~ -UCTIONEERS Alex. Morriscn 5 Teaser. AUCTIONEER for the Coun- tres of Perth and Huron, Charges moderate orders by mail or otherwise j [promptly uttended to. Atwood post-office. - Wm. Holman at oor AUCTIONBER for the ey nties of Perth and Huron Newry P.0., Ont. Rates moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, All orders by mail orother wise "A prompt'y attended to. Morphy & Carthew ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Conveyancsrs, etc.. Solicitors for the Bank' of Ham- ilton. Money toloan. Office above Robt. Thompson's store, Listowe Ontario. : a. B, Morpny - J. M. Carruew Blewett & Bray ARRISTERS and Solicitors, Listow Ont. Money to loan. Solicitors for Sc be 3 Banking House and Ontarie Ages Rig ier 4 and Loan Associa' yas Bank, Wailace Btrest, Li ma R. BLewert "thea. Bray, B.A, ~ J. Cecil Hamilton, B.A. % BARRISTER, CONVEY ANCER mney to Loan at 4} per cent. nr Listowel, next_to Dr. ghee Ofitco-- Sain treet, Atwood, ove ¢ Bee Office Wil visi t Atwood ev ay Wednosdey nitern Dr. W. A. McDowell DENTIST YRADUATE of Roy: al College of Dental Surgeons of Onta Honor Geadaate o ot --_ Univ ersity. fice over Toomp pson Bros. store, Lis- towel, Or Branch Offi: eNuin, street, Atwood, over i the Bee Office. hag _ pica every Monday, fram 9. bn G. T. R. Time Table * «Trains lenve Atwood Station, Nerth and Seuth, as follows : Going South Going North Expres' 9.35 a.m. Express 8.26 p.m, i Express 1.21 p.m. xpress 3.30 p.m. gree ines embe the f aaa t Boge ae pry eg Sane . 4 Dr. bel# ped adne tried. Naetheles. ase tt inet ? b&etithe tubel. And it's not only sie, bat + said to be by tose thet kuow it epi atrulyt.¢ able % ance thet s 9 ty: oe yoitr children Insiston havi: rani aly wiways be ont Dr. Ss" Op "S Cough Cure ___©. H. MCFARLANE, Norman Whitfield, i atrial ik son of Thos. Whitfield, is ill with typhoid | . : fever. | Holy Communion will be dispensed at St. Alban's Church next Sunday morning at 11 a.m. John Roger has placed ahandsome ;Gerhard-Heintzman piano in the 'home of Hugh Wilson. Drzp--In Elma; at the bome of Whit- field McCormich, on Friday, August 16th., '07, John Nesbitt, aged 83 years. Purse Founp.--A purse con- taining a sum of money. Owner can have same by applying to George Ellacott, Newry, P.O. The Baptist Anniversary Services will be held on Sunday, September 15th., and a platform missionary meeting will be he!d on Monday evening following. Full particulars later on. OB. Tin Boars tho Tat Vinee Tee, vend the 28 5 Bought os When you have carefully Cilia and rinsed your teeth take the mouth full of good antiseptic wash, .and, holding a part of it, gums with the ball of your fingers from the root upwards to the crown. This keeps the gums in a healthy condition, and if they are inclined to recede, it prevents further trouble. | Fa iE resh Meats of all Cash paid for Hides R. J. Walker >, dates are Kinds: C.P.R. Excursions. --Upwards of 20,060 men are wanted in Manit- oba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, to assist in harvesting and to meet the demand io some extent, the Canadian >' Pacific bas arringed to ran low rate laborers' excursions. Leaving --August 27, 30, and Sept. (Advertisement in another coluinn farm 4. -! sives territory and further particulars.) é| Fro m all Ontario sigtions one-way > tickets will be sold to Winnipeg at F $12. Men are engage: lat Wi innipeg and given free tickets to points 'where help is needed east of Moose! Jaw. After working at least thirty days and having tne employing farmer certify to the fact, a ticket back to original starting point is issued on payment of $18. -- This is a splendid opportunity to see the golden west and to make something 'more than expenses 'Local C.P.R. agent is well posted and will be glad are { = to give anyone full information. f Free for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a Trial size box of Dr Shoop"s Catarrh Remedy Let mesend it now. It isa snow-white, creamy, healing. antiseptic 'balm. Containing such healing ingre- 'dients as Oil Fucaliptus Thymol, Men- thol, ete., it gives instant and lasting re- lief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. j Make the free test and see for yourself ; what this preparation can and will ac- 'complizh.- Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wia Large jar 5) centa Sol y CH McFarlane, druggist. Brussels School did well. SAAN DO IT NOW. es Now is the time to take something to clean and buiid up the blood, ridding the rystem of the poisonous waste matter and acids which cause Rheumatiem, Blood «isorders, Nervous Debility, Back-ache and other miserable weaknesses. Hire is one 'of 'the simplest though safest-and ge & certain mixtures. which ean readily be prepared at home at 'noniinal cost :-- Fiuid Extract Dandelion one-half ounce Cadel ee Kargon yi pounce, Compound kp Sareaparilia three ounces Get aingreui eserd pro any reliable and imix by shaking them well The dose is one teaspoonful eee bed-time. Also drink ris Hoc mixture, writes a "noted authority, will overcome mnaat forms of Kidney and tindder troubles fad at the sane tite forve the k kidueys ww filter = strsin all inmzpuritics and from the . Teste the full bland eet of 95 per 'cent red corpnacles The idlewton is | is the result of the recent examinations if which pupils of Brussels Public School certainly did well and with their teachers, Principal Cameron and Miss H. D. Ford, are to be congratulated. The results are as follows :-- JUNIOR. LEAVING. Norma Sparling, Mary Fear, Honors. onors. Alex. Lamont, Leslie Lamont, onors. Honors. Harold Hogg. Laura Strachan. Harvey Young. Tillie Zimmer. JUNIOR MATRICULATION. Mary Fear. J. McCracken. J. T. Strachan. L. Lamont. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his house and two lota situated.on Kelen and Queen St, east, Atwood. Brick veneered house and kitchen good cellar, first-cluxs hard and soft water, stable sud woodshed. Smal) fruit and some large fruit trees, For fuli pariculure as to prive and terma of payment apply vo 'The Bee Oxtice, ur to Groner SMIrH, pruprivior, At- good: Sed health and. Wood, Ont, + NiLoruus vie ie guy cris of the clear, rosy shin aid complexion hich must result, : Pics For Save.:--A namber of young p from 1601bs down. Ajyly to Thos. Parkct, » Gravel Road, North, Atwood Post-Ufiice, aha wer a t W some thine} massage theft Slate Sponges 2 Come in mad pee them. Befls Clocks Maps Globes "School Bags Water Colors We are agents for famous Steinberger ape €o for school situs Chill. Have you seen the new blackboard hyloplate ? C. H. McFarlane. Pruggist and Optician. Flags Brushes Inke Results of Hish School Examinations. Eleven Candidates' from Tistow el| passed in the Junior Matric ion and sixteen in the Second Ciuss or! Junior Leaving. The results of the High School} examinations were published on; Wednesday morning and our szhool | as usual, has made an 'excellent! showing. The results in the Senior Leaying will not be published until | later. The candidates who passed successfully are as follows :-- JUNIOR MATRICULATION. H. FE. Cavell. T. Davidson. L. M. _ Fleming. A. W. G'enn, M. L. B. Lytle. W. R. McCanus. H. B, Morphy. R. Paul. J.C. Rogers. G. 8. Thompson. 2nD CLASS OR JUNIOR LEAVING. H. E. Cavell. L. P. Clark. T. Davidson. N. Gee. A. W. Glenn. M Kay, Honors. | L. B. Lytle, "WA. McCamus Honors. Honors. W. F. Nickel. C. A. B, Smith. G. $8. Thompson, 58. F. Torrance. Honors. I. M. Travis. W.Opper, Honors. M. E. Torrance. | -- Banner. | E. B. W alker. A Beautiful Gon plexion Now Revealed FR EH E What beauty is more desirable than an exquisite complexion and elegant jewels. An opportunity for every women | to obtain both, for a tinted time only. The directions.and recive for obtain- ing a faultless complexion is the secret long guarded by the master minds oi the ORIENTALS and GREEKS, This we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It is the method used by the fairest and most beautiful women of Europe. Hundreds of American women who now use it have expressed their delight and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood and simple to follow and it will save you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a. beautiful com- plexion and free your skin from pimples, bad color blackheads, ete. It alone is worth to you many times the pri.e we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring "| of latest design. We sell you this ring as one small profit above manufacturing cost. The price is jess than one half what others charge. The recipe is free with every ring. ~ It is a gennine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaranteed very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of 12kt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would cost considerable more than $2.00. We mail you this beautiful complex- ion recipe free when your order is received for ring and $2.00 in money order, stamps | or bills. Get your order in before our| supply isexhausted. This offer is made for a limited time only aa a means of advertising and intro- ducing our goods. Send to-day before. this opportunity is forgotten, 20, MOSELEY, 32 East 23rd Street, New York City. FREER To women for collecting names aa and selling. our novelties, we give big Premiums eend your name to-dav for our' new plan of big profits with little work. | Write to-day. Address C. T. MOSELEY Premium department. $2 E. pie street, 's*! New York City, What's the matter with the Oats ? Prof. Lochhead, of the Macdonald | College, Ste Anne de Bellevue, prob- |ably the best authorify in Canada on insects and fungi, sends a prompt answer to the above question, and i his reply will be of great interest to many of our readers. His opinion lag to the prospects for next year is }of special importance :-- "In reply to your request for 'information regarding the oat |. 