as L.0.C. P. & s. , nate Modigine and Surgory of tite Univ : Donor Fea ia Modellée mart: > of th liege of Rezeinge see e@ x: Haas a Burgoone ie t- ge ont Grace Gites Poeetio Office in the Bee Block.. : 'Residence at Mrs. W, D. Mitchella. AUCTIONEERS Alex. Morriscn - ; | Pg hope AUCTIONEER for thes Mero A of Perth and Huron ordere by mail or shaccis | Atwood post-office. '| moderate 4 promptly attended to. Wm. Holman -1ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Counties of Perth and Huron -Nowry P.O., Ont. Rates moderate and satisfaction | 4 guaranteed, All orders by mail orother wise | prompt'y attended Lo, Morphy & Carthew ' BARRISTERS. Solicitors, Convey: etc. - Solivitora for the Bank Tr tines: Hilton. Money toloan, Office above Robt. 4 Thompson'sstore, Listowe Ontario. } A.B. Morray - - J, M. CarTiew | Blewett & Bray j BApeisrers a and Solicitars, Listowel. Ont. Money to loan. Solicitors forScatt's | penhing House out G Ontario Perin degre 4and 1 Asaoci Office ov Bank, Wallace Street, "Listowel R. BLEWETT . Gro. Bray, B.A. J. Cecil Hamilton, BA. BARRISTER, CONVEY ANCER Money to Loan at 44 per cent, 4 Office-- ng street. Listowel, next to Dr. Oste eutist, F Brann Ome e-- Mains Atwood, over th Iflice. Willvisit Atwood every Wednesday afternoon. Dr W. A. McDowell DENTIST x RADU ATE of aio College of Dental nto University. Office over Tho: mieoe Broa. store, owel, Ontario Bran sch Office--Main street, Atwood, over the Bec Office 7 . visit Atwood eyery Monday. from 9,30 a.m G. T. R. Time Table Trains leave Atwood Station, South, as follows : North and Going North 9.35 a.m. 8.26 pom, 1,21 p.m. Going South : expres q Expres 3.30 prin. ; Express Enprem VOCE e ee tia seb este beets aratee TPOTEEEC Tee ees beeaagaagy Cash paid for Hides ve sveuddavtere ere? pasty R. J. Walker uhivdveWevitidedddaalbiediedvedee © PPP INIST ET ee tet ee & LLINEHAM.---At Dauphin, Man., Monday, July 22nd, 1907, and Mrs. Lineham, a son. FOREMAN.--In Elma, on Saturday, July 27th, 1907, to Mr. Arthur Foreman, a daughter. BrouGHToN.--On Wednesday, July "4th, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Broughton, 16th con. Elma, & son. aon That young man whe thinks he is poor Pecause he has ao bank account little un- do rstands the value of Ged's free gift of wealth and strength, little appreciates the # ct that the brightest and 'best of the country are seli-uwade.and come to the Notice of the world frum just such begin- aiings. Not by idle noaning.that they "a ¢ poor, but by going carefully to work, qgertecting themselves in tieir chosen pursuits aud becoming so usefalto those bout them that their services are always | i demand, whether it be on the piationn, dn the shop.orin the Lichen, forall are é =6 B! ryt Lb tan 2 * >| was a good -road horse, =} wiilyniss him. >|be held in Coulter's grove, =}of the football grounds, on Monday afternoon of next week at to Dr.|* and Mrs.' ' It Ways 4 hitden ting Tet 2. e ae "ae inal at ae rt Nor This Seleasiy Frcs aeed Dr 8 OOD" $s Roce ps ri pps iy. a8 eb ae ot oe sree cause of log heart distress. sou) ine hes earts, Dr. "Shooo" s Restorative C. H. McFARLANE. W. Price is selling wall-paper at reduced prices. It will pay you to call and inspect his line: Retta Boyd has been a pretty sick girl for the past few days suffering from @ severe attack of typhoid fever. We are glad to report that she is im- proving. Wes. Boyd, of the Blind Line, has the fever after all, but thus far the attack is a mild one. Miss Sarah Boyd is rapidly recovering from her siege of illness. The family have had more than their share of sickness. Last Thursday night's partial lunar eclipse occurred on time, and was a sac- cess. Notacloud obscured the clear sky while Luna passed through the veil of old earth's shado-v, and fora short time had partly hidden from her the sunshine of her lord and master, Old Sol the Shiner. Quite a number of persons had the oppor- tunity of observing the phenomenon, as it took place at a comparatively early hour --between 10 and midnight. We are informed that the English Church Garden Party at Henfryn last Thursday evening was enlivened by a scrap between two young Elma lads who had some dispute over a girl and decided to settle it in Corbett- Fitzimmons style. Of course this was not advertised as being one of the events of the evening, and the scrap was pulled off out- side the garden party grounds. It was |i vely while it lasted' CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears 'the Qo ORE: Signature of Alecé Morrison had the misfortune to lose his driver on Wednesday morning. The animal was pasturing on the street, and it is suppesed that another horse kicked him and broke his leg. The poor brute suffered al! Tuesday night until found early the next morning in the mill yard when it was put out of its misery. Tom and Sandy Union SuNDAY ScHooL Picnic-- A Union Sunday School Pienie will just east 2 p. m. All parents. and children are cordially invited. A Collection will be taken up to collect some money to award :|prizes to the boys and girls for ath- letic games. Come and