"phy 'Office in the Boe Residence at Mra, W. D. Mitchelin, AUCTION BERS Alex. Morris<n eo --_ AUCTIONEER sae ate. moderate orders By mail or otherwise | promptly attouded te, Atsweod post-office. Wm. Holman LIGENSEP AUENIRES, 7,005 P.O., Ont. Rates moderate and | guaranteed, All orders by mail orothor wise prompt'y attended to. Morphy & Carthew BARRISTERS, Solicitors, etc. Solicitors for the ilton. Money toloan. Office above Robt. Thompson's store, Listowe -Ontario. 3. M. CartTHrw Conveyancers, Bank of Ham- ad. B, Monpry Biswett & Bray ARRISTERS and Solicitors, Liatowel, Ont. Money to loan. Solicitors forSentt's Banking House and Ontario Perm Building and Loan Association. Office over Scott's Bank, Wallace Street, Listowel. Rt. Blewett Geo. Brar, B.A. J. Cecil Hamilton, BA. BARRIATER, CONVEY ANCER Money to Loan at 4] per cent. Office---Main atrvet. Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentiat. . Branch Office--Main street, Atwood, over «¢ Bee Office. Will vielt Atwood every Wedne«day afternoon. Dr W. A. McDowell DENTIST -- YRADUATE of Reyal Coll of Dental G Surgeons of On > aaa Honor Graduate of Toronto Univenty. | Office over Thompson Bros. store, Lis- wel, Onta ] Hranch Office--Main street, Atwood, over the Bee Office. Will visit Atwood every Monday, from 9,30 a.m, ' G. T. R. Time Table frains leave Atwood Station, Nerth and 7,a.m. &.™m,. 1.55a.m. | Express 6.26 p.m. p.m. | Express 1,21 p.m.; i} Oliver at Innerkip. C. H. McFARLANE. Tbe BEE for 35 cents to Jan. Ist. A large number of the relatives of Mr. and,Mrs. J. B. Hamilton, sr., assembled at their comfortable home on the 8th con. west, on Wednesday afternoen and spent an enjoyable time. Mr. Will. Carthew, of the Imperial Bank staff here, has been transferred to the Fergus agency, and left this week for his new position. Will, will be missed by his many young friends in town, who wish him all success. Stanley Thompson has been taken on the Bank staff here as junior.-- Standard. Word was received in, town on Monday of the death of Mrs. 8. She had been in poor health for several months past, and her death was not unexpected. Mr. Oliver is a son of Mrs. H. Oliver of this town. who accompanied by her daughter, Miss Maud, left on Tuesday to attend the funera).-- Standard. The Managers of the Cement Co., have secured as manager of the drying process, Mr. Angus Cameron, of Owen Sound, who arrives bere on Monday. Mr. Cameron is a man of many years experience and comes highly recom as # first-class man: Such men as Mr. Cameron are just what is needed to make an inetitution like this a success. "W. Price, hardware merchant, has purchased the business of Ed. Huck, * ScHooL GRANTS.--John Knox, Sec.-Treas of the Atwood Public School, last week received the Gov- _erment Grant from Inspector Irwin. Tt amounted to $170. This was on the 40% basis and had no teference "to equipment, etc. The money for payment of Grant for equipment etc., is in the hands of the Inspector, but he will not distribute it tilt later on. This will give him an opportunity to visit many of the schools, and prob- ably result in some of them getting a better grant if their equipment is improved. U.S.8. No. 4, Elma and Grey got $80 on the 40% basis. We bave not heard the amount of any of the other sections. : I'll step your pain free. To ehow you firet--before you spend 6 penny-- what my Vink Pain Tabiets cun do, 1 will ussii you tree a Trial Puckige of them--D1 Shoop's Headache Tablete. Neuralgta, Fleadache, Tosthache Perind pains, ote. are due alone to hiaad congestion. De Shoop's Headache Tablete simply kil! pain by coaxing away the unnatural plood pressure. That ie ll Address Dr . Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by C. H. Mc- -Farisne, druggist. oc paper-hanging done, lea 'orders with Mr. Price who will be pleased to give estimates and see that the work ie promptly and efficiently The following is well worth remem- deep into the hand, it can be ex- tracted without pain by steam. Nearly fill a wide mouth bottle with hot water; place the injured part over the mouth, and press it slightly. To guction will draw the flesh down rand' in minute or two the steam will extricate. the splinter and the inflammation altogether. ReGagpinG THE OaT Crop.