AUCTIONDHERS Alex. Morriscn | gare i sh avor aes Say the Coun- Charges moderate promptly attended to. orders at Sal or otherwise Atwood post-vffiice. Wm. Holman 1 RENSEP AUCTIONEER Perth and Huron P.O., Unt. Moleniendacie ab': for the Newry fon {¥ prompt'y ed to, | guaranteed', All ordersby mail orother wise ; Restorative C. H. McFARLANE. [ Everything g For The. Baby} tood and some on another." Barley, etc. as Feeding Bottles, Fine Soap, #of Teething Rings, etc. 'The sis is Ey @ source of anxious care to the mother. ix this the case in the mattér of feeding, Some infants do well on one We keep # full fire of Infante' Foods, to there is no trouble in you getting what is best adapted to Baby's needs, Allenbury's, Nestles', Horlick's Malted Milk, Wampolo's, Rebinson's All the odds and ends that baby requires tte can stpply you with, sucl Fapectally . t Sponge, Dusting Powder, Comforts, Cc. H. McFarlae. Druggist and Optician. Morphy & Carthew ; pase Solicitors, Conve Solicitors for the Bank me pops iiton. Money to loan. Office above Robt. Thompson's store, Listowe Oritario. dg. B. Morrsyr - J. M. Cantnew Blewett & Bray gc ag pil and a rs, piatone Money to tors for Basking Bouse: and a ekartatore: Building "1 jon 6 over -deotts Ban k, Falluce 2 Bcrect, Listowel. { R. BLewetr Geo. Brey, B.A. Cecil Hamilton, B.A. ain street, wood, over will visit Tneod every y00N. TE of On Royal College of Dental fe ate of Toronto Universit ' Once ov rar Thompson Bros. store, Lis ' rood, er iN healt 'A.wood eyery + Monday, from @ 4D am G. T. R. Time Table " 'Trains leave Atwood Station, North and Seuth, as follows : ig South Going North a.m. | Sxpress 9.35 a. 11.53 a.m, Exprers 3.30 p.m. | Express on. Exp Expres 8.26 p. 1,21 p.m. Express Among thcse who successfully pas- sed the Conservatory Piano Examina- tion, recently held in Listowel, we are pleased to see the, names of Lynn 'Evans, 12th line, Grey; Pearl Hol- man, 14th line, Elma, and Florence Holman, of Monkton. These were all pupils-of Mrs. George Wilson, A. T.C.M. The garden party. held under the nuspices of Trinity church, Elma on 'the lawn of Mr. Cockwell on Thurs- day evening, July 4th, was one of the most successful ever held inthe his- tory of the church. The programme was of o very high order and reflect- ed great credit on the management. The Milverton band was one of the features of the evening. SCA BSTONRIEA Reaze th - Kind Yoo Have Always Bought Biguature of A Garden Party will be held under the auspices of St. David's Church, Henfryn, on Thursday, July 25th, on Mrs. Rowland's lawn. An excellent musical and literary program will be provided, and addresses will be given by visiting clergymen. Tea served from six to eight o'clock. Admission 15.and 25 cents. Come and have a good supper and a good time. Rey. Mr. and Mrs. MeVicar and family are spending a well earned Mehta i ddat tad citi tis 1000 Cali Hides R. J. Walker sUaparpazin haute. avec LaWivediddivcdivdivearen'. Wer - | always. =| well, =e their controlling or inside ner- holiday at the home of Mrs, Mc- Vicar's parents in Goderich. The pulpit of the Presbyterian chureh was occupied last Sunday by the Rev, Mr. Sheppard, of Markdale. The Rev. Mr. Meikle was to have supplied the pulpit, but he was conducting services for Mr. Sheppard, and Mr. Sheppard's 'people desired to have Mr. Meikle to stay with them over Sunday. Mr. Sheppard preached two very accept- able sermons and was well liked. Rev. Mr. Meikle will preach next Sunday. The Y. P. S.C. E. of the Presby- terian church will hold a picnic at Ethel next Monday to which they invite all the young people of their congregation, and the young people of the different churches of the vil- lage. 'Those who have rigs of their own please use them, and carryalls wlll be-provided for those who have no rigs. Conveyances will leave at 1 p. m. sharp. 1 will mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's testorative, and my Book on either Se aga The Heart or The Kidneys. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely eyinptoms of a deeper ailment, Don't - | make the common error of treating symp- > | toms only Symptoins treatinent 1s treat- ing the "result of your ailment, and not the cauec. Weak Stomach nerves--the insides Lerves--mean Stomach weakness, And the Heart, and Kidneys as en these nerves, and ypu in- ve weak vital o ere is The trustees of Atwood Public Schoal have engaged Miss Hodgxon, of Mitchell, as teacher of the junior department at a salary of $350 a year. Miss Hodgson holds a second-class professional certificate and taught for - two and a heff years in one school. She comes highly recommended 'as . ao efficient teacher. Local Orangemen and their friends ain large numbers celebrated the Glorious Twelfth in St Marys. At- «wood Lodge carried off first ~prize for the hest appearing lodge in the pro- cession. We hoartily congratulate the 'tiome boys on their sucetes, and trust that they may ever seek to thus svorthily maintam the tradition of their Order and +o bring Aonor to We are' also flad' to know that cur popular] their viliage and tdwnship. | 'young townsman, Rev. H. P. West- pate, rector of St. Alban"s Church, de- _ Jivered one of the best addiesses jis- | th tened to on that: occasion. she is capable of that. the fact as reported to r. Shoop's Restorative has made No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves' Aleo for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or com- gacion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. a me to-day for Siac ael ag A and free Book. _ Dr. Shoc or eG Wis. The Restorative is sol ,C "th 'MeFarlane Sarnia-Detroit Excursion. Stratrorp Haeraup's Axnvat Takes Puacr Saturpay next, Jury 20th. Yeu can make it a one, two er three day trip. The extra special return train' is'a new feature. The extra special leaves Sarnia town for Stratford and Palmerston on artiyal of the buat from Detroit at 9.30 Saturday night. 