Atwood Bee, 2 Aug 1907, p. 3

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MDE. JOSEPH BEAUDOIN. Mde, Joseph Beaudoin, 59 Rue St. Olivier, Quebec, P. .. wriles, *'Peruna 'is wonder ful for indigestion, 'I eat whatever fwant and no longer f-el_any oppression, {| "Having had dyspepsia for a long time and having tried various olher remedies, I decided to try Peruna and -With the fourth bottle of it 1 was erroeny cured. - For this reason-I recomniend it to 6ll those who are suffering with that ia terrible malady, dyspepsia. BS i. "I hope that all who are afflicted ¢ ae Ahis way will take Peruna as I did." a i The experience of Mde, Beaudoin g evght to be sufficient proof to any one of the value of Peruna in cases Of ca- jlurrhal dyspepsia. If you suffer from |stomach eatarrh in any of its various forms, give Peruna a fair trial, aveid- ling in the meantime all Such indiscre- jtions in diet as would lend to retard a cure, and you will soon be rewarded Py a nermal! appetite and healthy diges- licn. -- ----_,.___ WAR WITH HOLD UP MEN STORY OF PINKERTON, THE GREAT DETECTIVE. Inferesting Reminiscences of Old-time Robberies -- "Black Bart" and - His Methods. More than two-thirds of the famous {rain robbers who have figured in ihe ermminal history of the United States Since the civil ,war have either been killed outright, lynched, or "died wilh their boots on,' Of the remaining third, many died ef wounds, or were captured, imprison- ed, or driven into exile in lands beyond sea, So declared Wuliam A. Pinkerton, of Chicago, in an address to the an- nual convention of the International Association of Chiefs of Police at Jam-2s- fown, Va. "BLACK BART,' LONE BANDIT..- Not the least interesting part of Mr. Pinkerton's reminiscences was his e- scriplion of "Black Bart," the famous "lone bandit" of California. He says:-- "From 1877 to 1883 stages in the moun- tains of California were held up by. a done highwayman, always wearing a es meal bag on the lower part of ais egs, an old linen duster, his head and face covered witha mask through which gieamed bright black eyes, with a coni- cal circus clown hat. He was always fein lo the passengers, and especially fo the ladies, never robbing thenr, but &iways requesting the stage driver to ithrow out the box and mail bags. Then the lone robber, at the point of a rifle, ;would order the stage driver to pass on. Altogether this lone highwayman committed twenty-three robberies, WAS A MINING MAN. **Black Bart?' was also. known as Charles E,* Benton and Charles E. Bowles. He had lived at an unpreten- jlicus boarding house in San Francisco, { where he informed the landlady and irebber he never took the life of or in- ~--s* Sn "DODDS " KI DNEY RAE UM ATie'p: Cee s p!5 FABRE TF° to one of the rob! iy denied that he was the former stage werk He enlisted in Com- ny B, One Hundred and Sixtieth l- nois regiment, page 5 haste three years in tho civil war and his re- giment as. "wrestling Charile : "After his eapere 'he preded guilty t strenudus- + frobber, and declared to the court that it was only an urgent necessily that drove him to commit this crime, as a result of which, on. November 17, 1883, he was sen tenced. lo six years in pri- son'at San Quentin, Cal. Since his 1e- icase he has been seen more or less in honest occupations on the Pacific coast. During 'Black Bart's' career as a jured 'a human being. He was a ie markably good slory teller." One of the most daring train rob- beries recounted by Mr. Pinkerton was the following: "Sept. 30, 1891, Oliver Curtis Perry boarded a New York Central railroad train near Utica, while the train was in motion, cut his way into an Ameri- can Express Company car, and, cov- ering the messenger with a revolver, stole $5,000 and. some jewelry there- from, cul the air brakes, which reduced the speed of the train, AND MADE HIS ESCAPE." "Feb. 1, 1892, Perry again boarded rn express train near Syracuse, N. Y., eoncealing himself on the roof of the express car until the train was in mo- tion, when, with a hook and rope, fast- ered to the roof of the car while the train was moving at fifty miles an 'hour, he lowered himself to a window and, covering the messenger with a revolver, ordered him to throw up his hands. The messenger attempted to pull the hell cord, but Perry shot him in the hand, the messenger returning the fire with 'several shots: Just as the last shot was fired by Perry the train pulled in- lo Lyons. He altempled to escape by driving the fireman and engineer from a locomotive which stood on a siding, which he boarded, and started to es- cape in it at full speed, but was, fol- kewed by railroad employes in another locomotive, who subsequently overlook him and after oonsiderable shooling causea his arrest." --_-- HAD NO KICK COMING. "T hate work," said Languid Lewis. "I don't see why," rejoined Humble Harry, "It's a safe bet dat work never done youse no harm." THE REASON, "Mamma, why is the ocean so angry- ooking?" "Recause it has been cressed so often, Willie." NOT SPEAKING LIKENESS DeAuber--Don't you think this is en excellent portrait of your wile? Noggsby--N°. There t repose about the mouth that isn't. natural, "No," said the old shoemaker, stern- ly; "I will not do il. Never have I sold anything by false representations, and I will not begin now." For a moment he was silent, and the shopman who stood befere him could see that the bet- ter nature of his employer was fighting strongly for the right. "No," said the eld man again, "I will not do it. It is an inferior grade of shoe, and I will never' pass it off as anything better. So just mark it, 'A shoe fit for a queen,' ind put it in the window. A queen, ou know, does not have to do much walking." "The Crick in the Back.