Atwood Bee, 30 Aug 1907, p. 5

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"pa fag Gata : . Rpanava =< unos on "4 $4850, 300.00. "BA VENG BANK ~*pecial attention peed to this epitedee ate. "Taterést CO from fate of deposit end added to Principle 4 TIMES 4 & year, - 'Far.rers' Business a Speviatty. - ae jk Cut of town: business Solicited. LISTOWEL BRANCH - HW. CL) SECORD; Maneger. | TS Sa FSS TS WS AONE ASHE TS TOTS ES REA BS AE t ag "gi aS 428 CLUE ¢ a place to go is ry yr} Lista yw si De mmaca ¥ lie Business Ceucge Two covrses-- ' Compercial and Shorthand begining of any + ; articulars write to L. Mecintyre, a MVM LN ATFORD, ONT. aero wate 'toatl vtablished one st sits as the greatest Coin- Sharthend school in Our are CX- jenre 1 inetrac cour v8 ther. ' Ww i teachers #1! v4 | * i Lotter Heads - ; Red De er, ! } +: % | ce | | i r ' % ce « 4 a3 + Bs efoefonfeo]e 02s ne Mie ate wo Me Nes! Hf. ste My fees" ZI | Butternut | Bread 3 ESTAURANTIN r ;CONNECTION J. T. Welch ATWOOD. INP ANS PEE TINE GINS PAIN AA FINS AND PAIN TES EA TIE AA A I AN MAIN STREET, av ------ MAN 3 by AS FS ASS HE FE ASAE ACTA TE TS AS Now is the time to order your Fall and Winter Suit. New Goods arriv- ing every day. Come and get first choice. | i H: Porter {MERCHANT TAILOR... NOTIGE--$50 REWARD, The above.sum will be pn vcsion of ere that will Jead to the con - bees. Bote. and sealing '3 z - +, iu * | i "oy ny % | | i } i i her lat Monerieff. i eJonfo sty | @ oouRiD, Miss Levina Smith.-, oe OCAL,. Try an ad, in the Nest Monday wil Tiwill pay you to read Sinclair's ad. | Rey. Mr. rele) ae be Labor Day, . | Penhall, of Monkton, was: * iin town on Saturday. Try us for a neat job in Bill Heads, and 'Bayelops S. | 4 Robert Forrest is spending few days in Toronto. THE B , 1908, for Mr. and Mis Sunday visiting Call at Sinelair's arftt sea the new Pall Dress Goods at right prices. Pair will ib : EE o nm now 25 certs. R. J. Walker spent friends in Fordwich. till January ned on Toronto and on Monday September i, one close road, 1 this ° Gravel ct Simps sOn, it to Toronto Fair vis 1 } of snow fel! eround | : West last Sunday Two seg C8 the wee »k, Cameron evening and Sunday Ne wton. Mrs. Rev. visiting with Wyen. Miss IStla Harnilton had a pleasant drive to Listowel last Saturday even- ing. Forrest ipSaturday with friends in Spot f . ' Ob é Mrs. MeMillan, rta, Mr. and Chas. resumed Monday Ballantyne, last Agnes duties as teacher Miss CASTS <r Tat Kind You Pave et avs Bus Fa AGG ne. STi tease Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McMain, " Guelph, oe Sunday at Mrs. iD. Mitehell's Miss Draké, of Brantford, is visiting her friend, Mrs. John Baker, 8th Con. The Presbyterian Church in Can- ada requires $473,000 for its various objects. Herbert Peebles, Peebles, 10th Con., holidays at home. Dr. Kidd, Thos. Ballantyne and Sam. MecAilister, were in Stratford on Tuesday on business, att ears the agenture of Be 8) of W. son of John is spending his Come in and see our New line of hymn books. It will pay you. C. H. McFarlane. Seaforth will hold their annual fair on Thursday and Friday, September 19th and.20th. Listowel Business College re-opens in bright new rooms, on September 3rd. Write for particulars. Mrs. W. Hamilton, of Monkton, was a visitér over Sunday at the home of Mrs. H. Pope The Elma Council will meet at the usual place on Tuesday, Sep- tember 3rd for general business. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and daughter, Una, are spending several days in Toronto attending the fair. Will Erskine bas had his new residence pdinted with a nice coat of green which adds a neat appearance. Miss Annie Bolton was visiting at her friend's, Miss Martha Thompson, 6th Con., on Saturday and Sunday. We regret to-report that Joe Mc- Nichol, of 8th Con. east, is confined to his bed witha very serious illness. Miss Maggie -Angus, of the 10th: Con., we are. sorry to down with typhoid fever. Mrs. Donald Murray, we are glad to report, has recovered from -her recent attack 'of typhoid fever. Remember: the, dates fixed for the Farm Labor Excursigns, Angust 30th and. September.4th. ,- ; Miss Pearl Buchanan, of Harriston, is, spending... -a few.,days with -her 'the foo fa gre Ghréeld "Raymond, of Cranbrook; town last Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. &. T. Greensides, of Star Grovery, spent Sanlay at tie home of Mr. and Mrs. Rabb, Palmerston: Bart. Wilson, 'son of W.Ti- Wil- ison, of the 6th OCon., has reeovered a recent attack of typhoid lever. Dan | engaged } town. at Barton has been busily repairing the sidewalks in An improvement as' well as seu Hecessicy. The Rey. Ma. Westgat 6 preached an claguent sermon to a fairly large congregation: in St. Atbans' Church inst Sunday evening. The Annual Anniversary Sarvices of the Baptist Caurch will be hold on Sundny, September 1dsth, 1907. All are weleomed, Miss Annie. Thompson, of Rochester, .N.Y.,.spont last week with. Mr. and Mrs. Robs. Bitomp:on, at the Dominion Cheese Fastory. Vill Hepburn, one of Engincer Giiliiths loeal ' office assistants, returned here on Friday evening aiter spending a few days in Strat- ford. Roy. home Hl. P. Westgate returne] on Vriday evening last, after spending «a fortnights' -enjoyable --" y at rome of his gnothe: Wa Mrs. Master urday with forth. Tho Firemen did somes good work on Saturday by testing the engine and settling the dust on "Main Street. Why not have a Water waggon for next summer ? Mrs. Goo. the | ford. Cunningham and left here on Sat- two weeks' visit itchell and Sea- ?