Imperial B Pam uP OAPITAL : RESERVE Ss ik SAVING BANK - asastat attention given to this department. - Ynterest allowed from dite of depoxit and addtd vo. si aha ~ 460,600.00 "$4,850,080. 00°: aries vn Farmers' Business a Spe ialty: » au Out of town, business, solicited. - LISTOWEL BRANCH H, Cc. SECORD, Manager. cnet et Cae TAT O RT aR RR ATT AE AE "place to 9 is, Listowell alae cl lege Two coutses-- : Commercial and Shorthand + Enter at beginning of any menth. For particulars write to A. L. Meltntyre, Principal. PELE EET ES ok te ba xs eke: Fett oe gee ete eed ebet eae bd Seeedetoh bebdebebiet ebb ty Fall Term (pens September Sra: Central Business College Stratford, Pr 2.64 a a? he he ee a) Gutario SoskePeateck thd be oi 3 Thig school which is an "old and well established one stands to the forefront as the greatest Com- mercial and Shorthand echool in the west. Our teachers are ex- perienced instructors, courses thor- eugh and practical. ye assist gradnates to positions, -- Write for our free catalogue. Elliott & McLachlan, Principals. EEE EEE ELLE E EEE TELE ETE TS Pe ee ee ee 2 saat 3 Phe wiet et i Wie ie ae hes ae | PE eed bet pebble debe be tok tebe bed tits The Larmour Schooi of Telegraphy, Stratlord - Ontario The new system of training for railway ser vice, under test since Janvary last: has proved entirely succexsful, Write for pamphict outara, teatismonais from pupils now employed ey the G. T. KR. etc.. Robert Larmour, Principal and Prop. which gives full part Local Salesman Wanted at once for A'T WOOD and surround- ing districte. High-elass specialties in Fruit and Orna- mental Stuck grown and for sale by Canad's Greatest Nurseries A permanent situation for the right party. Liberal inducements. Pay weekly. Handsome free outfit. Write for terms and catalogue, and send < 25c in stamps for our Pocket Magnifying Glass or 80c for our Handy Metal Hack Saw. Stene & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries over 800 acres ~ TORONTO, ONT. Tews Market. t o o Middlings Flour, per 100 Ibs ........ Low Grade Flour i Flax Seed Meal, per ewt.. ann coc ww ounoc ul S = nase _ Timothy Seed Hogs (live) Butter -- et =1 2 i Sgg8 Potatoes (bus) Onions, per bushel Apples (hag) sé We regret to roport that-Wm. Por- terfield, con., 6, east, is seriously ill with pneumonia. He took sick last} Friday, and was so ill that Dr: Ruth- erford, of Stratford,.was ca!led in con- sultation by. Dr. Large, of Listowel. M * Porterfield is to be sympathized with as he hasa largecrop. A nurse ha; been secured and wé hope that a rapid recovery way be his. Mean- ti: e, we feel assured that his neigh- "bors will not see his hay crop suffer. Sodke Lb yb rt Ce ee UL oO c CA L. ' It willpay you toread Sinclair's ad. =. Mire, W. Prige took-in the Detroit excursion last Saturday. 3 All the. fever patients on the 12th, 4th and 16th concessions are doing nicely and will soon be convalescent. The Herald Detroit Excursion was very well patronized froin these parts. It is certainly a grand trip and well worthy of extensive' patronage. Robt. Morrison, harnessmaker, of Woodstock, was in town last Satar- day attending the special meeting of the Cement Co. Rob is looking well. Get onr prices on eavetroughing ete.--We guarantee a good job.--AV. Price. Wim. Peet of Hamilton, is renewing 'old acquaintances in town and country. | Will looks well and enjoys life in the city at the foot of the mountain, Mrs. David Thorndyke js holding her owr/ at present and good hopes are entertained that she will recover from. her severe attack of typhoid fever. Jobn Livingstone, of Listowel, is the fs proud possessor of a Russel touring automobile. Itisa handsome machine and passed through our village on Wed- needay. Mr. and Mrs. David Alair, of Alma, were the guests of Mrs. Alair's parents, Mr. and Mes. Andrew Peebles, for a few days this week. Dave is station agent at Alma. Pawyer Ball, of Woodstock, was in town last Saturday and attended the cement meeting Lawyers Makins, of Stratford and Morphy, of Listowel, were also present. THE BEE from now to January Ist, 1908, for 35 cts. This 'is for new subscribers. Let us have-your name. - Give THE BEE a trial for the remainder of the year. For Quality and Quantity ask your deaier