--As considerable apprehension has been felt by the farmers regarding their oat crop, Mr. Jas. Hammond, of our village, wrote to C. A. Zavitz, Prof. Field: Husbandry, at Guelph Agricultural College, and asked his opinion regarding the blight that has come over the oat crop in many districts of Ontario, and the following letter will 'explain itself :--Mr. Jas, Hammond, Atwood, Ont. Dear Sir, Your letter of July 3ist has been received, alto the sample of oats. I which has caused a yellow appearxaive! of the leaf in many fields throughout Ontario. There does not seem to bé any bacteria or fungus disease, nor yet does it seem to be the work of| insects. I think it is caused by the peculiar conditions of the weather this year. Late oats seem to be more badly affected than the early seedings. The trouble seems to be fairly general throughout the Province. Yours truly, C. A. Zavitz. Guelph, August 3rd, 1907. > Fewive.--In Mornington, on Saturday, August 10th, 1907, Simon 'Fewings, aged 81 years, 2 months, 26 days. Fortuxe.--In Elma, on Saturday, Aug- ust 10th, 1907, Margaret Fortune. aged 88 years 19 months 6 days. CASTORIA For Iniants and Children. The Kind Yeu Have Always Bought Bears the "i. "ah STR a ae Signature of ~ping sy, + weer find the trotble to be similar to that}, Clocks "ar Have you seen the new blackboard hyloplate ? Cc. H. McFarlane. Druggist and Optician. Silver Corner's Cheese Faetory shipped the Jast half of July cheese last week to Riley, of Ingersoll. Silver Corner's factory is domg well this year un the x ion of Ellroy Hastings who is giving good satisfaction to the patrons. Sixty PER Cent May Far.--It is said that over.gixty pet cent. of the students .who wrote on the recent departmental examinations will be unsuccessful if the rigid schedule of marking is maintained. ~ The exam- imers engaged in reading the papers concluded their work on Saturday, and the efficials of the Education Department are now engaged in the: arithmetical problem of determining totals and percentages, upon which the success or failure of the students rest. This is a big task and the Department does not expect to be in a position to announce the resulis un- til some time between the 10th and 15th insts. Some anxiety is éaid to be felt over the possibility of probable wholesale plucking, owing to the raising of the standard and the set- ting of certain too severe papers. granted in determining the results. LOST.~ On Sapiay between: Mothodiet churek and Mr. Harry. Zieman'a residenee, 8 | gold stick pin. plense leave at thiv eteend 7 opportunity for every women to obtain both, for a limited time only. The directions and recive for obtain. ing « faultless complexion is the egetet long guarded by the master minds of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS. -- This we obtained after yeats of work and at great expense. It ie the method used by the fairest and most beautiful women of Europe. Hundreds of American women who now use it have expressed their delight and satisfaction. simple to follow and it willgave you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a beautiful eom- plexion and free your skin from pimples, bed color blackheads, etc.- It alone is worth to you many times the pri ¢ we ask you té send for the genuine diamond ring of latest design. sat We eell you thie ring as one small profit above manufacturing cost. The price is lesa than one half what othera 'charge. The recipe is free with every ring. It is a gennine roee cut diamond ring of gparkling brilliancy absolutely guaranteed very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of 12kt. gold ehell, at your local jeweler it would cost considerable more than §2..0. j We mail you this beautiful complex - ion recipe free when yourorder is received for ring and $2.00 in money order, stamps or bills. Get your order in befpre our supply is exhausted. This offer is made fora limited time only as a means of advertising and intro- ducing our goods. Send to-day before this opportunity is forgotten. T C. MOSELEY, $2 East 28rd Street, New Work City. FRE To women for collecting names and selling our novelties, we give big Premiums send your name to-dav for our new plan of big profits with littl work. Write to-day. Address C. T. MOSELEY Premium. department... $2 E, 28rd street, New York City. is possible some concessions may be}: _} were feeling pretty well. What beauty is more desirable than an|¥ | exquisite complexion and elegant jewels. An This secret is easily understood and' Se "SPECIAL PRIZES.