2 'tralia," that can't stick.' You will like it best, once Sala re Buy it by e. Any good dealer. aves Labor--, Tim e-- Linen, Too WHEN "EGGS GET OLD. Advanced Age Means Much to Them, No Doubt. When does an egg cease to be an egg --that is a thoroughly quiet and desir- able egg? This question seems to be handled with skill by a gentleman-in England, His observations will interest Ganadians for they have long been stu- dents of the evolutionary process of eggs. Mr. Edward Brown, secretary of the National Poultry Organization, was reéently talking to a representative of The London Daily. News. "The value of an egg is determined by its age," he continued. "That may be | said of be of the nature of an axiom." The enunciation of the great truth which lies at the root of the egg indus- ai has been rendered necessary by the 1. to .introduce legislation«for the eerina of foreign eggs. "English eggs do not need pen of this kind," continued Mr. Brown. "The demand is enormously in excess of the supply, and the wholesale price for the best quality has advanced by nearly thirty-six cents per great hun- dred during the last three or four years. "But if the demand for first-class eggs 4s to be maintained we must have a large supply of second-class eggs. "A poor man buys some cheap eggs. He doesn't like them very much, but he buys more because they are cheap-and nourishing. He gets the taste for eggs. 'He buys better eggs to satisfy his bel- fer taste, and finally he won't put up with anything less dainty than 'finest new laid.' Besides the human nalure argument ,on these lines, Mr. Brown has a whole 'armory of technical facts to oppose to the suggested legislation. One of the most striking is that the less said--or stamped--about cerlain English eggs the better. They rub shells in the gro- eccr's shor with that poe thing, an egg without an adjec "Large quantities of "British eggs arg three weeks-old before they are market- ed, owing to and out-ol-date methods, " said the expert. "They cannot possibly competé with French eggs, and are a good deal worse than some Ital- jians and Austrians... Then why brand them as English and thus ruin the repu- tation of the English egg?" A further argument is that Australian eggs would have to be marked "Aus- i. €., as being some seven weeks old. The British public would flatly re- fuse lo consume them. Yet by means of careful selection and the most modern method of refrigeration Australian eggs caon be placed on the English market in excellent condition. . esser-degree the same argument | pon apply to the products of our other co ------ Cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in their action that the Cold hand of death is upon the victims before they are aware that danger is near. If attacked do not delay in get- ting the proper medicine. Try a dose Nadel and never fails to effect. a cure Success is nothing but the ability to get to a certain place before the other fellow does. i your children are troubled with worms, give them Mother' Graves' Worm Exterminator; safe, sure and ef- fectual. Try it, and mark the improve- ment in your child. Of the 2,768,243 acres of woodlands 'n the United Kingdom, England's share ty 1,715,473, and is increasing at the rate of about 4,000 acres a year. This' ls a good thing, as a timber famine 's suid to be rapidly approaching. The number of British horses bred F falling off at the rate of nearly four Whousand a year, for it. {GREATEST SHIP IN WORLD toi LUSITANIA IS A PALACE OF _ LUXURY. : Monster Cunarder Now Being Complet- cd on the Clyde Beats all Others, rour immense funnels, two tall masts, and a great dark hull alive inside and out with men is all that the public has Lecn allowed. to see of: the great new Cunarder Lusitania, now receiving the finishing touches in the tidal basin at Messrs. John Brown and Company's shipyard on the-Clyde. Astonishing secrecy is being main- lained in Glasgow and on the Clyde: about the interior arrangements of this wonderful boat. The secrecy is ascrib- ed in part to the fear lest rival com- panies should learn (oo much, and also 'ho "therfact- that on the stocks near her -- the new turbine cruiser, the Inflex- The new a is a revord-breaker in many respec 's the largest,' longest, baredieal, and fastest. passenger vessel afloat. he was built specially fo win the Atlantic record back from Germany. r passage down navigation. In order to accommodate her, the appmach to the Liverpool land- tonnage 32,500, 5 The Baltic is 726-feet long, 'the Kal- ser. Wilhelm.