Atwood Bee, 30 Aug 1907, p. 8

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'yee ge sponte | is age éymnt of. and n aise. We hep gs ig Dyspepsia, diseases, 7 apeciiic 4 ng © varie rt frst eorreety lod Dr. Shoop Mn the Saetiont ow very, popul or Stomach }iemedy--Dr. Shon 3 Kestorative. Going direct to the son ape nerves Mines Sab ener that success and fay she oop an his Restorative, Withb-- wt that original and teiay wital principle. last! ia oie uta were ¢ to be had. . bloating, biliousness, bad hp and poi ages complexion, try Dr, hoop' s ve--To' tors tiv lets or Liquid--and see for your. mat what it can and will do. We sell and vonosr. duily recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative C. H. McFARLANE. MEDICAL 1D. C. Murray, M.A.,M.D., L.O.C. P. & S. i} Graduate An Medicine and Surgery of the ersity of Toronto also anOe Gra- _ duate and 'Gold Medalist in 4 Member of th ) a Phynie ane and u ed On mate resident- physician at Grace Hosp ital, Toronto, Office in the Bee Block. Residence at Mra. W. D. Mitchells, AUCTION BERS Alex. Morriscn : Bet AUC' TIONEER a tee G Coun- " f Perth and dfuron larges orders by wail or Pace Atwood post-office. moderate 4 promptly attended to. Wm. Holman L! CENSED AUCTIONEER for the E Counties of Perth and Huron Newry P.O., Unt. Rates moderate and satisfaction guaranteod, All orders by mail orother wise % prompt'y attended to. Morphy & Carthew | ae gaa ne 4 itors, Conveyancers, rs for the Bank of Ham- ilton. ees m* vonn. Office above Robt. Thompson's store, Listowe Ontario. 44. B. Morrny J. M. Cartnrw Blewett & Bray BARBERS | and Solicitors, Listowel. Ont. Moncey to loan, Solicitors for Scait's eetiog House and ge ----- Building and Loan Aasociatio er Scotts 'f Bank, Wallace Street, "bistowel.. 9 R. BLEwetTr Geo. Bray, B.A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B.A. BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER Muney to Loan at 4} per cent. Office--Main street. Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist 4 Branch ee Main street, Atwood, over : the Office, Will visit Atwood every w Lane aday afternoon. Dr W. A. McDowell DENTIST (F RADUA TE of Roy: al College of Dental! rarygeons of ie Honor foley te ot) _-- . niv eraity. ve over es son Bros. store, f ta tn ta treet, Atwood, over see ay fice W Ml -- Atwood eyery Moadey, from 9.30 a. G. T. R. Time Table frains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as follows: tg South Going North 'ixpres 7 dtacm, ixjn 1.45 acm. ie le 3.30 pin. naps Ess as 2 MVeveCibuesis beets | Business VOPae dee aaer dass Vevassdvevercucc¥etvaguedvec sere FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINOS BCLOGNA, HOME- MADE CURED MEATS PRICES ALWAYS AS LOW AS MARKET WILL PERMIT. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND DELIVERED. R. J. . alker =| 10th, >|the same will be attended to. © formation given by applying to the SUBSCRIBE FOR THE BEE. THE 'Publtehed Every Friday Homing. : BE. H. Swine, - 'Proprietor. "Friday, A ugust 30th, 1907. The Late Mrs. Fortune, The death of an old and respected time ago in the person of Mrs. Agnes Fortune at the residence of her sen- in-law, Walter Hamilton, 8th Con., west. We had intended giving an outline of her life last week, but the facts were not in our possession in time for last week's issue. Mrs. Fortune was born .in New Milns, Ayrshire, Scotland,' on Oct- ober 4th, 1818. Coming to United States with her late husband, Wm. Fortune, in 1839, she resided for a short time in New York and from there went to Huntington, Quebec, later. moving up to Wellesley Town- ship, from there to Mornington and again into Elma which was her home for the past fifty years. She was the only daughter of Sergeant Wm. Gray, of the 42nd Black Watch Regiment, and who saw twenty-one years of active service and lived to be 102 years of age. He also witnessed the burial of Sir John Moore at Corunna. Her mother was first cousin to Jean Armour, Robert Burns' wife. Mrs. Fortune was bereaved of her husband some years ago an is survived by seven children, three sons and four daughters. She was an earnest and faithful member of the Presbyterian Church. She had only been ill for a short time ard' always had the very best of health. During her long residerce in Elma she had gained the love and respect of a wide circle of friends who admired her many womanly qualities and learned to valué her as a friend and neighbor. The Western Fair. SEPTEMBER 6TH TO 14TH. The attractions at the Western Fair, London, Ont., this year promise to surpass anything ever presented at any previous Exhibition. Knaben- shue, the world-renowned aeronaut, will make daily ascensions with his airship. The airship will also be on exhibition at all times during the Fair. The Toronto Pigeon Fanciers' Association' will start a race from in front of the Grand Stand on Wednes- day afternoon, when it is expected that about four or five hundred pigeons will be liberated in their start for home. The dog show will be something new to Western Fair visitors. Apdale's animals will perform twice dail¥ before the Grand Stand ; they show almost human intelligence and