he Balk = |). $1.25 bbl. Fruit For This Week Peaches---Plums--Pears--Tomatoes and Water Mellons. "As this is now the season for pickling, we want to remind you that we have all kinds of pure spice, both whole and ground, and the best white wine vinegar. Our canned goods is pure and sicanmesinvicg We have a special line of Salmon at 10c, 15c and 18¢ a can. Groceries and Confectionery is fresh and of the best quality. Atwood and Milverton Flour, Bran and Shorts always on band a PIveT every Vive e Cer eerie eee err leery Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs, cash or trade, ¥ CT Oreensides & San 'Phone orders promptly attended to. Wall Paper All papers will be sold at a reduction of twenty-five per cent. as we must reduce our stock to make room for new gE OO ds S. This is a bona-fide sale and enables you to save a quarter of the usual cost in papering your house. Call W. Price's Hardware Highest cash price paid for Elides. Beep D Cheap Wire Fence and look through the samples. Having a small quantity of Woven wire fence on hand, I will sell it at 40 and 45 cents All No. 9 cabon steel No. 9 also. The best fence on earth. - John Roger Furniture--Hardware. per rod. wire, up-rights 1 $4,500 GENUINE $4,500 CLEARING SALE --T Tee eeN TOOT Tee ee -A WING, dacided to. go. out of- the. General. Store Buginess, from now until August 31st, 1 sha}l offer all my stock. of. Bry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Beady-. tg-wear Clothing, Grackery, etc, © at. actual cost price. Your question! do I mean what, I advertise? My answer! come and prove it for yourself. If we have not got what you want, we- will pay you Cash for your produce. = - Our termg Cash or Trade, : set afew days wit '| Tuesday: Jing | Bima Farmers.Mutual Fire Insurance | Elma, ae to Barn by lightuing, i | acce re aa f Be afc ae us Sak Gr, 1s. Corry, "of dur vilh aie roof of Mrs. oat Soiith's vew brick house on the 42th Con. on The house was built: by Will Gilehwist. Miss. McDowell, who bes heen pursing Mrs. Donald" Murray, and Miss "hentpson, who has heen nurs- the Misses Boyd, - returned to Harristen on Monday. = The celebration of the Holy Communion took place last Sunday morning at. 1t-a.m., at St. Albars'! Church The Rev. Mr. Westgitte officiating. Jack: Sanders and a few friend rwere on the [ith Con, berry-picking three four days last week, and | they evidently. enjoyed themselves, but we think i¢ was a be comparison for Jack than hunting in Muskoka. The Mitchell Baseball Cinb will} hold a hasebal! tournament on Labo: Day, in which four- teams vill com- pete, Dublin, Fullarton, Aventon and Mitchell. A silver cup will be given to the winning team. Mr Harold Wilkinson, who has been working for Mr. John Ham- mond for the past year, left Tuesday for the West. Harold he greatly missed here as he was excellent singer and always willing tod 7 lend his services in any way. | The Rev. W. J. West, H.C.C '| the Canadinn Order of Foresters, "sill a Foresters' service in the Chure im, on Sunday, at 2.30 pan. The are reque sted to meet at Mali, at 2 o'elock. } | 8, t | or on will an conduct Presbyterian September Sth, Brethres the C.0O.F. Last week a large number of College Journals from the Stratford Business College were sent around. Anyone who intends taking a course, in Commercial, Shorthand or Tele-% graphic salucation, will do wall by consulling the College. The Fall Term opens Tuesday, September 3rd. Mrs. A. D. Goodwin, of Saskatoon, Sask., visiting friends in this vicinity and at Listowel. Mrs Goodwin is looking well and informed us that she and her husband never enjoyed better health than at present, Her friends are glad to-know that Western lifé agrees with them. " The Elma Fall-Fair program con- tains this year some very good items, and promises to be an event of un- usual importance. The Prizo List is being pushed forward at full speed, and will probably be in the hands ot the public next week. The event takes place on Tuesday and Wednes- day, October Ist and 2nd., 1907. I'll stop your pain free. To show you first--before you spend