'This train is for the ac- coumodation of those wishing to make the trip in one day. There has been a demand for such « train for a number of years and it should find favor with those who cannot 'remain away over night. ibore remaining more than one day may return on any tréim or boat within the Hee oped pac the aes, th te Detaots & for stm |p you in any them at is Elina House, on July 2ith. a result of trying to stop his runaway team. The team, hitched to a milk- wagon, bolted away from his hired man, came down the lane on the Henry opened it. He endeavored to pul] them up, and'iu doing so gave his arm a bad wrench. The team ran as far as Newry, spilling 400 Ibs. of good milk. Fortunately the en- tire load of milk was not on the wag- gon, or the loss would have been more serious. 'The tongue of the wagon was broken. WoRK ON BRIDGES COMMENCED. --Messrs. Fraser & Eichler of New Hamburg, the contractors for building the new bridges, have arrived in town with a car of machinery and a force of men, and started last Tuesday morning to tear up a portion of Wal- lace street bridge and excavating for the concrete walls. The contractors intend to push the work along as rapidly as possible, and expect to haye the bridges on. Wallace and Main' streets finished by the lst of Septem- ber.--Standard. The Secret of K Beautiful Gomplexion Now Revealed What beauty isSmore desirable than an exquisite complexion and elegant jewels. An opportunity for every women to obtain both, for a limited time only. The directions and recine for obtain- ing a faultless complexion is the secret long guarded by the master minds of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS, Thie we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It is the method used by the 'fairest and most beautiful women of Europe. Hundreds of American women who now use it have expressed. their delight and satisfaction. This secret i8 easily anderstood and simple to follow and it will save you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a beautiful com- plexion and free your skin from pimples, bad color blackheads, etc. It alone is worth to you many times the pri.e we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring of latest design. We eell you this ring as one small profit above mauufacturing cost. The price is less than one half what others charge. The recipe is free with every ring. It is a gennine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling briiiancy absolutely gnaranteed very dainty, shaped like.a Belcher with Tiffany setting of 12kt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would cost considerable more than $2.00. We mail you this beautiful complex- ion recipe free when yourorderis received for ring and $2.00 in money order, stamps or bills. Get your order insbefore our supply isexhausted. This offer is made fora limited time only as a means of advertising and intro- dacing our goods. Send to-day before this opportunity is forgotten. T. C. MOSELEY, 82: East 23rd Street, New York City. FREE give. big Premiums eend : ~~ narhe to-dav for our new -plan of profits 'with little work. Write y, Address C. Re MOSELEY. artment. 62 E. 23rd Premium | top| Ree Kom Remember the dste of Taube & Son'e visit to Atwood and if your eyes bother way do not fail to consult Henry Duncan,"12th con. west, a week or so ago carried a sore arm as jump and tore through the gate as To women for collecting names and selling our novelties, we Mrs. John Rebbie left on Tuesday for Berlin to join her husband who has secured work in that town. Mr. Robbie went west this spring, but found conditions so uufavorahle for obtaining work as a mason that he re- turned to Ont. He reported hun- dreds of men as being out of work. I'll stop your pain free. To show vou first--before you spend a penny-- what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free a Trial Package of them--Dr. Shoop's Headache Tabiets. ' Neura}; gia, Headache, Toothache. Period pains, etc, are dae alone. to blood congestion. Br. Shoop's Headache Tablete simply kill Pion by coaxing away the unnatural -- presture. Thatisall Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sovld by C. H Me- Farijane, drugyist. t A Citadel Of The Past. (By a Banker.) In many parts of the earth, as known to civilized races of a bygone age, relics of those far off tires still remain in abundance, many of these stupendous and monumental