no one should miss seeing them. White & LeMart, The Les Aribos and all the others must be seen to be appreciated. There will be first-class music throughout the entire week by excellent Bands. The program each evening will be coneluded by a grand display of fire works closing with the "Siege of Gibralter." Special arrangements have «been /made with all Canadian Railways and some of the lines in Michigan for re- duced rates from September 7th to 16th inclusive. Reserved seats will be for sale for the Grand Stand on Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday, September 11th, 12th. Mail orders for Programs, prize lists and all in- | Secretary, General Offices, London, >, Ont. * -- es CASTORNRIA. | Bears the The Kind You-Have Always Bought | Bignature : of Zouch , Th edk I will mail you free, to prove merit, 'samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative 'and my Book on. either, dyspepsia, The | Heart or The Kidneys. Troubles of the -- Heart or Kidneys, are merel¥ symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symp- 'toms only. Symptoms treatment is treat- ing the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak Stomach nerves--tbe insides nerves--mean Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kidneys as _ well, have their controlling or inside ner- La ves. eaken these nerves, and you in- evitably have week vital organs. Here is where Dr. shoop's Restorative has mace its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the 'inside nerves'? =A or ) bloating, biliousness, bad. breath or com- lexion, ure Dr. Shoop's Restorative. | rite me to-day for mle an Boor. oop, Recine. Wis, ve is suid mi & "h ducFarlane, ~ resident of Elma took place some} . New York City. medical profession. | Builder for run-down constitution of appetite, general debili work, it is indispensible. it provides strength and ducing abundant food for 'Tuk tic 'ae received is highest Gestiancpetaly from a. "| to eonvalescents, to persons suffering ftom incomnia, loss - Nursing Mothers Price 25 cents perbottle or 5 for $1.00. C. H. McFarlane. Chemist and Stationer,. &, $6 vestore health and strength ty or debility caused from over- also greatly assists in 'pro- the child. Igorrote Village. AGAIN SEEN "AT EXHIBITION. TO BE TORONTO Visitors to the Canadian National Exhibition will again have = an opportunity of studying at close} range the barbaric Igorrotes from the Phillippine Islands, whose village last year created such a sensation in Toronto. The exhibit this year will be more interesting even than it was last year, and visitors will see the world's most interesting wild people living, as they live at home. Grass-thatched | huts will dot the enclosure, and a around the primitive industries of these strange people will be seen in operation. All the sports and past- times will be shown, and these merry head-hunting dog-eaters will show Canadians -how their own ancesters' may have lived when the world was young. The Igorrotes are as wild as weeds, but are a likeable people, differing greatly from other brown people. As was the case last year, the exhibit will be run on educational | lines, with more variety to it, it is claimed, than any other traveling e The Secret of AK Beautiful Gomplexion Now Revealed FREE What beauty is more desirable than an | exquisite complexion and elegant jewels. ly An opportunity for every women to obtain both, for a limited time only. The directions and recive for obtain- ing a faultless complexion is the secret long guarded by the master mings of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS, -- This we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It is the method used by the fairest and most beautifal women of Europe. Hundreds of American women who now use it have expressed their delight exhibit. Manager Ott praises in the Official' Bulletin of the exhibition, and the fine reputation of the village made last year is a guarantce that it will be well worth a visit this year. -- f Mr. Sproat, of Belgrave, called on friends in town on Wednesday. On going to press we are glad to re- port that Joe McNichol is improving in health. Mrs. Fairburn, of California, was a visitor at Mr. Hugh Porter's on Wednesday. Unless- rain falls soon the corn crop in many sections of Nebraska| will be a failure. Miss Ruth Knox and Miss Mary Wilson returned homeon Wednesday evening after enjoying a week's holi- day with Milverton friends. LISTOWEL BRANCH C. P. R.--Mr. Nicholson, contractor for this end of the O.P.R. branch, has his force at work on the Flaberty property in- side of the town, and expects-to have the grading completed to the station grounds in about two weeks. The work of grading between the first and second sideroads east of the town has been finished, and is being levelled with a traction engine and grader. The road bed is first-class in every respect. For the full length inside the town-tmits the 10ad is being graded to a.