a penny--what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free a Trial Package of them--Dr Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period pains, etc are due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pean by coaxing away the unnatural lood pressure. "That ia all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by C. H. Mc- Farlane, druggist. Robert Baird, one of Bruce's best known citizens, died on Friday, aged 74. He was postmaster.at Kincar- dine, and was reeve from 1870 to 1879, mayor frora 1853 to 1891, warden for Bruce from 1873 to 1879, and at-one time opposed Edward Blake in the interests of the Con- servative party. He was'a prominent Mason, Orangaman and Oddfellow. He was born in Hastings, and is of Irish parentage. The Right Rev. Winnington In- gram, Lord Bishop of London, Eng., S| and one of the most distinguished prelates of the Ipistopal Church, will visit London and preach in St. Paul's. Gathedral, London, on Tues- day, September 17th. Anyone desiring to attend the jubilee service should kindl¥. give. their names to the Rev.-H. P. Westgate, as.soon as possible, as seats can then.be booked. Admission is by ticket only, and they may. be. sectred from Mr. Westgate. before September 2nd. A\Meeting.of the Directors of* the- Company held'on Tuesday the 20th August, 190%. Members of. Board. all present but Grieve and: Cowan. Claims were. adjusted for the following :--Peter Davidson, $5.90 ;: rge. Wilson, Elma, cow. killed by Soetie $50.00; Wim, P: Anderson Wallace, cow killed by lightning, $45.00 ; Herbert Maddess, heifer killed. by lightning, $14.00. Applications, for go SLATS. unting to med: til Tuesday The slaters madé "A start on thet A Bank which has conducted a conserva~ tive business since 1872, and has 'steadily increased its assets until they now amount to over thirty-two million doliars, is surcly a safe institution to be entrusted with your savings. BANK OF NAMI LTON wie hed Bot hy ~~ Mcias>, Cw OSC Aare TBroth donsliion PP ser I ae eh ? me cae ame ev, altez cy asnins a4 Pita Be 7 OU IF &- Ole , SAI ta hc tee tik gtr anand 2 aa Tacs TIALS nes hea a a al Pe RE Ss = Cae noe is 4 iP hs A ae Be Ry | 3 9 reeves Se It worth your ¢ , $19, Space will permit us other bargains we wil! be. ; vu come To sec We have on hand good suits for old, with long or short tants, on sale at 32 90¢ short pants for school trae Fes 2 > Pe) yen? DOYS Prom ta fo ia ye 8 OI Dp _i% ot ory Le at Ge boys, 320 ya B2. Ons: an aywt at Ww he dU ceu eG 'e. + 4 : rane e §2 aS Men's Suits, all sizes, of 20 per cent. till the ULL dis hi ower fL et- : oe Rie o -- } 24 ry sule at 88e One lot of men's odd santa, O1 One sample lot of men's pants, worth $2 to Ladies' Raincoats on sale at just on Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts " Dress Goods on sale at just one haif-price. 123¢c lu tol print on sale a 2c bleached ¢: 25e to due dress musling, on sale at le yd 15e to 20e dress muslins, on sale Lace Curtains iss quality, 3} yards lang, on sale, a pr. at Tie vd tton on sale at ..74 + 1 1.25 and $1.50 Lace Curtains, {st els 98c 40 pair of Corsets, ail sizes, on sale half-price. Everything that belongs to Summer Goods must Go, and will go when they land on the sale tables down the centre of the store. The. price will clean them out in a hurry. COme today, tomorrow, come aS soon as. you can, it will pay you - Groceries ..12k 3 cans corm for .... cece eevee ees ix Tomatoes @ CAN... +6. vines teas 100 pounds Redpath Sugar......-- 4.75 WALTER BROTHERS, The Store on the Corner. Listowel WESTERN FAIR 15¢ salmon on sale .... 4 cans peas for - The Exhibition the People all LiketoAttend EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND IT- PROFITABLE TO GO- KNABENSHUE'S AIRSHIP daily, and a full list of Attractions, with plenty.of Music. Fireworks after programme each evening, concluding with that grand: display, "RHE SIEGE OF GIBRALS REDUCED RATES ON: ALL, RAILROADS Send: to the Secretary for Prize Liste, Programmes and. alk information Ww. J. REID, President. : A. M, HUNT, Secretary. T-onaon