-H.. 684 feet. The Great Eastern was' 680 feet, so it is easily seen that she has lots to spare over her rivals in 'size. In addition to the anxiely about get- ling the. Lusilaniato the sea, the build- ers and engineers are faced with a problem of great importance in con- nection with her propulsion. Recent {experiences with turbine-propelled boats thave led to the belief that the strain 'upon the four propellers of the Lusit- ania will prove a very serious matter when this auip, with its gross tonnage of 32,500, is forced at twenty-five knots an hour een the water, The ac- tion of the turbines will tend to keep this huge bulk down in the water, thus preventing pitching, but putting at the same {ime an immense stress on the propellers. To. safeguard against mis- hap to the latter is now the problem worrying the engineers. They hope to overcome it by allering the pitch of the propellers before the ship goes on her trials. For the first-class passengers noth- ing will be spared. Each gets 50 per cent. more room than in the~older boats. They can choose between din- ing a la carte in a lovely white and gold Empire salon or table d'hote in 2 staider mahogany dining room. The fireplaces will, except in bad weather, be quite open and . cheerful hearths. The windows will be shaped and cur- {ained as in' a private house. Lifts will take the passengers {rom one deck to another. The passenger will not even be ask- éd 'to fake a lift, He can Call up "Central" on the telephone and be swilched on to the purser or the bar- ber, the wine merchant or the news- paper shop. For the millionaires the staterooms are fo be as beautiful as the skill of the first decorators in the world can make them. In_ the regal rooms, 8s they are to be called, there will be two bedrooms, a dining room, reception | ict room and bathroom, just such a suite nas would be found at Claridge's. The rooms are all 10% feet high -and-fur- nished in land fashion. The bedsteads are of brass, wilhout a suggestion «f the bunk abot them. The brocaded settees under the windows might be window seats in Park lane. The walls are hung with delicate papers, and the dressing tables are in Sheraton slyle. All washing arrangements in the thirty-six staterooms on the Lusitania are concealed in small dressing rooms, opening out of the rooms. Every }électrical device will be found'in these rooms tending to comfort. | Even the sheets will be warmed with electric bed- avarmers. The bathrooms will include Turkish and yapor baths, needle baths, '| ande several kinds of medicated baths. There will be a nirsery for children and a gymnasium for athletes. The lounge will be lined with satinwood. Afloat she will show lighls from 1,200 windows. At least 5,000 electric lamps will light her rooms and corridors. Her population will number 3,150, of whom 800 will compose the crew. She will have accommodation for 550 first-class passengers, 500 second-class, and 1,390 third-class. Se WHY WILLIE WENT. The following excuses were rec- ently brought by two pupils:-- "Dear Teacher,--Kindly excuse John's' absénce from schoo] yesterday after- neon, as he fell in the mud. By doing ihe same you will greatly oblige his mother," The other read: "Dear Teacher,-- Please excuse Willie's absence last Fri- day, as he had lo be to the hospital after his sore nose." wife.is pretty certain to take the credit Twenty-four tons of steam-driven ves- sels are built for each ton of sail-driven craft. About being carried away with en- thusiasm, the worst feature is that.we '}nearly always have to walk back. When a man succeeds at anything his | I men and children, . SAVES LIFE. "Do yot think that it prolongs a man's life to be insured?" "Yes," replied. the man, who had just been interviewed by an agent; "it does something towards las him from being talked to dealh LXPERT SEWING-MACHINE REPAIRS Also sewing ce oil of absolute purity, and the best needjes and parts for all machines at Singer stores, Look en the Red S. Singer Sewing Machine Write us at Manning Chambers, Toronto, for set of Bird Car Did you ever know a man | practice half the things he ie preaches {o| his boy? Even during the ne driest year enough water pours over the Vic- tcria Falls: to« give 500,006-horse:. power. Ill filting boots and shoes cause corns. article to use. Get a boltle at once and cufe your corns, As a matrimonial prize a homely girl makes good more often than a pretty one. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ferd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by ali druggists. Washington, the capilal of the Unit- ed States, has the widest streets of any city in the world. A promo'er is a man who makes a strenuous effort to boost his own inter- ests. Useful at all Times.