-width of a double track, which will permit of nearly a half-mile of siding before entering the station yard proper. The levelling of the station grounds and. yards will probably be deferred until the rails are laid, so that earth can be hauled in by cars. The heavy cut at the Gordon sideroad has yet to be dealt with, and unless Mr. Nicholson uuder- takes the job, it will likely be left until a steam shovel can be got on the ground. On the eastern section the grading has been finished as far as Dorking, and Mr. Gibson, con- tractor, is having the Mornington stretch pushed along as fast as possible. Most of the cement cu!- verts are in, and are very substantial structures. Rail laying from Jin wood is expected to begin shortly, and now that the main line of the and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood and simple to follow and it will save you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a beautiful com- plexion and free your skin from pimples, bad color blackheads, etc. It alone is worth to you many times the prize we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring of latest design, We sell you this ring as one small profit above mantifacturing cost. The price is less than one half what others charge. The recipe is free with cvery ring. It is a gennine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaranteed very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of 12kt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would cost considerable more than $2.00. We mail you this beautiful complex- ion recipe free when your order is received for ring and $2.00 in money order, stamps or bills. Get your order in before our supply is exhausted. , This offer is made for # limited time only asa means of advertising and intro- ducing our goods. ~ Send to-day before this opportunity is forgotten, - T. C. MOSELRY, $2 East 28rd Street, New York City. FREE To women for collecting naihes and selling our novelties, 3, we give big Premiums send your name to-dav for our new plan of big profits with little work. Write to-day. Address C. T. MOSELEY Premium department. 32 E. 23rd street, 7 G. & G. is finished to Goderich, the work will most probably be concent- lrated on the Linwood-Listowel | branch, and he pushed ahead so that | the line will be running this fall.----- Standard. Change < of Ads. Bank of Hamilton J. T. Welch, baker G. H. Dark, grocery R. J. Walker, butcher John F®ger, hardware L. J. Sineclaix, dry goods E. T. Greensides, grocery C. H. McFarlane, druggist H. Porter, merchant tailor J. H. Schinbein, dry goods Gray, Bernie & Co., dry goods | | | to pay the same price for inferior goods that we ask for the high- grade, because it means a considerable Joss to you at the end of every year. Better look about you when you want Dry Goods, Shoes and Clothing, and convince yourself that yon're in the right place for value. We offera full stock, expertly se- lected, at reasonable prices. We might raise the prices, but we can't affurd to lose public ap- proval and your trade. Our new Fall Goods are arriv- ing and in order to make room we must sacrafice on some of the lines we have in stock. Take notice of a few of the many specials for the coming week. Dress Tweeds at half-~ price Reg. $1.00 a yd. to clear at Reg. 75c yard to clear at ¢ Reg. 50c yard' to cleur at Children's Cottcn Hosiery 95 Reg.-10c pr. to clear 3 pr. for 2 ) Reg. 25c pr. to clear at ..»... 19 Grocery Department All prepared foods at -- than cost. Life Chips 7 Vim 7 cents a package cents a package Franose Biscuits 10¢ package Canned tomatoes 10¢ a can Rio Coffee, reg. 20¢ a Ib, only 12¢ a pound. Highest for Produce Cash or Trade. LJ, SINCLAIR Atwood's Cask ee Store price paid DO IT NOW. Now is thetime to take something to clean and build up the blood, ridding the system of the poisonous waste matter and avids which cause Rheumatism, Blood disorders, Nervous Debility, Backache and other miserable weakness. Here is one of t® simplest though safest and most cert. mixtures, which can readily be prepared jat home at nom- = inal cost : Fluid 'Extract Dandelion one-half ounce. Compound Kargon one ounce, c Syrup Sarsaparilla three oz. Town Market. -- $ 68 to$ 68 24 00 to 24 00 Middlings 22 00 to.22 00 Flour, per 100 Ibs Low Grade Flour Flax Seed Meal, per cwt.. Oat Chop, per cwt 8 50 to Butter ee ee oe eee ee eee . Potatoes {bag).......+6.. Onions, per bushel ....... Apples (bag) .........+.. Get these ingredients from any reliable pharmacy and mix by shaking them well ina bottle. The dose is one 'teaspoonful after ineals and at bedtime. Also drink plenty of water. This home-made mixture, .writes a _ authority, will overcome most forms of Kidney and Bladder troubles and at the same time force the Kidneys to filter and strain all impurities and acids from the blood restoring the full blood count of 95 per cent red blood corpuscles whieh means good, sound health and vigorous vitality, to cay nothing of the clear, rosy skin and complexion which must result. If some people only spoke their minds they wouldn't have so much to say. About forty entries are expected for the Stratford-St. Marys Marathon race on Labor Day. "It is anticipated thatthe phic crop this year will be two and a half times as large as Inst year,

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