina! completed. The Methodist Saidke School he'd. its annual picnic in Mrs. George Graham's grove on Welbonetis chiest of last » week. An enjoyable time was spent by all the youngsters and many of their parents. the result of ritg games will give House, on Wednesday, July 24 All the fever patients on is 12th and 14th concessions are progressing favorably we are pleased to report, and thus far no new cases have been reported. We hope that they may all continue to improve rapidly. GIANT TRIPLETS "'Carrency"' 'Bohe' and "'Stag"? Chewing Tobaccoes, in big plugs. Quality always the sime. m24 The local Court of Sons of Scotland managed their Excursion to Niagara Falls very successfully indeed and the Committee in charge are to be heart- ily cqngratulated on the success at- tending the venture. Miss Agnes Ballantyne, teacher of Moncrieff public school, sent up four pupils to tho Entrance Exams., at Brussels.and all were successful. We heartily congratulate Miss Aggie and her four boys on their success. Mrs. David Thorndyke is very ill with typhoid fever. Her case is so serious that a consultation of doctors was held. A tvdined nurse is'also in attendance on her. Her mother, Mrs. Hummason, is also assisting in nursing. ATWwoop BowLEeRs.--Three rinks of Atwood bowlers dreve over on Fri- day evening last and played a friendly game with three Listowel rinks. The result was a win for the locals, The Atwood players, however, put up a very fair game, considering the short time since the club was organized and their groen not yet in good shape for bowling. Being so near at hand, fre- quent friendly games will likely take place during the season.--Standard. a Elma Cheese Company shipped last half of June cheese on Saturday last. The shipment consisted 'of 449 boxes, consigned to Hodgson Bros., Montreal. The Directors; of the Elma factory were imformed by Mr. Bifhn, buyer for Hodgson -Byos5 'that the first half of June cheese received by them were the finest bunch of cheese they had received for years. Mr. Biffin also _|expressed himself in like manner re- garding the last half of June. These words of praise would seem to justify the action of the directors *and shareholders of the Elma factory i in erecting ie cold storage curing room which théy now possess. This build- ing is one of the most valuable assets of the Company and we would like to see every cheese factory in Elma erect just such a building. The success of every cheese factory in Elma is what }. we desire, and this desirable object can be obtained by equipping every factory with the latest and most up- to-date appliances. Three weeks ago the directors of the Elma factory weighed a green cheese. Its weight was 81} lbs. It was placed in the cold curing room and weighed last Friday. It turned the scales at 81} lbs; a loss of $ lb. in 3 weeks. Had that cheese been in an ordinary cur- ing room it would have lost at least 14 lbs. Here then is the direct sav- ing of at least 1-lb. on a single cheese. Then again look at the improvement in the quality of the cheese. An even temperature means an evenly cured cheese; a variable temperature means = imperfectly cured cheese. Let it be the ambition of every factory in Elma to produce only a first class article, and let the patrons help on the good work by sending the very best milk. Loss of eyesight ia worse than loss of fortune. No matter how small your eye trouble may be have it corrected Se Taube & Son at the Elma House, on Wednesday, July 24th. The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE :---TORQNTO. Pald Up-Capital: ++. $3,000,000.. BOARD OF DIRECTORS :. 2Z2MILICS JARVIS, Esq., President RANDOLPH MaCDOMALD; Esq. nit Vice-President ALA. -- Esq. .- - : BELL, MZ > ae nex. Caran rE i Hg, ' Fon, 'Pern yeh x meets Esq. BLP. ai F.G. peace - General Mi R. CassEets, .- - - = Aut Genera Stenee@ RIA| tie Ruslictcd tains Uibaps Botha, snd SAL Ses SIE * ae sm The ten Tee eee veene: ee of and has been made under his per- All Counterfelts, Imitations and "' Just-as-good"' are but Experiments that trific with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experiencé against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Svothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation. and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the- Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. , The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend, CENUINE CASTORIA Atways: Bears the Signature of 4 The Kind You Have Always Bought: In Use For Over 8O Years. 'THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. THE GRAND TRUNKRAILWAY SYSTEM: _ The Stratford Herald's 3-Days Excursion: TAKES PLACE EL SATURDAY TO A U LY 30 MONDAY going , Train Service. Extra Special Train. A special train will leave Palmerston a 5am. on Saturday, July 20th, stopping at t For the benefit of those wishing to re- - turn to their homes Saturday. night an» stations along the line as far as St. Marys Jet,and arriving at Sarnia Town Station at 8.30 o'clock. Tickets are good to re- turn on any train up to the special leaving Sarnia Town Station at 9.30 p.m., Mon- day, July 22. This train runs through to Palmerston. extra special has been arranged for, This + train will leave Sarnia~Town Station at < 9.30 p.m. for Stratford and Palmerston. - This new feature will afford a splendid one-day outing. TIME TABLE Palmerston: Gow BUBLO WB 6:0: ores Sains» Be ie'e0) wa00 Sarnia, arrive. AND FARES July 20 Adult BREE ee iS to re 8 osha Make up your Parties for this 5 splendid: short Holiday Outings "* s-DAYS EXCURSION WILL BE CONDUCTED BY THE ST RATEORD UERALD -- FROM-- Sarnia to. Detroit --ONn-- SATURDAY to. MONDAY, going JULY 20> The excursion will be by White Star Line Steamers and the boat wil. leave Sar--- nia on arrival of The Herald -epec jal train at 8.8u a.m., saturday, July 29, Merning and rae: ee ays ue le excursionists may take an ysboat within the, three days for-the return. which excursionists may take, leaves the Goakizi:the foot.of Uriewold st, Central Standard Time, came as 3.30 pm This boat connects at Sarnia .with the special train which ™_ | rans through to Palmerstan. -. ~ | Boat Tickets, Good for Three Days, Adults, 'Be ; 'Children 4003 two boats on this route. July 22, at*230 pm fort® on 4 anadian tale. There are t buat Monday, . -Eastern Standard in =. EXTRA .SPECIAL _FEATURE - There has been a growing. demand) from: year to: year fora trainaervice that would ,admit of the exrursionist. havi ame night. now take the boat leaving at 8 #0 acm. Sa This ie being provided. forthe first Ft ma One-d the boat trip to Detroit and return -- # ay excursionists-ma uly, 20 for-the delightful gail "dpwa > the river. The bdat. arciy'es at wenaevosts Ay ps and leaves on the retarn tri fur Sarnia at 3.81 p.8i., Sarnia connection ie made wit "jan extra epecial train at 9.80 p m., This train sy edd tamtghido Palumreten. it Has font it Oe Dy ve ona ms Children, 2 i ae

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