Atwood Bee, 16 Aug 1907, p. 7

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-- 80LD DRUCCISTS, GROCERS ann CENERAL STORES 10c. per packet, or 3 packets for 250. will last a whole season. 'QUEDEC STEAMSHIP COMPARY 'River and Gulf of St, Lawrence Summer Oruises in Ooo! Latitudes ron 8S. " Campana," with sone nai, agrees & Valls and al! modern comforts irae By Fe "pee ie, th ane {soik lh Ge a rer, peed AER Anterior en ce a call -- (ten 9 "et lath sand auth Be peauaber, tt sth wad 26th Ootobe: 16th and Temperature oo sooled yo tea bréezes Nelaon!' ay cwine of he season for health and 'oomtert UR AHERN, Secretary, Que bea, A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents, 89 Broadway, New York. POLITENESS THEIR RUIN MANNERS SOMETIMES CAUSE MAN'S * DOWNFALL, , t. Sammer Excu Screw SS. "Berm « : ee era' -- ae Picking: up "f Few Apples for a Poor 'Fruit Vendor Cost a Man His Life. There is a widow living in great pov- erly in London to-day, who might he far otherwise but for an ill-timed ae <1 courtesy' on the part of him whd was once her bread-wigner. lt was the aflerncon of Tuesday, Sep- tember 3rd, 1878, and the pier at Sh eers arene Prince, Bekgvite hess was crowded,with*bpisterous exc Fin, inte, small deta sionists. ,Through, threaded Disha ff the' sifadinding vi chasse man in question v scon {to be husbati weman"s_ stall was knocked. down. man stopned Pyfender assislance, bid- cing RS 'ife Murry on to the_boat to dees 'London, > Bat, ris wife, very 'The fF . ilies i allow. t Hye gone, wi. The' next boat was the Princess Alice, Which he caught, enly to be drowned in the Thames, off Woolwich, with'seme 700 other unforhinates? Axyl all through staying to gather up a few apples' fot a poor fruit vendor. WHY, THE TAY BRIDGE FELL. Sir Thapias Bouch,*4Re- eminent en- f gineer, was one ofthe most cortcous 'and considerale of men; and to these 'traits in his character was distinctly. jtraceable the awful tragedy that ter- mainated alike his professional career and vhis life. He had to grapple with vital prob- }lems connected with the stability of the, era Tay Bridge, and at the same time keep in order an army of subordinates, some of whem were efficient' and hon- @si, and some of-svhom were not. The itwo duties clashéd,; and neither was @crformed properly. Moreover, it be- 'came known gbout the works that Sir 'Thomas was too good-natured to dis- miss an' incompetent man, while his mative polileness shrank from adminis- tering reproof ev late. 'jtravelling over it. -Japportionment of the blame. The un- hoppy engineer had to bear the chief) oe | dition consisting of 4,000 'infantry and An old app'e- ee itt bearing his wife with: bases _-- . 'l'The face is 16 feet in length and nine At. mail train was Between ei ef the first shock of horror came the birden of this, and it proved too heavy fer him. Within four months of the ad- versé verdict of the Board of Trade in- guiry he was dead--of a broken heart, One would imagine that.a shopwalker could hardly be too polile." But he can; and there is one looking" fer a job at this present moment who knows it to his cost. To this last place came & jady customer, ' YOUNG AND PRETTY. She bought freely, too, of furs, velyets, and other easily negotiable goods. Again and Again she came, always with:a bow-and a smile to the oblig- ing shopwalker, And he, on his part, not content with mérely showing her rto athe department she 'wished to pat- renize, piloted her.aH over the estab- lishment. Nor were, his. "suspicions. awakened even when she showe an unféminine curiosity regarding bolts and bars, and the various 'ways 'ef. ingress and egre*| te and from, the premises.' Only when, later on,.a gang of burglars jooted the place.of some $60,000 worth of goods, Gid he realize how their feminine con- federale_ had 'profited by his politeness. Simifarly,~ the unlucky sufferer in a recent. notorious jewel robbery in Cler- kenwell, owed his. misfortune to a like trait in his character. The conspira- ters, who 'afterwards "murderously as- sduited and robbed him, sent a decoy, it will be remembered, to prelend to purchase a gold watch and diamond pendant out of business hours, Natural courtesy, rather than mercan- lie zeal, -compelled attention to: the lausible ruffian, and with disastrous resulls to the accommodating trader. The Russian peasant has a saying which invariably puzzles the foreigner: "Too polile, and die like Bekovitch." The proverb refers to one of the most tragic episodes in _MUSCOVITE HISTORY. In the :.early Spring of-1717. Prince 'TRekovitch Cheraski led an armed expe- *2:000 cavalry into the then almost un- known interior of the South-Central Asia. His ostensible object wascio open up commercial relations with the Khans of Khiva and of Bokhara. His real one, to see if it were possible to invade India from the north, The Prince, with whom were many efficers of the .Imperial Bodyguard, a briijiant . company, marched his men across the arid steppes with difficulty, ond-on Augijst J5th haited-some eighty miles