--Those desirous of donating Special Prizes to the Elma Fall Fair are requested to coms- municate with the Secretary, John Morrison, Newry; or they can leave word at The Bee office as soon as possible. We will begin the printing of the Prize List this week and would like to have on hand a com- plete list of Special Prizes. We hope to see the business men. of our village contribute liberally towards the Special Prizes. A liberal Prize List means a greater incentive to close competition in the various classes of exhibits. Please remember then to send in your Special Prizes at once. A Narrow Escare.--What might have been a terrible accident was narrowly averted on Tuesday of last he railway crossing pear the road and did not notice the ap- proach of the G.T.R. express from 'Listowe'. The borse was almost on the track when Miss Corry wheeled The engine ladies were injured. It was a mar- vellously close call, and the ladies shakes up when the train come to a1 lay and there is to prove merit, pies, cakes and lemonade. luach the crowd repaired to the Agricultural grounds where a pro- gram of s was run off which re- gulted as follows :--50 yd dash for over 10 and under 15, Will Petrie, Will Leslie; 50 yd dash for boys under 10, Gordun Johnaton, Lorne Bullantyne; 50 yd dash for girls over 10 and under 15, Winnie Wilsong Una Simpson; 50 yd dash for girls under 10, Agsie Smith, Liz- zie Walker; needle race for girls, 50 yds, each girl carried thread, gave same to a boy with a needle, the boy threaded the needle and gave it back to the girl, who ran back with needle threaded, Maggie Pelton, Lloyd Val- lance, Winnie Wilson and Perey Whitfield ; sack race, 25 yds, boys over 10 and under 15, Will Leslie, Mellie Struthers; sack race, 25 yds boys under 10, Van Hiles, Harvey Erskine; sack race 25 yds, girls 10 and over, Maggie Pe'ton, Flossie Watson; running broad jump, Uria McFarlane, Percy Whitfield ; running hop step and jump, Mellie Struthers, Uria McFarlane; tug-of-war, cap- tains Percy Whitfie!d, Mellie Strut- hers, won by Whitfield, best twe out | foothall match between ' of three; Atwood and Country boys' won by the country lads by three to one. This brought to a close a ery successful afternoon's. amusement. T ie officers of the Sunday Schools desire to thank Mr. Coulter for the use of his bush and Mr. George. Gor- don for the use of his Jane and field e to get access to the grove. . 5 and with us it is a strung one. Pre-eminent from every standpoint stock a Dry Goods, Groc.ries, Shoes presents al) that the most exacting in point of quality could wish for, and at prices that will prove ano jess forcible argument than the merit of the goods themselves. High Quality and Reasonable Prices are the dominant factors of our business. Prove it for your- se A lew reminders for the coming we:k. & 3 & We must reduce our Clothing Steck and in order to do it quickly we must. dv some deep cutting. NOTE THE PRICES. Boys Suits, reg. $5.00 sale price $3.79 Boys Suits, reg. $3.75 sale price $2.15 Boys. Suits, reg. 32.50 sale price . Mens' Suits, reg. 10.00 ' gale price Mens' Suits,- reg. 7.50 ~ gale price 4. Boys duck suits, reg. 1.00, to clear T5dc A few ladies' rain coats less than cost. All lace curtains at Cost. ; Highest price paid for produce--Cash or Trade. LJ Sinclai Atwood's Cash Bargain Store pm tnt met meee erence nenroae sneer enero The undersigned offers for sale his house and large fruit trees. For full particulars ax te price and terms of payment apply to The Bee Office, or to Grong' 9 c9ra, » At- wood, Ont. od Voters' List 1907: Municipality of the Township of Elma County of Perth. NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lista Act, the copies re- quired by said ection to be ao transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act. of all persons appearing by tbe last revised Assessment Koll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for mem- Bers of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal. Elections ; and that the said list was first posted up at my office at At- wood onthe Seventh day of August, 1907, and remains there for inspection. _And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any ' errors or omissions corrected according to i law. : Dated at Atwood thig7th daz of July, 1907. i THOMAS G. RATCLIFFE, Clerk of Elma,