for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag'* and "Currency" Chewing" Tob- accoes. in24 Wes. Boyd, of the Blind Line, was threatened with an attack of fever last week, but thus far seems to he in a fair way to escape it, though Re was sick enough for a few days. Constable Hardwick, of Listowel, was in town several times during the past week, Our town is beginning to make a record for itself. We hope that things will soon resume their usual quiet tenor. Haying operations are in full swing. The hay is afairly good crop; a great in the Spring. The weatler thus far has been very favorable towards get- ting in the crop. TOMI As Ae : Tae Kind You Have Always Bought Co flit | A Union Sunday School Picnic, comprising thé scholars of the Bap- tist, English and Presbyterian Sun- day Schools, will likely be held in the course of about two weeks. Fuller particulars-later on. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Porter left on Tuesday for a- holiday visit with re- latives in Cobalt and New Liskeard. They will visit Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fullerton. We wish them a pleasant trip. F. S. Roe, of Woodstock, spent a few days with his cousins, W. T. and | Frank Thompson. Mr. Roe was at- "Bears tho Signature of: tending the special meeting of the shareholders of the Western Ontario Portland Cetnent Co., Limited, held last Saturday afternoon. Miss Retta Boyd, granddaughte: o° Mr. and Mrs. J...W. Boyd, Man: St., is confined to her 'bed with ty: phoid fever. Miss Sarah Boyd is ery and we hope to see Miss Retty have only a light attack. W. Stubbs, of Listowel, had the contract of painting Fred Switzer's new veranda and. made a good job o: it. Mr. Switzer now has a verand: which is not only commodious bu which adds -greatly to the comfort end aj p-:arance of uis residence. d tex deal better than was expected early |* 0. EE Holmes is pices: . 4 mine ciearing. sale. i Give him a chil. See Erskine's change. of Ad. in this issue. W. R. has « fine stock. Cail and inspect he L "A ftesh supply of Tanglefoot ck fly poison at the drug: store --C. iB McFarlane. | Mrs; Wm: Brown returned on _Mon- day evening from a short visit with her brother, near. Walkerton. . W.R. Erskine has improved the appearance. of his new home by the érection of a neat iron fence. GIANT TRIPLETS "'Currency" 'Bobs' and *'Stag" Chewing Tobaccoes, in big plugs: Quality always the same. in24 Berry picking' will svon be all the | go. Reports are to the effect that raspberries will be a plentiful crop. Have you seen our hammocks ? They are worth while inspecting at W. Price's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forrest. took in the Herald Sarnia-Detroit Excur- sion ahd report a good time. Elma Cheese Co., will ship 520 boxes of July cheese next Saturday to Hodgson Bros., Montreal. Mrs. Curll,-of. Edrans, Man.,' is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon. St. Alban's church will hold their annual Harvest- Thanksgiving Ser- vices on the last Sunday in September. Miss Effie Crooks, who has been working for some time jn Stratford, aturned home on Monday afternoon. Mrs. George Rome and baby, cf Palmerston, are the guests of ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon. Services will be held in St. Alban's hurch, Atwood, at 11 am., and Holy Communion will be adininis- tered at 7 p.m. Fred Little was married a week ago last Wednesday to a young lady of Vassar, Mich. They will reside in Denver, Col. > Mr. and Mr&. J. A. McBain return- ed on Tuesday evening from a pleas- and other. points. Roy Wilson returned home last week from a pleasant two week's hol- iday spent with friends and relativesin Toronto, Hamilton and other places. Keep a bottle of Extract of Wild Strawbetry of hand; a sure 'cure for cramps, colic and all summer com- plaints, price 25cts., all sale by C. H. McFarlane. Monkton and Blyth U nion Sunday Schools will run an excursion from Blyth to the Model Farm and River- side Park, Guelph, on July 31st. All are invited to come. I'll stop your pain free. To show you tirst--betore yeu spend a penny --what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, 1 will mail you free a Trial Package of them--Dr. Sboop'e Headache Tabiets. Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period pains, etc , are due alone to blood congestion, Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by C. H. Mc- Fariane, druggist. Jas. Dunzan, 12th con. west, left with us this week an oat stalk that stood 5 feet in height. The stalk !s from a field of six acres,and Mr. Duncan informed us that the field presents a food average appearance, in facta little better than the aver- age. A number of individuals had a hil- arious time on Monday night and in the early morning made things very unpleasant for the residents of our village who live on Main st. Such drunken, disorderly conduct is a dis- grace to avy community, and the men who indulge in such actions should be heartily ashamed. of them- selves. We can forgive a man get ting drunk once ina while, but let him not disturb the whole® neighbor- hood. The Severeign Bank progressing favorably towards recov-. of Canada HEAD OFFICE :----TORONTO. Paid Up Capéitst: $35,000,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 108 Jarvis, Esq., - +. President RaNDoure DEARTORALD, Esq. rst V fier Pecan! . ALLAN, gad Vico-President ope RB eee ag corres" 5 eel General-Monage Asstt. General-Manager ranch GEO. N. BROWN, "MANAGER. Zetable Preparation for As-' Sintate tucks and Dowels hake ------ ¢ { (| Promotes tes Digestion: stion Cheerful- ness and Rest.contains neither jum,Morphine nor Mineral. ~ NARCOTIC. fecpe af Old DrS&@ZLPTaER ect Remed-, for Consti Pe goo Stomach, rConstipa- |i Worms Convulsions Feverish- | ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of NEW WORK. € At 6 month: 5s old 35 "Doses -- a35 CEST 5 Ce NIS | EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Dan, For Over Thirty Years "JCASTORIA - THE nasa Sar Tr es ecw YORK © "Lot tho GOLD DUST aut visit with relatives at Dunnville| 5 wash day into play day. Made enly by THE N. K. I unicago, New York... % Boston, tay twins do your work." a7 'Snow white clothes are the recuit of using GGLB° It makes light the labors of washing. BUST Turns Better. than any Soap and mors econenicsls FAIRBANK COMPAN™ ¢ St Louis. Montreal- PIO mty giteuetg Spartak oe Se Monkton. Miss Cleaver is visiting at her un-) ele's, Mr. C. Anglers. Master Orville Strachan, of Mitchell, is visiting relatives in town. The masons are busy putting in the cement basement of the new Presby- terian church. Monkton is quite a busy town. There are four new houses being built and a new church. Miss Pearl Barnhardg left last Sat- urday to spend her holidays with her grandmother at Norwich. It is quite a common thing these 1ights to wake up and hear waggons journeying to.the brickyards. for brick or tile. B. Schade, W. Scott,. and Joe Tohnson took in the excursion to De- troit.. They all report having 2 good time. Mrs: Draper and two childygn, of "Brandon, Man., were visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Jamies Erskine, during the 'past week. Mr. A. Chalmers' and daughter, race are taking in the old boys and | g ris reunion at Kineardine this week. Foss there they will also'visit Mrs? vie ie gpl Fle:ning, sister of Mr, Chalmers. ; going the rounds and appeals. quite: forcibly to editurs:--How dear to my heart is the face of a-dollar, when ax kind subscriber preserts it to view-- It may come to-day, it may come to- morrow; it may come from others, it- may come from you. The big dollar William, the green dollar William, dear delinquent subscriber present 1 to view. A round silver dollar I do = hai! as 4 treasure, for often- expenses. - o'erwheim me with woe, I count it a source of an exquisite pleasure and I yearn for it fondly wherever I 'go. How ardent I seize it, that lovely round dollar, the root of all evil "tis: commonly hamed; loving money is: sinful,.some 'good people tell us, bué- the penniless printer can- hardly be blamed: The hard working printer,, the- painstaking printer, keeps seand- ing out papers, that interest you, sa hatalin the dollar; the big dafidy dollar, dear reader, now will Bis present it to apa Free for Catarrh, j 'a Triat size box. of hemedy enow-white, ¢ m. Conta diente a3 Oil E thol, ete., it gi MTiet to Cutarr TT oe iree-test c: -- Bes wha 18 re 0) can complish, Rs ines De Wis Large jar 5" poute McFarlane, Araggist. - a | .The following apprepridte piece igs 2 a