frgm, the, city of Khiva. -The Khivaps, ignoring his professions at. friendship, attacked the force; but were.easily deleated by the belter armed and better disciplined ,gojdiers" ob; he €zar. Their Khan,¢fgupon rt ri ) diplomacy. He visited:-the ie camp in state. Explained that 4 tack delivered by his paople .was sh mistake. And invited Prince Bekoyi ch? and his principal officers,+to wibityelnd capital as his guests, 'wo days later, at a grand entertan- Vit, the Khan toasted his "friends the RBssians;' and vowed eternal friend- ship; He also took the opportunitg, of 7a fe Ss, regretting: thee' bra Hid inate wo.dnany. a presi caccre On palilely treo : e rrgd srempest,- sian ae wa at pe UP, et ; - Inughed 'sa' . Bia cae ars a Wi "Ft eit he. Ruseian: army. "diebee ee aban e wast ictttn 1%! Mini Chambers, Toronto;: ion set: dtaBird A Natter of of Importacice £dQdn @iody Who sre run dow bilitated: iis fact. that- Ferrovym " is the oy tonic pv -- -- up the #yste wa - Hav yelled at : oat voice for twoeshones and .t C "Well," said: his- mother, "are ig, to pe Have yor" 'hind red" ash. As "No," said Tommy, "! Have not finished? I'm only resting." . . s4 on hen Known to Thousands. -- Pareles' | Vegelable Pills regukie, the; array pe the secrelions, purify, the keep the stomach and' bowels: f ron deleterious mater, atten aeterliny, direction they will overcome pinta ed eradicate biliqusngss, and leave the ci' gestive organs healthy and strong to perform their functions, Their merit, ure well-known to thousands who know Ly experience how beneficial they are in giving tone to the oe COLOSS: SSAL DOL. Two miles from Kamakura, and about 23 from. Yekehama, in Japan, on a ter- race.,neur the temple, sits the most gigantic, jdol in the.aworld. It is the brazen image of a detfy, and dates from the eee < the Emptror Sho mu, who died A, D. 748, The dimensions of the {dol are oallanet Nis haicht, from the base .of the lotus- flower upon which he sits to the lop of his head, is 6334 4 feet, feet wide,the eyes are 3 feet 9 inches from corner to corner, the eyebrows 5% feet, and. the ears 844 feet. The chest is 20 feet in depth, and the middle finger is exactly five fect long. The.56 leaves of the lotus throne are each 10 feet Jong and six feet wide, as The Duke of Richmond had a coach- mat aed a d been. fo _the service of his ' ghly and ninety persons} Wiost their lives, and with the passing GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Grovgh it it in 2B rs onranied fe writing for that longo n' oe ly, ait the nd we'll shen Ww why it Set SO and we 10 coite east to rook right. J 7 eS The PEDLAR People Tx: boty Winnipeg Oshawa Montreal Ottawa Toronto Londen YOUR SUMMER OUTING, If you are fond of fishing, canoeing, camping or the study of wild animals, Icok*up the Algonquin National Park of Ontariozfor your summer ouling... A fish and . game preserve of 2,000,000 acres interspersed with 1,200 lakes and rivers is awaiting you, offering all the attractions that Nature can _ bestow. Magnificent canoe trips. Allilude 2,000 feet above sea level. Pure and exhilar- aling atmosphere. Just the place for a ycung man to put in his summer. holi- days. An interesting and profusely: il- justrated descriptive publication ~ tell- ing you all about it sent free on appli- cation to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Tcronto, Ont. - ; _. - NOT 1 QUITE, "Have. you. "any difficulty in getting the proper diet for the invalid ?" "No, indeed; the doctor has ordered. us to give = of oes prepared dese- crated foo rt t > Veity "many persons die eqnually from cholera and kindred summer comp\gals, uyho y & have. been saved roper medics Med geri used. 1 Nebo Dit: ie' delay in gefiffig™a' bottle of Dr.. Pd 'Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, the adie that never fails to: effect a cure. Those who have used it say it acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. ; . 4 ee Pet. two can live as .chepply, ston ; ods the comg¢s eth e idea' "that two hearts beat as one [" BA ca A SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT. - . by week or month, at*low "rafés." ~The, Singe"and = Wheeler & "Wilson ar Jagegotdadged the lightest-running. .qn mafh Convenient of any. he inced. Only at the Siftger: slors... Look for the Red S. ° . "4hat for a period.of.thirty-six years not pomere 4 do people get wig Try one. abd} re racing» past them to the mailwat Eeaho ¥ The apparition was. clothed only {n | a white nightshirt and a silk hat, and under' 'Msg,arm = carried @ book anid a One of the work- use_on your clothes? Buy it by name., tom, but it was too quick fer him. As your dealer sells it. it reached the railway statien the fi- gure stopped suddenly. When the ma- chine minders camie up they found an awakened and much distressed som- nambulist, who -turnéd and ran for home while they unsympathetically laughed ae RAILWAY'S UNIQUE RECORD. The Highland (Scotland) Railway in one respect occupies a unique position in'. British railway history. Although, the first