Atwood Bee, 16 Aug 1907, p. 1

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Try Gray, Bernie & Co. Listowel's tow price makers for all inex of Dry Goods. ee ee Vol. 12. No. 2°. MOTTO OoRr Bay for Cash and you will save money New Summer and Seasonable Goods | Men's and Boy's Suits, Pants, Overalls, Smocks, Boys' Clothing 'i Nickers, and Sweaters. - [esties' and Misses Oxiords in Tan, Black and White Chiti- Shoes f ren's buttoned, Bats, and Slippers, all new and up-to-date Shoes. New Dress Goods, Musiies, . Prints, Gloxes, Men's ant Boy's Braces, etc. The abewe is all new choice selected stock. A Cali and a share of your patronage solicited. Highest cash values @aii for produce. .R. Erskine, ~~ crs ATW o> 5 White Waists, Hose, i "$x Tike the cutworms these io pillars feed only at night and remain ----_----------LISTOWEL'S GREATEST sTrorE -------- J. M. SCHINBEIN. We require the room for BOOTS and SHOES & will offer all our Tweeds af First cost for _ the nexétwo. woeksia ordet 69 mele. peom for the show department. _ New i the time to buy your ordered suites, cloth for odd pants. We have made spectal arrangements with the town taylors to' have them made up cheap. Seotch Tweed, Worsted of all kinds, panting, etc. These Trees. ters all bouglt before the advance price. and wo é know you coald nat bay them today at our regufar eelling price- Call and see what we are doing. od. M. Schinbein, °° aioe Friday and Saturday Bargains Gray, Bernie & Co. LISTOWEL"S LOW PRICE MAKERS. Look over the rg ae you will find something to interest You. 100 Mens' Dress Shirts, soft front, ali new this ssason, the very best patterns, extra value at 75c.--for bargain days only 55c. 75 Mens' soft front shirts, nice new patterns this season's regular 50c in days only 38c. Ladies' New top skirts to clear. We have about 20 skirts in all. ' a this season's. Call on bargain days and see the ces--you won't be disappointed. 100 Mens' Suit, best balbriggan underclothing, Paris made goods, he best we know in the trade. Sold the world over at $1 00 a suit.--bargain days per suit 75c. Single garment 38c. 50 only boys suits (3 pieees,) regular $5. 00--bargain days only $3.78. 26 pairs Mens' pants, regular $1.50 valde. This line we cleared from the Makers at big reduction and are a big snap-- bargain days $1.08, 25 pieces Crurns and other English prints, regular 12c. --bargain days only 10c. 37 piéces 3 H and3 B. This is the heathiest Canadian cloth made. We sold the line all seasons at 10c. Now fora clear up at only 8c. All mmuslins--every yard fo de cleared at a price to move them out quickly. A few good snaps in white shirt-waists still on our tables. Gray, Bernie & Co. Listowel and Owen Sound. and Mr. I. Gasset of the Entomo- logical! Department was at once sent up to investigate. The insect proved to be the Variegated Cutworus {Peri- drour sauicia,) which has on previous occasions appeared in devastating nombers, the niest serious outbreak havtng eccurmd in British Columbia and the neighboring Pacific coast states in 1900. Near Leamington je the worms were first observed in clover felds where they soon ite- voured the crop and left the groand bare and black ; they then marched to the next feild and consunred what- ever vegetation they met with, com ard tobaceo, tomatess and other vegetables, seemed especial favourites for consunrption. [If a fruit tree hagpened to be in their way, they Ht iclimbed it amd devoured both fruit ; Land foliage ; mrany peack trees were .thus attacked and the fruit ruined. cater- in concealment during the day, a in the ground where the soi! s*loose and undér any rubbish cr other shelter that they can find. Whe a full growa the worm is about oval The moth, inte .wehich | ture, les a wins... an inch, and ts daris-bistkish in i REMEDIES. jby mixing half a pound of Paris green in 50 lbs. of bran (the pro- portion for larger or smaller quan- ties is 1 to 100); the poison should should be added to the dry bran little by littls and dirred all the time till the whole is Giuged with the green color, then add watir sweetened with sugar or molasses iill the mixture is sufficiently moistered to crumble' nicely through the fagers." If bran cannot be procured shorts or flour may be used and fir field work may be distributed dry ly meaas of a seed drill. The mash it sprinkled about the plants at sur-down and after dark the worms cime out and eat it in preference to_ tle vegetation and then go off.and hid, usually in their places of concealment. Paris green, haif a pound to 40 pounds of water may be used on hany plants with much advantage. erous and are motng on from one field to- another, thir progress may be chacked by poughing a deep furrow ahead of then-----two about 4 fest apart would lt better---in these post holes are bord or dug from 12 to 15 feet apart. 