have a good time with the children. From the printed report of Wim. Irwin, Inspector of Public Schdols for Perth County, we gather a few facts. Number of school sections in Perth, including village of Milverton, ts 112. Of the school houses $2 are brick, 5 suone and 25 frame. Num- ber of teachers 123. Of these 1 held 2 first-class, 50, second-class and 72 third-class certificates. Male teach- ers number 39 and female 84. Aver- age salary of male teachers in rural schools was $450.80, an increase of $14.97 over 1905. Average offemale teachers was $361.65, an ingrease o $23.09 over 1905. Ellice 'paid the highest average salary of $508.33 for men and Downie the highest average for ladies. Elma's average salary for male teachers is $456.25 and for fe- male $363.50, Total number of pu- pils enrolled in rural and village schools was 5723, boys 3015 and girls girls 2708, a decreaseof 111 from 1905. "kia ietitation caused cp beat demand the use of | EUTHYMOL TALCUM POWDER a toilet powder 3 delightful fragrance, that when dusted on the skin checks perpitation and gives a most pleasant cool- ness and freshness from that would be cool and comfortable, get a box of Euthymol powder. e sticky feeling". If you Price 25 cents. Cc. H. McFarlane. Droggist and Optician. Another old: landmark is gradually disappearing in the form of the old Forrest saw-mill which is being grad- ually dismantled. 'Thereissome fine timber in the 'old building which in its aay turned out a good many thou- sand feet of lumber. But those were thadays when logs were plentiful-and the lumber industry was a money- making business. Today logs are a searce article and a saw-miil will soon be a thing of the past. FURNITURE Factory.--There is a prospect of a large furniture factory being established in Mitchell. In reply to an advertisement in the To- ronto 'papers, Messrs. Schierholtz & Co., of Waterloo, bave written the Mayor proposing to locate in Mitchell, providing satisfactory arrangements can be made. Friday" evening a special meeting of council was held to consider,the question. Mr. Schier- holtz was present and explained that his company would expect a loan of $20,000, to be paid hack in twenty annual instalments without interest, free site, free taxes, water and light. A four storey building would be erect- ed, on which a mortgage would be given the town as security. A mo- tion was unanimously carried to sub- mit a bylaw to the ratepayers as soon as the company put their proposition in writing. The Secret of A Beautiful . Goinplexion Now Revealed What beauty is more desirable than an exquisite complexion and elegant jewels. An opportunit: for every women to obtain both, {or a limited time only. The directions and recive for obtain- ing a faultless &%nplexion is the secret long guarded by -be master minds of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS. This we obta ned after years of work and at great expense. It is the method used by the fairest and most beautiful women of Europe. of American women who expressed their delight now ure it have and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood and simple to follow and it will save you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give vou a beautiful com- plexion and free your skin from pimples, bad color blackheads, ete. It alone is worth to you many times thepri e we ask you to send for the genuine diainond ring of latest desigu. We seil you this ring as one smali profit above manulacturing cost. The price is less than one half what others charge. The recipe is free with every ring. It is a gennine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaranteed very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of 12kt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it. would cost considerable more than $2.00. We mail you this beautiful complex- ion recipe free when yourorder is received for ring and $2.00 in money order, stamps or bills; Get your order in before our supply is exhausted. This offer is made fora 'limited time only as a means of advertising and intro- ducing our goods. . . Send to-day before this, opportunity is forgotten. ; * 7. C. MOSELEY, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for aale his house and two lota situated on Helen aad Queen St, east, | Atwood. Brick vendercd house aad kitchen | Bood cellar, first-class hard und soft water, table and woodsked: Small fruit: and some | large fruit trees. For full iculars as to j price and terms of payment apply Lo The Bee | Offic y OF to Grongo Biss, proptivcer, At 32 East 28rd Street, New York City, FREE To women for collecting names and selling, our novelties, we give big Premiums send your name to-day for our new plan of big profits with little work. Write to-day. Address C. T. MOSELEY Premium depart:nent. 32 E. 2ard street, New York Cit Have you seen our hammocks ? They are worth while inspecting at W. Price's. © Everett Coghlin, of the Drug Stc ra staff, is spending his holidays with friends in Toronto. Mr. J. Cecil Hamilton, B.A., Bar- rister, has 'been appointed solicitor for the Imperial Bank: Miss Alice Goforth, of Mitchell, is spending a few bolidays with her cousin, Mrs. Robt. Cunningham. Mrs. James Leonard and Miss A. Thompson returned. home Saturday after spending a few days with friends in Stratford and Tavistock. Alex. Forrest left on Wednesday morning for a two months' visit with his sister at Port Carling, Mus- koka. We wish him a pleasant trip. No new fever cases have thus far developed on the 12th, 1dthand 16th concessions. Thus far all the fever patients on these lines are deving nicely. Misses Jessie and Lizzie Moses, of Toronto, and Miss Jessie Morrison, of Atwood, spent Sunday with their friend, Miss Margaret Lowe, Louise St., Stratford.