--s su. MT. NOTTTAnN, last frien for in il P| M iS rb Longmire and two children, of Winnipeg. arrived here last Friday evening, and*her many friends here are pleased to see her looking so well. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Fohnston returned home on Friday last after spending their hgneymoon with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Johnston, Main Street. The Mitchell Fall Fair promises to ok be a splendid event, and a good program is arranged to take place at Mitchell on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17th and 18th. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment Please note itis made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles dis- appear like magic by-its use. Large nickel-capped glues jars 40 cetits, Sold by C. H. McFarlane, drugyist. Miss Bealie Fletcher, of London, who has been visiting her cousin, Miss Clara Gordon, for the past three weeks, returned to her home on Wednesday. Mr. J. Buchanan and son, Charlie, wh ) spent the past two months visiting Yélatives and friends in. town m7 vicinity, their home n Whitmore, Michigan, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Eccles Vallance left on Tuesday morning for their home in Grand Coulee, Sask. 'Hfir hosts of friends wish them a safe journey a many years of happy ages if Master Claudie and Minota Effinger, accompanied by Gladys and Kenneth Anderson, returned to their home in London on Saturday, after spending two weeks with their Uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Anderson. The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE :---TOROMTO. Paid Up.Capitat: $s,000,000,. BOARD OF RURECES AE: , ss #eurri108 Jaxrvis,-Esq., e RAEN M ACDONALD, Bag. sat. V vice Preident A.A. ALLAN, Esq., aad ice President Hox. Sela e Ww. ALEX. Buvesg, ®. G. JeMMETT, R. Cassers; + = ak es sats cel | hae heen for over ee years, has borne the signature of. and has becn made unéer his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. C Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counterfcits, Imitations and "dust-as-good"' are but Experiments that trifle 1 with band endanger the health of Infants and Chit against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Svothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphiie nor other Narcotic substance, Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Tecthing Troubics, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimiiates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, ; The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA atwayrs Bears the Eippetuce of The in use is The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over SO Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TY MURAAY STHEST, NCW YORK Cire. wie Atwood's New Grocery Sto Having just opened up a Grocery New Store, we are prepared to supply all our i customers with all New and Fresh Groe- apis desea eres eries, at the lowest possible priggs. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash have one of the finest RESTAURANT'S in town. We also A call solicited. G. H. DARK, MAIN STREET, ATWOOD. Se VA Farm Labsreis Wan to qd WCEX HAS VESTING FOR 09,653 HEN IH MARITGHA ALBERTA AnD seaebicir: WAH . 12 928 GOING Si EXCURSIONS cones va WATES-- From Toronto and all ates sen in Ontario, south of main line of. Grand Trunk Ry:, Toronto to Sarn From Toronto to Sarria on G.T.R, -- all aint ae north to and In+ cluding Can, Pac, Siations Toronto to Owen nd, rom Toronto and east, to es includin Aug. 30 pH agit Toronto and yo of Cardwell Jct, on Sept. 4 of f Bolton Junction on Can, O*.E-WAY SECOND-CLASS TICKETS WILL BE SOLD TO WINNIPEG ONLY a tative farmers, a sppointe ted by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Covenant ies teen moor Ystios will ye furnished at Winey Ser oo 'points on Can, Pac. and Can. New Rye. wheres laborers cast of Loves aw, Kamsack and Swan "iver. finely beasenesl; and atone. cent a mile each way west in Sasaatchew fiert hen executed by farmer: #4 with each ithirty dws oF reds ete wie eee this ts in Ontario, at $:8.00, prior to: : gooey saat tite Laborers' t Gstin hod vil We leet wees wear ton saa vil pot be issued at halffare to children. ~ : rian f . arest G.P.R. pent, or Neon it forget the For fall particulars-seene Ag. 21, Bept tack 4 write C. B. FOSTER, D.P.A., C.P.R., TORONTO TF ug. Sept. i Additional for the Re'nrn Ticket, ander conditions. as below. Aug. 27 Shearbot Lake and Kt megstogr: GTR, and n ° tion. will be held'in'the Music 'hall, At- wood ie .--Jornu G, Free, for Catarrh, a'Trial size box of Rem snow-white, c | balm ata' dients as Oit I oe éte., it 'gi to Ca' Make the free test and see for ; ration can: and: Reform Meeting. A meeting offthe Eln Elma Reform Associa- 2nd, at two} attendance is re- 10Ks0N, -President,. onday, A* , on 'clock p.m. OS. Hawivros, ms from" 190 Ibe down. segregate ae cag Ek Apply to

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