--"One touch ef nature makes the whole world kin,' says the poet. But what about the fOuch of rheumatism and lumbago, which is so common now? There is no peetry in that touch, for it renders lite miserable, Yet how delighted is the sense of relief when .an application cf Dr. Thomas' Eclectric "Oil drives pain away. There is nothing equals it. The world now produces 6,800,000 tons of beet sugar yearly, and .the total pro- duce of cane sugar in the West Indies has fallen to 228,000 tons. A hundred years ago the West Indies supplied sugar to half the world. oe ee erased st from Png, my ais Tr rang ver's Cornbe. good work of oo cadngts completed with Weaver' 's Syrup. The Great Bank K of Newfoundland is 600 miles long by 120 broad. It has been formed principally by earth and boul- ders dropped by. the icebergs which constantly sail down from the North, and is the. greatest natural fish-farm in the world. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ferd's Sanilary Lotion, It never fails. Sold by all druggists. SO FATIGUING. "So young Richley Koda isn't to mar- ry Goldie Stiles after all?" I ared." sc and I heard they had "Well, well, even gone so far as to rehearse for the wedding." = "Yes, that was the trouble. They had rehearsed five times, and Richley said the preparations for matrimony -}avere such hard work he was afraid he couldn't stand the real thing at all." LABOR NOTE. Wayside ~William (the © tramp) -- "Weary, did ye nolice by th' papers that thousan's' of men was goin' back to work?" Weary Wiggles--"Well, thavll be PER gh er Big m8 fits better a IN THE RUSH LUNCHROOM. "Boss," shouted the big cook from the kitchen, "we have a lot of scraps out here that ain't working." "Lot of scraps, eh?" replied the pro- prictor of the Shovedown Lunchrooin. *Well, mix them all together, add a litle fiery lobasco sauce and then put a sign outside, 'Central American Pud- ding to-day." The visitor found little Bessie crying as though her heart would _ break. "What is the trouble, little girl?" asked the visitor, syimpathetically. " hoo-" scbbed Bessie. "B-Bobby wants to be a surgeon when he gets big." "And dces that worry you, my dear?" "Y-yes; he has cul all the sawdust out of my Colly to-see if she has appéndicitis." FULL UP. When the ladies in charge were clear- ing up. thé leftovers afler-a Sunday- school picinic several slices of cake were found which they did not wish to carry home. One said to a sma}l tad who was already asthmatic from gorg- ing, "Here, boy, won't you have another piece of cake?" . "Well," he replied, taking fit rather listiessly, "I guess I can still chaw, but I can't swaller." The highest cullivaled land in Eng- land is said to be that round the vil- Isge of Allenheads, in Northumberland, which is 1,400 feet above the sea. Part be the prison farm on Dartmoor is at the same elevation, and excellent root crops are grown. Some persons have periodical atlacks of Canadian cholera, dysentery or diar- thoea, and have to use great precau- ficns to avoid the disease. Change cf water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such per- sons we would recommend Dr. J. D. Kellogy's Dysentery Cordial as being {he best medicine in the market for ali summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. PROVIDED ALREADY. Beggar--""Kind sir, gi ve me ten cents fcr my three children." Kind Sir--"That isn't dear, certain- ty. but I don't think TH take them. 1 Mave four already at home," It is only necessary to read the les- euitonagr fo be convinced that Hollo- way's Corn Cure is unequalled for ihe re oval of corns, warts, etc. It is a ecmplete extinguisher, Doman: "Can you tell what ails my wife?" Doctor: enough oul-door exercise." "She says she does not feel equal fo it." "True. She needs toning up." "What have you prescribed?" "A new bonnet. = A MACHINE FOR WOMEN. should be the best obtainable. The Singer and Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines are acknowledged the light- est running, most, durable and con- venient of any. Look for the Red S. Singer Sewing Machine "Co. Write us of Manning' Chambers, Torgpto, for set of Bird Cards free. Il is only domesticated dogs that can bark. If a lame dog runs wild, as they do sometimes in Alaska and elsewhere, it loseS after a time ils power of bark- ing. - A Cure for Fever and Ague.--Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are compounded for use in any climate, and they will be found to preserve their powers fn any latitude. In fever and ague they act upon the secretions and neutralize the poison which has found its way in- to the blood. They correct the impuri- ties which find entrance into the Sys- tem through drinking «walter or food end if used as a preventive fevers are avoid Doctor--"Madam, your husband must have absolute rest." Madam--"Well, doc- ter, he won't listen to me----" Doctor --""A very good beginning, madam--a very good beginning." % ' Children who are Pale want some- thing that will make good olen blood -- t Fersovim™ for this ao te care to get a bottle, - A bushel of sunflower seed produces a gallon of excellent oil, and the seeds try lay in Meuiacian "She 'does not take |. are also very useful for ming poul- Mother Graves' " Worm Exterminator har. the largest sale of any similar pre- peration sold in Canada. It always Ww to put his fingers in my soup again?" A BAD NIGHT. And how is yer this mornin'?" "Feel bad, fhank ye." "And phwat's the matter wid ye." "Oi had such bad dhreams last night that I couldn't et a wink." HAPPINESS. Bystander (ata fire}--"Who is that 'grinning lunatic dancing a jig in front of that burning house?" Policeman--"He is the man who owns the furniture, and it is insured for near- iy its full value.' Just the Thing That's Wanted. -- A pill that acts upon. the stomach and yet is so compounded that certain in- gredients of it preserve their, power to act upon the intestinal canals, So as ty clear them of excreta the retention ef which cannot but be hurtful, was long Jooked for by the medical profes- sion. It was found jn Parmelee's Ve- gelabte Pills, which are the result «[ much expert study, and are scientifi- cally prepared as a laxative and an 4l- teralive in one, ANOTHER LEMON. "What kind of a pie was that the lady gave you?" "It must have been a lemon pie, I couldn't eat it." FEMININE. No girl would care to wed a thief, But many an honest miss Cares not to know the man who does Not even steal a kiss. Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure --safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic and vomiting--gives healthful rest --cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs. 42 Cures 25c.--at drug-stores, National Drug & Chem- Diarrhoea.) n"2 Montreal, YOUR OVERCOATS and feded Bults would look botter dyed. If an agen 8f ours in your town, write direct Montreal, Box 159 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Co. The Perfection Cow Tail Holder tnkag 2 will ple comfort and cleanliness whil® ill please you. Thousands sold. mail 1 lSe ; 0 for 25¢, By nts "ght. Addrem, WiL NOCON, Fenn one ON, Picton, 'Ontario. sorry afterwards. built not patched on. WRITING ENTIRELY ----IN SIGHT---- ETTER buy an L. C. Smiru & Bros. TyPe- WRITER now than be Every useful device In- ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. THE PEOPLE'S MACHINE. LIMITED SOLE DEALERS, HALIFAX, N. S, NEWSOME & GILBERT, 9 Jordan St., Toronto MONTREAL. WILSON"'S FLY PADS -- SOLD BY -- DRUCCISTS, GROCERS ano GENERAL STORES 100. per packet, or 3 packets for 25c. will last a whole season. One packet . has actually killed a bushel of files. LIMITED. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY River and Gulf of St Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes n Screw Iron 3S. « * Campana," Baten a Tw tights, electric bells and all modern SAI --t FROM MONTREAL ON wemagk ye at .m., tubs ind 26th August, d 23rd Ser and fo _ htly thereafter for Picteu, c, Maines Mal Bay, ages iver, mmerside, P.K.L, : ieee E. Beaune: Fog ny new Tw: Pes Bist septs vail and eit Neva abor anne finest trips of i the season for heatth and Summer Excursions, w SS. eee int Jun Tth 26th A ba -- sath and pty i 7 th Ootober, eye "g rat rd cool and i7th gene Js. 15th and 20th Jaly, wey ooe, °C RTHUR AHERN, a ae Quebec, A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO _ 29 Broadway, New York. -» Agente, Ka farm deserves sympathy. P Full information, sent free to any address fs) He doesn't. The Land Department, Union Trust Co., Limited, : "-- wand nage Toronto } R. Owing / ALE OF IRRIGATED LANDS IN ONTARIO, MANITOBA AND THE MARITIME PROVINCES. The Land Department of the Union Trust Company, Limited, has been appointed exclusive agent in Ontario, Manitoba, and -taP Maritime Provinces for the sale of the Coaprear Pacific Irriga- tion Colonization Company's irrigated Jands in the West. \ ARE YOU SATISFIER / WHERE YOU ARE? If not, and you think of changing your location, you will make .a mistake if you do not investigate the eimai 'for money-making offered in farming on irrigated | SOME PEOPLE who have not gone into the merits and ad- vantages of irrigalion, imagine that the farmer on san irrigated His irrigated land, in & country where. conditions for plant growth are otherwise ideal, ensures him good crops BVERY YEA ditions he never suffers the drawback of a wet season, and irri- gation prevents fhe possibility of a dry season. Modern irrigation transforms -farming -from an uncertainty into a certainty. The average price of irrigated land inthe United States is about three times the price of non-irrigated lands. Alberta the difference is at present very slight, but as seltlement ese irrigation lands will increase very rapidly in value. A careful study Of its advantages will convince any praction' agriculturist that farming by means of irrigation is. the- most al- dractive proposition ever pul upon the Canadian market. peice and terms (which are very ane application to to climatic con- In Southern

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