achieve- ments of an ancient world go substan- tially and so solidly constructed that {they have withstood, for thousands of years, the devastating attacks of time, the disintegrating ravages of weather, and, in some measure, the vandalism of man. Egypt of course is richest in won- drous evidences of the advanced civi- lization of those earliest days; Italy bears witness to the luxurious tastes of the old Romans; Assyria and Ba- bylonia have yielded to the spade of the archaeologist the amplest proofs of the magnificence and the power of those great empires; and Greece, the cradle of the highest form of art and the achiever of the masterpieces of statuary for all time, is still enriched with many a stately temple, erected thoueands of years ago, but exhibiting an exalted artistic taste which far ex- cels the utilitarianism of the present age. Apart from the Acropolis and other temples and relics of the past which so entrance the yisitor to Athens, perhaps the most noteworthy memor- ial of the heroic age of Greece is the great citadel of Mycenae, that power- ful fortress whence Agamemnon from time to time led his victorious hosts to victory, returning laden with spoils --gold and jewels, captives and slaves, horses and chariots; the plunder amassed being so prodigious that it was necessary to erect those vast treasure housés' which still remain-- as perfect as when erected more than three thousand l years ago. Entering through the Same lion gate through which that hero of old must have oft- time driven his fiery steeds, the visi- tor is soon face to face with the tem- ples and the i imposing palaces i! those dand part- ly ruined B.C. 468, and never restored --and, of still greater interest, the tombs of Agamemnon himself, of his beautiful wife. Clytemnestra, and of her lovely rival Cassandra, whose re- mains, after resting undisturbed by the hand of man in those massive tombs all. those thousands of years, have now been discovered and ran- sacked, and the lavishly rich death ornaments of thick solid gold and sumptuous jewels transported to the museum at Athens. But to some, of even greater inter- est is the adjoining room of that mu- seum. For here are collected anum- ber of relics of the first converts to Christianity; some, we may imagine, | th | without dgubt the property of men and women converted by the fiery eloquence of St. Paul himself, who on this very spot preached Christ cruci- tied, showing to those Greeks of old submitting to all that torture, He, the Son of God, was suffering} punishment 2 old-time warriors only a short time to sectire Summer Goods. at present low priges. Time is flying. so ate-the goods, because of the price-tickets. Ideal prices set by cu-tomeis mean about half values; and while we, don't hold out such extravagant pro- mises as this, we do insist that our rates fur Muslins, ete. are a bit nearer the "ideal" than you'll ever get again. Don't delay ; come in and see if we mean what we say. Special Prices ia Hot Weather Goods. 4 only ladies lawn waists with tucks and insertion, Boy's blouses Boy's cotton ribbed hose, regular 25e, only a pr... ' Boy's 3-piece suits at........ 3 only mon's tweed suits, light, color Reductions in all colored muslins, Ladie's moire underskirts reg, 1.50, sale price Men's light weight mo'eskin pants, just the thing for ~ hot weather, per pr. only We carry a nice assort- ment of ladies dress col- lars and belts alse wash collars and belts. Highest price paid for -produce--Cash or Trade. LJ. Sinclair Atwood's Cash Bargain Store Notice Of A Special General Meet- ing Of Shareholders. Take Notice that a Special General Mecting of the shareholders of the Western Ontario Portland Cement Company, Ltd., will be held in Mitchell's Music Hall in the village of At- wood on the Twentieth day of July, A.D. 1907, atthe hour of one o'clock p. m., for the pur- pose of considering, and if approved of, confirm- ing a By-law or By-laws of the said Company which may be passed at dny of the meetings of the Board of Directors on or before the Twen- tieth day of July, whereby the Board of Direct- orsare authorized or empowered to lease or sell the Company's Cement Mill, plant, road- beds, marl lands and all acceasories of the said Company, or increase the borrowing tina of said Compariy. By Order of the Board, D. A. Kipp, M. D., Seo-TREASURER, Atwood, July 9th, 1907. Executors Notice to Creditors. Notice ts ven pureuant teat the Xa. tutes in shea ean that reons having claims ohn Irvine, me, late of t ye +s aish'an or About the "Wioventh vg De de Port at the Fownshio. El erth are son deli patch r orto he unders paid eo ly Messer orphy & seed their Solicitors. 0 or notions t ¢ Sth - A.D., 1907. their: name, drow ir 4ifany) Ry them, and that after ed date the said Kxecutors } 6 bee eassct tled*thereto, reer only the ales Mn which they ine ope ha have aye Y the said Executors will not be lable oor - " or any part thereof payee ool whose ¢ claims they shall Dot tien bave had, ia towel this Fitth day of July A. I aft F aig Oe of time in Jaurs td Pa wget Executors 'Ronewt Groror Inving, Esa, for anid P.O, Wart Inxs, Bea. due. to them, and to all who believe-on on Him, thereby