'ight, which is so prevalent this yoar in ;Ontario and Quebec, I might. say there are two causes for this ;-- (1). In many parts of the country the oats are attacked by " the green bug" a sucking plant louse which rnultiplies with such tremendous rapidity that it fairly covers the leaves, stems and head of the plant. Every bug plays the part of a little pump, sucking out the juice from ithe plant, and reducing its vitality. | This plant louse winters over on | grasses, fall wheat and volunteer wheat, in the egg state. In earlv | spring, these eggs hateh and produce | feral es, which continue to produce iy oung at the rate of 5 or 6 a day, for: '15 or 20 days; these young also begin | producing plant lice in a féw days, so lthat one can. readily see how rapid tle multiplication of these insects is. These green plant lice are or- dinarily kept in check by lady-bird beetles and by -minute four- winged and. two-winged flies. Theso are very abundant, and although tney cannot stop the damage for this ycar they will so reduce the number of lice and increase their own numbers | so greatly that the plant lice will not ibe in evidence next year, I think, to | any extent. The weather conditions of the last two years have beon largely responsible for the abnormal increaseof plant lice. Their enemies tivive best in wurm dry seasons, while the plant lice on the contrary thrive in cold wet season. ( The second eause of the oat blight is more difficult to explain, than the operations of "the green bug." I have observed that this blight occurs at irregular intervals of two or three years, whenever the seasons are coldand backward. You may remember that the weather conditions were very unfavorable for the growth of plants during May and June. The nights were very cold, sometimes verging on frost, and the days were quite bright. The lateness of the season and the con- ditions of the weather have made the oat crops suffer from lack of vigour and vitality. If the panicle of an oat plant be examined, it -will.be, found that the first heads of the' 'panicle are the most fairly formed, while @e later branches of the pan- icle are those which have suffered and are not filled out. This is an evidence to me that the plant lacks nutrition, and there is not sufficient nourishment taken in by the latter branches of the panicle. Although the farmer has not, to a certain extent, any control over the weather, yet he has a great deal of control over the soil and the soil}. conditions. It has been observed)" that the soils which have been drain- ed and cultivated are the very ones which have suffered least from the oat blight; this result is what we would. naturally expect under such conditions as have prevailed this year. Yours very truly, W, LocuHHap." GASTOR 1A For Infants and Childrens and with us. it is a strong one. Vre-eminent from every standpoint Tey athe Ob *" Dry Goods, Grocvries. and Shoes, 3 presents all that the most exacting in point of quality could wish for. and at prices that will preve a no less forcible argument than the merit goods themselves. High Qnality and Reasonable Prices are the dominant factors of our business. Prove it for self. A few reminders for the Coming Weck, We must reduce our Clothing Stock and ia order to do it ameckly we must dv some deep cutting. NOTE THE P RICE Es. Boys Suits, ree, 35.00. sale price $3.99 Boys Suits, $3.75 sale price $2.%5 Boys Suits, reg. your- reg. = $2.50 sale price [.95 Mens' Suits, reg. 10.00 sale. price 6.99 -Mens' Suits, reg. 'oat sale price 4.95 Boys duck cuit, reg ¥.00, to clear (5c. A few ladies' rain coats less than cost. All lace curtains Cost. Our Grocery Department is always Xe PRESH. Try our Special 25c. dapan Tea, and 40c. Coffee. at Highest price paid for. produce--Cash or ends. LJ. Sinclair Atwood's Cash Bargain Store Trip to the Windy City. (Continued.) Michigan ani on the main line of-the Lake .Shore, its natural advantages are unsu One of the rather peculiar things about the place is that they put in a complete waterworks building whateve, For miles around at that point thoes is nothing to be seen but sand dunes. A most dismal looking aspect and it certainly, strikes one as looking rather funny to see a hydrant sticking from the side of a sand hill, with no signs of civilization near it. There are thousands of laborers and horses, however, living in the vicinity in tents, and. from all. appearances, it will not be very long before Gary "becomes a fall fledged city. If money would make it so, there should be fo trouble in that connection, as the U.S. Steel Cor- poration has abundance of the latter. It is stated officially that they are spending one hundred millions. . of dollars there. : Whiting, a short distance from Chicago on the Lake Shore, is a Standard Oil City, the place being full of oil tanks, refineries, etc. I got back to the Iron City at 6.45, = Monday morning, feeling and happy, as is usual in such of oe ade and sewer. system before doing any ""