--In winter or in summer. Panmelee's Vegetable Pills will cope with and overcome any irre- gularilies of the digestive organs which change of diet, change of residence, or variation of temperature may bring about. They should be always kept at hand, and-once their beneficial. action becomes known, no one will be with- Mout them. There is nothing»nauseating in their structure, and the most deli cate can use them confidently. The Jews were banished from England in 1290, and not recalled until the time ef Oliver Cromwell. Serntrate is I serene By a it 'only makes | tter me Nun vs the pain, a ig hn sores: cana the skin of 6 Sour eal Why 2 not bay Pen When a man is compelled to eat his words he finds it difficult to swallow his indignation. man is never a companionable man be- cause his ailment renders him morose and gloomy. The complaint is not so dangerous as it is disagreeable. Yet no one need suffer from it who can procure Parmelee's Vegelable Pills. By regulating: the liver and obviating the effects of bile in the stomach they ve- stcre mon to cheerfulness and full vi- gor of action. The greatest distance fo which elec- tric power is at present satisfactorily transmilted is 232 miles. is is in California, The pressure is 500.000 volts. CARPET DYEING aod a BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 0G Send particulars by post and we aresuretosa/isty . QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Satis Face MONTREAL ON MOND, Ys a3 and 17th > ge; and Bate rr eae xa as people will get ime. rs son of the | Holloway's Corn Cure is the}: Wea Biliousness Burdens Life.--The bilious | rio cpa ng 4 iishmen and an American h made public. mit was won st eek {the former, The ° ex viata nights. »The vetted' feed began with- a eal English meal, with ge ect meat} "before a~fire and and this was followed by a German re- past, with kalbsbraten and Kaisersch- morren, Then an Italian dinner was given, with minestrone, frito misto and macar- took place on the next night, and then @ real' old-fashioned American dinner .of okra . soup, Maryland chicken, stuffed peppers and sweet corn. Finally asa wind-up. of the week of "fine confused of. with shirwa, mithaw. Both men survived the ordeal, and the American gladly paid up for what he called an "experience." ee 'Tis Well to Know a Good Thing, said Mrs, Surface, to Mrs. Knowwell, when they met in the street. "Why, where have you been for a week back?" "Oh, just down to the store for a bottle of Dr Thomas' Ecleéctric Oil," and Mrs. Surface, who hates puns, walked on. But.she remembered; and when: contracted a weadk~back there-was-an- 'other customer for Eclectric Oil. several curries and tog A is it called pin- money?" "W. ause it where pins go." is that?" "Nobody knows." "Be- here kand Pale Women foolishly keep tin font ee ead very ve quickly recove: rim shots honta 4 fund elremath. Try it. Germany has more iron ore than any other country, Yet at the present rate of-increase of production of iron, there feeding," an Indian dinner was partaken | . (REAM: WE | a pare, tard FLOUK Manitoba STRONG aWHITE AT YOUR GROCERS, DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED. woe FLOUR AND FEED. Bwaire | WE ALSO MAKE "QUEEN CITY! A plats U THAT MAS CAIMED CREAT FAVOR AB A GENERAL 'HQUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR. TURONTO JUNCTION ONT Tet CAMPBELL MILLING(4 § BRUGCISTS, CROCERS ann CENERAL STORES 100. per packet, or 8 packets for 28<. - HAMILTON MOTOR. WORKS, Ltd. | w HAMILTON, ONT. . will be a severe iron famine by the year will last a whole season. 1960 & MADE IN CANADA Complete -- Launcheoe eee The Land Department of the Union Trust Company, Limited, has been appointed exclusive agent in Ontario, Manitoba, and the Maritime Provinces for the in the West. Are You Where You. Are ?- If not, and you think of changing your location, you will make a mistake if you do not money-making offered in farming on irrigated land. SOME PEOPLE who have not gone into the merits and ad- vantages of irrigation _----_ farm deserves sympathy. gation prevents the possibility o: Full information, prices and t free to any address on app Unien Trust: mm ALE OF IRRIGATED LANDS IN ONTARIO, MANITOBA AND THE MARITIME PROVINCES. le doesn't. His irrigated land, in a country whbre conditions for plant growth are otherwise ideal, ensures him good crops EVERY YEAR. Owing to climatic con- ditions he never suffers tho drawback of a wet season, an transforms farming from an uncertainty into a certainty. The average price of irrigate land. in = United States is about three times the price of ted | River and Gulf of St Lawrence A caréful study of its ,advantages will convince any practical agriculturist that farming by means of irrigation is the most al- tractive proposition ever put upon the Canadian market. The Land Department; 'Temple. Bullding, sale of the C.P.R. irrigated lands Satisfied investigate the opportunity for that the farmer on an irrigated as irri- {a dry season. Modern irrigation In Southern terms 'gee are very favorable) -- - lication to 4 Co, Limited, Bay 'St, Toronto .