portion of the system was in- corporated so long ago as 1856, not a single passenger was killed until 1894, The first portion was opened in 1858, so PLEANIN ADIES'. Gg "= e solitary passenger lost.his life in a train accident, and allhough over ten years have elapsed since the fatality and many Millions of: passengers have dur- ing that period travelled over the sys- tem the total of fatal train accidents to passengers yet remains at one, and may it long continue to do so. Timmins, who believes in the old say- jong you'll: have luck," pin in the street. Bending down to get) it his hat tumbled off and rolled into | the gutter, his eyeglasses fell and broke! on the pavement, his braces gave way | behind, -he burst the butlonhole on the | back of his shirt-collar, and he all but | lost his new false teeth. But he got the pin. Where can I get some of Holloway's Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy and I wish some more of it for my friends, So, wriles Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. "I don't believe I'm the only girl you ever Joved, Fred!' "Why, dearest?" "Because you kiss as if you were used to it. } poe Aart velesnsee of disease, the ocuptions out discharges. Bad the "trouble. atime aga 8 3 Corase, '?! peison fro . Betts buy an L, C. bin Smrru & Bros. TyPe- , WRITER now than be "sorry, afterwards. ' Every useftil device In- ,built not patched on, WRITING ENTIRELY IN SIGHT------- "You should have seen Miss. im Buty. = Her, eyes flashed -fire,. aid--' Arthi&. "That's fufny. Yousaid a mé- ment ago Aho ott froze you: with}: a glance." ; = Phins.--The set humanity Arising from --_ ese 'The 'World 'i Fun = aches 'and~ pains "that 4 are many and constant? a multitude of indisting naible" causes, hotvin the main owing-i4 man's negli gence im faking care, of; hig health: Dr Thomas' Eclectric, Oil was.fhe outcome ef.a "universal" Cty for some, specific which would speedff?"Yefieve pain, and it has filled-its rmiess toa aioe Sangre. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE C. SMITH & BROS. YPEWRITER CO. <A COMPROMISE. ' : | THE PEOPLE'S MACHINE, Old-fashioned Father (sternly): "Can your ~prospesiiye e. wife make up ao good batef' df breac Truthhil? Son' (diplomatiéally); "Well. she can hendle the sien 5 aah: oe ¥ o 4;Pa fother Grayes® 'We rials 'jecthice the? know orp a. SafeWedicine fk; their children and da effectual expellér of worms. ----_ & GILBERT, ' Sore QEELER KLERS, 9 Jordan &t., Toronto »3 mauray. £ Aes. MONTREAL. a Machine Co, "Write us: aie Cards ee tee * did you make him take his. words back, as you said you were going to do?" Meeker: "Yes, he took them back ; 'but he used:thein over again- more SpEALOREY than he did before," : Tougher : "Well, "ae. . ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and ¢¢-ahimals cured in 30 minutes 'by Wol- ford's' Sanitary Lotion. It never- fails, Sold by all druggists. . . "Haven't I told you," asked the father, "always to tell the truth?" "Yes, you tola& me that," the young man admitted < "but another time you told me never to become the slave of a habit." day "are constrained to live chaughts upon their vitality highly det- rimental to their health. tive in: their various callings, many of them know the value of Parmelee's Ve- gelable Pills in regulating the stomach and consequently keeping the clear, ¢ CURIOUS DIRECTIONS. While walking through Wiltshire,, England, a week or two a a pedés- {rian asked a nalive how far it- was to ths next village, and received the curi- ous reply, "About three pipes o' bacca." clocks were very rare in that district, and that it was usual to indicate dis- tantay fo 82 yea every form of contagious Itch on human |. at « i} A Sound Stomach Means: a Clear Head.--The high pressure of a nervous |' life which business men of the present |; make |: It is only py || the most careful treatment that they are |: able to keep themselves alert and ac- |: {tc subsequently found that watches and |} N0KS OF LAND FOR SALE ee pitt in size to suit purchasers, {rem 10°acres upwards, situated < 'on or near railways in the famous wheat, root and vegetable growing and stock raising districts of... ALBERTA AND BRITISH Y COLUMBIA Prices, with water right, saesutctit and unfailing, lower than those ever placed upon irrigated rants in the aewene States, The quality of the land the finest... -" acre of irrigated land' in Southern Alberta raises twice e best umirrigated land oneal THE the crop of th CROPS NEVER FAIL, This magnificent irrigation tract of 3,000,000 acres is' without doubt the finest land pemyontiw: on the market to-day, Immigration is pouring 'in; values will soon be on the rise. Write us for interesting and full printed information. The Land Department, Union Trust Co., Limited, ; 174 Bay St., Toronto Exclusive Agent in Ontario, Manitoba and the Maritime Pro- vinces for the CANADIAN PACIFIC IRRIGATION COLONIEATE, COMPANY'S brine? lands, tance by the number of a ag tobacco smoke on as é

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