'he furrows should be made in the mohing so that the sides may be dryjand reliable by night tall. The wome fall into them as they march ant being unable to clinib up the toose jides they travel along the furrow md fall into the | When tho worns are very num- i ae post holes; there sey will he found in dozens or hundrds in the morn- |? ing and can easily b killea. Where y, this plan will breaks of a similar character have} occurrved--and therefore there is little damger of a repetition of the! plague next year. Everything, how- ever, stroaki be dous to check the visitation wow before more dammee is inflicted and to reduce tie namber that may survive for the production of another brood-~--S. J. 8S. Bethune, O.A. Collage, Guelph. Grey. The root crop requires more rain. with Miss Mary McDonadd, Ethel. house doors open for the Pall term. Ed. and Mrs. Ward, of Brantford, were visitors at Wm. Buttrery's 11th con. . Wilson Evans lost a good horse on Sunday, paralysis being the cause of death. John Livingston, of Detroit, is and | Here for a holiday with relatives and riends. |' Mrs. D. K. Livingstone and Mies: Marie, are away af North Bay visit- ing the sister, Mre. Wm. Milne, formerly of Ethel. They are Jenjoying an outing at Pine Grove Cottage, on Pine Islaztd. We are sorry to state that Mrs: Wm. O. Bray, 16th con., is not en- joying very robust health and her Condition is @ cause of anxiety to ber numerous friends- We hope a j change for the better will soon come. STEEL REMOVED.--The picce of steel lodged in Jno. Oliver's eye re- cently was removed by the uso of a powerful magnet at the hospitel at Toronto. He is back to his home but will not be able to use the injured. optic for a while. A change has been made in the otier proprietorship of the Moncrieff black- smith shop Robert Munn has moved to Goderich where he will be employed in a foundry. His place here will be taken by C.. Armstrong, of Molesworth. man and#tduld do weil. at LORENZO BRAY Passss AWAY.-- Last Sunday week, Bray, second son of William O. and Eliza Jane Bray, 16th con., died of taber-| culosis of the lungs at the early age of 21 years, 2 months and 12 days He had been if. tailing health for the past year, and his demise was antici- vated. "" Renuie," as he was familiarly called, was a bright young man who had a wide circle of friends hoth_old and young who regret his wecease. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to Brussels cemetery. Widespread sympathy is expressed for the bereaved family. Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Ethel, conducted an appropriate service at the home and cemetery. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Speiran, Palmer, McPherson, Campbell, Ward and Renwick. a ae ae Pilce get quick and certain relief fram i MrT BP ior Piles. and its action is puritive and tale * Itching, painful, og rotrading or gto aa! ond appear like mugic by its ure. niekel- ped glace jure 50) cents, std by. CG. H. obisene, druggist. perish from bacterial diseases--this | # the asaal experience when out~! Miss Sara Buttrey spent Sunday) Next Monday will see the school | v Union was well represented at He is a likely young " that were a surprise to man in the audience. - Exrerep Inro RxEst.--There pessed away last Saturday anold and worthy resident of this locality in the person of Margaret Oster, rolict of | the late Jacob Keffer, at the advanced jage of over 81 years. She was bora in the township of Vaughan in 1826, and was united in marriage to Mr. Keffer in 1846. He died nm June 1904. They moved to lot 16, con. 7, Grey, in 1868, where they continuous- ly resided until walled to the Better Land. Their family consisted of 2 sons, viz :--Peter, who died in March 1906 and Aaron on the homestead East of Ethel. In religion Mrs. Keffer was a Lutheran. She was the youngest of a famiiy of 12 child- ren and was of U.E. Lovelist stock, coming to C-nada from Virginia, U.S. * The funeral took place to ranbrook cemetery on Monday afternoon, the service being in charge of Rev. D. B. McRae, of Cranbrock. " \ here. feet Friday. of Elma near the Mornington boundary The 7 o'clock train was comi be Stratford and they did not notice It it was almost at the crossing and fo narrow was the escape that one wheel of the was tora off and completely demo the ys ladiee ¢ without being bart in the leunt, received quite a shock. Monkton. Mre. m and daughter Clive have tarned a pleasant visit with friends Ottawa. Mise Peart Farm yt has returned r grand- esi ie back to the oie up from work wit ~ we ottecke of on Soy Saturday evening Mr. Matthews ssduan cee killed and one badly iujured by the alne o'clock train. Mre. Huggins and daughter returned hom'. on 'luesday evening after a pleas- ant visit with a friend at Ottawa. here will be a tank erected here at the CP.R. Station as it is found that the forty mile hauls are too loug for freight trains without replenishing. The laying of the corner stone of the Knox Presbytetian" Church will take pleve on Thureday, August 15th. 'The cer, nony will be 'ott by Mr. W. K <dcNaught, a former Monkton boy. The other stone will be laid by dire. G. McPherson, ene of oldest members hy tion. Mr Jamea Torrance, MP.P., Milverton and Mr. F. W. Hay, o of "Listowel, will aleo deliver speechee. Supper will be served and & program is prepared. Miss Bthel Hillock, « of ' Toronto, is ithe guess of her frieud, Miss Hone, who is Visiting relaiives in bhis wicinity,

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