-- Herald. Lemuel Pelton, accompanied by his granddaughter Maggie and by Jennie McCulla, drove to Belgrave last week and placed in position sev- eral pumps. It was a lengthy drive. Some exciting games of bowls are- being played on the green each night and the members are getting quite expert. It is a grand game and next year should see the club membership nearly doubled. ~ Last Tuesday night two of Mr. Wm. Broughton's valuable horees in some way goton the G.T.R, track and a special train going through killed one and in- jured the other so that it may. die also. Mr. Broughton's farm is right beside the track. Joe. McFarlane, of the bank of Hamilton staff, is spending. his two week's holidays on his mother's farm, getting a plentiful supply of fresh air, and developing a gtand muscle through helping with the haying and_harvest- ing of the grain. Free. for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a Trial size box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It isa snow-white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingre- dients a8 Oil Eucaliptus Thymol, Men- thol, ete., it gives instant and lasting re- Jief to Gatarrh of the nose and thtoat Make the iree test and see for yabrecif what this preparation can = will ac complish, Address Dr. Sh asin, Wis Lurge jar 5v cents. Solk Fle McFarlane, druggist. Art. Harris arrived home from Brandon, Man., on Wednesday. will spend a month or two visiting is grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donaldson, sr. Art. looks well likes the West. He : that you saw this advrer- tisement before you rush- ed out to buy your Dry Goods, Shoes and Clothing... Because you've Juckily located the place to buy, and most likely saved yourself an elephant's foot upon your purse. But better not waste teo much time-con- soling yourself, as the best of our stock will go to the first comers. So get up and get double consolation when your buying are done. Specials for the com- ing week All white lawn waists at cost Ladies' parasols, sale price 1.65 Ladies' parasols, reg. sale price 1.19 Tadtes' parasols, reg. sale price 83c. Reductions in aj] straw bats Men's white shirts, slight- ly soiled, 1.00, sale prive 7de. Men's gray over alls with bibs, reg. $1.00 sale price 75e Look over our-muslins at 10¢ a yard. Reliance baking powder, reg. 25c cans, sale price 20 Regular 15e cans, sale price 10 cents. reg. $2 1.50 1.L0 reg, Highest price paid for produce---Cash or Trade. L. J Sinclair Atwood's Cash Bargain Store ~"Bxecutors Hotice to Creditors. -- Notice ig hereby given pursuant to the Sta tutes in that behalf that a Leredhiare and other inst the Estate of ownship. hat age in the County of Perth, Farme Fy ed oo or about tre "Bloventh i a the Township ah 10 Of} My, a the Coun- souk "A post pro- 2X scU~ A. and } uh ou 'hate and that after aoe will Conued & the last {nar Rate u oe said said dec ong George Smith is offering his- house and two lots for sale. If he can se- cure his price, he purposes moving to Stratford where he hopes to secure steady work the year round. George has a very nice property "and should have no trouble in selling it. Lionel Holmes, son of C. H. Holmes, merchant, had. the misfortune to break the wrist of his left hand. He fell off the gangway at the grist mill, while playing there' Saturday evening. The fracture was a bad one and young Lionel will have to be sat- isfied to leave climbing alone for some time to come. Rob. Morrow is spending a-portion the rties certian: having re; nly * the claims of which they then pan oly aie and, the said Executors will not be liable oe pee said assets or any part thereof to any pe: or persous pod ed claims they shail Dot thes nave 'had no Mtn tlila Fifth day of July A. James Irving, Esq., nap ving Executors RoBERT GEORGE IrvINE, Esq, oe id Doncgul, P.O. é aa ' = deceased. Wrioat Irvine. Ese., Donegal, P.O, Morpay & Cart (Listowel P.O.) LOST. Their Tice. A srasenense | oot fawn bofex; on the 8th of July, between, 16th con., Elma, and Mth con., Elma, to Atwood. Findcy will please leave at the BEE Office, or at Guo. Mokay's, of the summer wiih his parents, Mr. und Mrs. Sinclair. Rob. spent a few weeks this summer as. ap waiter on | the large lake steamer Huronic, run-, ning between Sarnia and Duluth, and ' efijoyed the experience very fake Beg: He was a aeeudons of the London te Institute inst formas lot 34, concession 1, of Grey. oe ental a